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Dmitrii O. Nagornov
Dmitrii O. Nagornov
Associate Professor, Ph.D., Associate Professor
Empress Catherine II Saint Petersburg Mining University
Associate Professor, Ph.D., Associate Professor
Empress Catherine II Saint Petersburg Mining University
Saint Petersburg
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Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
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Comprehensive utilization of urban wastewater sludge with production of technogenic soil

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The article presents the analysis of the existing approach to wastewater sludge treatment and justifies the selection of the most promising management technology that allows maximum use of wastewater sludge resource po-tential. To obtain a useful product (biocompost) suitable for use as part of technogenic soil, experimental studies of aerobic stabilization of organic matter of dehydrated urban wastewater sludge with the addition of other waste by using passive composting technology were carried out. The technology is included in the list of best available technologies (BAT). The selection of the most optimal components for the mixture was based on the results of determining the C and N content, humidity and pH of the components used that ensured the composting of organic waste. The results of laboratory studies of the obtained biocompost according to the main agrochemical and sanitary-epidemiological indicators are presented. Testing was carried out according to the criterion of toxicity of the biocompost’s aqueous extract. The assessment of the technogenic soil was performed when using biocompost in its composition for compliance with existing hygienic requirements for soil quality in the Russian Federation. Based on the results of the vegetation experiment, optimal formulations of the technogenic soil were determined, i.e., the ratio of biocompost and sand, under which the most favorable conditions for plant growth are observed according to a combination of factors such as the number of germinated seeds, the maximum height of plants and the amount of biomass. The conducted research makes it possible to increase the proportion of recycled urban wastewater sludge in the future to obtain soils characterized by a high degree of nutrient availability for plants and potentially suitable for use in landscaping, the biological stage of reclamation of technogenically disturbed lands, as well as for growing herbaceous plants in open and protected soil.

How to cite: Bykova M.V., Malyukhin D.M., Nagornov D.O., Duka A.A. Comprehensive utilization of urban wastewater sludge with production of technogenic soil // Journal of Mining Institute. 2024. Vol. 267. p. 453-465. EDN IAYJKS
Manufacturing machinery and equipment
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Model of moisture movement in field dressing of peat in the large spreading

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The possibility of using the model equilibrium disturbed peat system to assess the effectiveness of gravitational drainage of the peat material hill without evaporation from the surface, depending on the height of the critical thickness, flow rate and the amount of moisture in the layer after deposition.

How to cite: Kremcheev E.A., Nagornov D.O. Model of moisture movement in field dressing of peat in the large spreading // Journal of Mining Institute. 2014. Vol. 209. p. 59.
Mining electromechanics and mining equipment
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Mechanisation of extraction of peat from undrained deposit

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In comparison with traditional methods of extraction using the offered equipment and developed technological schemes for industrial production of a peat will allows to avoid actions on drainage of developed fields; to reduce expenses for preparation and operation of a peat deposit; to prolong a season of mining activities, and in some cases to provide an opportunity of all-the-year-round operation of a deposit.

How to cite: Mikhailov A.V., Kremcheev E.A., Nagornov D.O. Mechanisation of extraction of peat from undrained deposit // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 196. p. 256.
Mining electromechanics and mining equipment
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Determination of the rate of bunker filling screw executive authority and power to cut costs

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Screw bunker executive body is designed to work on the peat deposits and can be used for  the extraction of peat deposits from the drilling-out. The paper describes the design of screw bunker executive authority and proposed calculation of energy consumption for cutting.

How to cite: Kremcheev E.D., Bolshunov A.V., Nagornov D.O. Determination of the rate of bunker filling screw executive authority and power to cut costs // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 195. p. 259.
Mining electromechanics and mining equipment
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Design features of replacement work equipment of peat excavation laoding machine

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The article deals with design features a removable desktop equipment peat excavation, loading machine. The analysis of the structures of the working equipment of peat excavation, loading machines. Suggest ways to improve the design of the working equipment of peat excavation, loading machines.

How to cite: Nagornov D.O., Kremcheev E.A. Design features of replacement work equipment of peat excavation laoding machine // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 195. p. 272.