Social-economic effects of forming oil and gas cluster in murmansk region
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- Saint Petersburg State Mining University
In given article possibilities of natural resources and economic potential of Murmansk region are examined. The main possible scenarios of strategy development of the region are presented. Possible indices of evaluation of the cluster as well as the prognosis meaning of this indices are enumerated. The main priorities of the federal and regional politic for cluster development support are examined.
- Мурманская область: проблемы и перспективы / Науч. рук. Ф.Д.Ларичкин. Апатиты, 2007. 86 с.
- Фадеев А.М. Промышленные кластеры как форма интеграции хозяйственных структур нефтегазового комплекса // Север и рынок. Формирование экономического порядка. 2008. № 1.
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