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Vol 195
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The distribution of late quaternary glacial-marine deposite on the norternmost part оf Novaya Zemlya shelf

D. E. Dorechkina1
P. V. Rekant2
D. A. Korshunov3
A. D. Portnov4
About authors
  • 1 — Saint Petersburg State Mining University
  • 2 — VNIIOkeangeologia named after I.S. Gramberg
  • 3 — VNIIOkeangeologia named after I.S. Gramberg
  • 4 — VNIIOkeangeologia named after I.S. Gramberg
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Present article represents geologic-geomorphologic and structural features of Late Quaternary glacial-marine sediments in the northernmost part of Novaya Zemlya shelf. Upper regional unconformity (URU), Late Quaternary glacial complex bottom and exaration markers were plotted within the studied area.

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