Microbial activity in mine working and its influence on high-grade iron ore's and constructional material's properties
About authors
- 1 — Saint Petersburg State Mining University
- 2 — Saint Petersburg State Mining University
Development’s conditions and sources of microorganisms in high-grade iron ore (HGIO) of Jakovlevsky deposit (KMA) were considered. Influence of watering, draining and contamina tion in iron ore on decreasing of shear strength and growth of bacterial mass were noticed. Dif ferent physiological groups and species composition of microorganisms in underground space were defined, and their influences on constructional materials which are used to coffer mine workings were studied.
- Дашко Р.Э., Волкова А.В. Микробная деятельность в подземных выработках и ее влияние на свойства богатых железных руд и конструкционных материалов / Р.Э.Дашко, А.В.Волкова // Записки Горного института. СПб, 2006. Т.168. С.165-174.
- Нетрусов А.И. Микробиология: Учебник. М., 2006.
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