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Vol 195

Vol 194
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Revealing of primary sources for placer gold in the Nora river basin Selemdzhinsky district of Amur region

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On the base of typomorphic peculiarities of gold from placers and primary occurrences  there are made conclusions about multistage and polytypic character of gold mineralization at  the area, with some assumptions for belonging of gold occurrences to certain ore formation  types. These data may be used as guidance for prospecting expansion.

How to cite: Bushuev Y.Y. Revealing of primary sources for placer gold in the Nora river basin Selemdzhinsky district of Amur region // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 195. p. 9.
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Microbial activity in mine working and its influence on high-grade iron ore's and constructional material's properties

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Development’s conditions and sources of microorganisms in high-grade iron ore (HGIO)  of Jakovlevsky deposit (KMA) were considered. Influence of watering, draining and contamina  tion in iron ore on decreasing of shear strength and growth of bacterial mass were noticed. Dif ferent physiological groups and species composition of microorganisms in underground space  were defined, and their influences on constructional materials which are used to coffer mine  workings were studied.

How to cite: Dashko R.E., Alekseev I.V. Microbial activity in mine working and its influence on high-grade iron ore’s and constructional material’s properties // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 195. p. 15.
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Hydro-geological monitoring on the Jakovlevsky mine as implement of increase safety conducting mine second working in difficult mine-geological conditions

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In article researched difficult hydro-geological conditions of the Jakovlevsky deposit rich  iron ores on which mining going under not-drained high-pressured bottomcoal water-bearing  horizon. The purpose spent monitoring is resulted. The comparative analysis of results of three  cycles of a hydro-geological monitoring which has shown gradual expansion of front of an over  flowing of underground waters from not-drained horizon is made. Negative consequences of  such process are specified. The development features of various biological forms of a life in  mine which destroy construction materials are noted. Actions for decrease in consequences of an  overflowing are planned.

How to cite: Dashko R.E., Kovaleva E.N. Hydro-geological monitoring on the Jakovlevsky mine as implement of increase safety conducting mine second working in difficult mine-geological conditions // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 195. p. 19.
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Study of engineering-geological and microbiological factors for assessing the dynamics of fracture in tunnel highway Saint Petersburg – Kiev

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Reasons of transition tunnel construction to the pre-emergency state and the nature of landslide displacements trimmed slope, which can be traced in the context of the Lower Cambrian blue clay are defined. Influence of microbial activity as a negative factor fracture of structural materials, as well as strength reducing of blue clay. Regularities of changes in the state and the strength of blue clay at the depth, taking into account their degree of disintegration – layering and fracturing. The quantitative evaluation of stability of the construction of the transport tunnel, taking into account changes in the strength of blue clay as an fissered medium at different positions of the landslide surface. The strategy of measures to ensure the reliability of the facilities.

How to cite: Dashko R.E., Pankratova K.V., Korobko A.A. Study of engineering-geological and microbiological factors for assessing the dynamics of fracture in tunnel highway Saint Petersburg – Kiev // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 195. p. 24.
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Engiineering-geological and hydrogeological problems of st. Isaak cathedral’s long-term stability substantiation (Saint-Petersburg)

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In the paper construction specificity of St. Isaak Cathedral’s underground space and engineering geological profile features are considered. The comparative assessment of condition and properties modification of water-saturated quarternary sandy and clay soils during 55 years are taken up (1954-2009). The dynamic of groundwater contamination due to leakage sewers and its aggressiveness are estimated. The researches of microbes activity in soils which are characterized by quasiheavy values are completed. The structural  of complex monitoring to secure of St. Isaak Cathedral long-term stability are proposed.

How to cite: Dashko R.E., Shidlovskaya A.V., Aleksandrova O.Y., Alekseev I.V. Engiineering-geological and hydrogeological problems of st. Isaak cathedral’s long-term stability substantiation (Saint-Petersburg) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 195. p. 28.
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The distribution of late quaternary glacial-marine deposite on the norternmost part оf Novaya Zemlya shelf

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Present article represents geologic-geomorphologic and structural features of Late Quaternary glacial-marine sediments in the northernmost part of Novaya Zemlya shelf. Upper regional unconformity (URU), Late Quaternary glacial complex bottom and exaration markers were plotted within the studied area.

How to cite: Dorechkina D.E., Rekant P.V., Korshunov D.A., Portnov A.D. The distribution of late quaternary glacial-marine deposite on the norternmost part оf Novaya Zemlya shelf // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 195. p. 33.
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Devonian organic massif in the basins of the rivers Kara-Silovayaha (the southest Pai-Hoi)

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The results of biostratigraphic and litologo-genetic researches in the basins  of the rivers  Kara and Silovoyaha in the southest Pai-Hoi have allowed to ascertain existence Devonian organic massif – a huge geological substance which thickness is about 1700 m and occupies the space not less than 400 km2. Features of its structure are revealed and the formation history is reconstructed.

How to cite: Zherlygin A.L. Devonian organic massif in the basins of the rivers Kara-Silovayaha (the southest Pai-Hoi) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 195. p. 37.
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Geotechnical engineering providing of stability analysis of buildings and structures erected оn the upper vendian clays (Saint Petersburg)

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The need to analyze clays of the Lower Cambrian and the Upper Vendian  as the crackblock structure, taking into account the influence of micro- and makrojointing of rocks in the calculation of stability, is indicated. The influence of sample size of the Upper Vendian clays on the value of cohesion and modulus of total deformation, depending on the level  of stress and  strain conditions, was analyzed. The influence of microcracks on the mechanical properties  of clays is recommended to study under laboratory conditions, makrocracks – through  field testing  or calculation method.

How to cite: Zhukova A.M. Geotechnical engineering providing of stability analysis of buildings and structures erected оn the upper vendian clays (Saint Petersburg) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 195. p. 41.
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Comparative analysis of the quartz aggregates fabric of different genesis

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Stereometric analysis quartz rock fabric of the different genesis was realized. The purposes of research were to obtain anatomic and morphologic characteristics of quartzite aggregate, to compare with structural and textural parameters of aggregate of the quartz veins to acquire extra data to prove exploration of this massive  with the perspective using quartzite as a raw material  for melting and glass industry.

How to cite: Kotova E.L. Comparative analysis of the quartz aggregates fabric of different genesis // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 195. p. 45.
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The improvement of engineering – geological information reliability based on studying the influence of some factors of technogenic effect on the sand-clay soils

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It is noted that when designing structures for various purposes in order to ensure their long-term stability it is necessary to analyze the possibility of transformation of the basic components of underground space (rocks, underground water, gas, microbiota, underground construction) under the influence of natural and technogenic factors. The research results of the effect of ultraviolet radiation and vibration influence on the activity and the number of microorganisms are presented. The influence of organic pollutants on the physical and mechanical properties of the sand deposits is  estimated.

How to cite: Pankratova K.V. The improvement of engineering – geological information reliability based on studying the influence of some factors of technogenic effect on the sand-clay soils // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 195. p. 49.
Topical issues in mining of ore and nonmetallic minerals
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Specificity technological scheme development of the stocks on mine «Yakovlevsky»

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The analysis of actually developed technological scheme of Jakovlevsky mine is made. The basic directions of perfection of existing technology of working off for-passes, promoting increase of capacity and decrease in costs proiz-vodstva ores are offered. The further direction of researches which will allow oprede-pour rational, a relative positioning clearing заходок in fulfilled layers and para-metres of technological schemes of joint dredging of layers is con- sidered.

How to cite: Antonov A.A., Morozov M.D., Malyutin A.S. Specificity technological scheme development of the stocks on mine «Yakovlevsky» // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 195. p. 85.
Topical issues in mining of ore and nonmetallic minerals
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About of an estimation of durability of the gas pipeline which is in a ground, at conducting explosive works

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In this paper we propose a method for assessing the impact of blasting operations in the pipeline, which is based on mathematical modeling of the joint fluctuations of pipeline and soil during the passage of seismic waves from blasting. The calculation was performed in a plane problem, the soil was modeled Winkler elastic foundation, piping  – a  geometrically nonlinear shell. The numerical implementation was carried out using an iterative   algorithm.

How to cite: Gorokhov N.L., Gospodarikov A.P. About of an estimation of durability of the gas pipeline which is in a ground, at conducting explosive works // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 195. p. 89.
Topical issues in mining of ore and nonmetallic minerals
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Long face ventilation performance improving in development of seam by pillarless technology

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Ways of ventilating upper part of the long face placed on the border with open area considered in article. Variants of way with ventilating by all-mine depression  and  by additional source of draught (ventilator) with removing of out-going air  stream in  ventilation  drift and  panel course are presented.

How to cite: Elkin V.S. Long face ventilation performance improving in development of seam by pillarless technology // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 195. p. 95.
Topical issues in mining of ore and nonmetallic minerals
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Rationale for choice of technological schemes of producing aggregates by open-cast mine with mobile crushing and grading complex

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Variants of technological schemes of aggregates production by open-cast mine with mobile crushing and grading units is described. The measures to improve safety in open-cast mining are offered, and also ways to increase productivity of open-cast mines by changing the technological schemes and reducing the number of movements of mobile crushing and screening units.

How to cite: Ivanov V.V., Faul A.A., Kuznetsov A.N. Rationale for choice of technological schemes of producing aggregates by open-cast mine with mobile crushing and grading complex // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 195. p. 98.
Topical issues in mining of ore and nonmetallic minerals
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Mining complexes dismantling technologies at extraction of flat-lying thick coal seams with unstable rocks of the roof

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In the given article the experience of mining complexes  dismantling at  mines  of Russia  and the United States of America is reviewed. Perspective methods of forming and lining of dismantle chambers and roof control in caving zone are  represented.

How to cite: Karpov G.N. Mining complexes dismantling technologies at extraction of flat-lying thick coal seams with unstable rocks of the roof // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 195. p. 103.
Topical issues in mining of ore and nonmetallic minerals
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Control of gasevolutioncoal-beds – the key factor of creation of safe working conditions

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On-the-job injury rate, including with a deadly outcome at the enterprises of the coal in- dustry is resulted, the reasons are defined and ways of its decrease are designated in   the article. The actual methane emission rate of an active coal face is analyzed in the article. The result is compared with the expected methane emission received in accordance with standard documents actual.

How to cite: Kurta I.V. Control of gasevolutioncoal-beds – the key factor of creation of safe working conditions // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 195. p. 108.
Topical issues in mining of ore and nonmetallic minerals
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Possible solution for extraction of gas-bearing coal seams by highly productive mining complexes

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The problem of extraction of flat-lying gas-bearing seams at high depths is considered. Technological scheme of ventilation of long-wall faces with highly productive mining complexes is proposed. Economical effect for conditions of the coal mine MUK-96 is calculated.

How to cite: Leisle A.V. Possible solution for extraction of gas-bearing coal seams by highly productive mining complexes // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 195. p. 111.
Topical issues in mining of ore and nonmetallic minerals
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Physical and mathematical modelling of level- chamber method operational parameters at the bottom level of Gubkin mine

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Technological solutions of ore loss reduction in interchamber pillars at bottom levels design of Gubkin mine are developed. Research based on physical (with the use of equivalent materials) and mathematical (finite element method) modelling has been carried out. The requirement for pilot work before industrial scale use is  established.

How to cite: Litvinenko V.S., Boguslavskii E.I., Korzhavykh P.V. Physical and mathematical modelling of level- chamber method operational parameters at the bottom level of Gubkin mine // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 195. p. 115.
Topical issues in mining of ore and nonmetallic minerals
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Amount of explosive destruction zones for cracked rocks with different crack filler for example Mikhailovsky GOK

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Present at the Mikhailovsky GOK, as in most such enterprises, the problem of oversize output entails additional time and material costs of preparing the rock for  processing. Calculation of fracture zones to reach their contacts will give an  opportunity to improve the efficiency of blasting. In this paper we consider the size dependence of fracture zones of fractured rocks from the characteristics of stress waves. Changing characteristics, in  turn, caused the value of  the crack opening and characteristics of matter, they are filled. The calculation of fracture zones  for ferruginous quartzite. Received the recommended dimensions of the grid of wells, depending on the type of crack filler.

How to cite: Menchzhulin M.G., Fedoseev A.V. Amount of explosive destruction zones for cracked rocks with different crack filler for example Mikhailovsky GOK // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 195. p. 120.
Topical issues in mining of ore and nonmetallic minerals
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The designing of the constructions of the pillar underground station with applying of the low-settle building technology

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The intelligent technology of designing of the constructions of pillar  underground  station is adduced. Station is building with applying of low-settle technology, which takes into consideration main stages of the building process. The scheme of interaction of the system «support lining-soil massif» was accepted as basic scheme of calculations. The calculations of the stress-strain condition of constructions was performed with applying of finite-elements method.

How to cite: Protosenya A.G., Demenkov P.A., Karasev M.A., Belyakov N.A., Bezrodnyi K.P., Maslak V.A. The designing of the constructions of the pillar underground station with applying of the low-settle building technology // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 195. p. 124.
Topical issues in mining of ore and nonmetallic minerals
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Design of tunnel lining of main line tunnels based on the evaluation of stress distribution patterns in tunnel lining

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Comparison of results of calculations of the tangential stresses on the inner contour of tunnel lining and radial stresses on the outer contour is done. Stresses are found by solving the problem of interaction in geomechanical system «lining-ground massif» in 2D and 3D model (single layer tunnel lining and double layer tunnel lining). Area of correct application of 2D models are revealed.

How to cite: Protosenya A.G., Trushko V.L., Karasev M.A., Sidorov D.V. Design of tunnel lining of main line tunnels based on the evaluation of stress distribution patterns in tunnel lining // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 195. p. 129.
Topical issues in mining of ore and nonmetallic minerals
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Working out innovative dust control devices for conditions of northern regions

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Around placing of the enterprises of a mineral complex, and especially in areas of placing   of sailings, as a result of mass emissions of a dust in environment there are adverse ecological conditions, and also, level of dust loading on an organism of the worker increases. In article the way of dust control, based on mechanical catching of the weighed particles by snow, on filtering and shielding action of snow is  considered.

How to cite: Smirnov Y.D., Kovshov S.V., Ivanov A.V. Working out innovative dust control devices for conditions of northern regions // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 195. p. 133.
Topical issues in mining of ore and nonmetallic minerals
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Determining the mine working height for the development of tailing dumps hydraulic excavator backdigger

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Development water sated tailing dump are accompanied explosive failure banks  even  at their height less 10 meters. Thereupon, the problem decision on research competence a slope and to a choice of optimum height production a dredge face «backdigger», established on the  top  platform  tailing dump, will allow to reduce equipment downtimes and to increase intensity mining.

How to cite: Kholodnyakov G.A., Argimbaev K.R., Reshetnyak S.P. Determining the mine working height for the development of tailing dumps hydraulic excavator backdigger // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 195. p. 138.
Topical issues in mining of ore and nonmetallic minerals
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Ore reclaiming process flowsheets for the cyclical and continuous method of open-cast mining

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The technique of ore reclaiming process flowsheets with stationary both semiportable crushers and classifying points parameters definition is  presented. The best results of ore reclaiming are obtained by unloading ore to the  loading  bunker  from several working faces.

How to cite: Kholodnyakov G.A., Ipatova A.O., Ikonnikov D.A., Argimbaev K.R. Ore reclaiming process flowsheets for the cyclical and continuous method of open-cast mining // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 195. p. 142.
Topical issues in mining of ore and nonmetallic minerals
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Geomechanical substantiation of stability of the tunnel’s face which situated in the proterozoic clay’s

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In this learned article the analysis of the volume stress-strain condition of the soils in the tunnel’s face in the cases of different repulses of support lining with applying of a finite-elements method is adduced. The graphic relations of stresses and displacements of the soils is developed and with respect to these relations the influence of the magnitude of repulse of support lining at the volume stress-strain condition of the soil massif is defined.

How to cite: Trushko V.L., Shokov A.N. Geomechanical substantiation of stability of the tunnel’s face which situated in the proterozoic clay’s // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 195. p. 146.
Topical issues in prospecting and development of oil and gas deposits
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Explanation and development of new equipment for drilling rat holes in multilateral wells

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The research has been carried out to improve technologies and equipment for drilling multilateral wells constructions to create the most feasible well spacing. To prove the idea testing technical features of shaped tube ability to take its initial shape due to the action of inner and  outer liquid pressure the investigation has been carried out. The tests have shown the capability of cramp iron to be reused for fastening whipstock inside the well with its following extracting.

How to cite: Zaripov R.R., Morozov Y.T., Mukhametshin A.A. Explanation and development of new equipment for drilling rat holes in multilateral wells // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 195. p. 53.
Topical issues in prospecting and development of oil and gas deposits
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The development of the hydrophobic emulsion composition for oil well remedial work

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The investigations of thermostability and rheological properties of the hydrophobic emulsion compositions; modeling the process of filtration in  interstratificated and heterogenetic layers, and filtration in conditions maximally approximated to formation conditions were provided. The optimal composition of process liquids which is able to regulate filtration properties of reservoir-formation of the bottom hole formation zone is developed.

How to cite: Mavliev A.R., Rogachev M.K., Mardashov D.V., Naugolnov M.V. The development of the hydrophobic emulsion composition for oil well remedial work // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 195. p. 57.
Topical issues in prospecting and development of oil and gas deposits
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Measuring the continuity effect of plasma-pulse action on the rheological properties of heavy highly viscous oil

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This article deals with the measuring of part of the hardly exploiting oil from the general oil reserves (Heavy Oil).The work includes the study  of the specificities of the occurrence of such anomalous viscosities, the effect on structurally formed oil, the given applicable methods, the capacity of reducing the emergence of thixotropic properties of viscous oil. The technique of experimental researches and results of studying the influence of the plasma-pulse action based on the rheological properties of a highly viscous oil deposits is analysed.

How to cite: Molchanov A.A., Maksyutin A.V., Khusainov R.R. Measuring the continuity effect of plasma-pulse action on the rheological properties of heavy highly viscous oil // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 195. p. 61.
Topical issues in prospecting and development of oil and gas deposits
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Results of researches and trial introduction of plasma-pulse action technology on deposits of Russia

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In this article the analysis of the current condition of oil recovery at deposits of Russia and the world is presented.  The technology of  plasma-pulse influence, the operation  principle and  the basic technical characteristics of equipment are described. The technique of experimental research of the complex technology influence on oil filtration properties  of the Usinsk oil deposit is resulted. Results of the filtration research of high-viscous oil in bottom hole formation after plasma-pulse and physical-chemical treatment in various thermobaric conditions are   shown.

How to cite: Molchanov A.A., Maksyutin A.V., Khusainov R.R. Results of researches and trial introduction of plasma-pulse action technology on deposits of Russia // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 195. p. 64.
Topical issues in prospecting and development of oil and gas deposits
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Rheological and penetration tests of emulsion compositions for the flow-control technologies

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Based on the investigations of stability and rheological properties of the hydrophobic emulsion compositions, and on modeling the process of filtration in conditions maximally approximated to formation conditions, the optimal composition of process liquids which is able to regulate filtration properties of reservoir-formation of the bottom hole formation zone was developed.

How to cite: Naugolnov M.V., Rogachev M.K., Mavliev A.R., Mardashov D.V. Rheological and penetration tests of emulsion compositions for the flow-control technologies // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 195. p. 69.
Topical issues in prospecting and development of oil and gas deposits
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Analysis of rheological properties оf yaregskoe field heavy high-viscosity oil

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Results of experimental determination of Yaregskoe field degassed oil rheological features are given in the article. Modern methods of visco-elastic and thixotropic properties research are described and results of these methods application while abnormal oil research are shown. As a result an improved data of Yaregskoe field oil is obtained and there is a recommendation to extend a number of enhanced oil recovery methods, including physicochemical and wave methods application.

How to cite: Nikitin M.N., Gladkov P.D., Kolonskikh A.V., Petukhov A.V., Mikheev A.I. Analysis of rheological properties оf yaregskoe field heavy high-viscosity oil // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 195. p. 73.
Topical issues in prospecting and development of oil and gas deposits
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New for criterial equations Nusselt number forced convection in pipes

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As a result of analysis Miheev’s correlation equations for Nusselt number calculation in case of forced convection in pipes, with the help  of multiply linear and non-linear regression and statistical analysis, new correlations are suggested. Using new correlations in heat transfer calculation, there is no need in iteration solver. The equations for transition flow regime were formulated. This makes it possible to take account of transition flow regime in heat transfer and hydraulic calculations.

How to cite: Pshenin V.V., Korshak A.A. New for criterial equations Nusselt number forced convection in pipes // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 195. p. 78.
Topical issues in prospecting and development of oil and gas deposits
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Study of the ways saving to energy at transport of the oils

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An algorithm for the formation of a job to control the frequency of rotor pumps pumping station, which provides her work with maximum efficiency and productivity change in the transportation of oil. The mathematical description of the algorithm and its geometric interpretation of the example section of the main pipeline with a pumping station. Feasibility of the proposed control method compared with the published methods baypasirovaniya, throttling and the replacement of the rotor.

How to cite: Samolenkov S.V., Kabanov O.V. Study of the ways saving to energy at transport of the oils // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 195. p. 81.
Environmental protection
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Estimation of technogenic risk spatial distribution at aero-technogenic environmental impact оf overburden dump

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It is noted overburden dump which are forming on open-pit mining of mineral deposits, are powerful sources of environment impact, including the population living in areas on which dust pollution extends. Procedure of zonation of the territory surrounding overburden  dump  on  size  of technogenic risk is developed. As an example, the assessment of distribution of technogenic risk for conditions of overburden dump of Olenegorsky combine is carried out.

How to cite: Gendler S.G., Kuznetsov V.S., Lyubovinkin D.A. Estimation of technogenic risk spatial distribution at aero-technogenic environmental impact оf overburden dump // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 195. p. 149.
Environmental protection
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Estimation of atmospheric air pollution аt construction and operation of traffic tunnel

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Results of field observation of atmospheric air pollution at a construction of transport tunnels on highway and railway Adler – Red Forest Meadow are presented. Features of an environmental pressure dynamics on atmospheric air are determined. The estimation of pollutant emission influence from transport tunnels on atmospheric air is given. Possibility of concentration of pollutants decrease in atmospheric air at the expense of ventilation shafts use for removal from the tunnel of outgoing air flow is shown.

How to cite: Gendler S.G., Rogalev V.A. Estimation of atmospheric air pollution аt construction and operation of traffic tunnel // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 195. p. 152.
Environmental protection
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The technology analasys a problems оf utilization of bio- and oil slugge on enterprises fuel and energy complex

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The paper deal with the problem of developing a rational technology of slime and silt recycling for company «KINEF», which nowadays is one of the leading companies in Russia in it area. Therefore the question of soil-waste utilization is one of the major issues to adress for this organisation. During the reaserch samples of soil waste were taken and analyised, which helped to work out a complite technology of recycling. The technology of processing based on methods «wet chemistry» and hydrometallurgical processes. Special attention is paid to the necessity of extrac- tion of the useful components.

How to cite: Moiseeva K.A., Rogalev V.A. The technology analasys a problems оf utilization of bio- and oil slugge on enterprises fuel and energy complex // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 195. p. 156.
Environmental protection
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Different approaches of assigning the danger range of slime and silt from oil refinery biological treatment unit

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The problem of assigning the danger range for slime and silt from the oil refinery is described in current paper. Assignment  of hazard class  waste a complex  organic matrix is one of  the most significant problems of environmental monitoring to date. Classical methods are not highly effective in dealing with this waste  origin. During the research samples of soil waste were taken and analyzed, which helped to work out a complete technology.

How to cite: Moiseeva K.A. Different approaches of assigning the danger range of slime and silt from oil refinery biological treatment unit // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 195. p. 160.
Environmental protection
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Prospective ways of diamondiferous rock enrichment wastes utilization at M.V.Lomonosov diamond deposit

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In this article a problem questions of diamondiferous rock enrichment wastes accumulation at M.V.Lomonosov diamond deposit, perspective ways of wastes utilization are stated. The current situation with wastes accumulation is passed in review. The technology of utilization is described in detail. The data on chemical composition, acid-base balance, ability to decrease soil acidity are given.

How to cite: Oblitsov A.Y., Rogalev V.A. Prospective ways of diamondiferous rock enrichment wastes utilization at M.V.Lomonosov diamond deposit // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 195. p. 163.
Environmental protection
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Analisys of surface water condition of the murmansk district which is exposed to a negative impact оf the mining-enrich industry

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Activity of the Kovdor Mining and Processing Plant has a negative impact to the environment, particularly to the surface water. The results of hydrochemical analysis of the water samples allow to assess an anthropogenic load on the surface water and to upgrade the monitoring program.

How to cite: Petrova V.A., Rogalev V.A. Analisys of surface water condition of the murmansk district which is exposed to a negative impact оf the mining-enrich industry // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 195. p. 168.
Environmental protection
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Environmental monitoring of the north ecosystems exposed to an impact of the mining

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The paper presents the results of an environmental monitoring of the Russian mining enterprise territory and the assessment of an anthropogenic impact of the delft on the ecosystem of the protected area.

How to cite: Strizhenok A.V. Environmental monitoring of the north ecosystems exposed to an impact of the mining // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 195. p. 171.
Environmental protection
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Features land recultivation, disturbed as a result of activities of dzhidinsky mining treatment complex

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Converting disturbed as a result of industrial activity land in  a  state in-suitable  for use in the national economy, to prevent their negative impacts on the surrounding  landscape  complexes, the protection of these complexes, optimization of the combination of man-made and natural landscapes is achieved  revegetation. Recultivation of the tailings left behind after work Dzhidinsky mining treatment complex will ensure reduction of negative impacts on the environment and human   health.

How to cite: Fomin S.I., Ubugunov E.L., Shevelev V.A. Features land recultivation, disturbed as a result of activities of dzhidinsky mining treatment complex // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 195. p. 174.
Economics and management
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Conceptual aspects of declining extraction oilfields valuation methodology under conditions of stable development of national economy

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Research of depleted oilfields’ valuation is an actual problem under conditions of stable development of national economy. To solve one development of oil producing effectiveness’ growth conception is needed. In the given article analysis of oil producing industry by extraction volume and by oil resources increase is done. Main factors of oil producing effectiveness are marked out and also indicators of oil resources provision are suggested. Defined probable directions of further researches, related to the declining extraction oilfields’ valuation.

How to cite: Grigorev Y.P., Chaikovskaya D.D. Conceptual aspects of declining extraction oilfields valuation methodology under conditions of stable development of national economy // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 195. p. 177.
Economics and management
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Incentive resource conservation measures for underground gas storage facilities

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Power consumption analysis has been realized. Main losses in gas industry have been discovered. The organizational, financial and economic tools directed  on  economical  encouragement of power conservation for underground gas storage facilities have been developed.

How to cite: Elizarova G.S. Incentive resource conservation measures for underground gas storage facilities // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 195. p. 185.
Economics and management
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Conception of mining and chemical company competitivness growth strategy creation

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In the article the strategic analysis layout and algorithm of creating competitive strategy of the mining and chemical company in conditions of tough competition and volatility of world fertilizers market are proposed. The conceptual model of key factors of competitiveness decomposition in the phosphate fertilizers manufacture is developed. The principal directions of the mining and chemical company strategic development are  defined.

How to cite: Ilinova A.A. Conception of mining and chemical company competitivness growth strategy creation // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 195. p. 188.
Economics and management
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Mechanism of real option for the assessment оf risks of the investment project of offshore gas fields development

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Identified real options are widely known in the practice of foreign oil and gas business. Identified risks of offshore natural gas projects that arise at different stages of development. Proposed a mechanism for applying real options to reduce project  risks.

How to cite: Kruk M.N. Mechanism of real option for the assessment оf risks of the investment project of offshore gas fields development // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 195. p. 193.
Economics and management
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Approach to perfection and progress of the industrial infrastructure (on the example of the deposit «Glubokoe» on extraction of plaster in the Arkhangelsk area)

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The modern market economy represents system of the managing, one of key factors  of  which effective functioning is the condition of its infrastructure. There is an expansion and complication of the functions which are carried out by an infrastructure, its role during the organization of various activities of the enterprise  increases. The industrial infrastructure turns to an integral part of a social and economic life of region. Its progress and perfection become the important factor of formation of branch, functional and territorial structures of administrative area. The question of development of approaches of formation and progress of an infrastructure in the North, revealing of a complex of the factors defining efficiency of its territorial organization  at a level of administrative area, conditions of the greatest feedback of investments into its progress is actual for modern conditions.

How to cite: Modyanova V.A. Approach to perfection and progress of the industrial infrastructure (on the example of the deposit «Glubokoe» on extraction of plaster in the Arkhangelsk area) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 195. p. 197.
Economics and management
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System method of complex development of bowels

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In the given work scientific interdisciplinary problems of economy of complex development and use of resources of bowels are considered. Ordering and representation of set of theoretical and methodological principles, methods and ways of the organization and management of the mining enterprises as the big social and economic  systems.

How to cite: Noskov V.A. System method of complex development of bowels // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 195. p. 201.
Economics and management
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Tax system in the oil industry Russia

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In clause modern lines of Russian oil branch development are considered.  The characteristic and the basic problems and ways of perfection of oil branch existing taxation system are  resulted.

How to cite: Osovskii V.A. Tax system in the oil industry Russia // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 195. p. 204.
Economics and management
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Methodological aspects of innovative-industrial clusters of mineral-raw specialization

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Transition of the Russian economy from export-raw to innovative development is possible  on the basis of a diversification and increase of corporations innovative activity by carrying out cluster policy. In article distinctive features of industrial and cluster policy are analysed, theoretical aspects of industrial cluster creation are considered. Also the system approach to formation of innovative-industrial clusters of mineral-raw specialization is presented, the basic measures of a complex estimation of the cluster group importance are  allocated.

How to cite: Skobelina V.P., Tremasova I.S. Methodological aspects of innovative-industrial clusters of mineral-raw specialization // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 195. p. 207.
Economics and management
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Social-economic effects of forming oil and gas cluster in murmansk region

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In given article possibilities of natural resources and economic potential of Murmansk region are examined. The main possible scenarios of strategy development of the region are presented. Possible indices of evaluation of the cluster as well as the prognosis meaning of this indices are enumerated. The main priorities of the federal and regional politic for cluster development support are examined.

How to cite: Sultani A.N. Social-economic effects of forming oil and gas cluster in murmansk region // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 195. p. 212.
Economics and management
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The analysis of the current state and ways to improve the effectiveness of the Russian mineral resource base reproduction

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Economic stability and competitiveness of the Russian Federation in many respects depends on  a condition of the mineral resource complex process of reproduction of which demands constant state control and regulation. Mining gain is provided by geological prospecting and exploration. The insufficient volume of the assignments in exploration negatively affects on efficiency functioning of many industries and national economy as a whole. For this reason the problem  of geological  prospecting and exploration demands special attention and the prime decision. In the article the analysis of a current state of mineral resource base of the Russian Federation is carried  out, the basic problems  of prospecting branch are designated, ways  of attraction of investments to mineral resource sector are  defined.

How to cite: Khloponina V.S. The analysis of the current state and ways to improve the effectiveness of the Russian mineral resource base reproduction // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 195. p. 216.
Economics and management
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Analysis of the effectiveness of regulations in the subsoil usage (illustrated on regulating the level of cost oil under psas)

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The article considers the method of analysis of economical effectiveness of regulations, taking into account specific of the sphere of subsoil usage. It finds features of regulating of that sphere as well as traits of relationships between a state and subsoil users. The analysis of economical effectiveness is illustrated on the norm, which regulates limit of cost oil in productionsharing agreements.

How to cite: Chebaeva N.E. Analysis of the effectiveness of regulations in the subsoil usage (illustrated on regulating the level of cost oil under psas) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 195. p. 222.
Mining electromechanics and mining equipment
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Selecting parameters of wind and diesel power plant for power supply of mining intallations

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The paper is dedicated to analyzing the use of wind and diesel power plants for the power supply of mining facilities located remotely from centralized power supply networks. Regions which are promising in terms of using their wind potential are determined. An example of the network for using a wind and diesel power plant to supply submersible motors of centrifugal pumps in an oil well cluster is  presented.

How to cite: Abramovich B.N., Belskii A.A. Selecting parameters of wind and diesel power plant for power supply of mining intallations // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 195. p. 227.
Mining electromechanics and mining equipment
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Self-propellet rail transporting mechanisms with even driving wheels

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The article deals with the position control lever transmission ratio of the traction  mechanism with  adjustable resistance to movement as a function  of pressure from the driving  wheels  on the rails.

How to cite: Belous N.A., Bolshunov A.V., Sokolova G.V. Self-propellet rail transporting mechanisms with even driving wheels // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 195. p. 231.
Mining electromechanics and mining equipment
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Cause rapid wear tangential cutters

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In article the analysis data of mechanical and metallographic researches of tangential  rotary cutters of the Russian and foreign manufacturers is resulted. The reason of fragility of tangential cutters of the Russian manufacture is  specified.

How to cite: Bolobov V.I., Bolobov V.L., Talerov M.P., Bochkov V.S. Cause rapid wear tangential cutters // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 195. p. 238.
Mining electromechanics and mining equipment
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Synthesis of the mechanism of the effektor of a gathering-arm loader

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In article possibility of performance improvement of a gathering-arm loader at the expense of adjustment of the kinematic circuit oscillating crank mechanism a method of synthesis of a path of driving of the leading edge of a gathering arm on the given conditions of processes of implementation, capture and bulk cargo transportation is considered.

How to cite: Vasileva M.A., Kuzkin A.Y., Timofeev I.P. Synthesis of the mechanism of the effektor of a gathering-arm loader // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 195. p. 241.
Mining electromechanics and mining equipment
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Test bench for experimental studies of potash ores cutting with a single cutter of mining machines

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The paper examines the process of potash massive fracture with actuating devices of mining machines, having cross cuts, and discusses a test bench to study the influence of cut parameters on the formation of successive elementary spalls making up the cut.

How to cite: Gabov V.V., Shefner A.D., Shishlyannikov D.I., Chekmasov N.V. Test bench for experimental studies of potash ores cutting with a single cutter of mining machines // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 195. p. 245.
Mining electromechanics and mining equipment
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Probabilistic approach to the assessment of energy transmissions of mining machines

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In article the review of methods of a theoretical estimation  of  a resource of elements  of  cars is presented. Perspectivity of the thermodynamic approach is shown at the analysis of an expenditure of a resource by system elements. Presented a probabilistic approach in determining the energy source.

How to cite: Zvonarev I.E., Fokin A.S., Ivanov S.L. Probabilistic approach to the assessment of energy transmissions of mining machines // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 195. p. 249.
Mining electromechanics and mining equipment
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Application of kalman filter for digital differential protection relay of power transformers

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The paper is dedicated to analyzing the use of Kalman filtering theory for Application in digital differential protection relay of power transformers. The state variables for the fault identification and protection operation criteria are described. Comparison of operation times of differential protections, based on Kalman filtering theory and Fourier algorithm is presented.

How to cite: Ivanchenko D.I., Shonin O.B. Application of kalman filter for digital differential protection relay of power transformers // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 195. p. 255.
Mining electromechanics and mining equipment
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Determination of the rate of bunker filling screw executive authority and power to cut costs

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Screw bunker executive body is designed to work on the peat deposits and can be used for  the extraction of peat deposits from the drilling-out. The paper describes the design of screw bunker executive authority and proposed calculation of energy consumption for cutting.

How to cite: Kremcheev E.D., Bolshunov A.V., Nagornov D.O. Determination of the rate of bunker filling screw executive authority and power to cut costs // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 195. p. 259.
Mining electromechanics and mining equipment
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Optimization of pulse width modulation for multilevel converters of variable-frequency electric drive

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The paper is dedicated to optimization of a pulse width modulation (PWM) in multilevel inverters with floating capacitors. Comparison  of PWM techniques  which satisfy the condition  of a capacitor voltage balance is presented from the electromagnetic compatibility point of view  for the case of a fan-loaded induction  motor.

How to cite: Kudryavtseva A.V., Shonin O.B. Optimization of pulse width modulation for multilevel converters of variable-frequency electric drive // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 195. p. 263.
Mining electromechanics and mining equipment
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Way remote magnitometrichesky control of the technical condition of the main pipelines

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Last decades maintenance of reliability of objects of oil and gas has considerably become aggravated. It is connected with considerable ageing of pipelines which almost on 45 their  %  them are maintained more than 20 years, and 20 % – over 30 years, besides poor quality of designing and building in a combination to the limited service life applied film insulating materials  of pipes lead to appreciable decrease in an operational resource. Thus, the urgency of maintenance of reliable, accident-free and effective work of pipeline system became obvious. In offered work application remote magnetometric the control, on the basis of application magnetometric equipments is described.

How to cite: Lyubchik A.N. Way remote magnitometrichesky control of the technical condition of the main pipelines // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 195. p. 268.
Mining electromechanics and mining equipment
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Design features of replacement work equipment of peat excavation laoding machine

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The article deals with design features a removable desktop equipment peat excavation, loading machine. The analysis of the structures of the working equipment of peat excavation, loading machines. Suggest ways to improve the design of the working equipment of peat excavation, loading machines.

How to cite: Nagornov D.O., Kremcheev E.A. Design features of replacement work equipment of peat excavation laoding machine // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 195. p. 272.
Mining electromechanics and mining equipment
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Automatic adjustment of metrology performance meter random signal transducer analyzer liquid flows

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New way of statistical pulsation measurements by radioisotope technique is described, being alternative to the existing stream control methods and allowing to improve accuracy of measurements. The basic formula fundamental for the method of calibration characteristics correction is shown.

How to cite: Proskuryakov R.M., Kopteva A.V., Voityuk I.N. Automatic adjustment of metrology performance meter random signal transducer analyzer liquid flows // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 195. p. 277.
Mining electromechanics and mining equipment
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Automatic compensation of influence of stirring factors on measurement of coal bulk weight from the clearing face

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The radioisotope method of specific weight measurement of the controlled environment is briefly described in article. The technique of creation and the block diagram of servo astatic system of the second order is submitted with the purpose of indemnification of errors due to influence on result of measurements of casual characteristics of a stream.

How to cite: Proskuryakov R.M., Voityuk I.N., Kopteva A.V. Automatic compensation of influence of stirring factors on measurement of coal bulk weight from the clearing face // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 195. p. 281.