Study of the ways saving to energy at transport of the oils
About authors
- 1 — Saint Petersburg State Mining University
- 2 — Saint Petersburg State Mining University
An algorithm for the formation of a job to control the frequency of rotor pumps pumping station, which provides her work with maximum efficiency and productivity change in the transportation of oil. The mathematical description of the algorithm and its geometric interpretation of the example section of the main pipeline with a pumping station. Feasibility of the proposed control method compared with the published methods baypasirovaniya, throttling and the replacement of the rotor.
- Колпаков А.Г. Эксплуатация магистральных насосов: Учеб. пособие. Уфа, 1988. 116 с.
- Коршак А.А. Проектирование и эксплуатация газонефтепроводов: Учебник для вузов / А.А.Коршак, А.М.Нечваль. СПб, 2008. 488 с.
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