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Vyacheslav V. Nikishin
Vyacheslav V. Nikishin
Associate Professor, Ph.D., Associate Professor
Empress Catherine II Saint Petersburg Mining University
Associate Professor, Ph.D., Associate Professor
Empress Catherine II Saint Petersburg Mining University
Saint Petersburg


Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
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Development and research of backfill compounds with improved elastic and strength properties for oil and gas well lining

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This article describes operations from the well construction cycle where the cement rock behind the casing is subjected to dynamic action (impacts of the drill stem during drilling and normalization of the cement sleeve, secondary drilling operations, hydraulic fracturing, etc.). The developed cement mortar compositions were tested following API 10B-2, API 10B-6, API STD-65-2, and GOST 28985-91 standards. The composition of the cement system without the use of imported components (CM-5) was developed, which improved elastic and strength properties compared to existing industry solutions. An improvement in the elastic and strength features and technological properties of cement rock when using epoxy resins was identified, the optimal composition of the cement-and-epoxy grout was determined, and the internal structure of the formed backfill rock, its permeability, and porosity were studied.

How to cite: Blinov P.A., Sadykov M.I., Gorelikov V.G., Nikishin V.V. Development and research of backfill compounds with improved elastic and strength properties for oil and gas well lining // Journal of Mining Institute. 2024. Vol. 268. p. 588-598. EDN OWJFHS
Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
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Analysis of the problems of high-quality drinking water extraction from underground water intakes on Vysotsky Island in the Vyborg district of the Leningrad region

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This article presents the results of drilling, experimental filtration work and laboratory studies aimed at assessing the resources and quality of groundwater in the licensed area of Vysotsky Island located in the Leningrad region, in the Gulf of Finland in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents. Analysis of the results of hydrochemical studies and their comparison with data on water intakes in adjacent areas gives the right to conclude that it is possible to classify a hydrogeological unit as a different type of resource formation than those located in the surrounding areas. Groundwater in this area is confined to an unexplored deep fractured regional high-pressure zone. According to the received data, the explored water intake can be attributed to a unique groundwater deposit, which has an uncharacteristic composition of groundwater in the north of the Leningrad region, which may be due to the mixing of modern sediments and relict waters of the Baltic glacial lake. The stability of groundwater characteristics is confirmed by long-term monitoring.

How to cite: Nikishin V.V., Blinov P.A., Fedorov V.V., Nikishina E.K., Tokarev I.V. Analysis of the problems of high-quality drinking water extraction from underground water intakes on Vysotsky Island in the Vyborg district of the Leningrad region // Journal of Mining Institute. 2023. Vol. 264. p. 937-948. EDN ZGVJSR
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Research and development of advanced technologies of drilling wells in complicated conditions

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The primary results of the research and engineering work of the Department of Technology and Technique of Well Drilling, carried out and completed in 2000, are presented. The main result of drilling long wells in the ice of Antarctica is the development of the project of environmentally safe opening of the subglacial Lake Vostok, a unique natural phenomenon, the complex study of which is of the greatest interest to the world scientific community. A 505 m long well with full core recovery was drilled on the Academy of Sciences glacier (Severnaya Zemlya archipelago) in the framework of the international environmental program PEGAIS. Geophysical measurements were carried out in the well. A new method of tubeless casing and sealing of anomalous intervals using a fusible binding material and a thermal plugging penetrator was developed. Basic theoretical and technological principles of liquidation plugging of hydrogeological wells with the use of economical and environmentally safe cementing mortar based on cheap mineral waste were developed. Effectively conducted research and experimental developments on the combined heat and hydrodynamic effects on low-productive sands to increase oil and gas production wells, clarified the laws of the hydro and foam core. New applied programs for PC were formed, allowing to increase adequacy of data and to expand the field of application in evaluation of regulation and stabilization of circulation and heat exchange processes during well sinking and development.

How to cite: Litvinenko V.S., Kudryashov B.B., Nikolaev N.I., Nifontov Y.A., Chistyakov V.K., Shelkovnikov I.G., Yakovlev A.M., Kozlov A.V., Vasilev N.I., Zubkov V.M., Dmitriev A.N., Solovev G.N., Talalai P.G., Nikishin V.V., Taninskii P.Y., Tsygelnyuk E.Y. Research and development of advanced technologies of drilling wells in complicated conditions // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. 147. p. 30-47.