Date submitted2024-03-20
Date accepted2024-11-07
Date published2025-02-27
Analysis of the stress state of rocks transformation near a horizontal well during acid treatment based on numerical simulation
The article presents an overview of the assessment and modelling of the stress state of rocks in the near-wellbore zone of horizontal wells during acid stimulation of the formation for improving the efficiency of oil and gas field development. A numerical finite element model of near-wellbore zone of the reservoir drilled by a horizontal section was compiled using one of oil fields in the Perm Territory as an example. The distribution of physical and mechanical properties of the terrigenous reservoir near the well was determined considering transformation under the action of mud acid for different time periods of its injection. Multivariate numerical simulation was performed and the distribution of horizontal and vertical stresses in near-wellbore zone was determined with regard for different values of pressure drawdown and changes in stress-strain properties depending on the area of mud acid infiltration. It was found that a change in elastic modulus and Poisson's ratio under the influence of acid led to a decrease in stresses in near-wellbore zone. Analysis of the stress distribution field based on the Coulomb – Mohr criterion showed that the minimum safety factor of rock even after the effect of mud acid was 1.5; thus, under the considered conditions of horizontal well modelling, the reservoir rock remained stable, and no zones of rock destruction appeared.
Date submitted2023-12-15
Date accepted2024-06-13
Date published2025-02-25
Development of equipment and improvement of technology for inertial thickening of backfill hydraulic mixtures at the final stages of transportation
The results of the study of the functioning of the developed thickening equipment as part of the stowing complex for the formation of a flow of high-concentration hydromixture are presented. To explain the operation of the hydrotransport system of the stowing complex, equipped with a thickener of the developed design, its basic diagram is presented. A mathematical model has been created that describes the mechanism of inertial sedimentation of a solid component of a hydraulic mixture in a working chamber equipped with hydrodynamic profiles. Interaction with the profile leads to flow stratification due to a change in the trajectory of movement and a decrease in speed. The interval of rational velocity of primary pulp entering the input of the working chamber of the inertial thickener is substantiated. The synthesis of solutions of the thickening process model is performed in the COMSOL Multiphysics and Ansys Fluent programs. This made it possible to eliminate physical contradictions in the operation of the equipment and justify the overall dimensions of its main elements, ensuring the implementation of the mechanism of inertial sedimentation of the slurry. It was found that the concentration of the thickened flow at the outlet branch pipe of the thickener working chamber is determined by the level of the primary hydraulic fluid velocity, the characteristic length of the section of interaction with the deflecting profile, and the ratio of the flow and attack angles. A nomogram of the dynamics of the change in the hydraulic fluid concentration in the section of the outlet branch pipe depending on the ratios of the overall dimensions of the deflecting profile of the working chamber was compiled. The results of the study allowed formulating recommendations for selecting the dimensions of the thickener's deflecting hydrodynamic profile to form a flow of hydraulic mixture with a concentration of about 50 % by weight. The developed equipment can be used in a stowage complex and will increase the range of supply of the stowage mixture. This is due to the fact that a flow of primary slurry with a low concentration, due to lower pressure losses, can be moved in a pipeline system over a greater distance than a flow with a high filler content. The use of a thickener at the final stage of transportation is intended to increase the concentration of the hydraulic mixture immediately before production.
Date submitted2022-03-01
Date accepted2024-06-03
Date published2024-12-25
Study of the possibility of using high mineralization water for hydraulic fracturing
The results of laboratory studies aimed at developing hydraulic fracturing fluid based on alternative sources of high mineralization water are presented. It is shown that Cenomanian sources have the most stable mineralization parameters, while bottom water and mixed waters collected from pressure maintenance systems differ significantly in their properties, with iron content varying several times, and hardness and mineralization undergoing substantial changes. The quality of the examined hydraulic fracturing fluids based on alternative water sources is confirmed by their impact on residual permeability, as well as residual proppant pack conductivity and permeability. The experimental results show similar values for these parameters. The comprehensive laboratory studies confirm the potential for industrial use of high mineralization water in hydraulic fracturing operations.
Date submitted2023-05-19
Date accepted2024-03-05
Date published2024-08-26
Development and research of backfill compounds with improved elastic and strength properties for oil and gas well lining
This article describes operations from the well construction cycle where the cement rock behind the casing is subjected to dynamic action (impacts of the drill stem during drilling and normalization of the cement sleeve, secondary drilling operations, hydraulic fracturing, etc.). The developed cement mortar compositions were tested following API 10B-2, API 10B-6, API STD-65-2, and GOST 28985-91 standards. The composition of the cement system without the use of imported components (CM-5) was developed, which improved elastic and strength properties compared to existing industry solutions. An improvement in the elastic and strength features and technological properties of cement rock when using epoxy resins was identified, the optimal composition of the cement-and-epoxy grout was determined, and the internal structure of the formed backfill rock, its permeability, and porosity were studied.
Date submitted2022-10-29
Date accepted2023-10-25
Date published2024-04-25
Assessment of rock massif sustainability in the area of the underground research laboratory (Nizhnekanskii Massif, Enisei site)
The study presents the results of the research on geodynamic and geological conditions of the Enisei site (Krasnoyarsk Krai), chosen for the construction of an underground research laboratory. The laboratory is being built at a depth of 500 m to assess the suitability of the rock mass for burying high-level radioactive waste. The rocks consist of weakly fractured gneisses, granites, and dikes of metadolerites. Field observations were conducted on bedrock outcrops. They included the determination of rock mass quality indicators, measurement of rock fracturing, and a rating classification of stability using N.Barton's method. GNSS observations were also made to monitor surface deformations. These data were used to develop a three-dimensional structural model, including lithology, fault disruptions, intrusive bodies, elastic-strength properties of rocks, and the sizes of zones influenced by faulting. It will serve as a basis for boundary conditions and the construction of three-dimensional variational models of stress-strain states, identifying zones of concentration of hazardous stresses, and planning in situ geomechanical experiments in underground mines of the laboratory. The obtained values of the modified QR index for the main types of rocks allowed their classification as stable and moderately stable, corresponding to strong and very strong rocks on Barton's scale and the massif rating according to geomechanical classification.
Date submitted2023-03-14
Date accepted2023-10-25
Date published2024-04-25
Predictive assessment of ore dilution in mining thin steeply dipping deposits by a system of sublevel drifts
The purpose of research is the study of stress-strain state of marginal rock mass around the stope and predictive assessment of ore dilution with regard for changes in ore body thickness in mining thin ore deposits on the example of the Zholymbet mine. Study of the specific features of the stress-strain state development was accomplished applying the methodology based on numerical research methods taking into account the geological strength index (GSI) which allows considering the structural features of rocks, fracturing, lithology, water content and other strength indicators, due to which there is a correct transition from the rock sample strength to the rock mass strength. The results of numerical analysis of the stress-strain state of the marginal part of the rock mass using the finite element method after the Hoek – Brown strength criterion made it possible to assess the geomechanical state in the marginal mass provided there are changes in ore body thickness and to predict the volume of ore dilution. It was ascertained that when mining thin ore deposits, the predicted value of ore dilution is influenced by the ore body thickness and the GSI. The dependence of changes in ore dilution values on the GSI was recorded taking into account changes in ore body thickness from 1 to 3 m. Analysis of the research results showed that the predicted dimensions of rock failure zone around the stopes are quite large, due to which the indicators of the estimated ore dilution are not attained. There is a need to reduce the seismic impact of the blasting force on the marginal rock mass and update the blasting chart.
Date submitted2023-05-17
Date accepted2023-08-17
Date published2023-10-27
Scientific and technical substantiation of the possibility for the organization of needle coke production in Russia
Russia is one of the world's leading steel producers, while about 33 % of production comes from the scrap remelted in arc steelmaking furnaces. The graphitized electrodes of SHP and UHP grades, mainly consisting of needle coke, are used for high current loads and temperatures in furnaces. USA, Japan, Korea, and China are focused on needle coke production, where coal (tar and pitch) and petroleum (decantoil), by-products of metallurgical factories and oil refineries, are used as raw materials. Russia's annual demand for needle coke is approximately 100 thousand tons, but all of it is covered by imports. Russia's raw material potential, established by the authors of the article, is more than 5 million tons per year and includes decantoil, coal tar and pitch, and heavy pyrolysis tar. The results of obtaining needle coke from decantoil and heavy pyrolysis tar are given below. The prototypes of needle coke were produced on specially designed delayed coking laboratory units (loading up to 0.25 and 80 kg). Raw materials were modified according to the original technology of Saint Petersburg Mining University, the convergence of target properties of which is confirmed by the results of quality analysis of the obtained needle coke, including after 100-fold scaling. The electrodes were molded from the obtained coke. After standardized stages of firing, mechanical processing and graphitization at 2,800-3,000 °C, the coefficient of linear thermal expansion was less than 1 × 10–6 К–1, and the value of specific electrical resistance was 7.1-7.4 μOhm, which proves that the obtained carbon material corresponds in quality to Japanese analogues and Super Premium needle coke.
Date submitted2022-05-20
Date accepted2023-04-03
Date published2024-02-29
Impact of carbon dioxide on the main geotechnical quality criteria and preparation cost of cemented paste backfill
There is a global upsurge in the use of cemented paste backfill (CPB) for various mining functions. However, the cost of the Portland cement binder is prohibitive, thus warranting strategies to reduce cement usage without overly diminishing the CPB quality. Since carbon dioxide is used for patented sand moulding processes, this study is premised on that physicochemical ability of CO2 to enhance the curing of consolidated inorganic materials. It evaluated the impact of carbon dioxide on the uniaxial compressive strength UCS and preparation cost of CPB standard samples (ASTM C109). The preparation cost was delimited to the purchase cost of the Portland cement. The backfill material was silica sand tailings with 4.5 wt.% Portland cement binder and a water-cement ratio of 7.6. Distilled water of pH 5.4 was used for the control samples while variable amounts of carbon dioxide were dissolved in distilled water to generate carbonated mixing water with pH values of 3.8; 4 and 4.2. The lower the carbonated water pH, the higher is the CO2 concentration. UCS tests were conducted on the samples after curing for 3, 7, 28, and 90 days. There was an observable increase in the UCSs and reduction in curing time with increasing carbon dioxide. Samples prepared with carbonated water of pH 3.8 had almost double the strength of those prepared with pure distilled water of pH 5.4, implying that more dissolved CO2 corresponds to higher CPB strength. This is supported by the trendline equations for the graphical simulation of strength on curing time. Thus, CPB with much less binder can be expected to attain the requisite UCS if carbon dioxide is incorporated. The average reduction in Portland cement consumption was 0.61 %, which translates to a cost saving of the same percentage points. If calculated over the operational life of a mine, this is a massive saving of millions of dollars.
Date submitted2022-12-01
Date accepted2023-01-19
Date published2023-12-25
Inclusions of diamond crystals in the tourmaline of the schorl-uvite series: problems of genesis
The mineralogical and geochemical features of diamond-bearing tourmaline crystals (schorl-uvite series) from garnet-clinopyroxene rocks of the Kumdy-Kol deposit (Northern Kazakhstan) have been studied in detail. The formation of the main rock-forming minerals (garnet + K-bearing clinopyroxene) occurred in the diamond stability field at 4-6 GPa and 950-1000 °C. Crystallization of K-bearing clinopyroxene at these parameters is possible in the presence of an ultra-potassic fluid or melt formed because of crustal material melting in subduction zones. Tourmaline crystals (up to 1 cm) containing diamond inclusions perform veins crosscutting high-pressure associations. The composition of individual zones varies from schorl to uvite within both a single grain and the sample as a whole. The potassium content in this tourmaline does not exceed 0.1 wt.% K2O, and the isotopic composition of boron δ11B varies from –10 to –15.5 ‰, which significantly differs from the previously established isotopic composition of boron in maruyamaite crystals (δ11B 7.7 ‰ in the core and –1.2 ‰ in the rim) of the same deposit. Analysis of the obtained data on δ11B in the tourmalines from the diamond-grade metamorphic rocks within the Kumdy-Kol deposit suggests the existence of two boron sources that resulted in crystallization of K-bearing tourmaline crystals (maruyamaite-dravite series) and potassium-free tourmalines of the schorl-uvite series.
Date submitted2022-05-25
Date accepted2023-02-02
Date published2023-08-28
Evaluation of the shear strength of rocks by cracks based on the results of testing samples with spherical indentors
Experimental data on the relationship of the residual shear strength of rocks in closed cracks with the functional characteristics of intact rocks – the tensile and compressive components of adhesion, the roughness of the crack surfaces, and the level of normal stresses are presented. A unified integrated approach determines the shear strength of intact and destroyed rocks, the residual shear strength of closed rough cracks has been developed. The approach provides for the selection of stress intervals corresponding to different types of fracture, for each of which a strength criterion is proposed, expressed in terms of functional characteristics of intact rock. An express method for estimating the residual shear strength of rocks by cracks with a rough surface has been developed, in which an improved method of loading samples with spherical indentors is used as a basic test method. The express method implements the transition from the data of mechanical tests of samples with spherical indentors to the shear strength indicators for cracks in the rock mass, taking into account the level of normal stresses and the roughness of the crack surfaces measured in field conditions. In this case the roughness scale developed by Barton is used. The express method is informative and available in the fieldwork.
Date submitted2021-12-16
Date accepted2022-04-07
Date published2022-07-13
The Upper Kotlin clays of the Saint Petersburg region as a foundation and medium for unique facilities: an engineering-geological and geotechnical analysis
- Authors:
- Regina E. Dashko
- Georgiy A. Lokhmatikov
The article reviews the issues concerned with correctness of the engineering-geological and hydrogeological assessment of the Upper Kotlin clays, which serve as the foundation or host medium for facilities of various applications. It is claimed that the Upper Kotlin clays should be regarded as a fissured-block medium and, consequently, their assessment as an absolutely impermeablestratum should be totally excluded. Presence of a high-pressure Vendian aquifer in the lower part of the geological profile of the Vendian sediments causes inflow of these saline waters through the fissured clay strata, which promotes upheaval of tunnels as well as corrosion of their lining. The nature of the corrosion processes is defined not only by the chemical composition and physical and chemical features of these waters, but also by the biochemical factor, i.e. the availability of a rich microbial community. For the first time ever, the effect of saline water inflow into the Vendian complex on negative transformation of the clay blocks was studied. Experimental results revealed a decrease in the clay shear resistance caused by transformation of the structural bonds and microbial activity with the clay’s physical state being unchanged. Typification of the Upper Kotlin clay section has been performed for the region of Saint Petersburg in terms of the complexity of surface and underground building conditions. Fissuring of the bedclays, the possibility of confined groundwater inflow through the fissured strata and the consequent reduction of the block strength as well as the active corrosion of underground load-bearing structures must be taken into account in designing unique and typical surface and underground facilities and have to be incorporated into the normative documents.
Date submitted2021-02-24
Date accepted2022-04-06
Date published2022-07-13
Study of the kinetics of the process of producing pellets from red mud in a hydrogen flow
The reduction kinetics of serial phase transitions of iron oxides during reduction to a metallized state with different modes of technical hydrogen supply has been studied and substantiated. The results of the pellets formation when 3-5 % molasses is added to the red mud as a binding reagent are presented. The dependences of the reduction rate of iron oxides on the hydrogen flow rate are obtained. Based on the results of the experiments, a kinetic model was constructed, and with the help of X-ray phase and spectral analysis, it was proved that the agglomerates formed after heat treatment received high strength due to the adhesion of reduced iron particles with red mud particles. The use of a new type of charge materials in melting units will reduce the amount of emissions and dust fractions, as well as increase the metal yield.
Date submitted2021-09-02
Date accepted2022-01-24
Date published2022-04-29
Complex processing of high-carbon ash and slag waste
The paper considers a current issue of ash and slag processing for the Polyus Aldan JSC, that has accumulated over 1 million tons of this waste. Following the results of the review of Russian and foreign literature, four promising areas of their use were selected: road construction, building materials, reclamation of disturbed lands, and inert aggregates. To assess the possibility of implementing the selected disposal directions, the samples of ash and slag waste of the enterprise were sampled and analyzed. Fuel characteristics, chemical and mineral composition, as well as physico-chemical and mechanical properties of waste were determined. Taking into account the results of complex laboratory studies and the requirements of regulatory documents, each of the selected areas of using ash and slag waste was evaluated. It was found that their disposal by traditional methods has limitations, mainly related to the high content of unburned fuel residues. The high content of combustible substances and the high specific heat of combustion with a relatively low ash content suggested the possibility of thermal disposal of the studied waste. Based on the literature data, the characteristics of the preparation of organic coal-water suspensions based on the studied ash and slag waste were selected. As a result of a series of experiments on their flaring, the expediency of using the obtained fuel at the enterprise under consideration has been proved. The authors note the possibility of using ash obtained after thermal waste disposal in the road construction industry. The prospects for further research of technologies for the preparation and combustion modes of suspension fuel based on ash and slag waste are determined.
Date submitted2021-04-30
Date accepted2021-11-30
Date published2021-12-27
Methodology for testing pipeline steels for resistance to grooving corrosion
- Authors:
- Viktor I. Bolobov
- Grigoriy G. Popov
The methodology for testing pipeline steels is suggested on the assumption that for the destruction of pipes in field oil pipelines by the mechanism of grooving corrosion the simultaneous fulfillment of such conditions as the occurrence of scratches on the lower generatrix of the pipe, eventually growing into a channel in the form of a groove, emulsion enrichment with oxygen, presence of pipe wall metal in a stressed state, presence of chlorine-ion in the oil-water emulsion is required. Tests are suggested to be carried out in 3 % aqueous solution of NaCl with continuous aeration by air on bent plates 150×15×3 mm, made of the analyzed steel, the middle part of which is under the action of residual stresses σ res , close to the level of maximum equivalent stresses σ eqv in the wall of the oil pipeline, with the presence of a cut on this part on the inner side of the plate as an initiator of additional mechanical stresses. Using the value of the modulus of normal elasticity of the analyzed steel, the degree of residual strain of the elastic-plastic body from this material, corresponding to the value σ res ≈ σ eqv is calculated, based on which the plates are bent to the required deflection angle, after which the cut is applied to them. After keeping the plates in the corrosive medium for each of them the increase in depth of the cut as a result of corrosion of the walls by the corrosive medium is analyzed, from which the rate of steel K by the mechanism of grooving corrosion is calculated taking into account the duration of tests. Corrosion rate values for two pipe steel grades determined by the suggested procedure are given. The comparison of K values obtained leads to the conclusion about the higher resistance to grooving corrosion of 09G2S steel.
Date submitted2021-02-28
Date accepted2021-11-30
Date published2021-12-27
Substantiation of analytical dependences for hydraulic calculation of high-viscosity oil transportation
- Authors:
- Alexander K. Nikolaev
- Natalia А. Zaripova
One of the development priorities in oil and gas industry is to maintain gas and oil pipeline networks and develop pipeline-connected gas and oil fields of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, a promising region the resource potential of which will not only meet a significant portion of internal and external demand for various types of raw materials and primary energy carriers, but will also bring great economic benefits to subsoil users and the state. The mineral and raw material centers of the Nadym-Purskiy and Pur-Tazovskskiy oil and gas bearing areas are among the most attractive regions of the Arctic zone. It is necessary to develop a scientifically substantiated approach to improve the methods of oil transportation from the field to the existing pipelines. As it is known, the task of increasing the efficiency of pipeline transportation of high-viscosity oil is inseparably connected with solving problems in the field of thermal and hydraulic calculation of pipeline system. The article presents the substantiation of dependencies for hydraulic calculation of pipelines transporting high-viscosity oil exhibiting complex rheological properties. Based on the laws of hydraulics for non-Newtonian fluids, the formulas for calculating head losses for fluids obeying Ostwald's law are proposed, their relationship to the classical equations of hydraulics is shown. The theoretical substantiation of looping installation for increasing the efficiency of pipeline transportation of high-viscosity oil taking into account the received dependences for power fluid is considered.
Date submitted2021-03-11
Date accepted2021-07-27
Date published2021-10-21
Justification of a comprehensive technology for preventing the formation of asphalt-resin-paraffin deposits during the production of highlyparaffinic oil by electric submersible pumps from multiformation deposits
Production of highly solidifying abnormal oils (with a paraffin content of over 30 % by mass) in the Far North is complicated by the intensive formation of asphalt-resin-paraffin deposits (ARPD) in the bottomhole zone of the productive formation, well and surface equipment. Existing methods and technologies for countering the formation of organic deposits in well equipment have many advantages. However, their application in the production of highly paraffinic oil does not fully prevent the formation of ARPD in the tubing string. This leads to a significant reduction in oil production, reduction of turnaround and intertreatment periods of production wells operation, an increase in specific operating expenses for paraffin removal. Results of theoretical and laboratory investigations presented in the article show that one of the promising ways to improve the operational efficiency of wells equipped with electric submersible pumps during extraction of highly paraffinic oil from multiformation deposits is the application of a new integrated technology based on the joint production of highly solidifying abnormal oil with oil, characterized by a lower paraffin content and manifestation of structural and mechanical properties, in conjunction with the regulation of the parameters for the electric submersible pump. Results of numerical modeling using the PIPESIM steady-state multiphase flow simulator, physical, chemical and rheological investigations show that with a decrease of highly paraffinic oil from the productive formation D2ef in a blend with Stary Oskol oil from the Kyrtaelskoye field, a decrease in the mass content of paraffin in the blend and the temperature of its saturation with paraffin, depth and intensity of the organic deposits formation in the tubing string, pour point, as well as the improvement of the rheological properties of the investigated structured dispersed systems is observed. Article describes a promising assembly of well equipment for the single tubing separate production of highly paraffinic oil from multiformation deposits of the Timan-Pechora province, providing separation of the perforation zones in two productive formations using a packer-anchor system at simultaneous-separate operation of the formations by a double electric submersible pump unit.
Date submitted2021-03-10
Date accepted2021-05-21
Date published2021-09-20
Influence of heat treatment on the microstructure of steel coils of a heating tube furnace
- Authors:
- Vladimir Yu. Bazhin
- Bashar Issa
Transportation and refining of heavy metal-bearing oil are associated with the problems of localized destruction of metal structures and elements due to corrosion. In the process of equipment operation, it was revealed that premature failure of steel coils of heating tube furnaces at oil refineries and petrochemical plants was associated with insufficient strength and corrosion resistance of the steelwork. The study of the effect that structure and phase composition of 15KH5M-alloy steel elements of heating furnaces at oil refineries have on the corrosion properties, associated with mass loss and localized destructions in the process of heat treatment, allows to develop protective measures and determine heating modes with a rate-limiting step of oxidation. The rate of various corrosion types of 15KH5M steel is used as an indicator to assess the effectiveness of the applied modes of coil heat treatment in order to increase their corrosion resistance and improve their operational characteristics. Conducted experiments on heat treatment of certain steel coil sections allowed to determine rational heating modes for the studied coils, which made it possible to reduce their mass loss and increase corrosion resistance of working surfaces in the process of operation. Proposed heat treatment of steel coils at specified intervals of their operation in the tube furnaces creates conditions for their stable performance and affects the degree of industrial and environmental safety, as well as reduces material costs associated with the repair and replacement of individual assemblies and parts of tube furnaces.
Date submitted2020-08-20
Date accepted2021-04-01
Date published2021-06-24
Features of the mineral and chemical composition of the Northwest manganese ore occurrence in the Highveld region, South Africa
- Authors:
- Aleksandr N. Evdokimov
- Benedict L. Pharoe
The Northwest manganese ore mineralisation is located at a relative distance from traditionally known manganese mining areas in a new manganese-bearing region (Highveld) in the Northwest Province, Republic of South Africa. The ore occurrence was studied on farms: Buchansvale 61 IQ, Weltevreden 517 JQ, Rhenosterhoek 343 JP and Kafferskraal 306 JP. The data obtained from studying the geology of the area pointed out to interests regarding the development criterias for search of similar ore mineralisations in the northwest region of South Africa. The ore occurs predominantly in the form of powdered manganese wad, manganese nodules and crusts, confined to the karstic structures of the upper section of the dolomites. X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), Scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive link (SEM-EDS) and X-ray fluorescence were utilized to unveil the mineral and chemical composition of the ore samples. The present study therefore presents the results on both chemical and mineral composition of manganese ores, and their depth and longitudinal distribution. Karstic areas causing an increased local thickness of the ore body were identified. The geochemical and microspcopic study of the ores indicates their supergene nature. The main ore minerals includes cryptomelane, lithiophorite, purolusite, hollandite and romanechite associated with impurity components of Ba, Ce, Co, La, Cr, Zn and V.
Date submitted2021-01-20
Date accepted2021-03-15
Date published2021-04-26
Improving the quality of electricity in the power supply systems of the mineral resource complex with hybrid filter-compensating devices
- Authors:
- Yurii A. Sychev
- Roman Yu. Zimin
The urgency and necessity of choosing and justifying the structures of hybrid filter-compensating devices based on series and parallel active filters to improve the quality of electricity in the power supply systems of enterprises of the mineral resource complex is shown. Mathematical models of hybrid filter compensating devices based on parallel and series active filters have been developed. Based on these mathematical models, computer simulation models of the indicated hybrid structures have been developed. The results of simulation showed the effectiveness of the correction of power quality indicators in terms of reducing the level of higher harmonics of current and voltage, as well as voltage deviations. The degree of influence of filter-compensating devices on the power quality indicators, which determine the continuity and stability of the technological process at the enterprises of the mineral resource complex, have been revealed. It has been established that a hybrid filter-compensating device based on a parallel active filter can reduce the level of higher harmonics of current and voltage by more than 90 and 70 %, respectively, and based on a series active filter, it can reduce the level of higher harmonics of voltage by more than 80 %. Based on the simulation results, the possibility of compensating for the reactive power of a hybrid structure based on parallel active and passive filters has been revealed. The possibility of integrating hybrid filter-compensating devices into more complex multifunctional electrical systems for the automated improvement of the quality of electricity is substantiated, as well as the expediency and prospects of their use in combined power supply systems based on the parallel operation of centralized and autonomous sources of distributed generation.
Date submitted2020-02-19
Date accepted2020-04-17
Date published2020-10-08
Decrease in coal losses during mining of contiguous seams in the near-bottom part at Vorkuta deposit
- Authors:
- Oleg I. Kazanin
- Valeriy V. Yaroshenko
The problem of formation of extended zones with high rock pressure (HRP) from safety pillars at the boundaries of extraction pillars formed due to the mine layout of complex geometry is considered at the example of JSC Vorkutaugol mines. A detailed analysis of the remaining reserves of the near-bottom part of the deposit was carried out to estimate losses and the impact of HRP zones from the Chetvertyi protective seam to mining operations on the Troinoi upper seam along with the possibilities for the reduction of sizes of HRP zones at the account of expanding the underworked space. Due to research on the near-bottom part of the Vorkuta deposit, within the framework of the accepted layout, a zone at the Komsomolskaya mine and two zones at the Zapolyarnaya-2 mine were singled out, at which losses at the boundaries of the extraction pillars amount up to 13-22 % of the total resources of the mine field. The high volume of losses in these pillars indicates the relevance of research on the priority extraction impact of protective seams on the efficiency and safety of mining operations in the working area of underworked and HRP zones. Based on the analysis of foreign and Russian experience in the pillar cleaning-up at the boundaries of working areas and the methodical guidelines and instructions, a technological scheme was developed that allows increasing the coal mining recovery factor in the near-bottom part of the Vorkuta deposit from 0.75 to 0.9 without fundamental changing of the ventilation and transport networks and also without purchasing any additional mining equipment. The conducted economic calculations confirmed the effectiveness of implementing the new technological scheme for cleaning-up reserves at the boundaries of extraction districts. The economic effect is from 0.079 to1.381 billion rubles of additional profit from coaxial extraction pillars, depending on the mining and geological conditions and the size of the pillars.
Date submitted2020-06-12
Date accepted2020-06-12
Date published2020-06-30
Management of hardening mixtures properties when stowing mining sites of ore deposits
Underground mining is characterized by the weakening of the bearing rock mass strata competence and the accumulation of mineral waste. The full use of subsurface resources is ensured by the use of technologies with filling voids by hardening mixtures, which requires high-quality raw materials to obtain the required strength. The deficit of the binding component can be filled with the use of granulated slags of blast-furnace process, mill tailings, ash-slags and other wastes. Most often, voids are laid by mixtures with a combination of cement and a binding component. Mixtures with ash-slag additives to cement in an equivalent amount are not inferior to the strength of the mixture only with cement, especially when grinding ash-slag. The properties of stowing rock masses when using composite binding components and inert fillers are controlled by mechanical, chemical, physical and energy effects at the stages of preparation and transportation of hardening mixtures. To obtain the active fraction of cement substitutes, disintegrators are used that apply the inertia forces of materials at a high speed of rotation with an increase in high activity indicators and lower energy costs. The components of hardening mixtures can be the majority of waste from mining and related industries, which is determined experimentally in specific conditions.
Date submitted2019-04-27
Date accepted2019-07-10
Date published2019-10-23
Estimation of Rock Mass Strength in Open-Pit Mining
The paper presents results of an experimental study on strength characteristics of the rock mass as applied to the assessment of open-pit slope stability. Formulas have been obtained that describe a correlation between ultimate and residual strength of rock samples and residual shear strength along the weakening surface. A new method has been developed to calculate residual interface strength of the rock mass basing on data from the examination of small-scale monolith samples with opposing spherical indentors. A method has been proposed to estimate strength characteristics (structural weakening coefficients and internal friction angles) of the fractured near-slope rock mass. The method relies on test data from shattering small-scale monolith samples with spherical indentors, taking into ac- count contact conditions along the weakening surface, and can be applied in the field conditions. It is acceptable to use irregular-shaped samples in thetests.
Date submitted2019-05-20
Date accepted2019-07-12
Date published2019-10-23
Development of Manufacturing Technology for High-Strength Hull Steel Reducing Production Cycle and Providing High-Quality Sheets
The article presents the results of scientific research and industrial experiments aimed at the development of technology to reduce the production cycle of high-strength hull steel. The technology includes an improved reduced heat treatment of ingots made using rare-earth metals and uphill teeming of large sheet ingots. The proposed technology for the preliminary heat treatment of ingots eliminates the high-temperature phase re- crystallization operation, which is unnecessary, according to the authors, since it does not allow partial crushing (grinding) of the metal dendritic structure and homogenization. When using the proposed technology of reduced pre- treatment, phase and structural stresses are sharply reduced. Experiments have shown that the modification of steel with rare-earth metals has a positive effect on the crystallization of ingots, changing the macro- and microstructure of alloy steel. The developed manufacturing technology of high-strength hull steel provides a high level of sheet quality and a reduction in the production cycle time by 10-12 %.
Date submitted2019-04-30
Date accepted2019-07-16
Date published2019-10-23
Salt Rock Deformation under Bulk Multiple-Stage Loading
- Authors:
- I. L. Pankov
- I. A. Morozov
The paper presents experimental justification of the possibility to use bulk multiple-stage loading to study the process of salt rock deformation in the laboratory conditions. Results of comparative tests between bulk multiple- stage and single-stage loading of salt rock samples are demonstrated. The paper contains results of research on the rate of lateral pressure and its impact on strength limit and residual strength limit of sylvinite, estimated using single- stage and multiple-stage methods. Research results demonstrate how the rate of lateral pressure impacts dilatancy boundary of salt rocks. Analysis of how the loading method influences certificate parameters of Mohr-Coulomb strength of sylvinite has been carried out. The dynamics of elastic modulus in the process of salt rock deformation is analyzed depending on the rate of lateralpressure. It is demonstrated how the method of multiple-stage loading adequately reflects the processes of salt rock de- formation and decomposition, and facilitates not only lowering impact of sample’s inner structure heterogeneities on the experimental results, but also significant reduction in the required amount of rock material.
Date submitted2018-12-25
Date accepted2019-03-02
Date published2019-06-25
Non-linear electrical load location identification
- Authors:
- S. Pirog
- Ya. E. Shklyarskiy
- A. N. Skamyin
The article discusses the issues of identifying the location of non-linear loads in electrical networks which makes the main contribution to the distortion of the non-sinusoidal voltage and current in the distribution network of an industrial enterprise, including mining enterprises. The existing methods for determining the location of the source of higher harmonic components in voltage and current are considered, their advantages and disadvantages are revealed. The main disadvantages of the methods used include the low accuracy and incorrectness of their use in existing enterprises. When developing a new method, the authors were faced with the task of simplicity of its use in the conditions of industrial operation of electrical equipment and the absolute correctness of the results obtained. The proposed method of identifying the source of higher harmonics is based on the variation of the parameters of the power system, in particular, the change in resistance of power transformers taking into account their transformation ratio. It is shown that by varying the transformation ratio during regulation under load, the total coefficient of the harmonic components of the voltage changes. Based on the constructed dependencies, the variation of the derivative of this function with different variations of the parameters of sources of higher harmonics is analyzed and a method is developed that allows determining the share contribution of consumers to the total harmonic component of the voltage.