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Vol 160 No 1
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Linguistic means of expressiveness of speech through the prism of linguocultural analysis

O. E. Bespalova
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  • G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute
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The article deals with the problem of students studying the mechanisms of creating expressiveness of speech in the course "Russian language and culture of speech" in universities of non-humanitarian profile. The use of elements of linguocultural analysis, the use of dictionaries of various types as material for analysis, the use of the technique of "action by example" in the creation of tropic constructions allows students to realize the purpose of using expressive means of language in modern speech, to form their idea of language not as a binary structure (right/wrong), but as a system that is in close relationship with human cognition and the mental space of culture as a whole.

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  1. Горбачевич К.С., Хабло Е.П. Словарь эпитетов русского языка. Л.: Наука, 1979.
  2. Потебня А.А. Мысль и язык. Киев: СИНТО, 1993.
  3. Русский ассоциативный словарь. М.,1994-1996.
  4. Толстой А.Н. Слово есть мышление (Из беседы) (1943) // Русская риторика: хрестоматия / Авт.-сост. Л.К. Граудина. М.,1996.

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