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Vol 195
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Study of engineering-geological and microbiological factors for assessing the dynamics of fracture in tunnel highway Saint Petersburg – Kiev

R. E. Dashko1
K. V. Pankratova2
A. A. Korobko3
About authors
  • 1 — Saint Petersburg State Mining University
  • 2 — Saint Petersburg State Mining University
  • 3 — Saint Petersburg State Mining University
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Reasons of transition tunnel construction to the pre-emergency state and the nature of landslide displacements trimmed slope, which can be traced in the context of the Lower Cambrian blue clay are defined. Influence of microbial activity as a negative factor fracture of structural materials, as well as strength reducing of blue clay. Regularities of changes in the state and the strength of blue clay at the depth, taking into account their degree of disintegration – layering and fracturing. The quantitative evaluation of stability of the construction of the transport tunnel, taking into account changes in the strength of blue clay as an fissered medium at different positions of the landslide surface. The strategy of measures to ensure the reliability of the facilities.

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  1. Дашко Р.Э. Механика горных пород: Учебник для вузов. М., 1987. 264 с.
  2. Дашко Р.Э. Особенности инженерно-геологического анализа нижнекембрийских синих глин как основания сооружений // Механика грунтов, основания и фундаменты: Межвуз. сб. науч. тр. Л., 1984. С. 85-93.
  3. Водные вытяжки готовились согласно ГОСТ 27753/2-88. Метод приготовления водной вытяжки. М., 1988.

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