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L. V. Khaimovich
L. V. Khaimovich
Moscow Pedagogical State University
Moscow Pedagogical State University


Rhetoric and communication culture at school: subject-methodology-textbooks
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Explanatory speech of the teacher at different stages of the Russian language lesson

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The article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of the teacher's explanatory speech functioning at different stages of the lesson, in different teaching-speech situations. It is emphasized that the use of explanatory speech is not limited to the stage of explaining new material, it occurs in various teaching situations of the lesson in those cases when it is necessary to introduce additional information, eliminate cases of misunderstanding or ignorance. The content and form of such statements depend on the specific conditions of the lesson. Actualization of optimal forms of information transfer, repeated reference to the studied phenomenon provides more effective assimilation of new information by pupils.

How to cite: Khaimovich L.V. Explanatory speech of the teacher at different stages of the Russian language lesson // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 2 160. p. 190-191.