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Vol 160 No 2

Vol 160 No 1
Professional rhetoric: theory - practice - teaching methods
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Communicative aspect of professional activity of physicians

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The problems of communication in the medical sphere have recently received a lot of attention due to the subjective model of doctor-patient interaction that has been established in modern medicine. However, materials on the topic of doctor-patient communication are limited, as a rule, to the coverage of ethical and deontological issues. Medical workers do not have information about the difficulties and barriers that arise in the process of interaction with patients, nor are they familiar with recommendations for overcoming them. Observations show that the rhetorical barrier is one of the most common in the practical activity of physicians. It is caused by insufficient education and lack of rhetorical skills. Obviously, it is necessary to introduce a section on professional communication within the framework of medical ethics (bioethics) and deontology courses in the curricula of higher medical educational institutions and courses (faculties) of advanced training of medical workers.

How to cite: Akaeva E.V. Communicative aspect of professional activity of physicians // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 2 160. p. 5-6.
Professional rhetoric: theory - practice - teaching methods
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Conversation and negotiations as genres of professional speech

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The article substantiates the need to distinguish between business conversations and negotiations as forms of professional rhetoric. This necessity requires clarification of the specifics of each form. Conversations are used in the management system, and this term refers to a large group of different genres. It is necessary to distinguish between conversations, in which the task of influencing the addressee prevails, and conversations with the purpose of obtaining information. The first type correlates with monological genres, any of which in the conditions of interpersonal communication can take the form of a conversation. The second type serves to realize the function of decision-making. Negotiations are used in the marketing system and can be divided into marketing ones proper, they are conducted according to a known template, and strategic ones.

How to cite: Anisimova T.V. Conversation and negotiations as genres of professional speech // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 2 160. p. 7-9.
Professional rhetoric: theory - practice - teaching methods
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On the current state of Russian rhetoric as a science and academic discipline

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The article summarizes almost ten years of experience of the Russian Rhetoric Association with the characteristic of the established schools and directions. Polemical judgments about the essence of rhetoric and the fundamental tasks it solves as a scientific discipline are expressed. The practical experience of teaching rhetoric, achievements in organizing oratorical contests among students and schoolchildren, and the experience of work in the media to popularize rhetorical knowledge are analyzed.

How to cite: Annushkin V.I. On the current state of Russian rhetoric as a science and academic discipline // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 2 160. p. 10-14.
Professional rhetoric: theory - practice - teaching methods
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The role of rhetorical knowledge in the system of postgraduate education of physicians

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The peculiarity of the modern approach to solving communicative problems is a return to classical rhetorical knowledge. Teaching rhetoric as a mastery of effective speech is an important part of the training of health care professionals at different levels. The program "Business Communication in Healthcare" is based on the central concept of rhetoric - the rhetorical canon. A favorable speech image of a medical specialist is formed due to familiarization with the laws and mastering the techniques contained in the five sections of the canon. This allows traditional means to solve modern problems of business communication.

How to cite: Belokoneva N.N., Bondarchuk E.M., Melenteva O.N. The role of rhetorical knowledge in the system of postgraduate education of physicians // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 2 160. p. 15-17.
Professional rhetoric: theory - practice - teaching methods
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Learning the fundamentals of rhetoric in medical schools

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Training of a medical worker is a complex process that requires consideration of many factors. Speech training is an important part of the professional development of a medical professional, which is given insufficient attention in the system of secondary specialized education today. The aim of the course of rhetoric in medical college is to increase the level of communicative competence of students, both in everyday and professional communication. The course has a practical orientation, within its framework it is proposed to form the following speech guidelines in students: understanding of the differences of possible speech situations; the ability to build a speech taking into account what, for what purpose, where and when it is said; to design oral or written texts competently in speech; the ability to enter into emotional contact with the interlocutor and maintain this contact with the help of speech means.

How to cite: Bigaeva M.K. Learning the fundamentals of rhetoric in medical schools // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 2 160. p. 18-20.
Professional rhetoric: theory - practice - teaching methods
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Rhetoric as an educational and cultural aspect of professional training of a modern pharmacist

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The author of the article draws attention to the fact that rhetoric is the most important educational and cultural aspect of professional training of a modern pharmacist. The analysis of forms and methods of studying Russian language and speech culture in a pharmaceutical university allows us to conclude that rhetorical education contributes to the formation of a highly qualified specialist, revealing professionalism and universalism in the way of expressing thought and speech organization of activity. The rhetorical component of pharmaceutical education is based on the recognition of a somewhat unfamiliar role of communicative mediators between people, and the specialist-pharmacist is a professional rhetor who enters into communicative contacts of various kinds. The linguistic personality of a specialist to a large extent determines his professional success as well.

How to cite: Burova G.P. Rhetoric as an educational and cultural aspect of professional training of a modern pharmacist // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 2 160. p. 21-22.
Professional rhetoric: theory - practice - teaching methods
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Rhetorical skills as an element of the professiogram of a modern specialist

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The article addresses one of the urgent tasks of the cycle of humanities disciplines in a technical university - the development of communicative competence. The socio-economic reforms of Russia put forward new requirements to the level and quality of training of a modern specialist. Rhetorical skills are one of the necessary elements of activity not only for a teacher, lawyer, politician, but also for an engineer, economist, production manager. Ignoring this truth in our country has led to the fact that the culture of speech communication and eloquence have been forgotten for a long time. The task of the educational system today is to revive the lost traditions in the field of business rhetoric and the art of public speaking. The author in the article describes the experience of teaching courses at Ufa State Aviation Technical University dedicated to the development of students' communicative skills.

How to cite: Valeeva R.A. Rhetorical skills as an element of the professiogram of a modern specialist // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 2 160. p. 23-24.
Professional rhetoric: theory - practice - teaching methods
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About some features of explanatory dialog as a genre of educational speech

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Explanatory dialog is a genre of educational speech, which gives listeners new knowledge, reflects its birth. Such a dialog should take into account extralinguistic factors (communication situation, functions and relations of participants, communication style), which predetermine the action of linguistic factors. The driving force of the explanatory dialog is a question, and a question not only on the part of the teacher, but also on the part of the learner. Important elements of dialog are verbal repetitions, thoughtful alternation of informative and redundant, various means of expressiveness. Undoubtedly, the explanatory dialog is one of the most difficult genres of educational speech, but it contributes to the optimal solution of learning tasks.

How to cite: Vostrikova T.I. About some features of explanatory dialog as a genre of educational speech // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 2 160. p. 25-27.
Professional rhetoric: theory - practice - teaching methods
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Experiential learning program for genres of dissent

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The article offers a variant of the program of experiential learning of disagreement genres for students of pedagogical universities. The main goal of the program is to form the readiness to create and use in speech statements with the intention of disagreement. The experimental program is based on the system of teaching Russian language and rhetoric developed by T.A. Ladyzhenskaya.

How to cite: Vyalshina O.G. Experiential learning program for genres of dissent // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 2 160. p. 28-29.
Professional rhetoric: theory - practice - teaching methods
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Experiential learning program for genres of dissent

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The article offers a variant of the program of experiential learning of disagreement genres for students of pedagogical universities. The main goal of the program is to form the readiness to create and use in speech statements with the intention of disagreement. The experimental program is based on the system of teaching Russian language and rhetoric developed by T.A. Ladyzhenskaya.

How to cite: Vyalshina O.G. Experiential learning program for genres of dissent // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 2 160. p. 28-29.
Professional rhetoric: theory - practice - teaching methods
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Rhetoric in the system of teaching subjects at the Kiev-Mohyla Academy of the 18th century

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The Kyiv-Mohyla Academy was created on the model of Western European Jesuit schools, so the formalized nature of teaching subjects, in particular, rhetoric, is explained by following the system of Latin-Polish schools. The full course of the Academy, which combined the functions of a gymnasium and a higher school, consisted of eight classes. The rhetoric class followed the poetics class. When studying the teaching of rhetoric at the Kiev-Mohyla Academy it is important to consider the subjects of rhetoric and poetics together, without separating them from each other, because already in the poetics class the pupils were given the initial knowledge of rhetoric. The large number of preserved Latin-language manuscript rhetorics written by teachers of the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy in the 18th century is explained by the system of teacher's transition with their students to the next class, which implied that teachers wrote their own manual for teaching a new subject every year. The rhetoric class represented an intermediate stage in education, but already provided an opportunity to receive a certificate of completed education.

How to cite: Glukhova Y.V. Rhetoric in the system of teaching subjects at the Kiev-Mohyla Academy of the 18th century // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 2 160. p. 30-32.
Professional rhetoric: theory - practice - teaching methods
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Pedagogical rhetoric and the pragmatics of apologizing

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The article deals with situations requiring the fulfillment of a speech ritual (apology) from the participants of communication whose social and speech roles are pupil/student and teacher/teacher. The most effective tactics of conflict mitigation, from the author's point of view, are: - explaining the inevitability of speech ritual; - etymological analysis of the concepts of "guilt", "error"; - reference to the opinion of an authoritative scholar, which leads to the effect of "impartial judging"; - rhetorical trainings. The key to constructive solution of a conflict situation is the teacher's rhetorical culture.

How to cite: Egorova N.O. Pedagogical rhetoric and the pragmatics of apologizing // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 2 160. p. 33-34.
Professional rhetoric: theory - practice - teaching methods
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Rhetoric and judicial eloquence

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With the revival of jury trial in Russia, the need to draw close attention to the speech skills of court orators has become more acute, because the opinion and decision of the jury will largely depend on how clearly, logically, convincingly and expressively the lawyer who speaks in the court debate will express his point of view on the degree of guilt of the defendant. Judicial eloquence will be understood as a set of knowledge and skills of a lawyer to prepare and deliver a public court speech in accordance with the requirements of the law of criminal procedure, as the ability to build an objectively reasoned reasoning, forming scientific and legal beliefs, as the ability to influence the legal consciousness of people.

How to cite: Zyukina Z.S. Rhetoric and judicial eloquence // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 2 160. p. 35-36.
Professional rhetoric: theory - practice - teaching methods
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Development of rhetorical skills in students of the specialty "Public Relations"

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This article traces the interdisciplinary links of such disciplines as "Rhetoric", "Russian language and culture of speech", "Stylistics". The study of the text is carried out within the framework of these disciplines. Types of practical classes on rhetoric are offered. The practice of creating a student PR-agency as a base for the formation of professional (including rhetorical) skills is described.

How to cite: Kapatsinskaya V.M. Development of rhetorical skills in students of the specialty "Public Relations" // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 2 160. p. 37-38.
Professional rhetoric: theory - practice - teaching methods
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"Rhetoric" in the pedagogical university as an opportunity to get acquainted with the methodology of teaching this subject in school

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The emergence of fundamental scientific works on general rhetoric and in the field of private rhetoric cannot but influence the methodology of teaching this discipline in higher education, but, nevertheless, the latter is still far from being complete due to the complexity of multidimensional content of the subject and the peculiarity of its status in the circle of philological disciplines. In the course of classes, students not only learn the necessary rhetorical concepts and categories, acquire certain rhetorical skills and abilities, but, observing the speech behavior of the teacher, become familiar with the methods of lectures, arguments, conversations, with the methods of analysis and evaluation of speech works of students. In this way, they learn certain models of speech behavior in possible situations of future school life, which can be qualified as practical mastery of the methodology of teaching rhetoric.

How to cite: Kashina I.V. "Rhetoric" in the pedagogical university as an opportunity to get acquainted with the methodology of teaching this subject in school // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 2 160. p. 39-41.
Professional rhetoric: theory - practice - teaching methods
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Communicative competence of a young teacher

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Communicative competence of a teacher is a set of formed professional knowledge, communicative and organizational skills, abilities to self-control. Implementation of the program for the formation of communicative competence of the future teacher is the basis of professional training.

How to cite: Kovtun R.F. Communicative competence of a young teacher // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 2 160. p. 42-44.
Professional rhetoric: theory - practice - teaching methods
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Strategies and tactics for dialogizing relationships in a study group

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The article analyzes the situations and teaching methods that determine two directions of the Russian language teacher's activity in a technical university. The first direction is related to the search for work options relevant for student authors of various texts (poems, stories). The second is the development of tasks and exercises that help students to find their own rhetorical self.

How to cite: Kryukova G.M. Strategies and tactics for dialogizing relationships in a study group // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 2 160. p. 45-47.
Professional rhetoric: theory - practice - teaching methods
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Model of formation of speech competence of a university teacher

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At the present stage, the model of reforming the system of professional development of university teacher is being developed. Undoubtedly, it should be a first-class specialist, a highly qualified teacher, a skillful educator and a productive scientist. A specialized course "Teacher's Speech Culture" was created in the professional development system of Samara State Academy of Railway Transport.

How to cite: Luneva L.P. Model of formation of speech competence of a university teacher // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 2 160. p. 48-52.
Professional rhetoric: theory - practice - teaching methods
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The role of a foreign language in the integral training of non-linguistic specialists

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The necessity of integral training of specialists strengthens the professional-oriented component of a foreign language course in a technical university. Integration of foreign language with profile disciplines can be realized in two forms: internal - in classroom foreign language classes by establishing interdisciplinary links and external, i.e. out-of-classroom by using the reserves of profile disciplines themselves.

How to cite: Makar L.V. The role of a foreign language in the integral training of non-linguistic specialists // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 2 160. p. 53-54.
Professional rhetoric: theory - practice - teaching methods
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Andragogical aspects of work on speech image of a specialist

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Among professional skills and skills, a modern specialist of any profession needs the ability to present himself, to create a self-presentation by means of speech. At the intersection of rhetoric and imageology lie the issues of working on the speech image of a specialist. However, the practical realization of the ideas of speech image is connected with the peculiarities of the student-adult and the multiple roles of the teacher-rhetor. Andragogy comes to the aid of both subjects of education.

How to cite: Oreshkin V.G. Andragogical aspects of work on speech image of a specialist // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 2 160. p. 55-57.
Professional rhetoric: theory - practice - teaching methods
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“Practical Rhetoric" elective in the system of communicative disciplines at medical school

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The article is devoted to the elective "Practical Rhetoric", which is read at Ivanovo State Medical Academy, its place in the system of communicative disciplines of medical school, goals and objectives.

How to cite: Orlova E.V. “Practical Rhetoric" elective in the system of communicative disciplines at medical school // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 2 160. p. 58-59.
Professional rhetoric: theory - practice - teaching methods
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Judicial rhetoric as a component of professional education of lawyers: to the question of objectives and teaching methods

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The article is devoted to the problems of teaching judicial rhetoric in higher education. Analyzing the data of the questionnaire survey conducted among students, the author concludes that it is necessary to strengthen the humanitarian training of future lawyers. In this context, the techniques of evidence accumulated by general rhetoric, the possession of which serves as a necessary basis for judicial speech, are conceptualized. In particular, attention is drawn to the high teaching potential of such classical forms of reasoning as chria and topos. As a basic component of judicial rhetoric, the author of the article considers modern theories of argumentation based both on the structure of logical proof and on the system of values accepted in society (or in a group). The study of the associated "rhetorical emotions" seems to be an important task of modern rhetoric, and their skillful use in the process of communication is evidence of the speaker's undoubted professionalism.

How to cite: Oturgasheva N.V. Judicial rhetoric as a component of professional education of lawyers: to the question of objectives and teaching methods // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 2 160. p. 60-63.
Professional rhetoric: theory - practice - teaching methods
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"Culture of Speech" in the training of future journalists: from the teaching experience

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The formation of a culture of speech is one of the main components of the professional training of future journalists. At the Faculty of Philology of the Transnistrian State University, second-year students of the "Journalism" department are taught the discipline "Fundamentals of Oral and Written Speech Culture". As a result, students should master the norms of the Russian literary language and develop skills of their practical use in their daily educational activities. An effective methodological technique is to analyze the specific features of materials of different genres (for example, TV news and information programs) taking into account their linguistic and stylistic specifics and then students write their own materials.

How to cite: Polezhaeva S.S. "Culture of Speech" in the training of future journalists: from the teaching experience // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 2 160. p. 64-66.
Professional rhetoric: theory - practice - teaching methods
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On some peculiarities of teaching rhetoric at a pedagogical university

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This article discusses some features of the study of pedagogical rhetoric, gives the content of the program, and provides samples of assignments and exercises.

How to cite: Pupysheva E.L., Kostenko V.A. On some peculiarities of teaching rhetoric at a pedagogical university // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 2 160. p. 67-68.
Professional rhetoric: theory - practice - teaching methods
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Information-communicative approach in studying the culture of speech behavior of a teacher.

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The article describes the use of information-communicative approach in the study of speech behavior of teachers. From this position, speech behavior is considered as a type of personal communication, in the process of which information transfer is carried out.

How to cite: Sokolova Y.G. Information-communicative approach in studying the culture of speech behavior of a teacher. // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 2 160. p. 69-70.
Professional rhetoric: theory - practice - teaching methods
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Professional speech-communicative values of future directors

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Speech-communicative values are structural elements of personality: knowledge, abilities and skills of speech action in the process of verbal communication; possession of specific regularities of speech utterance construction; invariant construction of speech interaction; individual-personal qualities of speech.

How to cite: Suleneva N.V. Professional speech-communicative values of future directors // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 2 160. p. 71-72.
Professional rhetoric: theory - practice - teaching methods
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On the peculiarities of oral pedagogical speech

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The article considers the characteristic features of pedagogical speech. Professional speech of a teacher can have different forms. It can be prepared, partially prepared and spontaneous. It can be a monologue, dialog or polylogue. The teacher's speech should be precise enough, it is designed to be understood from half a word; it should be accompanied by appropriate facial expressions and gestures.

How to cite: Tarasova E.N. On the peculiarities of oral pedagogical speech // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 2 160. p. 73-75.
Professional rhetoric: theory - practice - teaching methods
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Teacher rhetorical literacy: dream and reality

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A current or future teacher should have an initial taste for true rhetorical speech behavior. And a teacher should be a highly rhetorically literate person, therefore Rhetoric should be given one of the most significant places in teacher training and retraining. Rhetorical literacy of a teacher should be considered as one of the components of pedagogical culture. Rhetorical literacy of a teacher is to a great extent a guarantee of rhetorical culture of the society both in the present and in the future. Today, such a state of affairs is a dream. In order to build the rhetorical space of a school, we should try to create a "critical mass" of teachers who, having perceived the idea of rhetorical education and rhetoricization, will inevitably begin to influence other members of the teaching staff, students, and the life of the school. Rhetorical education of teachers can take place in two stages: 1 - scientific and practical seminar "Fundamentals of interpersonal and professional communication", 2 - realization of the project "School of rhetoric for the teacher". The forms and ways of improving the rhetorical training of a modern teacher can be very different. It is important that they should be (according to Solon's thought that the word is the deed).

How to cite: Tikhonov S.I., Tikhonova E.B. Teacher rhetorical literacy: dream and reality // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 2 160. p. 76-80.
Professional rhetoric: theory - practice - teaching methods
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Structure and content of the elective interdisciplinary course "Intercultural Rhetoric" for non-philology students

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The article describes the structure and content of the elective interdisciplinary course "Intercultural Rhetoric" created at Saratov State Technical University. The course is based on the integration of communicative disciplines: rhetoric, speech culture, stylistics, psycholinguistics, general linguistics, sociolinguistics, theory of intercultural communication. Special attention is paid to the acquisition of basic knowledge and formation of skills in the field of rhetoric. Linguistic and national-cultural features of speech behavior are studied on the basis of cross-cultural trainings. Information about linguistic universals and linguistic lacunas is analyzed. As a result of the developed and tested course, a textbook is created.

How to cite: Fedyunina S.M., Maksimova L.N. Structure and content of the elective interdisciplinary course "Intercultural Rhetoric" for non-philology students // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 2 160. p. 81-82.
Professional rhetoric: theory - practice - teaching methods
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Semantic-pragmatic aspect of studying teacher's inductive speech acts

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The article deals with the forms of expression of inductive speech acts in pedagogical communication. The author analyzes typical linguistic means and indirect forms of expressing inducement used by modern teachers in the process of managing students' activities.

How to cite: Filippova O.V. Semantic-pragmatic aspect of studying teacher’s inductive speech acts // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 2 160. p. 83-85.
Professional rhetoric: theory - practice - teaching methods
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Development of self-regulation as a rhetorical skill in the process of preparation for professional activity of students

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Public speaking requires the development of self-regulation for self-improvement. The basic functions and methods of self-regulation are defined, which will allow you to get rid of senseless excessive workload, fears and anxiety.

How to cite: Khasanova V.F. Development of self-regulation as a rhetorical skill in the process of preparation for professional activity of students // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 2 160. p. 86-87.
Professional rhetoric: theory - practice - teaching methods
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Features of rhetorical training of journalism students in the conditions of multicultural society

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Rhetorical training of journalists for the national region implies comprehension of linguocultural features of the contacting peoples. Teaching rhetoric to journalism students in a multicultural environment implies consistent consideration of the data of the analysis of the national-cultural marking of speech behavior in the learning process. Understanding on this basis the differences in speech behavior of representatives of contacting ethnocultures is intended to become the basis for optimizing intercultural interaction. National differences at the verbal level are quite significant, and in order for the audience to perceive the journalistic material adequately to the author's idea, the journalist must take into account many nuances: the peculiarities of the speech etiquette of peoples, differences in the linguistic expression of the category of evaluation, peculiarities of national imagery, and so on.

How to cite: Tsalikova M.A. Features of rhetorical training of journalism students in the conditions of multicultural society // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 2 160. p. 88-89.
Professional rhetoric: theory - practice - teaching methods
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Place and role of linguistic component in the professional training of future specialists

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A special role in the formation of an open and creative personality is assigned to the Russian language, which as an academic subject in humanitarian training has a special status. Like other components of culture, speech culture is inculcated, nurtured and requires constant improvement throughout life. Professional training is a complex integrated process in which the mastery of knowledge of Russian language is inseparable from the training of professional and pedagogical skills. In the formation of students' communicative competence a significant role is given to familiarizing future specialists with the norms of speech culture, which implies the correct and appropriate use of language means in different spheres and communicative-speech conditions of communication. The basic part of the program "Russian Language and Culture of Speech" for students of non-philological specialties are invariant in content, but mobile in structure blocks that provide educational and cultural basis of language training of students. The other part of the program is presented in the form of professionally significant material, allocated on the basis of a careful and deep study of the needs of professional training.

How to cite: Shadrina M.G. Place and role of linguistic component in the professional training of future specialists // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 2 160. p. 90-92.
Professional rhetoric: theory - practice - teaching methods
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Speech competence in the professional training of a pharmacist

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A serious problem in the training of Russian pharmacists is their insufficient communicative competence. It is this competence that largely predetermines the individual assessment of professional activity not only of the pharmacist, but also of each particular pharmacy in general, having a significant impact on its public image and, consequently, its performance. Due to the fact that the object of prospective application of pharmaceutical education becomes a person, the level of requirements to the speech training of the future pharmacist increases. Realized at the social level as an urgent problem, this problem has not found an appropriate reflection in the currently existing state educational standards. The time for speech disciplines in the curricula of non-humanitarian universities is still allocated on a residual principle, which is poorly consistent with the strategic objectives of domestic higher professional education.

How to cite: Shulzhenko V.I. Speech competence in the professional training of a pharmacist // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 2 160. p. 93-94.

On the technology of criterion-oriented testing in Russian language and culture of speech

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The article focuses on the description of the technology of compiling criterion-oriented tests in Russian language and culture of speech for non-philology students. The developed tests allow providing differentiated measurement of students' academic achievements. Test tasks, characterized by a variety of forms and purposes, fully cover the subject content of the discipline "Russian language and culture of speech". The tests have been tested, which testifies to their educational effectiveness.

How to cite: Bobylev B.G. On the technology of criterion-oriented testing in Russian language and culture of speech // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 2 160. p. 95-97.

Specificity of casualness in the genre of congratulations

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The article substantiates the necessity of change to the genre of congratulations in everyday communication. The author formulates the definition of congratulation, as well as provides its genre features. In addition, congratulation is considered as a kind of casual speech. The article presents the characteristics of the levels of casualness: high (speech relaxedness, vigor, psychological comfort, emotionality and the like); medium (increased excitement, speech tension and so on); low (psychological stiffness, pauses, confusion; frequent speech errors and mistakes). These varieties of relaxed speech are considered through such factors as psychological preparation for the delivery of relaxed speech; methods of speech preparation, which are most characteristic of a particular variety; content, form, and the reaction of the audience.

How to cite: Bocharova T.I. Specificity of casualness in the genre of congratulations // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 2 160. p. 98-99.

The field of lexical occasionality: to the problem of functional-semantic description

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In modern linguistics, the field model of the language system has become widespread. The present article proposes one of the possible variants of constructing the expressive field of lexical occasionality. In our opinion, lexical occasionalism is represented by three main types of occasionalisms: 1) lexical proper: rebuilder, advertiser; 2) lexical and word-formation: falsh ak, subconscious; 3) semantic: acupuncture - "embroidery", posharit - "to play balls". Occasionalisms fulfill two main functions: expressive (occasionalisms-expressives) and nominative (occasionalisms-nominatives). The expressive function is represented by two varieties: figurative-characteristic and emotional-evaluative functions. The first of them is in the core of the field, it is peculiar to semantic occasionalisms, the second one is on the nearest periphery, it is characteristic of proper lexical and lexical-formative occasionalisms. The nominative function is performed by a small number of proper lexical occasionalisms. We consider it expedient to consider lexical occasionalisms of other types and occasionalisms of other linguistic levels within the framework of the field theory.

How to cite: Grishcheva E.S. The field of lexical occasionality: to the problem of functional-semantic description // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 2 160. p. 100-102.

The state of the language is the state of the nation

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The article speaks about the important role of studying the course "Culture of Speech" as a component of national culture as a whole. At the same time, the questions are raised: is language culture in demand in our society? Where can a graduate use his/her knowledge? Why do we now observe a nihilistic attitude to language stylistics? The author speaks about the need to recreate the culture of Russian speech as a national and state priority.

How to cite: Divakov M.V. The state of the language is the state of the nation // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 2 160. p. 103-104.

Topical issues of speech culture in mass media

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The article deals with topical issues of speech culture in mass media. The existence of many problems is caused by the fact that new types of publications have appeared in the Russian mass media, the society has not yet developed its attitude to the style concepts of which.

How to cite: Konkov V.I. Topical issues of speech culture in mass media // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 2 160. p. 105-107.

Speech culture and folklore language: teaching the language of Russian folklore to foreigners

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The specificity of the folklore language as a concept of mentality, 2) a linguo-cultural valuable unit of vocabulary and 3) a precedent text is analyzed. The thesis is put forward that in order for a foreign student to develop a confident and competent command of language and speech culture at the level of a native speaker, it is necessary to consciously, consistently and constantly teach folklore words, which can be carried out at the very first stages of learning Russian as a foreign language. The thesis is further illustrated by examples.

How to cite: Kostina A.G. Speech culture and folklore language: teaching the language of Russian folklore to foreigners // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 2 160. p. 108-109.

Issues of teaching the culture of scientific writing

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Theoretical and applied issues of teaching students the culture (cultural) of speech in different fields of science are discussed. Recommendations are given to prepare students for creative work in computereating oral and written scientific texts.

How to cite: Leichik V.M. Issues of teaching the culture of scientific writing // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 2 160. p. 110-112.

Hypertext linguistic universe of the Russian language

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The article addresses the issue of considering the modern Russian language from the point of view of hypertext linguistic universe. The history of the issue is given, indicating the first attempts of machine processing of lexical units of literary monuments. The necessity of constructing the linguistic universe of the Russian language in a non-linear form is discussed.

How to cite: Lesnikov S.V. Hypertext linguistic universe of the Russian language // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 2 160. p. 113-115.

The role of address in the organization of communication

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The address is a peripheral unit of language and speech, nevertheless, its role in the organization of the act of communication is not insignificant. The address is a class of various units united by those or other common for them qualitative and communicative features. The material for the formation of appeals are a variety of linguistic means, represented by units of different linguistic levels: individual lexical units, word combinations, sentences. An address is understood as an independent unit of an utterance, used with a certain pragmatic task. The choice of address requires from the participant of the communicative act special care and good knowledge of the basics of speech culture.

How to cite: Maltsev I.V. The role of address in the organization of communication // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 2 160. p. 116-117.

Textbook on Russian speech culture: the principle of combining cultural and rhetorical components

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The line between theoretical and practical disciplines such as speech culture and rhetoric is uncertain and moving. The difference of object and divergence of traditions of rhetoric, orthology and the theory of communicative qualities of speech aggravates the problem of textbook creation. Speech culture as an educational subject is currently aimed not at producing a text by the learner, but at memorizing exemplary units, their lists and models of exemplary speech use, which significantly reduces the effectiveness of the discipline.

How to cite: Matveeva T.V. Textbook on Russian speech culture: the principle of combining cultural and rhetorical components // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 2 160. p. 118-120.

On the ethical aspect of speech culture

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Negative changes in the field of language consciousness and speech behavior of individuals, caused by extra-linguistic factors, are closely related to the ethical aspect of speech culture. Language competence is necessary for a person as an individual to establish, maintain and successfully complete verbal communication. The pragmatics of modern verbal communication testifies to the inattention of the participants of communication to each other, failure to take into account the most important personal characteristics, without which it is impossible to optimally build a dialog. This finds expression either in simplification or in complication of speech behavior, which leads to infringement of the rights of each of the communicators and is expressed in communicative failure. A linguistic personality respecting the addressee first of all declares himself by means of speech based on the mastery of literary and linguistic norms.

How to cite: Molchanova E.E. On the ethical aspect of speech culture // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 2 160. p. 121-122.

Speech etiquette as one of the components of a business person's image

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Rhetoric is a philological discipline that studies the relation of thought to words. The ability to speak, to persuade, to speak in front of the public is important for a businessman. In our university for more than 15 years we have been giving lectures on the discipline "Business Protocol and Etiquette", where we pay great attention to the culture of communication, speech etiquette. We teach students the ability to hold themselves in front of the audience, to enthuse the audience with their speech, we teach them to determine where to start their speech and how to finish it, how to prepare for a speech, the role of facial expressions, gestures, clothing when speaking, telling about the types of speech etiquette. At the end of the course, students anonymously write their feedback on this discipline and let us know that this discipline is in demand by them.

How to cite: Musagulova R.E. Speech etiquette as one of the components of a business person’s image // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 2 160. p. 123-124.

Rhetoric, speech culture and the dynamics of linguistic norms

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The article deals with the issues of speech culture in interrelation with the concept of linguistic norm and its dynamics in the period from the nineteenth to the twenty-first century. The author analyzes fragments of A.S. Pushkin's works and reveals the specifics of changes at the lexical, morphological, word-formation and syntactic levels. It is concluded that the most significant changes occur in the field of semantics. The author notes that to improve the culture of speech of schoolchildren it is necessary to study the classical literature of the 19th century, but it is important for the teacher to be able to clarify possible "dark places" and comment on "unusual" for speakers of modern Russian language cases of use of lexemes, combinations of words, syntactic constructions.

How to cite: Nikifirova E.B. Rhetoric, speech culture and the dynamics of linguistic norms // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 2 160. p. 125-126.

Issues of rhetorical literacy and speech culture of the Tyumen youth

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The article deals with the problem of rhetorical literacy and speech culture of Tyumen youth. Nowadays the literary language is simply overwhelmed by a wave of borrowings, slang, abnormal vocabulary. Only a few university entrants and students are able to formulate and express their own thoughts competently and correctly. Therefore, universities face a global task: to improve the speech literacy of students, including the culture of professional speech.

How to cite: Ponomerova T.L. Issues of rhetorical literacy and speech culture of the Tyumen youth // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 2 160. p. 127-128.

The relationship between language and culture

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The language of any nation is its historical memory embodied in words. It is in language and through language that such important features and traits as national psychology, character of the people, their way of thinking, original uniqueness of artistic creativity, moral state and spirituality are revealed. Therefore, the culture of language can and should be conceptualized in the ecological aspect proper - as part of a healthy surrounding "speech environment of existence".

How to cite: Prokhotskaya S.A. The relationship between language and culture // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 2 160. p. 129-132.

Variability of ethical component of speech

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A sign of the culture of speech interaction is the parity of the speaker's interest and his responsibility to the interlocutor. In speech reality, the ratio of these two components is variable. The nature of this interaction depends on several factors: the speaker's interest, the speaker's responsibility, the norm, the speaker's evaluation of the speech situation, approval, and stereotypicality of speech behavior. When analyzing real speech behavior, it becomes obvious that the speaker realizes in speech, first of all, his interests. Different linguistic personalities realize their interests in speech in different ways: direct, defending their point of view, and indirect, maintaining a state of psychological comfort. The main duty of the speaker is to take into account the interests of the interlocutor in communication.

How to cite: Risinzon S.A. Variability of ethical component of speech // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 2 160. p. 133-134.

Speech error as a modeled "deviation"

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The article deals with the peculiarities of deviations from the speech standard and the determination of the peculiarities of the student's individual reception when studying the discipline "Russian speech culture". The student models in each case the phenomenon of "error" and develops his own typology of so-called speech irregularities. They distinguish non-variant, variant, reservations, occasionalisms, intensional errors, plain speech, slang, false errors. Such methodology, oriented to the living speech culture, contributes to the development of students' sense of linguistic responsibility and taste, allows them to reflect on what is happening in the language, to give an understanding of the fundamental dynamism of the norm - its historicity and stability, to avoid one-sided and unappealing condemnation of a speech fact.

How to cite: Sidorenko K.P. Speech error as a modeled "deviation" // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 2 160. p. 135-137.

Independent work of students in the course "Russian language and culture of speech" and its rhetorical component

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The problems of organization of independent work of non-philology students studying the course "Russian language and culture of speech" (content - form - control) are considered. The content of independent work is determined by the task of increasing the creative potential of students; the form is designed to increase the academic activity of students and is guided by their professional interests; control involves evaluation and analysis of the results of the teacher's and student's activity.

How to cite: Sokolov A.I. Independent work of students in the course "Russian language and culture of speech" and its rhetorical component // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 2 160. p. 138-139.

Traditional and information technologies in the practice of teaching the course "Russian language and culture of speech"

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Improving the general culture of students, development of their communicative abilities is the task of the course "Russian language and culture of speech". The article deals with the issues related to the teaching of this discipline in an economic university. Promising at present are such pedagogical technologies that are oriented to the personality of the student, his interests and abilities. The practice of work shows that a flexible model of teaching, combination of traditional and information technologies is necessary. We analyze the experience of using information and computer technologies in teaching speech culture, in particular, we consider the use of information and computer technologies "Prometheus" (testing, virtual discussion and others).

How to cite: Tabuldinova A.R. Traditional and information technologies in the practice of teaching the course "Russian language and culture of speech" // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 2 160. p. 140-141.

Speech in interpersonal communication

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The article deals with the methodological aspect of the problem of interaction between literary language and extra-literary language phenomena (jargon, common parlance, dialects). In the modern literary Russian language there is an intensive convergence of traditional book-written and oral means with the everyday colloquial style of speech, urban vernacular, social and professional dialects. Based on this position, the course "Russian Language and Culture of Speech" includes the lecture "Speech in Interpersonal Communication".

How to cite: Usanova O.G. Speech in interpersonal communication // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 2 160. p. 142-143.

Theme "Variation and change of norms of modern Russian literary language" in the university course "Fundamentals of Stylistics and Rhetoric"

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The article considers the correlation between variation and dynamics of norms of modern Russian literary language. It presents a plan and a brief outline of the lecture on the topic "Variation and the change of norms of modern Russian literary language" in the university course "Basics of Stylistics and Rhetoric". The basic concepts - terms: variation, sources and causes of variation, "fluctuations" of the norm, range of variation and competition of variants are characterized. Variation as a property of one and the same linguistic unit and synonymy as a property of different linguistic units are distinguished. Variation is a stage in the development of norm.

How to cite: Kharchenko N.P. Theme "Variation and change of norms of modern Russian literary language" in the university course "Fundamentals of Stylistics and Rhetoric" // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 2 160. p. 144-145.

Communicative behavior and speech culture

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The article considers some features and problems of communicative behavior of modern linguistic personality. The problem of speech culture today by no means loses its relevance. Spontaneous public speech communications demonstrate uncontrolled and unjustified mixing of book-written and spoken features. The inclusion of abnormal, slang and commonplace vocabulary into speech has become fashionable and prestigious. That is why the work on the formation of artistic and aesthetic taste and linguistic reflection seems to be timely and significant.

How to cite: Chebotnikova T.A. Communicative behavior and speech culture // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 2 160. p. 146-147.

Stereotypes as sociocultural markers of individual speech behavior

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The article deals with speech-behavioral and mental stereotypes of plain speech culture. These stereotypes become a source of sociocultural knowledge and allow describing the mechanisms of speech interaction within the communicative-cultural space, as well as at the intersection of cultures. They are expressed verbally in culture as words-habits, ready-made speech formulas, behavioral clichés, chains of train of thought. Being a means of personal socialization, stereotypes mark a person's belonging to a certain type of speech culture, allow to model speech communication in different types of communicative situations.

How to cite: Shalina I.V. Stereotypes as sociocultural markers of individual speech behavior // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 2 160. p. 148-149.

About some forms of optimization of teaching the discipline "Russian language and culture of speech"

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The article deals with the problems of optimizing the teaching of Russian language and culture of speech in a non-humanities university through differentiation and individualization of teaching, the use of educational dialogue, search and research tasks, through the organization of independent work of students.

How to cite: Shulgina N.P. About some forms of optimization of teaching the discipline "Russian language and culture of speech" // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 2 160. p. 150-151.

Accuracy of word usage as an important quality of speech culture

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The article presents the types of violations of word usage accuracy. Special attention in connection with this problem is paid to the analysis of political discourse.

How to cite: Yaroslavtseva T.A. Accuracy of word usage as an important quality of speech culture // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 2 160. p. 152-154.
Rhetoric and communication culture at school: subject-methodology-textbooks
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Elements of rhetorization as a factor of increasing the activity of educational activity in teaching English language learning

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Nowadays there is a lot of talk about the ways of rhetorization of educational activities at school. One of the main goals of English as a means of communication is to make this communication more vivid and effective. The use of rhetorical genres at lessons will help to realize this goal. It is worth adding that in English lessons it is also a means of increasing motivation and improving speech and thinking activity in the class. Thus, foreign language classes are a wonderful chance to use, polish and create new genre forms, as foreign language teaching is teaching communication, first of all. Although, as practice has shown, the use of a variety of genre forms also offers great potential for mastering grammatical forms, automating lexical units, learning to read and write. This article summarizes only some of the genre forms that we use in our lessons. Of course, there are other rhetorical genres in our arsenal. Every teacher's motto should be: CREATE! TRY! INVENT! DISCOVER!

How to cite: Bochkareva S.V. Elements of rhetorization as a factor of increasing the activity of educational activity in teaching English language learning // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 2 160. p. 155-157.
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Speech self-portrait of schoolchildren in the system of genre varieties of portrait characterization

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Recently, due to the development of modern technologies, with the widespread introduction of computers in various areas of human activity has become an urgent problem of communication, which has a special manifestation at school age, when children feel lonely, deprived of communication with people, when their personal self-esteem decreases, as they are unable to analyze their speech activity. In our opinion, these problems can be solved by teaching schoolchildren the techniques of creating a speech self-portrait. The genre of speech self-portrait is a complex type of text, which requires deep linguistic analysis, methodological developments, knowledge of school age psychology, and in the future should take a special place in the functional and semantic variety of schoolchildren's speech, to help students to reveal themselves as a person who can fruitfully communicate with people in any life situation.

How to cite: Volchenkova P.B. Speech self-portrait of schoolchildren in the system of genre varieties of portrait characterization // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 2 160. p. 158-160.
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Specifics of instructional dialog in the school classroom

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Recently, dialog as a teaching method has attracted the interest of methodologists in the field of education. Educational (school) dialog has its own psychological, situational and linguistic specificity. This specificity consists in the following: the basis of school dialog should be an interesting and accessible subject of discussion; the condition for the emergence of dialog in the classroom is a problem situation, positive attitude of partners to each other and recognition of common rules of interaction; the result of the educational dialog can be either the solution of the problem or the definition of the prospects of work on the problem; the educational dialog has motivational schemes characteristic only for it; the essential feature of the educational dialog, which determines its grammatical structure.

How to cite: Gorbich O.I. Specifics of instructional dialog in the school classroom // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 2 160. p. 161-162.
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Silence as a rhetorical technique of indirect pedagogical influence

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This article considers the possibilities of using silence as a rhetorical technique of indirect pedagogical influence. The definition of pedagogical silence as the absence of speech actions in a communicatively binding situation in order to influence the interlocutor (student) is proposed. An attempt is made to determine the speech intension (intention) and the main types of meaningful teacher's silence, as well as the conditions necessary for the effective use of this technique. Suggestions are made about the prospects of studying silence and teaching this technique.

How to cite: Efimova O.Y. Silence as a rhetorical technique of indirect pedagogical influence // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 2 160. p. 163-165.
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Rhetorical tournament as a form of extracurricular activities

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The speech at the rhetorical tournament is built according to the laws of the genre chosen by the students (we already count more than a hundred genres in which a student can realize himself/herself), and holding this competition becomes a school-wide event. In the course of preparation there is speech and thinking activity in the aspect of correlation of the proposed topic with personal capabilities, everyone is looking for his or her niche in the concept (or a number of concepts) proposed as a topic. And the given (as a concept) should pass into a new one, i.e. it should be formulated in the form of a thesis. There is the construction of the text on the model of the chosen genre, the selection of speech means - speech is improved. In this contest is an equal opportunity for all students, feelings of success and rhetorical skills cannot help but influence the study of other school disciplines, and, of course, this activity has an educational aspect: there is a disclosure of positive personal traits, there is a desire not only to improve their speech, but also to improve themselves.

How to cite: Zhilevskaya L.V. Rhetorical tournament as a form of extracurricular activities // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 2 160. p. 166-169.
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Historical component in Russian language lessons as a way to form rhetorical thinking

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The article considers the problems of formation of rhetorical thinking in the lessons of Russian language in secondary school with the use of historical component. The conditions of dialogicality of the text as a didactic unit are defined. Different types of students' activities contributing to the development of rhetorical thinking are named. Recommendations on the selection of texts with historical component are given. The author of the article concludes that it is necessary to educate schoolchildren value attitude to the Russian language in the process of its study.

How to cite: Zaitseva O.N. Historical component in Russian language lessons as a way to form rhetorical thinking // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 2 160. p. 170-171.
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The issues of using modern technical means in the school course of rhetoric

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The proposed article reveals the content of the work, implemented in the school course of rhetoric, on the use of modern technical means in teaching communication.

How to cite: Ladyzhenskaya N.V. The issues of using modern technical means in the school course of rhetoric // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 2 160. p. 172-173.
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Rhetorical bases of genre forms of modern Russian language and literature lessons

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The article addresses the issues of studying the rhetorical foundations of genre forms of modern Russian language and literature lessons. At present, students' interest to the lessons of Russian language and literature is falling. The article gives some recommendations on activating students' interest in these disciplines.

How to cite: Proshletsov E.N. Rhetorical bases of genre forms of modern Russian language and literature lessons // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 2 160. p. 174-174.
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Russian language, literature and rhetoric at school

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On the basis of analyzing the construction of the system of philological education in Russian pre-revolutionary pedagogy, conclusions are drawn about the possible construction of this subject in a modern school. The educational disciplines "Russian language", "Literature", "Rhetoric" are differentiated and correlated.

How to cite: Sandzhi-Garyaeva Z.S. Russian language, literature and rhetoric at school // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 2 160. p. 175-176.
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Directions in teaching rhetoric in the gymnasium

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The multidimensionality of rhetoric and its division into general and private rhetoric determines the relevance of the issue of selecting the content of rhetoric education in schools of different types. Gymnasium as a school of advanced level aims to provide students with a broad humanitarian education and communicative-cognitive development. In this regard, it is necessary to include rhetoric in the curricula of gymnasiums. Despite the differences in the content of rhetoric education in gymnasium classes of different profiles (economic, legal, pedagogical and others), in general we can distinguish the following directions of teaching rhetoric in gymnasiums: 1) study of theoretical material; 2) training of students' pronunciation skills; 3) study of literary language norms; 4) reading, listening and analyzing rhetorical samples; 5) study of practical means of rhetoric, including speech genres; 6) creation by students of their own texts on the basis of the studied rhetorical mediums; 4) study of rhetorical samples, including speech genres; 5) study of practical means of rhetoric, including speech genres; 5) study of rhetoric in gymnasiums; 5) study of rhetoric in gymnasiums.

How to cite: Simakova E.S. Directions in teaching rhetoric in the gymnasium // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 2 160. p. 177-179.
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Keywords in professionally significant precedent texts

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The article considers the groups of vocabulary that represent the key words of the Russian mentality. The word is the most complete and universal sign. It considers what lexico-grammatical means represent linguistic ideas in school textbooks of Russian language.

How to cite: Smetneva N.A. Keywords in professionally significant precedent texts // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 2 160. p. 180-183.
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Preface and afterword in children's speech practice

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The article deals with the problem of teaching preface and afterword in school lessons of rhetoric and speech development. The author substantiates the relevance of addressing these genres: effective use of the reference apparatus of the book in children's speech practice. Gives a comparative characteristic of the preface and afterword, identifying common and distinctive features on the basis of genre-forming factors (purpose, place in the book, structure, formal organization, communicators, nature of evaluation of the primary source) and genre-defining features, including examples of structural components. Describes teaching methodology: basic communicative skills, didactic framework, lesson summaries, sample assignments.

How to cite: Tenekova A.M. Preface and afterword in children’s speech practice // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 2 160. p. 184-186.
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School and communication: Reflections on education in the future and in the present

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The most important goal of education today is to teach ways of action based on consistently offered vital knowledge. In this connection, what is the role of communication in education (including teaching and learning)? According to S.A. Mineyeva, teaching is, first of all, communication. It is necessary to educate in action, through interested developmental activity in the proposed circumstances of equal subjects of modern and timely education. This kind of activity is possible only in real dialog. It is this kind of dialog that can significantly help to build rhetoric as an educational subject that contributes to the development and improvement of rhetorical (more broadly - speech and thinking) activity of students. Today, in many cases, true dialog in teaching is unfortunately not yet possible. It is known that every child is a whole world. The teacher creates Worlds. To hear each other's Voices, it is necessary to be in Dialogue. It can be argued that in the 21st century (including the period of education modernization) it is impossible to do otherwise. The school of the future is born today. Its sprouts in the dialogical present, which preserves and uses the experience and traditions of Russian education. As the Perm philosopher I.I. Churilov correctly noted: "There is no education outside of communication".

How to cite: Tikhonov S.E. School and communication: Reflections on education in the future and in the present // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 2 160. p. 187-189.
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Explanatory speech of the teacher at different stages of the Russian language lesson

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The article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of the teacher's explanatory speech functioning at different stages of the lesson, in different teaching-speech situations. It is emphasized that the use of explanatory speech is not limited to the stage of explaining new material, it occurs in various teaching situations of the lesson in those cases when it is necessary to introduce additional information, eliminate cases of misunderstanding or ignorance. The content and form of such statements depend on the specific conditions of the lesson. Actualization of optimal forms of information transfer, repeated reference to the studied phenomenon provides more effective assimilation of new information by pupils.

How to cite: Khaimovich L.V. Explanatory speech of the teacher at different stages of the Russian language lesson // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 2 160. p. 190-191.
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On the rhetorical approach to the characterization of the hero of fiction

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The article deals with the development of communicative technologies in the course of analyzing the artistic image of a person in literature. The author substantiates the relevance and necessity of creating the characterization of the hero of a literary work in the rhetorical aspect. The article deals with the fact that the traditional scheme of characterization of the hero of a literary work does not correspond to the main communicative-methodological task of the school: preparing students for successful communication in the spheres of activity relevant to them. It is promising to analyze the image of a person in a modern lesson of literature with the support of the communicative component of the hero's personality. It is also noted that it is the hero of the drama that most clearly and authentically embodies the rhetorical ideal of modernity. In conclusion, the author emphasizes that this kind of work will be an attempt to combine the lessons of literature and rhetoric. By studying and describing the rhetorical ideal embodied in literature, students will be able to raise the level of their speech culture, and subsequently develop the "technology" of creating their own image.

How to cite: Khlebnikova M.S. On the rhetorical approach to the characterization of the hero of fiction // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 2 160. p. 192-194.
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On the subject of studying the style of the Russian elegiac school as "the most characteristic example of a stable, closed style"

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The concept of "rhetoric" includes the theory of speech and oratory, i.e. the speaker's speech technique. Unfortunately, this art is mastered only by a select few. The reason, apparently, is that rhetoric as an art of speech is not studied in schools. This science is the oldest of the branches of linguistics. Academician D.S. Likhachev noted that "the greatest value of a nation is its language, the language in which it writes, speaks, thinks. Thinks! It is necessary to understand... in all the meaningfulness of this fact". A person's language is his worldview and his behavior. To form the ability to make expressive and literate speech is the basis of modern teaching; one of the ways is to work with samples of classical Russian literature from the point of view of linguocultural analysis.

How to cite: Shatalova O.V. On the subject of studying the style of the Russian elegiac school as "the most characteristic example of a stable, closed style" // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 2 160. p. 195-197.
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Etiquette speech genres in everyday communication and in fiction and their study at university and school

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The article analyzes the etiquette speech genres of everyday communication and examples of etiquette genres from artistic works, paying attention to their difference.

How to cite: Shevchenko N.V. Etiquette speech genres in everyday communication and in fiction and their study at university and school // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 2 160. p. 198-199.
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Asystemicity as a result of analogy and as a consequence of contamination

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The action of processes by analogy can affect the language system in different ways. I. Analogy as a fact of language can transform its system from within, passing through the phase of asystemicity and constructing a new systemicity, resp. anti-systemicity. II. Analogy as a fact of speech may remain at the level of an asystemic fact to be avoided. As a result of the principle of contamination, asystemic word-use may also arise. Asystemicity as a result of analogy and as a consequence of contamination is also revealed in an oral scientific text.

How to cite: Stoyanova R.S. Asystemicity as a result of analogy and as a consequence of contamination // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 2 160. p. 200-201.