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brown semi-desert soil

Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
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Environmental assessment of biochar application for remediation of oil-contaminated soils under various economic uses

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Remediation is an important area of oil-contaminated soil restoration in Russia, since oil refining industry is the major one for Russia and neighbouring countries, and the issues of environmentally effective and economically profitable remediation of oil contamination have not yet been solved. Soils under various economic uses have different surface areas and degrees of soil particles envelopment with oil due to the presence or absence of cultivation, the amount of precipitation and plant litter. The introduction of various substances for remediation into oil-contaminated soils of steppes (arable land), forests, and semi-deserts, considering their differences, gives different results. Biochar is coal obtained by pyrolysis at high temperatures and in the absence of oxygen. The uniqueness of this coal lies in the combination of biostimulating and adsorbing properties. The purpose of the study is to conduct an environmental assessment of biochar application for remediation of oil-contaminated soils under various economic uses. The article compares the environmental assessments of biochar application in oil-contaminated soils with different particle size fraction. The following indicators of soil bioactivity were determined: enzymes, indicators of initial growth and development intensity of radish, microbiological indicators. We found that the most informative bioindicator correlating with residual oil content is the total bacteria count, and the most sensitive ones are the roots length (ordinary chernozem and brown forest soil) and the shoots length (brown semi-desert soil). The use of biochar on arable land and in forest soil (ordinary chernozem and brown forest soil) is less environmentally efficient than in semi-desert soil (brown semi-desert soil). The study results can serve to develop measures and managerial and technical solutions for remediation of oil-contaminated soils under various economic uses.

How to cite: Minnikova T.V., Kolesnikov S.I. Environmental assessment of biochar application for remediation of oil-contaminated soils under various economic uses // Journal of Mining Institute. 2025. Vol. 271. p. 84-94. EDN UOQKTG
Economic Geology
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Public-private partnership in the mineral resources sector of Russia: how to implement the classical model?

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A comparative financial and economic analysis is conducted of different public-private partnership (PPP) models for industrial infrastructure construction projects in an underdeveloped resource-rich region. The Stackelberg game theory-based model is used to build a parametrized family of bilevel mathematical programming models that describe an entire spectrum of partnership schemes. This approach enables a comparison of different strategies for the distribution of infrastructure investments between the government and the subsoil user and hence a scenario of transformation of Russia’s current PPP scheme into the classical partnership model, which is practiced in developed economies. To this end, a database is created on fifty polymetallic deposits in Transbaikalia, and a comparative analysis is conducted of Stackelberg-equilibrium development programs that implement different PPP models. The numerical experiment results show the classical PPP model to be most effective in the case of a budget deficit. The analysis helps assess the economic consequences of a gradual transformation of the partnership institution in industrial infrastructure construction from investor support in the Russian model to government support in the classical scheme. Intermediate partnership models, which act as a transitional institution, help reduce the budget burden. These models can be implemented by clustering the deposits, developing subsoil user consortia, and practicing shared construction of necessary transport and energy infrastructure. The intensification of horizontal connections between subsoil users creates favorable conditions for additional effects from the consolidation of resources and can serve as a foundation for a practical partnership scheme within the framework of the classical model.

How to cite: Lavlinskii S.M., Panin A.A., Plyasunov A.V. Public-private partnership in the mineral resources sector of Russia: how to implement the classical model? // Journal of Mining Institute. 2025. p. EDN VQCWOF
Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
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Normalized impulse response testing in underground constructions monitoring

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Impulse Response testing is a widespread geophysical technique of monolithic plate-like structures (foundation slabs, tunnel lining, and supports for vertical, inclined and horizontal mine shafts, retaining walls) contact state and grouting quality evaluation. Novel approach to data processing based on normalized response attributes analysis is presented. It is proposed to use the energy of the normalized signal calculated in the time domain and the normalized spectrum area and the average-weighted frequency calculated in the frequency domain as informative parameters of the signal. The proposed technique allows users a rapid and robust evaluation of underground structure’s grouting or contact state quality. The advantage of this approach is the possibility of using geophysical equipment designed for low strain impact testing of piles length and integrity to collect data. Experimental study has been carried out on the application of the technique in examining a tunnel lining physical model with a known position of the loose contact area. As examples of the application of the methodology, the results of the several monolitic structures of operating municipal and transport infrastructure underground structures survey are presented. The applicability of the technique for examining the grouting of the tunnel lining and the control of injection under the foundation slabs is confirmed. For data interpretation the modified three-sigma criteria and the joint analysis of the attribute’s behavior were successfully used. The features of the field work methodology, data collection and analysis are discussed in detail. Approaches to the techniques' development and its application in the framework of underground constructions monitoring are outlined. The issues arising during acoustic examination of reinforced concrete plate-like structures are outlined.

How to cite: Churkin A.A., Kapustin V.V., Pleshko M.S. Normalized impulse response testing in underground constructions monitoring // Journal of Mining Institute. 2024. Vol. 270. p. 963-976. EDN BPIOTO
Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
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Natural carbon matrices based on brown coal, humic acids and humine extracted from it for purification of aqueous solutions from low molecular weight organic impurities

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Heterogeneous systems including natural carbon matrices in the solid phase and aqueous solutions of low molecular weight organic compounds with positive and negative variations from ideality in the liquid phase are considered. The technical characterization of the considered supramolecular ensembles on the basis of brown coal of the Kara-Keche deposit (Kyrgyzstan), humic acids and humine extracted from it is given. Functional analysis of the samples was carried out using FTIR spectroscopy. The morphology of the surface of the considered carbon matrices has been investigated, in different points of which the local microelement composition has been established. An X-ray phase analysis of Kara-Keche brown coal and humic acids and humine extracted from it was carried out. The isothermal adsorption of bipolar molecules of glycine and urea, neutral D-glucose from aqueous solutions on solid carbon sorbents has been studied. An assumption has been made about the adsorption of low molecular weight organic compounds from aqueous solutions on humine and Kara-Keche coal in irregularities and pores of the carbon matrix of sorbents, for humic acids – on surface reaction centers. Due to its developed pore structure and resistance to acids and alkalis, humine from Kara-Keche coal is recommended for the purification of industrial wastewater from low molecular weight organic ecotoxicants.

How to cite: Karabaev S.O., Kharchenko A.V., Gainullina I.P., Kudryavtseva V.A., Shigaeva T.D. Natural carbon matrices based on brown coal, humic acids and humine extracted from it for purification of aqueous solutions from low molecular weight organic impurities // Journal of Mining Institute. 2024. Vol. 267. p. 402-412. EDN JJOYKR
Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
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Assessing the effectiveness of sewage sludge in the reclamation of disturbed areas in the Kola subarctic zone (a case study of a sand quarry)

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An assessment was made of the effectiveness of reclamation using sewage sludge for the accelerated formation of a stable erosion-proof vegetation cover on the unproductive anthropogenic soil of a sand quarry in the context of the Kola North. The experiment, launched in 2017, included three treatments: control – no treatment, experiment 1 – fragmentary (50 %) application of sewage sludge, experiment 2 – continuous application. In the sixth growing season, anthropogenic soil samples were examined, and measurements of CO2 emissions were carried out. It was shown that the application of sewage sludge had a positive effect on the physicochemical and agrochemical properties of the soils: in situ pH and density decreased, hygroscopicity increased, available phosphorus and potassium increased. Significant differences (p < 0.05) were found between CO2 emissions in the control and experimental treatments. The content of organic carbon in the control treatment was lower than in the experimental ones; under fragmentary application of sewage sludge, it was three times lower, and under continuous application, it was nine times lower. Significant (p < 0.05) differences in the content of carbon and nitrogen in cold and hot water extracts between control and treatment samples were found under continuous application of sewage sludge. At the same time, by calculating the C/N ratio, a very low level of nitrogen was found in the humus. The main factors behind the variability of the estimated parameters were identified – the treatment itself and the method of its application, the contribution of the treatment alone was 60 %, the contribution of the application method was 14 %. Taking into account the economic factors, fragmentary application of sewage sludge onto the anthropogenic sand quarry soil is recommended to support the establishment of a stable erosion-proof phytocenosis.

How to cite: Ivanova L.A., Slukovskaya M.V., Krasavtseva E.A. Assessing the effectiveness of sewage sludge in the reclamation of disturbed areas in the Kola subarctic zone (a case study of a sand quarry) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2024. Vol. 267. p. 444-452. EDN FNAPXK
Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
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Comprehensive utilization of urban wastewater sludge with production of technogenic soil

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The article presents the analysis of the existing approach to wastewater sludge treatment and justifies the selection of the most promising management technology that allows maximum use of wastewater sludge resource po-tential. To obtain a useful product (biocompost) suitable for use as part of technogenic soil, experimental studies of aerobic stabilization of organic matter of dehydrated urban wastewater sludge with the addition of other waste by using passive composting technology were carried out. The technology is included in the list of best available technologies (BAT). The selection of the most optimal components for the mixture was based on the results of determining the C and N content, humidity and pH of the components used that ensured the composting of organic waste. The results of laboratory studies of the obtained biocompost according to the main agrochemical and sanitary-epidemiological indicators are presented. Testing was carried out according to the criterion of toxicity of the biocompost’s aqueous extract. The assessment of the technogenic soil was performed when using biocompost in its composition for compliance with existing hygienic requirements for soil quality in the Russian Federation. Based on the results of the vegetation experiment, optimal formulations of the technogenic soil were determined, i.e., the ratio of biocompost and sand, under which the most favorable conditions for plant growth are observed according to a combination of factors such as the number of germinated seeds, the maximum height of plants and the amount of biomass. The conducted research makes it possible to increase the proportion of recycled urban wastewater sludge in the future to obtain soils characterized by a high degree of nutrient availability for plants and potentially suitable for use in landscaping, the biological stage of reclamation of technogenically disturbed lands, as well as for growing herbaceous plants in open and protected soil.

How to cite: Bykova M.V., Malyukhin D.M., Nagornov D.O., Duka A.A. Comprehensive utilization of urban wastewater sludge with production of technogenic soil // Journal of Mining Institute. 2024. Vol. 267. p. 453-465. EDN IAYJKS
Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
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Potential use of water treatment sludge for the reclamation of small-capacity sludge collectors

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In small settlements, collectors for the sludge produced during water treatment processes are small-sized and located in the vicinity of drinking water storage reservoirs or in coastal areas. Sludge removal is not economical. Besides, the relief depressions formed after sludge disposal are required to be reclaimed. In ore mining regions, where the main settlements of the Urals are located, sludge produced in water treatment has high contents of heavy metals typical of ore mining provinces. Consequently, places of sludge accumulation are potential sources of water pollution. The article discusses the possibility to mix sludge with slaked lime and local overburden with the help of special equipment. So far water treatment sludge in the region has been used to reclaim the surface of solid waste landfills by creating anaerobic conditions for waste decomposition. When placed inside the embankment dams as an independent object, sludge needs to be improved for the increase of its bearing capacity and the ability to bind heavy metals. The article aims at the substantiation of the composition and properties of the reclamation material made of the water treatment sludge mixed with local overburden and slaked lime (technosoil). For this reason the paper describes the composition of the sludge in a sludge collector, the composition and properties of the overburden rocks as a component of the mixtures with water treatment sludge, the composition and properties of the mixtures of water treatment sludge with overburden rocks and Ca(OH)2 as a component dewatering sludge and neutralizing toxicants. Furthermore, the research work provides the technology created for the optimal processing of the water treatment sludge in the process of the reclamation of a sludge collector. The research results and the experience obtained in reclamation of disturbed lands in the region have confirmed the possible use of technosoil for the reclamation of small-capacity sludge collectors. The analysis of the chemical composition and physical and mechanical properties of the mixtures under study has shown that the most economical and environmentally sound reclamation material is a mixture of water treatment sludge, loose overburden dump soils and Ca(OH)2 in a ratio of 60 : 30 : 10 %.

How to cite: Guman O.M., Antonova I.A. Potential use of water treatment sludge for the reclamation of small-capacity sludge collectors // Journal of Mining Institute. 2024. Vol. 267. p. 466-476. EDN MSIDNU
Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
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Structure maintenance experience and the need to control the soils thermal regime in permafrost areas

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The risks of reducing the stability of buildings and structures are increasing in conditions of climate change and the active development of the territories under the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors. The main causes include: loss of the bearing capacity of frozen soils, various geocryological processes, errors at the stages of design, construction and operation of facilities. Main actual task when conducting research and industrial operations in the cryolithozone is monitoring and, if necessary, managing thermal processes in the permafrost layers interacting with facilities. In this article the obtained positive experience of various technologies applying at various stages of the life cycle of civil and industrial facilities was analyzed. It helps to eliminate or prevent the structure deformation or destruction under the influence of climate change. The methods of permafrost stabilization used in the oil and gas industry in process of industrial infrastructure development of the fields have been studied – freezing (cooling) of foundation soils during construction on heterogeneous foundations. The solution to the problems of minimizing accidents when locating production wells in the permafrost zone of the Yamal Peninsula is considered using the example of an oil and gas condensate field and restoring of the temperature regime of perennial unfrozen soils in areas of valve units of main gas pipelines. An assessment of methods used to maintain the industrial and residential infrastructure within the northern municipalities that ensure the functioning of the fuel and energy complex of the Russian Federation in the Arctic was made. The systems of thermal stabilization in the foundations of buildings and industrial facilities built and operated on permafrost soils allow to fully use the high strength and low deformability of frozen grounds. It ensures the state's long-term plans of the industrial development in the Arctic.

How to cite: Brushkov A.V., Alekseev A.G., Badina S.V., Drozdov D.S., Dubrovin V.A., Zhdaneev O.V., Zheleznyak M.N., Melnikov V.P., Okunev S.N., Osokin A.B., Ostarkov N.A., Sadurtinov M.R., Sergeev D.O., Fedorov R.Y., Frolov K.N. Structure maintenance experience and the need to control the soils thermal regime in permafrost areas // Journal of Mining Institute. 2023. Vol. 263. p. 742-756. EDN IMQTQY
Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
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Combined method of phytoremediation and electrical treatment for cleaning contaminated areas of the oil complex

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The scale of land pollution with oil waste necessitates the use of economical and effective methods of recultivation. Phytoremediation is one of the simplest methods, but it has a number of limitations, so additional preparation of the territory is often required before it is carried out. Preliminary electrical preparation and subsequent seeding of special phytoremediants are of interest. Passing a constant electric current through the soil volume under a low voltage removes toxicants from deep soil layers even with flooding. In addition, it reduces pollutant content in the upper layer, where the plants root system is located, which creates more favorable conditions for phytoremediants. Adequately selected types of plants will ensure additional soil cleaning, improve its structure and air exchange. The results of two research directions are presented. Experiments on the study of plant resistance to oil-contaminated soil substrate allowed establishing contamination thresholds at which it is advisable to sow a particular species, and to choose optimal phytoremediants. The study of the oil-containing soil cleaning in a monocathodocentric electrochemical installation with the fixation of main characteristics (oil products concentration, soil temperature, volt-ampere characteristics) allows us to develop technical measures to prepare territories for phytoremediation taking into account the relief features.

How to cite: Shulaev N.S., Kadyrov R.R., Pryanichnikova V.V. Combined method of phytoremediation and electrical treatment for cleaning contaminated areas of the oil complex // Journal of Mining Institute. 2024. Vol. 265. p. 147-155. EDN WJRQDO
Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
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Geomechanical analysis of the impact of the new tunnels construction in the vicinity of existing underground subway structures on the state of the soil massif

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The specificity of the behavior of the soil massif near the tunnel under construction in difficult mining conditions is considered. It was revealed through the joint interpretation of the results of geophysical measurements in the tunnel and computer simulation. The results of field geophysical studies to identify areas of decompacted soil behind the lining in two existing tunnels during successive drilling of two new tunnels under them are described. A method to analyze the response of the lining to impact was used providing for the calculation of its energy. It has been established that the decompaction zones are mainly located in the lateral lower areas of the tunnel. To substantiate the mechanism of formation of cavities, computer simulations were carried out using the finite element method with the COMSOL Multiphysics software. The finite element model is built on the Drucker – Prager criterion in the variant of a two-dimensional problem statement. It is shown that at the initial position of two old tunnels, the areas of decompaction can develop mainly on the sides. The position of the zones changes significantly when excavating two new tunnels. Soil decompaction zones appear between the tunnels and there is a tendency for the areas to spread to the upper point of the tunnel. According to geophysical data time delays in the impact of new tunnels on the existing line are noted, as well as a decrease in the size of decompacted soil areas over time. There is a satisfactory agreement between the positions of the decompaction areas and voids obtained by the geophysical method and the results of numerical simulation.

How to cite: Nabatov V.V., Voznesenskii A.S. Geomechanical analysis of the impact of the new tunnels construction in the vicinity of existing underground subway structures on the state of the soil massif // Journal of Mining Institute. 2023. Vol. 264. p. 926-936. EDN JNNOAW
Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
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Geochemical properties and transformation of the microelement composition of soils during the development of primary diamond deposits in Yakutia

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Extraction of diamonds from primary deposits in Siberia is associated with the development of kimberlite pipes in challenging environmental conditions, accompanied by a complex impact on the environment. The article presents the results of monitoring the soil cover of the Nakyn kimberlite field in the Yakutia diamond province, which is affected by the facilities of the Nyurba Mining and Processing Division. Development of primary diamond deposits has a large-scale impact on the subsoil, topography, and soil cover: creation of the world's largest quarries, formation of dumps more than 100 m high, arrangement of extensive tailings, formation of solid and liquid industrial wastes of various chemical composition. The research is aimed at studying the spatial and temporal patterns of the technogenic impact on the soil cover, identifying the nature and level of transformation of the microelement composition of soils based on the analysis of the intra-profile and lateral distribution of mobile forms of trace elements. The study targets in 2007-2018 were zonal types of permafrost soils of northern taiga landscapes, cryozems, occupying 84 % of the total study area, which are characterized by biogenic accumulation of mobile forms of Ni, Mn, and Cd in the upper AO, A cr horizons, and Cr, Ni, Co, Mn, Cu in the suprapermafrost CR horizon. We found out that the contamination of the soil cover of the industrial site at the Nyurba Mining and Processing Division is of a multielement nature with local highly to very highly contaminated areas. Over a ten-year observation period, areas of stable soil contamination are formed, where the main pollutants are mobile forms of Mn, Zn, Ni. We suggest that against the background of a natural geochemical anomaly associated with trap and kimberlite magmatism, technogenic anomalies are formed in the surface horizons of soils. They are spatially linked to technogenically transformed landscapes. One of the sources of pollutants is the dispersion of the solid phase of dust emissions in the direction of the prevailing winds, which leads to the formation of soils with abnormally high contents of mobile forms of Mn, Zn, Ni.

How to cite: Legostaeva Y.B., Gololobova A.G., Popov V.F., Makarov V.S. Geochemical properties and transformation of the microelement composition of soils during the development of primary diamond deposits in Yakutia // Journal of Mining Institute. 2023. Vol. 260. p. 212-225. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2023.35
Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
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Efficiency of acid sulphate soils reclamation in coal mining areas

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During the development of coal deposits, acid mine waters flowing to the surface cause the formation of acid sulphate soils. We study the effectiveness of soil reclamation by agrochemical and geochemical methods at the site of acid mine water discharge in the Kizel Coal Basin, carried out in 2005 using alkaline waste from soda production and activated sludge. A technosol with a stable phytocenosis was detected on the reclaimed site, and soddy-podzolic soil buried under the technogenic soil layer with no vegetation on the non-reclaimed site. The buried soddy-podzolic soil retains a strong acid рН concentration Н 2 О = 3. A high content of organic matter (8-1.5 %) is caused by carbonaceous particles; the presence of sulphide minerals reaches a depth of 40 cm. Technosol has a slightly acid pH reaction H 2 O = 5.5, the content of organic matter due to the use of activated sludge is 19-65 %, the presence of sulphide minerals reaches a depth of 20-40 cm. The total iron content in the upper layers of the technosol did not change (190-200 g/kg), the excess over the background reaches 15 times. There is no contamination with heavy metals and trace elements, single elevated concentrations of Li, Se, B and V are found.

How to cite: Mitrakova N.V., Khayrulina E.A., Blinov S.M., Perevoshchikova A.A. Efficiency of acid sulphate soils reclamation in coal mining areas // Journal of Mining Institute. 2023. Vol. 260. p. 266-278. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2023.31
Economic Geology
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Development of methodology for scenario analysis of investment projects of enterprises of the mineral resource complex

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Theoretical and applied aspects of scenario analysis of investment projects of enterprises in the mineral resource sector of the economy are considered, its advantages and disadvantages are analyzed. Taking into account the organizational and economic features of mineral resources management, a number of new modifications of the scenario analysis method, aimed at solving an urgent problem - reducing the information uncertainty in assessing the expected efficiency and risk of investment projects, are proposed. The peculiarity of the proposed new modifications is the use of the interval-probabilistic approach in the implementation of the scenario analysis procedure. This approach is based on a moderately pessimistic system of preferences in obtaining point values of the investment project initial parameters. Fishburn estimates and the hierarchy analysis method were used to reduce subjective uncertainty. The maximum likelihood values in the sense of the maximum a priori probability are used as expected estimates. An additional indicator of risk assessment, which characterizes the probability of the event that the net present value of the project will take a value less than the specified one, is proposed. When analyzing one project, this indicator is more informative than the standard deviation. A statistical hypothesis was tested on the improvement of the validity of investment decisions developed using the modified scenario analysis method compared to the standard method.

How to cite: Matrokhina K.V., Trofimets V.Y., Mazakov E.B., Makhovikov A.B., Khaykin M.M. Development of methodology for scenario analysis of investment projects of enterprises of the mineral resource complex // Journal of Mining Institute. 2023. Vol. 259. p. 112-124. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2023.3
Economic Geology
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Development of methodology for economic evaluation of land plots for the extraction and processing of solid minerals

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The Russian economy has a pronounced resource specialization; in many regions, subsoil use is a backbone or one of the main areas of the economy. In these conditions, the improvement of the methodology for the economic evaluation of lands on which mining enterprises are located is of particular relevance. On the basis of the existing experience in assessing industrial land, the authors present a developed methodology for determining the cadastral value of land plots where mining enterprises are located, taking into account their industry characteristics and the specifics of production and commercial activities. At the same time, cadastral valuation is considered as a specific form of economic valuation. Particular emphasis is placed on the importance of taking into account the cost factors that have the greatest impact on the formation of the cost of land for the extraction and processing of solid minerals, and the method of assessment depending on the characteristics of the object. To carry out theoretical research, the methods of analysis and synthesis of legal and scientific and technical literature in the field of cadastral and market valuation of land were used in the work. The practical part is based on the application of expert methods, including the method of analysis of hierarchies, system and logical analysis. The method of M.A.Svitelskaya was chosen as the basis, which presents a combination of modified methods of statistical (regression) modeling and modeling based on specific indicators of cadastral value. The use of this technique in economic practice contributes to increasing the efficiency of cadastral valuation and the objectivity of its results.

How to cite: Bykowa E.N., Khaykin М.М., Shabaeva Y.I., Beloborodova М.D. Development of methodology for economic evaluation of land plots for the extraction and processing of solid minerals // Journal of Mining Institute. 2023. Vol. 259. p. 52-67. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2023.6
Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
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Microbiological remediation of oil-contaminated soils

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Microbiological remediation is a promising technology for the elimination of environmental contamination by oil and petroleum products, based on the use of the metabolic potential of microorganisms. The issue of environmental contamination by crude oil and its refined products is relevant in the Russian Federation since the oil industry is one of the leading sectors of the country. Mechanical and physico-chemical methods of treatment are widely used to clean oil-contaminated soils. However, the methods belonging to these groups have a number of significant drawbacks, which actualizes the development of new methods (mainly biological), since they are more environmentally friendly, cost-effective, less labor-intensive, and do not require the use of technical capacities. Various bio-based products based on strains and consortia of microorganisms have been developed that have proven effectiveness. They include certain genera of bacteria, microscopic fungi, and microalgae, substances or materials acting as sorbents of biological agents and designed to retain them in the soil and increase the efficiency of bioremediation, as well as some nutrients. Statistical data, the most effective methods, and technologies, as well as cases of using microorganisms to restore oil-contaminated soils in various climatic conditions are presented.

How to cite: Sozina I.D., Danilov A.S. Microbiological remediation of oil-contaminated soils // Journal of Mining Institute. 2023. Vol. 260. p. 297-312. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2023.8
Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
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Method for predicting the stress state of the lining of underground structures of quasi-rectangular and arched forms

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A method for predicting the stress-strain state of the lining of underground structures, the shape of the cross-section of which is different from the circular outline, is considered. The main task of the study is to develop a methodology for assessing the influence of the parameters of the cross-section shape of underground structures on the stress state of the lining. To solve this problem, a method for calculating the stress state of the lining for arched tunnels with a reverse arch and quasi-rectangular forms is substantiated and developed. The methodology was tested, which showed that the accuracy of the prediction of the stress state of the lining is sufficient to perform practical calculations. An algorithm for multivariate analysis of the influence of the cross-sectional shape of underground structures of arched and quasi-rectangular shapes on the stress state of the lining is proposed. Parametric calculations were performed using the developed algorithm and regularities of the formation of the stress state of the lining of underground structures for various engineering and geological conditions, as well as the initial stress state field, were obtained. A quantitative assessment of the influence of geometric parameters of tunnels on their stress-strain state was performed.

How to cite: Karasev M.A., Nguyen T.T. Method for predicting the stress state of the lining of underground structures of quasi-rectangular and arched forms // Journal of Mining Institute. 2022. Vol. 257. p. 807-821. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2022.17
Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
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Prediction of the stress-strain state and stability of the front of tunnel face at the intersection of disturbed zones of the soil mass

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The article presents a numerical solution of the spatial elastic-plastic problem of determining the stability of the tunnel face soils at the intersection of disturbed zones of the soil mass. The relevance of the study is related to the need to take into account the zones of disturbed soils when assessing the face stability to calculate the parameters of the support. Based on the finite element method implemented in the PLAXIS 3D software package, the construction of a finite element system "soil mass-disturbance-face support" and modeling of the intersection of the disturbed zones of the soil mass were performed. To assess the condition of soils, deformation and strength criteria are taken. The deformation criterion is expressed by the value of the calculated displacement of the tunnel contour in the face, and the strength criterion - by the safety coefficient until the maximum values of the stress state are reached according to the Coulomb–Mohr criterion. The results of the study are presented in the form of histograms of the safety coefficient dependences on the distance to the disturbance at different bending stiffness of the face support structure, as well as the isofields of deformation development. The parameters of rockfall formation in the face zone at the intersection of zones of disturbed soils were determined. The local decrease in strength and deformation properties in the rock mass along the tunnel track should be taken into account when assessing the stability of the tunnel face and calculating the parameters of the support. Within the framework of the constructed closed system, a qualitative agreement of the simulation results with the case of a collapse in the face during the construction of the Vladimirskaya-2 station of the St. Petersburg Metro was obtained.

How to cite: Protosenya A.G., Alekseev A.V., Verbilo P.E. Prediction of the stress-strain state and stability of the front of tunnel face at the intersection of disturbed zones of the soil mass // Journal of Mining Institute. 2022. Vol. 254. p. 252-260. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2022.26
Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
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Methodology for thermal desorption treatment of local soil pollution by oil products at the facilities of the mineral resource industry

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The analysis of the main environmental consequences of leaks and local spills of petroleum products at the enterprises of the mineral resource complex is presented. It is established that the problem of soil contamination with petroleum products at the facilities of the mineral resource complex and enterprises of other industries is caused by significant volumes of consumption of the main types of oil products. Based on the results of the author's previous field research, a series of experiments was carried out, consisting in modeling artificial soil pollution with petroleum products such as gasoline, diesel fuel, highly refined oil, motor oil, and transmission oil, followed by their purification by heat treatment at temperatures of 150, 200, and 250 °C. The 250 °C limit of the heating temperature was set due to the need to partially preserve the structure and quality of the soil after heat treatment to preserve its fertility. When the processing temperature rises to 450 °C, all humates are completely burned out and, as a result, productivity is lost. Confirmation is provided by the results of experiments to determine the humus content in uncontaminated soil and soil treated at different temperatures. It was found that at a maximum processing temperature of 250 °C, about 50 % of the initial organic carbon content is preserved. According to the results of the conducted experimental studies, the dependences of the required processing temperature on the concentration of petroleum products to reduce the concentration of petroleum products to an acceptable level have been established. The methodology of thermal desorption cleaning of soils with varying degrees of contamination at enterprises of the mineral resource complex is presented.

How to cite: Pashkevich M.A., Bykova M.V. Methodology for thermal desorption treatment of local soil pollution by oil products at the facilities of the mineral resource industry // Journal of Mining Institute. 2022. Vol. 253. p. 49-60. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2022.6
Geoecology and occupational health and safety
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Regularities of electrochemical cleaning of oil-contaminated soils

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Electrochemical cleaning of oil-contaminated soils is a promising area of environmental safety, as it can be easily organized even in locations remote from settlements. For this purpose, a power source and a system of electrodes are necessary as equipment. It is possible to use an electric generator if there are no power supply lines nearby. The material of electrodes affects the features of redox processes, which can affect the energy consumption and the degree of soil cleansing from oil or oil products. Therefore, the correct choice of electrode materials is one of the important tasks in the field of engineering electrochemical methods of purification. Changes in the main parameters (humidity, temperature, degree of acidity) in an oil-contaminated model soil, similar in composition to one of the oil fields, were investigated. Measurements of parameters when using graphite and metal electrodes were carried out at several fixed sections of the interelectrode space depending on the treatment time. The established patterns of parameter changes in the purification of oil-contaminated soils allow us to draw conclusions about the stages of the electrochemical process, its speed, and energy efficiency. The results obtained form a basis for designing industrial facilities for soil treatment.

How to cite: Shulaev N.S., Pryanichnikova V.V., Kadyrov R.R. Regularities of electrochemical cleaning of oil-contaminated soils // Journal of Mining Institute. 2021. Vol. 252. p. 937-946. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2021.6.15
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Deformations assessment during subway escalator tunnels construction by the method of artificial freezing of soil for the stage of ice wall formation

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The work is devoted to the study of the processes of displacement and deformation of the surface during the escalator tunnels construction of the subway by the method of artificial freezing of soils. The features of the construction and freezing technology, the rocks characteristics in which the escalator tunnels made are considered. The data of specially organized, full-scale surveying observations of deformations on the earth surface are presented. The main factors influencing deformation processes in the frozen strata of a layered inhomogeneous rock mass with inclined tunneling are determined, the complexity of the predictive task and the need to simplify the design scheme are shown. The work is focused on the assessment of the least studied geomechanical processes of soil heaving-uplifts and deformations during the periods of active and passive freezing stages. When studying the displacements processes of the earth surface and rock mass, the finite element method and analysis of the obtained data using field observations of displacements were used. A simplified calculation scheme is proposed for modeling, which allows taking into account the uneven influence of frozen rocks of an inhomogeneous layered rock mass with a large inclined tunneling. The satisfactory convergence of the data of field surveying observations on the earth surface and the results of modeling geomechanical processes for the period of active and passive freezing stages is shown. The proposed calculation scheme is recommended for the prediction of deformation at the stages of underground construction, characterized by the development of the most dangerous tensile deformations of buildings and structures on the surface.

How to cite: Volokhov E.M., Mukminova D.Z. Deformations assessment during subway escalator tunnels construction by the method of artificial freezing of soil for the stage of ice wall formation // Journal of Mining Institute. 2021. Vol. 252. p. 826-839. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2021.6.5
Oil and gas
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Analysis of the causes of engineering structures deformations at gas industry facilities in the permafrost zone

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Construction of oil and gas infrastructure facilities on permafrost soils is the most important task of increasing the raw material base of the entire fuel and energy industry in Russia. Permafrost soil is a complex, multicomponent system, state of which depends on many factors. Buildings and structures built under such conditions, on the one hand, have a complex thermal effect on permafrost soils, and on the other hand, they perceive the consequences of changes in the characteristics of such soils. This situation leads to the fact that buildings and structures on permafrost soil during their life cycle are subject to complex and poorly predictable deformations. Article presents the results of a study for various degradation processes of permafrost soils that can be implemented at construction sites of industrial facilities. Analysis of the deformations causes for engineering structures at the gas industry in the permafrost zone is carried out. Series of reasons causing such deformations have been investigated. Comprehensive criterion for assessing changes in permafrost-geological conditions of industrial sites is proposed. It is suggested to apply the method of calculating the individual characteristics for the temperature regime of the territory to monitor and assess the conditions of heat exchange and predict changes in the geocryological conditions of permafrost soil.

How to cite: Vasiliev G.G., Dzhaljabov A.A., Leonovich I.A. Analysis of the causes of engineering structures deformations at gas industry facilities in the permafrost zone // Journal of Mining Institute. 2021. Vol. 249. p. 377-385. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2021.3.6
Geoecology and occupational health and safety
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Trace element accumulation by soils and plants in the North Caucasian geochemical province

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Long-term studies of the North Caucasian geochemical province allowed to establish regional abundances and calculate accumulation (dispersion) factors for chemical elements in rocks, soils, and plants. Certain natural regional patterns characterize the province. Associations of elements in high and low concentrations are often determined by the predominant composition of rocks: carbonate-terrigenous, terrigenous, and igneous. The study of the average contents of several chemical elements in the soils of the province showed that the association of accumulated elements includes metals with different migration characteristics. Thus, despite the rather close values of the ionic radii, Pb, Zn, Cu, and Li (judging by the ionic potential) are characterized by the formation of cations, while Mn, Mo, and Zr form complex ions. Such elements as Zn, Cu, and Pb are mainly accumulated on hydrosulfuric barriers, while Mo, Co, and Mn are stopped by oxygenous barriers. For Cu, Zn, Mo, and Co, biogenic accumulation plays a significant role, while for Pb and Ni it is practically absent. The absolute dispersion of the elements did not reach environmentally hazardous values, although it indicates a fairly intensive migration. In woody plants, Ba, Nb, Sc, Sr, and Zn are accumulated most intensively.

How to cite: Alekseenko V.A., Shvydkaya N.V., Bech J., Puzanov A.V., Nastavkin A.V. Trace element accumulation by soils and plants in the North Caucasian geochemical province // Journal of Mining Institute. 2021. Vol. 247. p. 141-153. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2021.1.15
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Technological aspects of cased wells construction with cyclical-flow transportation of rock

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A high-performance technology for constructing cased wells is proposed. Essence of the technology is the advance insertion of the casing pipe into the sedimentary rock mass and the cyclical-flow transportation of the soil rock portions using the compressed air pressure supplied to the open bottomhole end of the pipe through a separate line. Results of mathematical modeling for the process of impact insertion of a hollow pipe into a soil mass in horizontal and vertical settings are considered. Modeling of the technology is implemented by the finite element method in the ANSYS Mechanical software. Parameters of the pipe insertion in the sedimentary rock mass are determined - value of the cleaning step and the impact energy required to insert the pipe at a given depth. Calculations were performed for pipes with a diameter from 325 to 730 mm. Insertion coefficient is introduced, which characterizes the resistance of rocks to destruction during the dynamic penetration of the casing pipe in one impact blow of the pneumatic hammer. An overview of the prospects for the application of the proposed technology in geological exploration, when conducting horizontal wells of a small cross-section using a trenchless method of construction and borehole methods of mining, is presented. A variant of using the technology for determining the strength properties of rocks is proposed. Some features of the technology application at industrial facilities of the construction and mining industry are considered: for trenchless laying of underground utilities and for installing starting conductors when constructing degassing wells from the surface in coal deposits. Results of a technical and economic assessment of the proposed technology efficiency when installing starting conductors in sedimentary rocks at mining allotments of coal mines are presented.

How to cite: Kondratenko A.S. Technological aspects of cased wells construction with cyclical-flow transportation of rock // Journal of Mining Institute. 2020. Vol. 246. p. 610-616. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2020.6.2
Geoecology and occupational health and safety
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Geochemical approach in assessing the technogenic impact on soils

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The soil assessment was carried out in the technogenically-affected area of Irkutsk Oblast with the geochemical approach as a key geoecological method using physical and chemical techniques of analysis and ecodiagnostics. Diagnostic signs of the disturbed natural properties of the soil were revealed up to a depth of 40 cm in the profile based on macro- and micromorphometric parameters. The content of heavy metals (HM) – Pb, Zn, Hg, and Cu with an excess of standards was determined, and empirical HM – pH correlations were obtained by statistical clustering of the data array. The contributions of additional factors affecting the chemical element distribution in the soil layer were investigated. Significant soil contamination with sulfates and the possibility of implementing the ion-exchange of HM andfor element immobilization were revealed. It was shown that reactions with sulfates and the influence of pH, HM exchange processes involving mobile K and P can determine the nature of the described chemical element distribution in the multi-factor-contaminated technogenic soil. However, the effectiveness of such types of interaction is different for each metal and also depends on the quantitative ratio of substances and soil characteristics, even under a minor change in pH. Two-parameter correlations of HM distribution in sulfate-contaminated soils confirmed the different degrees of involvement of chemical elements in these types of interactions. The results obtained and the identified factors are of applied significance and can be used as the basis for geoecological differentiation of the contaminated soil, as well as for determining local geochemical fields in the technogenesis zone. Areas of advanced research are related to three-dimensional modeling for a more complete study of the cause-and-effect relationships of geochemical parameters.

How to cite: Sarapulova G.I. Geochemical approach in assessing the technogenic impact on soils // Journal of Mining Institute. 2020. Vol. 243. p. 388-392. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2020.3.388
Oil and gas
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Assessment of internal pressure effect, causing additional bending of the pipeline

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Article justifies accounting for internal pressure effect in the pipeline, causing additional bending of the pipeline. According to some scientists, there is an erroneously used concept of the equivalent longitudinal axial force (ELAF) S x , which depends on working pressure, temperature stresses, and joint deformations of pipelines with various types of soils. However, authors of the article use ELAF S x concept at construction of mathematical model of stress-strain state (SSS) for complex section of the trunk pipeline, and also reveal it when analyzing the results of calculating the durability and stability of the pipeline. Analysis of SSS for calculated section of the pipeline was carried out for two statements of the problem for different values of operation parameters. In the first statement, effect of internal pressure causing bending of the pipeline is taken into account, and in the second it is neglected. It is shown that due to effect of ELAF S x at p 0 = 9.0 MPa, Dt = 29 °C extreme value of bend increases by 54 %, extreme values of bending stresses from span bending moment increase by 74 %, and extreme value of bending stresses from support bending moment double with regard to corresponding SSS characteristics of the pipeline. In case of neglecting the internal pressure effect causing additional bending of the pipeline (second statement of the problem), error in calculating the extreme value of bend is 35 %, extreme value of bending stresses from span bending moments is 44 %, and extreme value of bending stresses from support bending moments is 95 %.

How to cite: Baktizin R.N., Zaripov R.M., Korobkov G.E., Masalimov R.B. Assessment of internal pressure effect, causing additional bending of the pipeline // Journal of Mining Institute. 2020. Vol. 242. p. 160-168. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2020.2.160