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Vol 195
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Geomechanical substantiation of stability of the tunnel’s face which situated in the proterozoic clay’s

V. L. Trushko1
A. N. Shokov2
About authors
  • 1 — Saint Petersburg State Mining University
  • 2 — Saint Petersburg State Mining University
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In this learned article the analysis of the volume stress-strain condition of the soils in the tunnel’s face in the cases of different repulses of support lining with applying of a finite-elements method is adduced. The graphic relations of stresses and displacements of the soils is developed and with respect to these relations the influence of the magnitude of repulse of support lining at the volume stress-strain condition of the soil massif is defined.

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  1. Протосеня А.Г. Постановка задач по расчету напряженного состояния около выработок / А.Г.Протосеня, М.О.Лебедев // Устойчивость и крепление горных выработок / Санкт-Петербург. горный ин-т. СПб, 1999. С.115-118.
  2. Протосеня А.Г. О постановке задач по расчету нагрузок на капитальные выработки и тоннели // Крепление и поддержание горных выработок / Санкт-Петербург. горный ин-т. 1992. С.4-8.

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