Revealing of primary sources for placer gold in the Nora river basin Selemdzhinsky district of Amur region
About authors
- Saint Petersburg State Mining University
On the base of typomorphic peculiarities of gold from placers and primary occurrences there are made conclusions about multistage and polytypic character of gold mineralization at the area, with some assumptions for belonging of gold occurrences to certain ore formation types. These data may be used as guidance for prospecting expansion.
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- Неронский Г.И. Типоморфизм золота месторождений Приамурья. Благовещенск, 1998.
- Петровская Н.В. Самородное золото (общая характеристика, типоморфизм, вопросы генезиса). М., 1973.
- Приамурская золоторудная провинция / Отв. ред. В.А.Степанов. Благовещенск, 2008.
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