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Assessing the effectiveness of sewage sludge in the reclamation of disturbed areas in the Kola subarctic zone (a case study of a sand quarry)

Lyubov A. Ivanova1
Marina V. Slukovskaya2
Evgeniya A. Krasavtseva3
About authors
  • 1 — Ph.D., Dr.Sci. Chief Researcher N.A.Avrorin Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden-Institute, Kola Science Centre of the RAS ▪ Orcid
  • 2 — Ph.D. Senior Researcher Laboratory of Nature-Inspired Technologies and Environmental Safety of the Arctic NMC, Kola Science Centre of the RAS ▪ Orcid
  • 3 — Ph.D. Researcher Institute of North Industrial Ecology Problems, Kola Science Centre of the RAS ▪ Orcid
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An assessment was made of the effectiveness of reclamation using sewage sludge for the accelerated formation of a stable erosion-proof vegetation cover on the unproductive anthropogenic soil of a sand quarry in the context of the Kola North. The experiment, launched in 2017, included three treatments: control – no treatment, experiment 1 – fragmentary (50 %) application of sewage sludge, experiment 2 – continuous application. In the sixth growing season, anthropogenic soil samples were examined, and measurements of CO 2 emissions were carried out. It was shown that the application of sewage sludge had a positive effect on the physicochemical and agrochemical properties of the soils: in situ pH and density decreased, hygroscopicity increased, available phosphorus and potassium increased. Significant differences ( p < 0.05) were found between CO 2 emissions in the control and experimental treatments. The content of organic carbon in the control treatment was lower than in the experimental ones; under fragmentary application of sewage sludge, it was three times lower, and under continuous application, it was nine times lower. Significant( p < 0.05) differences in the content of carbon and nitrogen in cold and hot water extracts between control and treatment samples were found under continuous application of sewage sludge. At the same time, by calculating the C/N ratio,a very low level of nitrogen was found in the humus. The main factors behind the variability of the estimated parameters were identified – the treatment itself and the method of its application, the contribution of the treatment alone was 60 %, the contribution of the application method was 14 %. Taking into account the economic factors, fragmentary application of sewage sludge onto the anthropogenic sand quarry soil is recommended to support the establishment of a stable erosion-proof phytocenosis.

landscape sand quarry anthropogenic soil ameliorant sewage sludge CO2 emissions
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