Automatic compensation of influence of stirring factors on measurement of coal bulk weight from the clearing face
About authors
- 1 — Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute University
- 2 — Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute University
- 3 — Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute University
The radioisotope method of specific weight measurement of the controlled environment is briefly described in article. The technique of creation and the block diagram of servo astatic system of the second order is submitted with the purpose of indemnification of errors due to influence on result of measurements of casual characteristics of a stream.
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- Котченко Ф.Ф. Следящие системы автоматических компенсаторов. Л., 1965. 320 с.
- Новицкий П.В. Основы информационной теории измерительных устройств. Л., 1968. 248 с.
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