Date submitted2024-03-11
Date accepted2024-11-07
Date published2025-03-06
Geochemical characteristics of weathering crusts on the Dzhezhimparma Ridge and the Nemskaya Upland (South Timan)
Numerous local varieties of weathering crusts are known in the South Timan. They differ in their position in the section, type of weathering products, substrates, and occurrence. The aim of the research is to identify patterns in the distribution of rock-forming, rare and rare earth elements and the composition of clay minerals in clay formations of the weathering crusts. The main task is to describe the occurrence and geochemical features that enable determining the genetic type and formation conditions of weathering crusts. The paper presents the results of a study of the distribution of petrogenic, rare earth, rare elements, and clay minerals in weathering crust of different ages, genetic types and occurrence conditions on the Dzhezhimparma Ridge and the Nemskaya Upland in the South Timan. We found that hydromica-kaolinite-type weathering crust is developed after the Late Riphean Dzhezhim Fm. rocks in the basement-cover contact zone on the Dzhezhimparma Upland, and the layer of fine-grained rock at the base of the Devonian section previously considered a weathering crust was formed as a result of mechanical destruction of the Devonian sandstones during movement in the thrust zone. In the Vadyavozh quarry located on the Nemskaya Upland, we studied and described the formations of Mesozoic-Cenozoic areal and linear weathering crusts after the Late Riphean Dzhezhim Fm. rocks. We found that micaceous siltstones in the siltstone-sandstone strata of the Dzhezhim Fm. are associated with the Riphean stage of crust formation and are composed of weathering crust material redeposited in the epicontinental basin.
Date submitted2024-05-17
Date accepted2024-10-14
Date published2024-11-12
Black shales – an unconventional source of noble metals and rhenium
The content of noble metals and rhenium in the Lower Paleozoic black shales of the eastern Baltic paleobasin in Russia was estimated. Shales are enriched in platinoids (PGM to 0.12 g/t) and rhenium (to 1.54 g/t). The main accessory elements of noble metals and Re are U, V, Mo, Cu, and Ni. Black shales consist of organic (9-26 rel.%), clay (40-60 rel.%), and silt-sandy (25-50 rel.%) components and a nodule complex (2-5 rel.%) (carbonate, sulfide, phosphate and silicate nodules). Noble metals occur sporadically in the silt-sandy admixture as native forms and intermetallics: Aunat, Au-Ag, Au-Cu, Au-(Cu)-Hg, Au-Hg, Ag-Cu, Pt-Fe. Micromineral phases of noble metals were found in diagenetic sulfides: Aunat, chalcopyrite with Au admixture, pyrite with platinoid admixture. Clay fraction is 10-fold enriched in noble metals as compared to shale – to 0.28 g/t Au, 0.55 g/t Pt, 1.05 g/t Pd, and 1.56 g/t Re. Organic matter sorbs noble metals to a limited extent but accumulates rhenium. Pore space of black shales contains a colloidal salt component (submicron fraction) which is represented by particles smaller than 1,000 nm. The share of submicron fraction in black shales is 0.1-6 wt.%. The submicron fraction contains on average: PGM – 14 g/t, Au – 0.85 g/t, and Re – 4.62 g/t. The geochemical resource of noble metals (Au, Pt, Pd), Re and the accessory elements (U, V, Mo, Cu, and Ni) for black shales as a whole and their submicron fraction was estimated. Black shales are recommended as an integrated source of raw materials.
Date submitted2024-05-03
Date accepted2024-09-05
Date published2024-11-12
Platinum group elements as geochemical indicators in the study of oil polygenesis
This study examines elements of the platinum group (PGE), primarily platinum and palladium, as geochemical indicators in the investigation of oil polygenesis. It has been found that, like other trace elements such as nickel, vanadium, and cobalt, platinum group elements and gold can occur in oil fields at both background levels and in elevated or even anomalously high concentrations. The objective of this research is to analyze PGE and trace elements as geochemical markers to identify the geological factors, including endogenous processes, responsible for these unusually high concentrations in oil. A comprehensive review of the literature on this subject was conducted, along with new data on the presence of precious metals in oils from Russia and globally. The study explores the geological mechanisms behind elevated PGE concentrations in oils, utilizing atomic absorption spectroscopy with atomization in the HGA-500 graphite furnace to measure PGE content. Previously, the tellurium co-deposition method (ISO 10478:1994) was used to isolate noble metals from associated elements. Possible geological origins of abnormally high concentrations of platinum metals in oils have been identified. These include endogenous factors such as the spatial proximity of oil fields to ultrabasic rock massifs, the effects of contact-metasomatic processes, and influences from mantle dynamics. Moreover, data concerning mantle elements can serve as indicators of the depth origins of certain hydrocarbon fluids, thus contributing to the study of oil polygenesis.
Date submitted2024-04-24
Date accepted2024-09-24
Date published2024-11-12
Study and justification of the combination of beneficiation processes for obtaining flake graphite from technogenic carbon-containing dusts
The most important task of modern production development is to provide the mineral and raw materials sector of the economy with resources included in the list of strategic raw materials, including flake graphite. In addition to natural raw materials, the source of its obtaining can be metallurgical production wastes not involved in processing. Development of metallurgical dust beneficiation technology will solve the problem of obtaining high-purity flake graphite with a crystal structure close to ideal and in demand in the production of high-tech materials. It will allow creating a renewable raw material base of graphite and utilising metallurgical production wastes. The research included the study of dust beneficiation by coarseness, magnetic and flotation methods, the influence of dust disintegration processes on beneficiation indicators. Based on the established technological properties of the components of dusts, magnetic, flotation and gravity beneficiation methods can be applied for their separation in different sequence. It is shown that dusts from different sites have different enrichability by these methods, and it should be taken into account when developing a complex technology of their processing. The degree of beneficiation increases in a row of dusts from the blast furnace shop (BF) – electric steel smelting shop (ESS) – oxygen-converter shop (OCS). The method of grinding has a significant influence on the separation indicators – at dry grinding in a centrifugal-impact mill with subsequent pneumatic classification the quality of graphite concentrates increases by 22.7 % of carbon for BF dust and by 13.48 % of carbon for ESS dust. OCS dust beneficiation indicators are high at coarse grinding with steel medium – mass fraction of carbon 96.1 %.
Date submitted2024-10-29
Date accepted2024-10-29
Date published2024-11-12
Study of thermodynamic processes of the Earth from the position of the genesis of hydrocarbons at great depths
In the context of significant depletion of traditional proven oil reserves in the Russian Federation and the inevitability of searching for new directions of study and expansion of the raw material base of hydrocarbon raw materials in hard-to-reach regions and on the Arctic shelf, a scientific search is underway for accumulations in complex geological conditions and in manifestations that differ significantly from traditional ones, which include the processes of oil and gas formation and preservation of oil and gas in low-permeability “shale” strata and in heterogeneous reservoirs at great and super-great depths. Within the oil and gas provinces of the world, drilling of a number of deep and super-deep wells has revealed deposits at great depths, established connections between hydrocarbon deposits and “traces” of hydrocarbon migration left in the core of deep wells, which has made it possible to significantly re-evaluate theoretical ideas on the issue of oil and gas formation conditions and the search for technologies aimed at solving applied problems. Modern geochemical, chromatographic, bituminological, coal petrographic and pyrolytic methods of studying oil and bitumoids extracted from the host rocks of deep well cores give a hope for identifying correlations in the oil-source system, revealing processes that determine the possibility of hydrocarbon formation and accumulation, and defining predictive criteria for oil and gas potential at great depths.
Date submitted2023-09-29
Date accepted2023-10-25
Date published2024-08-26
Laboratory studies of transformation of porosity and permeability and chemical composition of terrigenous reservoir rocks at exposure to hydrogen (using the example of the Bobrikovskii formations in the oil field in the northeast Volga-Ural oil and gas province)
The article describes the methodology for laboratory studies of reservoir rock exposure to hydrogen. The stages of sample research and the instruments used in the experiments are considered. A comparative analysis of the results of studies on porosity and permeability of core samples was performed. It was shown that after exposure to hydrogen, the porosity decreased by 4.6 %, and the permeability by 7.9 %. The analysis of correlation dependencies demonstrated a typical change in the relationship of these characteristics: after the samples exposure to hydrogen the scatter of the values increased and the correlation coefficient decreased, which indicates a change in the structure of the void space. Based on the research results, it was concluded that the decrease in porosity and permeability of the core samples occurred due to their minor compaction under the action of effective stresses. The chemical analysis of the rock showed no major difference in the composition of the basic oxides before and after exposure to hydrogen, which points to the chemical resistance of the studied formation to hydrogen. The experimental results showed that the horizon under consideration can be a storage of the hydrogen-methane mixture.
Date submitted2024-04-10
Date accepted2024-06-03
Date published2024-07-19
Combined method for processing spent acid etching solution obtained during manufacturing of titanium products
Possessing high strength, low density and significant chemical resistance, titanium has found wide application in various fields of the national economy – the chemical industry, aviation and rocket technology, mechanical engineering, medicine, etc. The production of titanium products is hampered by a fairly strong oxide film covering its surface. Removal of the oxide film from the surface of titanium workpieces is carried out by etching in solutions of mineral acids of various compositions. A spent acid etching solution (SAES) is formed, containing titanium salt and the remainder of unreacted acids. Almost all etching solutions contain HF and one of the strong acids. This is H2SO4, HCl or HNO3. Thus, the SAES includes ions of titanium, fluorine or chlorine, orsulfate, or nitrate. SAES is quite toxic and must be diluted or cleaned several times before being discharged into a reservoir. Most of the methods used to extract impurities contained in SAES lead to a decrease in their content. As a result of such purification, there is a loss of substances contained in SAES in significant quantities and of interest for further use. The work presents experimental results obtained from the combined processing of SAES containing titanium fluoride, hydrofluoric and hydrochloric acids. At the first stage, SAES is treated with sodium hydroxide. The resulting titanium hydroxide precipitate is filtered off. At the second stage, the filtrate containing sodium fluoride and chloride is processed in a membrane electrolyzer. In this case, not only the extraction of sodium salts from the filtrate occurs, but also the production of sodium hydroxide and a mixture of hydrofluoric and hydrochloric acids. Sodium hydroxide can be used for processing SAES, and a mixture of acids for etching titanium workpieces.
Date submitted2024-03-30
Date accepted2024-06-03
Date published2024-07-04
Preparation and use of complex titanium-containing coagulant from quartz-leucoxene concentrate
- Authors:
- Evgenii N. Kuzin
The search for the new high-efficiency reagents for wastewater treatment is a challenging and urgent task. Titanium-containing coagulants represent a new trend in water treatment and have a much higher efficiency that the traditional aluminium and iron-containing coagulants. The high cost of reagents significantly hinders their implementation. Complex titanium-containing reagents are coagulants prepared by modifying the traditional coagulants by adding 2.5-10.0 wt.% titanium compounds. In this work, titanium tetrachloride prepared from quartz-leucoxene concentrate was prehydrolyzed with subsequent double decomposition with sulfuric acid. The resulting mixture of hydrochloric and sulfuric acids was neutralized with aluminium hydroxide/oxide to form a self-hardening mixture (chemical dehydration). The sample of a complex sulfate-chloride titanium-containing coagulant was a mixture of AlCl3·6H2O – 5-20 wt.%, Al2(SO4)3·18H2O – 70-90 wt.% and TiOSO4 – 2.5-10.0 wt.%. It was proved that by changing the ratio of aluminium oxide/hydroxide and titanium tetrachloride at the stage of prehydrolysis and double decomposition, it is possible to obtain samples of a complex coagulant with different contents of the modifying additive of titanium compounds. An assessment of the coagulation properties of the complex reagent demonstrated its higher efficiency in cold water compared to aluminium sulfate. Studies on the use of the complex titanium-containing coagulant in the process of wastewater treatment from phosphate anions and suspended matter demonstrated its higher efficiency as compared to that of traditional reagents. The advantages of the prepared reagent are a reduction in the effective dose of the reagent, minimization of residual concentrations of pollutants in purified water, intensification of the processes of sedimentation and filtration of coagulation sludge. Purified water can be reused in the recycling water supply system. The use of quartz-leucoxene concentrate and titanium tetrachloride obtained from it as the source material would not only minimize the cost of the resulting complex coagulant, but also take a step towards the implementation of the Zero Waste concept.
Date submitted2024-04-09
Date accepted2024-06-03
Date published2024-07-04
Analysis of the geochemical barriers effectiveness as the basis for the use of nature-like water purification technologies
Nature-like technologies are being introduced into many human activities including mining wastewater treatment. This work is based on long-term studies of the Sibay copper-zinc-pyrite deposit development. It is dedicated to assessment of geochemical barriers effectiveness in Cu, Zn, Cd removal from water of the Karagayly River (receiving quarry and dump drainage water). The research is based on the elements’ content and forms in water and bottom sediments, pH values etc. Four types of hydrogeochemical environment (formed due to changes in the water use over the past 20 years) were distinguished using discriminant analysis. The mechanisms of barriers formation and destruction were described. Statistical modeling of the metals’ precipitation was performed by multivariate regression analysis. Cu is adsorbed by recently formed Fe hydroxides, and, to a lesser extent, precipitates with sulfates as water pH increases. Antagonism to Mn hydroxides has been demonstrated, due to different physicochemical conditions for their precipitation. Zn enters solid phase mainly with sulfates, this element also forms its own mineral phases. The second mechanism is adsorption by recently formed Mn hydroxides, which corresponds to the idea of similar conditions for the precipitation of metal hydroxides. Cd behavior reflects conditions intermediate between these of Cu and Zn. Contribution of both mechanisms (related to Fe hydroxides and aqueous sulfates) is equal. Antagonism to Mn is absent. According to the assessment results using of nature-like technologies in situ in watercourses, canals and other water drainage systems is promising. Developed statistical models can be used for needs of experimental studies and artificial geochemical barriers engineering.
Date submitted2024-01-18
Date accepted2024-05-02
Date published2024-12-25
Industrial clusters as an organizational model for the development of Russia petrochemical industry
The article explores the challenges facing Russia petrochemical industry over the past decade and examines the reasons behind its significant lag compared to other industrialized nations. It presents a review of academic research on clusters accompanied by a comparative analysis, generalization, and consolidation of factors influencing the development of the petrochemical industry in Russia. It is argued that advancing the petrochemical industry from production plants to integrated production complexes necessitates a shift towards clustering, which will improve resource utilization efficiency, bolster product competitiveness, and reduce production costs. The article examines and consolidates key cluster concepts, encompassing definitions, characteristics, composition, and constituent elements. It also examines strategic documents guiding the development of the petrochemical sector, assesses the progress made in forming petrochemical clusters in Russia, and draws upon European and Asian experiences and government support tools in the domain of petrochemical clusters. The successful development of petrochemical clusters in Russia is argued to be strongly dependent on state initiatives and support for infrastructure development. Additionally, the presence of research organizations within clusters is crucial for fostering high-tech product innovation and forming an efficient value chain that integrates research and development with specific assets. When establishing petrochemical clusters in Russia, it is essential to consider the unique characteristics of each cluster, including the types of raw materials and resources used, the necessary infrastructure, and the specific support measures and incentives provided by the state.
Date submitted2023-08-14
Date accepted2023-12-27
Date published2024-12-25
Modelling of compositional gradient for reservoir fluid in a gas condensate deposit with account for scattered liquid hydrocarbons
In oil and gas reservoirs with significant hydrocarbon columns the dependency of the initial hydrocarbon composition on depth – the compositional gradient – is an important factor in assessing the initial amounts of components in place, the position of the gas-oil contact, and variations of fluid properties throughout the reservoir volume. Known models of the compositional gradient are based on thermodynamic relations assuming a quasi-equilibrium state of a multi-component hydrodynamically connected hydrocarbon system in the gravity field, taking into account the influence of the natural geothermal gradient. The corresponding algorithms allow for calculation of changes in pressure and hydrocarbon fluid composition with depth, including determination of the gas-oil contact (GOC) position. Above and below the GOC, the fluid state is considered single-phase. Many oil-gas-condensate reservoirs typically have a small initial fraction of the liquid hydrocarbon phase (LHC) – scattered oil – within the gas-saturated part of the reservoir. To account for this phenomenon, a special modification of the thermodynamic model has been proposed, and an algorithm for calculating the compositional gradient in a gas condensate reservoir with the presence of LHC has been implemented. Simulation cases modelling the characteristic compositions and conditions of three real oil-gas-condensate fields are considered. The results of the calculations using the proposed algorithm show peculiarities of variations of the LHC content and its impact on the distribution of gas condensate mixture composition with depth. The presence of LHC leads to an increase in the level and possible change in the type of the fluid contact. The character of the LHC fraction dependency on depth can be different and is governed by the dissolution of light components in the saturated liquid phase. The composition of the LHC in the gas condensate part of the reservoir changes with depth differently than in the oil zone, where the liquid phase is undersaturated with light hydrocarbons. The results of the study are significant for assessing initial amounts of hydrocarbon components and potential efficiency of their recovery in gas condensate and oil-gas-condensate reservoirs with large hydrocarbon columns.
Date submitted2023-04-13
Date accepted2023-10-25
Date published2025-02-25
Assessment of the ecological state of aquatic ecosystems by studying lake bottom sediments
- Authors:
- Mariya A. Chukaeva
- Tatyana V. Sapelko
The article presents the results of coupled palynological and geochemical studies of five various genesis lakes, located along the route of the expedition “In the footsteps of Alexander von Humboldt in Siberia, Altai and Eastern Kazakhstan”, dedicated to the double anniversary: the 190th anniversary of the expedition across Russia of the famous scientist and his 250th birthday. A geochemical analysis of water and bottom sediments of Ik Lake (Siberia), Lakes Kolyvanskoe and Beloe (Altai), Lake Bezymyannoe (Kazakhstan) and Nagornyi Pond (Altai) was carried out. Based on their results an assessment of studied lakes ecological state was given through single and integral criteria. A high level of pollution was noted for Nagornyi Pond and Lake Bezymyannoe, which is caused by a significant technogenic load from nearby mines. This is consistent with the data of palynological research. The aquatic ecosystems of Lakes Kolyvanskoe and Beloe are characterized by a satisfactory ecological situation, but they experience an increased recreational load. The results of spore-pollen analysis and analysis of non-pollen palynomorphs showed the low ability of these lakes to self-healing. The most favorable ecological state and high self-cleaning capacity were noted for Lake Ik, which is consistent with the data of palynological studies. It is being confirmed with the results of palynological studies. It was therefore concluded about the ability to make a quick assessment of the aquatic ecosystems’ ecological state by studying lakes using coupled palynological and geochemical analysis.
Date submitted2022-09-26
Date accepted2023-09-20
Date published2024-04-25
Technology of absorption elimination with cross-linking plugging material based on cement and cross-linked polymer
The peculiarity of the geological structure of carbonate reservoirs is their complex permeability and porosity characteristics, reflecting the simultaneous presence of cavities variety (fractures, caverns, pores). Loss of circulation during penetration of fractured rock intervals significantly increases well construction time due to lack of efficient plugging isolation compositions. The main disadvantages of traditional compositions are high sensitivity to dilution in the process of their injection into the absorption zone, as well as insufficient structural strength to prevent the isolation composition from spreading during the induction period. For efficient isolation of catastrophic absorption zones in conditions of high opening of absorption channels a new cross-linking plugging isolation composition has been developed, which allows to exclude disadvantages of traditional isolation compositions. Application of the composition will allow to reduce the injection volume of the isolation composition and the time of isolation works due to its resistance to dilution and movement of formation water in the absorption interval.
Date submitted2022-10-30
Date accepted2023-09-20
Date published2024-02-29
Combined method of phytoremediation and electrical treatment for cleaning contaminated areas of the oil complex
The scale of land pollution with oil waste necessitates the use of economical and effective methods of recultivation. Phytoremediation is one of the simplest methods, but it has a number of limitations, so additional preparation of the territory is often required before it is carried out. Preliminary electrical preparation and subsequent seeding of special phytoremediants are of interest. Passing a constant electric current through the soil volume under a low voltage removes toxicants from deep soil layers even with flooding. In addition, it reduces pollutant content in the upper layer, where the plants root system is located, which creates more favorable conditions for phytoremediants. Adequately selected types of plants will ensure additional soil cleaning, improve its structure and air exchange. The results of two research directions are presented. Experiments on the study of plant resistance to oil-contaminated soil substrate allowed establishing contamination thresholds at which it is advisable to sow a particular species, and to choose optimal phytoremediants. The study of the oil-containing soil cleaning in a monocathodocentric electrochemical installation with the fixation of main characteristics (oil products concentration, soil temperature, volt-ampere characteristics) allows us to develop technical measures to prepare territories for phytoremediation taking into account the relief features.
Date submitted2022-07-10
Date accepted2023-06-20
Date published2024-02-29
Mathematical modeling of the electric field of an in-line diagnostic probe of a cathode-polarized pipeline
A mathematical model of the in-line control of the insulation resistance state for cathodically polarized main pipelines according to electrometry data is considered. The relevance of the work is caused by the opportunity to create in-line internal isolation defects indicators of the main pipelines for transported liquids that are good conductors and expand the functionality of monitoring and controlling cathodic protection systems of the main pipelines. Features of the mathematical model are: consideration of the electric conductivity of transported liquid influence on electric field distribution; consideration of the influence of external and internal insulating coating resistance; use of the electric field of an in-line diagnostic probe for quality control of internal insulation. Practical significance consists in the development of modeling methods for control subsystems of main pipeline protection against corrosion and the development of special mathematical and algorithmic support systems for monitoring and controlling the operating modes of the cathodic protection station of main pipelines.
Date submitted2022-12-01
Date accepted2023-01-19
Date published2023-12-25
Inclusions of diamond crystals in the tourmaline of the schorl-uvite series: problems of genesis
The mineralogical and geochemical features of diamond-bearing tourmaline crystals (schorl-uvite series) from garnet-clinopyroxene rocks of the Kumdy-Kol deposit (Northern Kazakhstan) have been studied in detail. The formation of the main rock-forming minerals (garnet + K-bearing clinopyroxene) occurred in the diamond stability field at 4-6 GPa and 950-1000 °C. Crystallization of K-bearing clinopyroxene at these parameters is possible in the presence of an ultra-potassic fluid or melt formed because of crustal material melting in subduction zones. Tourmaline crystals (up to 1 cm) containing diamond inclusions perform veins crosscutting high-pressure associations. The composition of individual zones varies from schorl to uvite within both a single grain and the sample as a whole. The potassium content in this tourmaline does not exceed 0.1 wt.% K2O, and the isotopic composition of boron δ11B varies from –10 to –15.5 ‰, which significantly differs from the previously established isotopic composition of boron in maruyamaite crystals (δ11B 7.7 ‰ in the core and –1.2 ‰ in the rim) of the same deposit. Analysis of the obtained data on δ11B in the tourmalines from the diamond-grade metamorphic rocks within the Kumdy-Kol deposit suggests the existence of two boron sources that resulted in crystallization of K-bearing tourmaline crystals (maruyamaite-dravite series) and potassium-free tourmalines of the schorl-uvite series.
Date submitted2021-02-12
Date accepted2022-07-26
Date published2022-11-10
Manifestation of incompatibility of marine residual fuels: a method for determining compatibility, studying composition of fuels and sediment
- Authors:
- Radel R. Sultanbekov
- Andrey M. Schipachev
The results of studying the problem of active sediment formation when mixing residual fuels, caused by manifestation of incompatibility, are presented. A laboratory method has been developed for determining the compatibility and stability of fuels allowing identification of a quantitative characteristic of sediment formation activity. Laboratory studies were performed, and incompatible fuel components were identified. Tests were made to determine the quality indicators of samples and group individual composition of fuels. Results on the content of total and inorganic carbon in the obtained sediments were determined using Shimadzu TOC-V SSM 5000A. Chemical composition was determined and calculated on LECO CHN-628 analyser. Group composition of hydrocarbon fuels contained in the sediment was studied by gas chromato-mass spectrometry on GCMS-QP2010 Ultra Shimadzu. To obtain additional information on the structural group composition of fuel sediment, IR spectrometry was performed on IR-Fourier spectrometer IRAffinity-1. X-ray diffraction analysis of sediment samples was made using X-ray diffractometer XRD-7000 Shimadzu; interplanar distances d002 and d100 as well as Lс and Lа crystallite sizes served as the evaluation criteria. Microstructural analysis of total sediment was performed by scanning electron microscopy. The results of the research confirmed that the content of normal alkanes in the fuel mixture mainly affects sediment formation. Recommendations were drawn on preserving the quality of fuels and reducing sediment formation during storage and transportation.
Date submitted2022-04-11
Date accepted2022-06-15
Date published2022-07-26
Magma feeding paleochannel in the Monchegorsk ore region: geochemistry, isotope U-Pb and Sm-Nd analysis (Kola region, Russia)
A comprehensive study of a 340 m thick lenticular-sheet body of ultramafic composition penetrated by structural well M-1 at a depth of about 2.2 km was accomplished. Its main volume is composed of plagioharzburgite; fine-grained rocks of norite and orthopyroxenite chilling zones are preserved on endocontacts. The rocks of the body are similar in composition to the rocks near the underlying ore-bearing layered intrusion – the Monchepluton. The age of intrusion of the ultramafic body is 2510 ± 9 Ma (U-Pb, ID-TIMS, zircon) and, taking into account analytical errors, is comparable with the formation period of the Monchepluton (2507-2498 Ma). According to the study of the Sm-Nd system in rocks and minerals, a positive value of the e Nd (+1.1) parameter was established, similar to that in dunites and chromitites of the Monchepluton. Based on these results, the ultramafic body penetrated at depth was assigned to the magma feeding paleochannel through which the ultramafic, weakly contaminated magma entered the overlying magma chamber. This body is a unique example of a magma-feeding system for the ore-bearing layered intrusion of Precambrian age.
Date submitted2021-09-17
Date accepted2022-04-07
Date published2022-12-29
Technique for calculating technological parameters of non-Newtonian liquids injection into oil well during workover
Technique for automated calculation of technological parameters for non-Newtonian liquids injection into a well during workover is presented. At the first stage the algorithm processes initial flow or viscosity curve in order to determine rheological parameters and coefficients included in equations of rheological models of non-Newtonian fluids. At the second stage, based on data from the previous stage, the program calculates well design and pump operation modes, permissible values of liquid flow rate and viscosity, to prevent possible hydraulic fracturing. Based on the results of calculations and dependencies, a decision is made on the necessity of changing the technological parameters of non-Newtonian liquid injection and/or its composition (components content, chemical base) in order to prevent the violation of the technological operation, such as unintentional formation of fractures due to hydraulic fracturing. Fracturing can lead to catastrophic absorptions and, consequently, to increased consumption of technological liquids pumped into the well during workover. Furthermore, there is an increased risk of uncontrolled gas breakthrough through highly conductive channels.
Date submitted2021-08-05
Date accepted2021-11-30
Date published2021-12-27
Morozkinskoye gold deposit (southern Yakutia): age and ore sources
The paper presents the results of the comprehensive isotope geochemical (Re-Os, Pb and δ 34 S) study of sulfide mineralization of the Morozkinskoye deposit. The ore zones of the deposit are localized in the syenite massif of Mount Rudnaya, which is located within the Central Aldan ore region (southern Yakutia). Gold mineralization is represented by vein-disseminated or vein type mineralization and is manifested in acidic low-temperature metasomatites – beresites (Qz-Ser-Ank-Py). For the first time we obtained an age estimate of the gold mineralization ~ 129 ± 3 Ma, which the synchronism of the hydrothermal ore process in the beresites, which formed the Morozkinskoye deposit, and magmatic crystallization of the syenites of Mount Rudnaya (~130 Ma). The osmium initial isotopic composition of the studied sulfides indicates a mixed mantle-crustal source of sulfide mineralization. New lead isotopic data of syenites indicate the predominance of mantle lead and an insignificant role of the lower – crust lead, while the isotopic composition of pyrite denotes the presence of the upper crustal material in the ore genesis. The sulfide δ 34 S values vary from –2.3 to +0.6 ‰ and indicate a predominantly magmatic source of sulfur in the ores.
Date submitted2021-04-27
Date accepted2021-11-30
Date published2021-12-27
Regularities of electrochemical cleaning of oil-contaminated soils
Electrochemical cleaning of oil-contaminated soils is a promising area of environmental safety, as it can be easily organized even in locations remote from settlements. For this purpose, a power source and a system of electrodes are necessary as equipment. It is possible to use an electric generator if there are no power supply lines nearby. The material of electrodes affects the features of redox processes, which can affect the energy consumption and the degree of soil cleansing from oil or oil products. Therefore, the correct choice of electrode materials is one of the important tasks in the field of engineering electrochemical methods of purification. Changes in the main parameters (humidity, temperature, degree of acidity) in an oil-contaminated model soil, similar in composition to one of the oil fields, were investigated. Measurements of parameters when using graphite and metal electrodes were carried out at several fixed sections of the interelectrode space depending on the treatment time. The established patterns of parameter changes in the purification of oil-contaminated soils allow us to draw conclusions about the stages of the electrochemical process, its speed, and energy efficiency. The results obtained form a basis for designing industrial facilities for soil treatment.
Date submitted2021-04-30
Date accepted2021-11-30
Date published2021-12-27
Methodology for testing pipeline steels for resistance to grooving corrosion
- Authors:
- Viktor I. Bolobov
- Grigoriy G. Popov
The methodology for testing pipeline steels is suggested on the assumption that for the destruction of pipes in field oil pipelines by the mechanism of grooving corrosion the simultaneous fulfillment of such conditions as the occurrence of scratches on the lower generatrix of the pipe, eventually growing into a channel in the form of a groove, emulsion enrichment with oxygen, presence of pipe wall metal in a stressed state, presence of chlorine-ion in the oil-water emulsion is required. Tests are suggested to be carried out in 3 % aqueous solution of NaCl with continuous aeration by air on bent plates 150×15×3 mm, made of the analyzed steel, the middle part of which is under the action of residual stresses σ res , close to the level of maximum equivalent stresses σ eqv in the wall of the oil pipeline, with the presence of a cut on this part on the inner side of the plate as an initiator of additional mechanical stresses. Using the value of the modulus of normal elasticity of the analyzed steel, the degree of residual strain of the elastic-plastic body from this material, corresponding to the value σ res ≈ σ eqv is calculated, based on which the plates are bent to the required deflection angle, after which the cut is applied to them. After keeping the plates in the corrosive medium for each of them the increase in depth of the cut as a result of corrosion of the walls by the corrosive medium is analyzed, from which the rate of steel K by the mechanism of grooving corrosion is calculated taking into account the duration of tests. Corrosion rate values for two pipe steel grades determined by the suggested procedure are given. The comparison of K values obtained leads to the conclusion about the higher resistance to grooving corrosion of 09G2S steel.
Date submitted2021-04-11
Date accepted2021-10-18
Date published2021-12-16
Comprehensive assessment and analysis of the oil and gas potential of Meso-Cenozoic sediments in the North Caucasus
- Authors:
- Igor I. Bosikov
- Andrey V. Мaier
At the present stage, the development of the oil and gas industry in the Russian Federation is impossible without replenishing the raw material base, so the urgent task is to conduct investigations, prospecting and evaluation of oil and gas bearing capacity prospects in undiscovered areas. The purpose of the investigations is to analyze facies and thicknesses, choose the methodology of prospecting and exploration in reservoirs, make a comprehensive assessment of oil and gas bearing capacity prospects based on experimental investigations and construct a map of oil and gas bearing capacity prospects of the studied sediment structure. The methodology of the conducted investigations was to identify and trace zones of increased fracturing by qualitative interpretation of time seismic sections. Methods for qualitative interpretation of time seismic sections, the model of physical, chemical and geochemical criteria developed by I.A.Burlakov, gas and geochemical surveying and correlation analysis were used in the investigations. A number of prospecting criteria, established based on the analysis of reference seismic materials on well-studied areas in comparison with the results of well tests, were also used. Structural plan for forecast prospects of oil and gas bearing capacity in the studied area was made; zonal and local objects with prospects for oil and gas were identified. Graphical plotting of Eh and pH concentrations distribution and various gas and geochemical indicators allowed identifying zones of possible oil and gas accumulations and starting their detailed survey. Processing of gas and geochemical materials by means of software allowed efficient assessment of prospects for oil and gas bearing capacity of the investigated objects.
Date submitted2021-02-09
Date accepted2021-07-27
Date published2021-10-21
Development of an algorithm for determining the technological parameters of acid composition injection during treatment of the near-bottomhole zone, taking into account economic efficiency
Relevance of the research is due to the low proportion of successful hydrochloric acid treatments of near-bottomhole zones of carbonate reservoirs in the Perm region caused by insufficiently careful design and implementation of measures to stimulate oil production. Within the framework of this article, the development of a program is presented, which is based on an algorithm that allows determining the volume and rate of injection for an acid composition into a productive formation corresponding to the maximum economic efficiency during hydrochloric acid treatment. Essence of the proposed algorithm is to find the greatest profit from measures to increase oil recovery, depending on the cost of its implementation and income from additionally produced oil. Operation of the algorithm is carried out on the principle of enumerating the values of the volume and rate of injection for the acid composition and their fixation when the maximum difference between income and costs, corresponding to the given technological parameters of injection, is reached. The methodology is based on Dupuis's investigations on the filtration of fluids in the formation and the results of the experiments by Duckord and Lenormand on the study of changes in the additional filtration resistance in the near-well zone of the formation when it is treated with an acid composition. When analyzing and including these investigations into the algorithm, it is noted that the developed technique takes into account a large number of factors, including the lithological and mineralogical composition of rocks, technological parameters of the injection of a working agent and its properties, well design, filtration properties of the formation, properties of well products. The article provides an algorithm that can be implemented without difficulty using any programming language, for example, Pascal. Selection of the optimal values for the volume and rate of injection is presented in this paper, using the example of a production well at the Chaikinskoye oil field, located within the Perm region. Introduction of the developed algorithm into the practice of petroleum engineering will allow competent and effective approach to the design of hydrochloric acid treatments in carbonate reservoirs without a significant investment of time and additional funds.
Date submitted2020-06-16
Date accepted2021-03-29
Date published2021-09-20
Empirical regularities investigation of rock mass discharge by explosion on the free surface of a pit bench
- Authors:
- Igor A. Alenichev
- Ruslan A. Rakhmanov
Minimizing the discharge of blasted rock mass into the developed space of the pit is a very relevant area for study, as it allows to increase the processability of work and reduce the cost of mining. The article presents the results of experimental industrial explosions, during which the study of this issue was conducted. The main purpose of the work was to establish the key factors affecting the volume of rock mass discharge to the pit haulage berm. During the analysis of the world experience of research on this topic, the key factors affecting the formation of collapse and discharge – natural and technological – are identified. The method of conducting experiments and collecting data for analyzing the influence of technological parameters of location, charging and initiation of wells on the volume of rock mass discharge is described. It is established that the main discharge to the pit haulage berm is formed by the volume of rock mass limited by the prism of the slope angle. With a sufficient rock mass displacement from the edge of the bench crest towards the center of the block, only the wells of the 1st and 2nd rows participate in the discharge formation. Empirical dependences of the total volume of rock mass discharge on the length of the block along the bench crest, the specific consumption of explosives, the size of a rock piece P 50 and the rate of rock breaking are obtained. The obtained results can be used to design the parameters of the drilling and blasting operations (DBO), as well as to predict and evaluate the possible consequences of a mass explosion in similar mining and geological conditions.