New for criterial equations Nusselt number forced convection in pipes
About authors
- 1 — Saint Petersburg State Mining University
- 2 — Saint Petersburg State Mining University
As a result of analysis Miheev’s correlation equations for Nusselt number calculation in case of forced convection in pipes, with the help of multiply linear and non-linear regression and statistical analysis, new correlations are suggested. Using new correlations in heat transfer calculation, there is no need in iteration solver. The equations for transition flow regime were formulated. This makes it possible to take account of transition flow regime in heat transfer and hydraulic calculations.
- Агапкин В.М. Тепловой и гидравлический расчеты трубопроводов для нефти и нефтепродуктов / В.М.Агапкин, Б.Л.Кривошеин, В.А. Юфин. М., 1981. 256 с.
- Михеев М.А. Основы теплопередачи. М., 1956. 392 с.
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