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Vol 160 No 1
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Rhetorical aspect in teaching Russian television speech to foreign students

I. E. Abdrakhmanova
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  • Kazan State Pedagogical University
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Teaching foreigners to perceive Russian TV speech is a modern and relevant direction in teaching Russian as a foreign language. It gives the recipients an opportunity to enter Russian culture organically in a broad inclusion of this concept; to master the peculiarities of functioning of language units of all levels in live literary speech; to understand how elements of different functional styles work in speech; to get acquainted with expressive and figurative means of language and the peculiarities of their functioning in TV speech; to get acquainted with language norms, peculiarities of intonation, variation of logical accent, gesticulation and mimicry; to get a sample for speech reproduction and to get a sample of the language norms in live TV speech.

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  3. Светина С.В. Телевизионная речь. Функции и структура. М., 1976.
  4. Сенкевич М.П. Культура телевизионной и радио- речи. М., 1994.
  5. Стернин И.А. Практическая риторика- М., 2003.
  6. Юнина Е.А., Сагач Г.М. Общая риторика. Пермь, 1992.

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