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Vol 161

Vol 160 No 2
Improvement of the system of state management of subsoil use
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Problems of the mineral and raw materials complex at the stage of economic diversification

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The article considers investment opportunities and directions of diversification of the mineral and raw materials complex in the process of structural reorganization of the economy. Its internal problems are singled out and the reasons for insufficient investment activity to solve them are substantiated. The concept of economic mechanism of using free funds of raw material industries for diversification purposes is proposed.

How to cite: Orlov V.P. Problems of the mineral and raw materials complex at the stage of economic diversification // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 161. p. 5-7.
Improvement of the system of state management of subsoil use
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Analysis of the regulatory framework of the state management of subsoil use in the Russian Federation

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The analysis of the system of state regulation of subsoil use relations between the state and economic entities (enterprises, organizations, institutions) in the use of subsoil for various purposes is given. The authorizations of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation, which conducts state policy and carries out management in the field of study, use, reproduction, protection of natural resources, protection of the natural environment and ensuring environmental safety, are considered. Possible variants of the concept of reforming the subsoil legislation are proposed.

How to cite: Pashkevich N.V., Iseeva L.I. Analysis of the regulatory framework of the state management of subsoil use in the Russian Federation // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 161. p. 8-10.
Improvement of the system of state management of subsoil use
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Conceptual foundations of economic management of subsoil use

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The initial principles of rational subsoil use in the format of state management of activities on geological exploration, geological and economic assessment, extraction, processing and utilization of mineral resources are formulated.

How to cite: Skobelina V.P., Stepanova T.E. Conceptual foundations of economic management of subsoil use // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 161. p. 11-14.
Improvement of the system of state management of subsoil use
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Mining laws in the system of state regulation concerning mineral resources usMining legislation in the system of state regulation of subsoil use relations

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The issues of formation of modern mining law in Russia are considered. The conceptual provisions to be reflected in the draft law of the Russian Federation "On Subsoil" are defined. The requirements for mining legislation to create uniform legal norms and rules for the owner of subsoils (the state) and subsoil users are substantiated.

How to cite: Soloveva E.A. Mining laws in the system of state regulation concerning mineral resources usMining legislation in the system of state regulation of subsoil use relations // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 161. p. 15-18.
Improvement of the system of state management of subsoil use
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Performance measurement of investment projects under non-stationary market economy conditions

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The problem of measuring the effectiveness of investment projects in non-stationary economic conditions is considered. The disadvantages of the traditional method of calculating net discounted value are shown. A new, extended NPV formula taking into account the reinvestment of periodic income is proposed, which allows to improve the accuracy of project efficiency assessment in unstable economic conditions in Russia.

How to cite: Sergeev I.B. Performance measurement of investment projects under non-stationary market economy conditions // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 161. p. 19-21.
Improvement of the system of state management of subsoil use
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Justification of the system of planning of investment activity of a mining enterprise

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Justification of the parameters of investment activity of a mining enterprise within the framework of a comprehensive program of its development is achieved in the process of developing an integrated planning system. Such a system is based on the coordination of strategic, medium-term and current plans of production activities. The system is formed in several stages. At first, a strategic plan is developed, the basis of which is the grouping of investment projects by time factor. Then an implementation calendar is drawn up for medium-term and current projects differentiated by blocks of the investment strategy. The optimal variant of investment projects implementation is justified in the course of analyzing the total cash flow and rating indicators. The final stage involves registration of the final indicators of the enterprise development in the business plan and target integrated program of the mining enterprise.

How to cite: Lyubek Y.V. Justification of the system of planning of investment activity of a mining enterprise // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 161. p. 22-25.
Improvement of the system of state management of subsoil use
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State stimulation of geological and exploration works to reproduce the mineral resource base

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The problems of the state of the mineral and raw materials complex of Russia are considered. Since 1992 the volumes of mineral raw materials extraction have not been replenished by the growth of explored reserves. The organizing and regulating role of the state is to create conditions for maintaining a balanced structure of the mineral resource base, to eliminate the gap between the volume of production and reserve growth, to attract investment in geological exploration. The measures of state support are considered: economic, legislative, regulatory and legal.

How to cite: Fedchenko A.A., Sinkov L.S. State stimulation of geological and exploration works to reproduce the mineral resource base // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 161. p. 26-28.
Improvement of the system of state management of subsoil use
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Subsoil use license as an object of intangible assets in Russian and foreign practice

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The structure of intangible assets is presented. Special attention is paid to the right to use subsoil both in Russian and foreign practice. different points of view regarding the possibility of attributing the license for the right to use subsoil to the objects of intangible assets are considered.

How to cite: Tarabarinova T.A., Shvareva E.V. Subsoil use license as an object of intangible assets in Russian and foreign practice // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 161. p. 29-31.
Improvement of the system of state management of subsoil use
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Forms and methods of state regulation in the field of mineral resource base reproduction

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The main problems of the geological exploration industry are considered: lack of financing, imperfection of mining and tax legislation. The legal basis for solving these problems should be the state regulation of development and use of mineral resource base. A number of measures are proposed, the adoption of which will lead to a more efficient system of subsoil use.

How to cite: Soloveva E.A., Nikolaichuk L.A. Forms and methods of state regulation in the field of mineral resource base reproduction // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 161. p. 32-35.
Improvement of the system of state management of subsoil use
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System cadastral valuation of secondary mineral resources

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In a paper is rotined, that the existing cadastres of natural resources do not answer new administrative and economical ratioes reshaped in Russia. Is drawn a conclusion, that compiling the cadastre of natural resources by a territorial principle is necessary, the constituent of such territorial cadastre will be the cadastre of secondary mineral resources. Is justified, that the indexs of the cadastre allow to realize a system estimation(rate) of secondary mineral resources with allowance of choice by the applicable yardsticks.

How to cite: Berezovskii P.V. System cadastral valuation of secondary mineral resources // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 161. p. 36-38.
Improvement of the system of state management of subsoil use
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Systemic cadastral assessment of secondary mineral resources

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It is shown that the existing cadastres of natural resources do not meet the new administrative and economic relations forming in Russia. the cadastre of natural resources should be compiled according to the territorial principle, and the cadastre of secondary mineral resources should become a component of such a territorial cadastre. The form and composition of the cadastre indicators are substantiated, which will make it possible to give a systemic assessment of secondary mineral resources on the basis of appropriate criteria.

How to cite: Krylov S.A. Systemic cadastral assessment of secondary mineral resources // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 161. p. 39-42.
Improvement of the system of state management of subsoil use
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Development of a mechanism for effective state regulation of private coal companies' activities

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The article considers the problems of creating a system of effective state regulation of coal companies in Russia in connection with the end of the period of restructuring of the production potential of the industry and the withdrawal of the state from direct participation in the activities of coal companies. The main tasks and difficulties faced by coal mining companies at the present stage of development are characterized. The directions of improvement of the state regulation of the coal industry are proposed.

How to cite: Soloveva E.A., Lebedeva O.Y. Development of a mechanism for effective state regulation of private coal companies’ activities // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 161. p. 43-45.
Improvement of the system of state management of subsoil use
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Prospects for the development of Russia's shale oil industry on the basis of an innovative project

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On the basis of the Leningrad oil shale deposit the only oil shale mining enterprise in Russia – OOO Leningradslanets operates. The difficult financial situation of this town-forming enterprise has led to negative socio-economic consequences for the population of the entire Slantsy district. The paper considers the prospects of the enterprise development by implementing an innovative project for the construction of an energy-technological complex based on oil shale.

How to cite: Manylova M.V. Prospects for the development of Russia’s shale oil industry on the basis of an innovative project // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 161. p. 46-48.
Improvement of the system of state management of subsoil use
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Prospects for the development of the Russian diamond mining industry and its competitiveness in the world market

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Prospects for the development of the Russian shale industry based on the innovative projectThe article reviews the current problems of development of the diamond mining industry in Russia against the background of changes in the diamond market related to the level of availability of mineral resources, legislative innovations, corporate strategies, competitive struggle and redistribution of sales markets, on the part of non-economic forces on the development of the industry. Possible measures to influence the new trends are assessed. Recommendations are given on the framework formation of a long-term development strategy for diamond mining companies in modern conditions.

How to cite: Smetankin A.V. Prospects for the development of the Russian diamond mining industry and its competitiveness in the world market // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 161. p. 49-52.
Improvement of the system of state management of subsoil use
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Regional factors in subsoil use management: trends and contradictions of the transition period (on the example of the Saratov region)

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The article analyzes the problems of improving the system of economic regulation of the use of resource potential of regional self-development. On the example of the Saratov region the main trends and contradictions of the regional mineral and raw materials complex development are revealed. It is concluded that it is necessary to take into account the meso-economic factors of socio-economic development in the management of subsoil use.

How to cite: Morozov V.Y. Regional factors in subsoil use management: trends and contradictions of the transition period (on the example of the Saratov region) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 161. p. 53-56.
Improvement of the system of state management of subsoil use
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Assessment of balanced nature management and regional sustainability on the example of the Russian part of the Baltic Sea Region

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The international experience of implementing the concept of sustainable development within the framework of Agenda 21 for the Baltic Sea Region (Baltic 21) is considered. The main methodological approaches to measuring the real sustainability of natural-economic systems are presented and a set of sustainable development indicators is proposed. In accordance with the developed criteria of balanced nature management, statistical indicators for the Russian part of the Baltic Sea Region were analyzed and relevant conclusions were drawn.

How to cite: Makarov O.N. Assessment of balanced nature management and regional sustainability on the example of the Russian part of the Baltic Sea Region // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 161. p. 57-60.
Improvement of the system of state management of subsoil use
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Concession forms of state property management in the sphere of subsoil use - a prospect for the development of resource industries in Russia

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Radical changes in economic conditions in Russia have led to the need to attract large investments in long-term projects for the development of new fields. This should have been facilitated by the law "On Production Sharing Agreements". However, the mechanism proposed in the law did not ensure a balance between the interests of the state (the owner of subsoil resources) and investors in the implementation of capital-intensive projects in the sphere of subsoil use. A positive contribution to the formation of a truly effective mechanism of subsoil use could be made by the development and adoption of legislation on concessions. This would allow not only to attract investors, but also to ensure the development of regional economies on the basis of new technologies.

How to cite: Tertyshnyi S.A. Concession forms of state property management in the sphere of subsoil use - a prospect for the development of resource industries in Russia // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 161. p. 61-63.
Improvement of the system of state management of subsoil use
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Rent theory and problems of nature management in the national economy

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The principal features of mineral resources development in special natural and climatic conditions and under the influence of appreciating factors in the north of Russia are considered. The possibilities and necessity of formation of the mechanism of rent payments in the system of taxation of subsoil use, the essence and features of withdrawal of absolute and differential rent in the conditions of exploitation of mineral deposits in the northern territories are determined. The principles and mechanism of improving rent payments to increase the sustainability of socio-economic systems of Russia's northern territories are proposed.

How to cite: Selin V.S., Istomin A.V. Rent theory and problems of nature management in the national economy // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 161. p. 64-67.
Improvement of the system of state management of subsoil use
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Formation of the mechanism of distribution and utilization of natural rent in the oil and gas chemical complex

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It is shown that the usual tax mechanism based on the use of a universal tax rate is unacceptable for the oil and gas chemical complex. It is proposed to distinguish between the rent received due to high prices for export raw materials and the rent associated with the high quality of natural resources. The former should be withdrawn with the help of floating customs duties, the latter - on the basis of a stable tax rate, which should be differentiated on a legislative basis depending on the quality of deposits.

How to cite: Smykov V.V. Formation of the mechanism of distribution and utilization of natural rent in the oil and gas chemical complex // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 161. p. 68-71.
Improvement of the system of state management of subsoil use
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Rates of regular payments for subsoil use on the Russian shelf and their calculation using geoinformation technologies

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The current geological exploration works in the internal sea waters, territorial sea and on the continental shelf of Russia by investors of various forms of ownership are not provided to the necessary extent by the regulatory and legal framework that allows to establish the amount of payments for the right of prospecting, evaluation and exploration of mineral deposits. The essence of the proposed methodology for calculating the payment for subsoil use on the shelf is to assess the ranking potential of a particular object according to a group of rank-forming factors: general, geological, physical-geographical, economic-geographical, environmental. All developments are based on the level of profitability, which determines the efficiency of any project realization. Justification and consideration of the above conditions when determining the rates of payments for subsoil use will be realized in the information-analytical system (IAS) "Register of shelf zones of the Russian Federation". The Register will meet the current level of geological knowledge, allow mobile and flexible input of new clarifying data, carry out necessary calculations and analytical actions. The registry will be closed from unauthorized access and simple enough for a potential user.

How to cite: Banolessi N.Y., Shtykova N.B. Rates of regular payments for subsoil use on the Russian shelf and their calculation using geoinformation technologies // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 161. p. 72-74.
Improvement of the system of state management of subsoil use
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Improvement of the system of intra-company planning in modern conditions

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Planning and budgeting are among the most complex and responsible functions of management. the means to implement the action plan and budget serve as the basis for achieving the intended goals.

How to cite: Namsaraeva N.T., Vdovichenko A.M., Stolbovskaya N.V. Improvement of the system of intra-company planning in modern conditions // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 161. p. 75-78.
Improvement of the system of state management of subsoil use
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Search information technologies as a tool to improve the efficiency of environmental management in prospecting and evaluation of mineral deposits

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The problem of rational use of natural resources in prospecting, mining and processing of minerals is considered as a task of improving the efficiency of environmental management at all its stages: from prospecting and evaluation of deposits to the write-off of reserves during their development. The prospecting and appraisal stage in this scheme seems to be the most important due to the significant geological and economic risks involved in such works. The implementation of a rational approach to environmental management in the conditions of market relations is based on the strategy of cost optimization for prospecting and appraisal geological and exploration works, which is impossible without the use of modern information technologies.

How to cite: Omelchenko M.M. Search information technologies as a tool to improve the efficiency of environmental management in prospecting and evaluation of mineral deposits // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 161. p. 79-81.
Efficiency of development of mineral and energy resources
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Concept of competitive development of the energy companies in the oil and gas companies under conditions of energy markets globalization

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The problems of sustainable development of energy company in the oil and gas complex of Russia are considered. The criteria and the concept of strategic development of the company, focused on adequate satisfaction of consumer needs in electricity, heat energy, fuel for transportation, are substantiated. Strategic prerequisites for the formation and development of global energy companies are highlighted.

How to cite: Ilinskii A.A. Concept of competitive development of the energy companies in the oil and gas companies under conditions of energy markets globalization // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 161. p. 82-84.
Efficiency of development of mineral and energy resources
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Efficiency of development of titanium-bearing ores

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The main types of titanium-containing raw materials of the mineral resource base of the Russian Federation are considered. To solve the problem of production of metallic titanium, its alloys and titanium dioxide in terms of quantitative and qualitative parameters, it is proposed to use and introduce into the national economic turnover both old and new types of titanium-containing raw materials. It will allow to provide our industry with own titanium mineral raw materials, more fully use the existing capacities for production of titanium sponge, metal and alloys, organize large-scale production of titanium pigments, significantly increase export supplies and expand their assortment.

How to cite: Fedoseev V.A., Ivanov A.M. Efficiency of development of titanium-bearing ores // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 161. p. 85-87.
Efficiency of development of mineral and energy resources
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Evolution of the methodology of economic evaluation of oil and gas resources

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The article analyzes the evolution of approaches to the economic evaluation of oil and gas resources, considers the main methodological documents and the results of economic evaluation. The special role of VNIGRI in the formation and development of this new direction of studying the hydrocarbon potential of promising territories is emphasized.

How to cite: Robinson B.V., Tatarenko V.I. Evolution of the methodology of economic evaluation of oil and gas resources // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 161. p. 88-91.
Efficiency of development of mineral and energy resources
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Methodological approaches to the formation of balances of thermal coals under the conditions of energy market liberalization

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The problems of formation of perspective regional balances of power coals in modern conditions are considered. New methodological approaches to the formation of balances are substantiated, taking into account the ongoing reform processes in the sphere of production and consumption of energy resources. A number of methodological principles and techniques are proposed, which allow to significantly improve the adequacy of the developed forecasts of production and consumption of thermal coal in the regions of Russia.

How to cite: Reznichenko S.S., Romanov S.M. Methodological approaches to the formation of balances of thermal coals under the conditions of energy market liberalization // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 161. p. 92-94.
Efficiency of development of mineral and energy resources
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Interaction of investment and innovation processes in the fuel and energy industry

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The interrelation of innovations and investments, the main prerequisites for the development and implementation of innovative measures and their investment support in the coal industry are considered. The scheme of formation of investment and innovation strategy at the enterprise is proposed.

How to cite: Vasiltsova V.M., Kudryashov I.N., Antipin A.A. Interaction of investment and innovation processes in the fuel and energy industry // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 161. p. 95-97.
Efficiency of development of mineral and energy resources
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Strategic guidelines for the development of the unified gas supply system in the context of gas market reforms

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The Unified Gas Supply System of Russia (UGSS) is a fundamental element of the national economy, whose reliable and efficient functioning directly affects its normal operation and the livelihood of all Russian citizens. Russia annually consumes 410 billion m 3 of gas, i.e. more than 70% of the total volume of gas produced in the country. The gas industry accounts for 8 % of the GDP structure, provides a significant part of the budget revenues, as well as more than 19 % of the state's foreign currency earnings from gas exports. The gas market in Russia, with a sufficient resource base and unique technological infrastructure, is characterized by a number of disproportions that may become a factor limiting the development of all participants of the gas market in the future. The principles of the system approach to the UGSS research are considered. A brief overview of the current state of all industries operating within the UGSS is presented. The main conditions and directions of reforming the gas market are specified. Problems facing the gas industry are formulated and the main strategic directions of the UGSS sustainable development in the current conditions are outlined.

How to cite: Cherepovitsyn A.E. Strategic guidelines for the development of the unified gas supply system in the context of gas market reforms // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 161. p. 98-101.
Efficiency of development of mineral and energy resources
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Economic and organizational mechanisms for resolving contradictions between subsoil use and traditional nature use in oil and gas producing regions

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The problems of emergence and resolution of contradictions between the development of oil and gas resources and traditional nature use of small indigenous minorities of the North are considered. A brief review of foreign experience in resolving conflicts between subsoil users and traditional nature use in the northern territories is given. Examples of positive and negative experience of solving the problem in Russia are given. Economic and organizational mechanisms for resolving the contradictions between the development of oil and gas resources and traditional nature use are proposed.

How to cite: Bocharnikova T.B. Economic and organizational mechanisms for resolving contradictions between subsoil use and traditional nature use in oil and gas producing regions // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 161. p. 102-104.
Efficiency of development of mineral and energy resources
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Economic potential of small deposits in the mineral market

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The article considers foreign experience in the development of small deposits and the prospects for the development of such deposits in Eastern Transbaikalia. The analysis of economic, technological, organizational, social and environmental factors affecting the efficiency of small deposits exploitation is given.

How to cite: Glotov V.V. Economic potential of small deposits in the mineral market // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 161. p. 105-109.
Efficiency of development of mineral and energy resources
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The concept of strategic planning for the development of mining enterprises in the northern regions

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The processes of reforming the mining industry have reached the greatest acuteness in the northern regions. The situation in the Kirov-Apatit district is indicative, allowing us to study the most typical processes taking place in the mining industry during the transition period. The socio-economic situation in the region is largely determined by Apatit's operations, the results of which determine stable tax revenues, the preservation and creation of jobs, and support for the infrastructure of the region's towns and villages. A systematic approach to the socio-economic potential of Apatit is necessary to improve the efficiency of production and economic activities and the sustainability of Apatit. Due to the multifaceted nature of the company's operations, sustainable development requires the implementation of a comprehensive socio-economic development program for the company that takes into account the socio-economic interests of all participants of economic activity.

How to cite: Kirsanova N.Y., Kirsanova I.Y. The concept of strategic planning for the development of mining enterprises in the northern regions // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 161. p. 110-112.
Efficiency of development of mineral and energy resources
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Features of the business process management system of a gas company

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The structure is defined and the general concept of working capital management of a gas company is considered. The goals of cash management of the gas company are analyzed. On the example of Peterburgregregiongaz the priority directions of the gas company are defined.

How to cite: Grachev K.V. Features of the business process management system of a gas company // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 161. p. 113-116.
Efficiency of development of mineral and energy resources
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Technological resource of economic mechanisms of rational subsoil use

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The analysis of technological factors affecting the efficiency of interaction between mining and processing and mineral resource complexes is given. For the first time it was proposed to use the recoverable value of mineral raw materials as an indicator that unites both stages of mineral and raw materials complex development. The ways of increasing the reliability of technological assessment, in the process of which the extractable value is determined, are indicated. The models of expert systems of rational subsoil use are proposed: certification of mineral raw materials by technological properties (extractable value); quantitative assessment of the degree of rationality and complexity of subsoil use, technological audit of subsoil use and others. The role of expert systems in creating a mechanism of accounting and control over subsoil use, effective management of the state subsoil fund is shown.

How to cite: Bashlykova T.V. Technological resource of economic mechanisms of rational subsoil use // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 161. p. 117-119.
Efficiency of development of mineral and energy resources
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Technological solutions to improve the efficiency of subsoil use

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A rational series of technological solutions aimed at improving the efficiency of study and development of deposits and including seven stages is proposed: predictive assessment of ore contrast in the subsurface, assessment of the contrast of extracted ore of initial size, operational technological assessment of the obtained grades, ore preparation with the use of centrifugal-impact type apparatuses, maximum use of gravitational processes with full or partial abandonment of flotation schemes, enrichment of technological grades obtained by large lump processing The complex of innovative technologies for gold-sulfide, gold-quartz, copper-silver ores and copper ores with gold mineralization is given. The developed rational range of technological solutions is used in the creation of the concept of antimony industry development in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).

How to cite: Bashlykova T.V., Pakhomova G.A., Lagov B.S., Zhivaeva A.B. Technological solutions to improve the efficiency of subsoil use // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 161. p. 120-122.
Efficiency of development of mineral and energy resources
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Economic and mathematical model of justification of financing of innovative measures

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The directions of innovation implementation at the mining enterprise are identified and it is shown that modernization of production is necessary at all existing technological processes to ensure the rhythmic production of all types of commercial products with certain qualitative indicators. The technical and economic indicators of Mikhailovsky GOK for 2001-2003 were analyzed, the reconstruction of the excavator park of the open pit was substantiated, the innovative potential of the plant was evaluated. An economic and mathematical model for determining the boundary conditions of leasing efficiency has been developed, taking into account the following factors: the rate of income tax and property tax, the interest rate on the loan for the lessee and the lessor, the annual rate of insurance payments, the discount rate, the service life of leasing equipment under normal and accelerated depreciation.

How to cite: Sidorova T.V., Korneva O.V. Economic and mathematical model of justification of financing of innovative measures // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 161. p. 123-125.
Efficiency of development of mineral and energy resources
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Development of algorithms of the system of operational controlling of production costs for R&D of geological profile

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In the conditions of risks and uncertainty in the management of activities for the creation of scientific and technical products as a management concept is controlling. The criterion of controlling efficiency is cost minimization. If there is insufficient information for the use of analytical-calculative methods of determining the standards of labor intensity, it is advisable to use the experimental-statistical method, which is based on the determination of standards of labor intensity and cost of the product of average complexity with their subsequent adjustment using the established complexity and novelty coefficients.

How to cite: Katysheva E.G. Development of algorithms of the system of operational controlling of production costs for R&D of geological profile // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 161. p. 126-129.
Efficiency of development of mineral and energy resources
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Assessing the economic efficiency of construction and operation of the new Norilsk Enrichment Plant

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The technological scheme of ore processing at the Norilsk Concentrator is considered. The necessity to build a new enrichment plant is demonstrated. The economic efficiency of construction and operation of the new Norilsk Enrichment Plant was calculated. The financial and economic results were analyzed.

How to cite: Samoilenko A.I., Tsarakov O.I. Assessing the economic efficiency of construction and operation of the new Norilsk Enrichment Plant // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 161. p. 130-132.
Efficiency of development of mineral and energy resources
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Integrated development of progressive oil field development systems (from the experience of OGPD Yamashneft of OAO Tatneft)

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Oil fields are being developed in 30 regions of Russia. In most of them (Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, regions and republics of the Volga region, the Urals, the North Caucasus, a number of regions of Western Siberia) there is a decline in oil production due to depletion of reserves. At the same time, significant resources are lost, developed production infrastructure is devalued, and acute social problems arise related to the employment of released personnel.

How to cite: Smykov V.V. Integrated development of progressive oil field development systems (from the experience of OGPD Yamashneft of OAO Tatneft) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 161. p. 133-135.
Efficiency of development of mineral and energy resources
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Prospects for development of the gas complex in the East Siberian region

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The data on geological and economic assessment of cost-effective development of oil and gas bearing areas of East Siberia for the medium and long term are given.

How to cite: Fuks A.V. Prospects for development of the gas complex in the East Siberian region // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 161. p. 136-138.
Rational use of natural resources and environmental protection
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System of payments for subsoil use and production efficiency in the coal industry

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Improving the efficiency of production in the mining industry is possible on the basis of improvement and development of the economic mechanism of rational use of mineral resources. One of the main objects of research in this case is the tax system, which is explained by its key importance for the effective process of developing the potential of mineral resources. The most important direction of improving the tax system in the mining industry is the transition to the rent principle of taxation, which makes it possible to link the taxes transferred by mining enterprises to the budget with the economic efficiency of mining production. Recommendations on improving the tax system for the Russian coal industry enterprises have been developed. They were used for the economic evaluation of the project of development and technical re-equipment of mines of Vorkuta industrial region for the period up to 2015.

How to cite: Lobanov N.Y. System of payments for subsoil use and production efficiency in the coal industry // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 161. p. 139-143.
Rational use of natural resources and environmental protection
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The role of the state in subsoil use management in Russia

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The problems of formation of the state mechanism of subsoil use management in the Russian Federation are considered. Economic and organizational-administrative methods and levers of improving the state management of subsoil use are proposed. In this connection the ecological functions of the Russian state within the framework of management of the sphere of nature use in the conditions of market economy are analyzed and generalized.

How to cite: Volovich V.N. The role of the state in subsoil use management in Russia // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 161. p. 144-146.
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Utilization of secondary mineral resources as a factor of resource saving

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Some aspects of the problem of resource conservation in relation to the mining complex of Russia, taking into account the experience of countries with developed market economies. The analysis of the current state of affairs in the field of utilization of secondary mineral resources is carried out. The reasons why the use of secondary mineral resources is a significant reserve of resource saving are identified and substantiated.

How to cite: Berezovskii P.V., Iseeva L.I. Utilization of secondary mineral resources as a factor of resource saving // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 161. p. 147-149.
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Rational utilization of associated gas resources in Western Siberia

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The economic efficiency, environmental and social consequences of the integrated use of hydrocarbon raw materials are considered. The efficiency of associated gas utilization at gas processing plants and gas turbine power plants is analyzed.

How to cite: Krymov S.M., Robinson B.V. Rational utilization of associated gas resources in Western Siberia // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 161. p. 150-152.
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Mining-industrial complex as a production-economic system (methodological aspect)

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The main characteristics of the concept of mining-industrial complex (MIC) are defined. The general organizational principles developed in the framework of the functional theory of organization are accepted as signs of the objective existence of the mining-industrial complex as a specific production-economic system. The functional principles of organization are formulated in relation to the Mining and Industrial Complex and the conclusion is made about the legitimacy of its representation as a production-economic system.

How to cite: Kuklina E.A. Mining-industrial complex as a production-economic system (methodological aspect) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 161. p. 153-156.
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Rational use of mineral resources as a prerequisite for sustainable development of the region

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The problems of realization of the concept of sustainable development are considered, the criteria of which are preservation and improvement of the quality of the natural environment, achievement of a certain quality of life of the population and increase in the efficiency of nature management. Currently, to prevent environmental crises it is necessary to change the technogenic type of development to a sustainable type of development, which from the position of rational nature management implies the improvement of methods of economic evaluation of natural resources, the development of a system of indicators of sustainable development of natural resource systems.

How to cite: Guseva N.G. Rational use of mineral resources as a prerequisite for sustainable development of the region // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 161. p. 157-159.
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Use of underground storage facilities for carbon dioxide conservation in the Russian Federation

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The main types of underground facilities suitable for use as carbon dioxide storage facilities are specified, the most significant advantages associated with the implementation of the project under consideration are identified. Possible favorable consequences of the project implementation are considered, taking into account the prospects of Russia's compliance with international environmental obligations.

How to cite: Ilinskii A.A., Lavygin A.A. Use of underground storage facilities for carbon dioxide conservation in the Russian Federation // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 161. p. 160-162.
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Planning and evaluation of the effectiveness of innovative projects in nature management

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The classification and analysis of existing methods of its calculation and the author's method of grouped, supplemented and refined evaluation indicators are proposed to take into account the environmental component of innovation efficiency in environmental management. The authorsdeveloped indicators of damage and waste intensity of enterprises and a flowchart of decision-making on environmental investment.

How to cite: Vasiltsova V.M., Yakovleva E.N. Planning and evaluation of the effectiveness of innovative projects in nature management // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 161. p. 163-166.
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Improvement of methodological recommendations for assessing the economic efficiency of integrated use of mineral raw materials

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The problems of assessing the efficiency of rational use of mineral raw material base are considered. The analysis of available methodological developments in the field of determining the economic efficiency of the integrated use of mineral raw materials is carried out. The methodology for assessing the economic efficiency of the integrated use of minerals, taking into account social and environmental indicators is proposed.

How to cite: Volovich N.V., Marinina O.A. Improvement of methodological recommendations for assessing the economic efficiency of integrated use of mineral raw materials // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 161. p. 167-169.
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Problem of environmental-economic assessment of efficiency of rational use of mineral raw materials in market conditions

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The most important direction of increasing the economic efficiency of mining and processing production and improving the quality of the natural environment is the integrated use of mineral raw materials, overburden and production waste. Assessment of ecological and economic efficiency of integrated use of iron ore deposits should be carried out by means of the developed system of ecological and economic indicators characterizing national economic and self-financing efficiency of production. When assessing the economic efficiency of investments in the integrated use of mineral raw materials and environmental protection, it is necessary to take into account the value of mineral resources, the characteristics of mining enterprises and the current level of development of market relations in the country.

How to cite: Tsvetkova A.Y. Problem of environmental-economic assessment of efficiency of rational use of mineral raw materials in market conditions // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 161. p. 170-172.
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Economic mechanism for managing transboundary transport of harmful substances

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To manage transboundary transfer, it is proposed to use the method of purchase and sale of pollution rights. Characteristics of pollution rights trading systems at the interstate level are presented.

How to cite: Vasiltsova V.M., Domot O.N. Economic mechanism for managing transboundary transport of harmful substances // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 161. p. 173-174.
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Justification of expediency of production of separate valuable components at complex processing of mineral raw materials

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The problems of assessing the economic efficiency of production of each of the valuable components of mineral raw materials at its complex processing are considered. The disadvantages of the traditional approach based on the condition of recoupment of the full cost of the evaluated component (the sum of direct and the corresponding part of indirect costs) are revealed. The estimation methodology is proposed, which provides compensation of only direct costs for any valuable component separately and payback of the sum of direct and indirect costs of extraction and multi-product processing of raw materials.

How to cite: Larichkin F.D., Larichkin A.P. Justification of expediency of production of separate valuable components at complex processing of mineral raw materials // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 161. p. 175-177.
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Probabilistic assessment of the impact of geological risks on the economic efficiency of oil and gas investment projects

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When determining the economic efficiency of oil and gas investment projects, the assessment of risk and reliability of decisions taken in the preparation of the mineral resource base is of great importance. Such an assessment can be obtained on the basis of a geological and mathematical model of probabilistic growth of oil and gas reserves, which is based on the composition of two distributions describing the regularities of field discovery (binomial) and obtaining a given increase in reserves (exponential, truncated Pareto distribution, b-distribution, etc.). The essence of the proposed approach is to establish quantitative correlations between reserve increments and volumes of prospecting and appraisal works with different confidence levels and to build, based on these levels, the field of geological risks.

How to cite: Krasnov O.S., Mamakhatova R.T., Aksenenko S.V., Panteleev A.V., Krylosov A.A. Probabilistic assessment of the impact of geological risks on the economic efficiency of oil and gas investment projects // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 161. p. 178-180.
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Consideration of the social factor in determining the social effect of rational environmental management

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Social aspects of rational use of natural resources are considered. The criteria for assessing the social efficiency of the integrated use of mineral raw materials and methodological recommendations for determining the social indicators of the social effect of the rational use of natural resources are proposed.

How to cite: Marinina O.A. Consideration of the social factor in determining the social effect of rational environmental management // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 161. p. 181-183.
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Environmental component of real estate investments

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Russian investors working in the real estate market, for the most part, remember only the immediate profit. And they do not pay attention to the environmental impact of the built object or, on the contrary, do not think whether the object is necessary in a given location and how it will affect the environment. Objects are located inconsiderately, use low-quality materials that do not meet the requirements. But it is the state that should be interested in environmental protection, and should create such conditions that investments in real estate take into account the environmental component, especially since the federal program, along with other priorities of state investment, defines the provision of environmental protection measures as well.

How to cite: Lenkovets O.M. Environmental component of real estate investments // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 161. p. 184-186.
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World practice of environmental services market development

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The advantages of market methods of environmental regulation are demonstrated. Specific analysis of the practice of environmental services market development is given on the example of the program "Acid Rain" in the USA, the program of lead reduction in gasoline, reduction of chlorofluorocarbons under the Montreal Protocol; the use of environmental services market for limitation and prevention of greenhouse gases.

How to cite: Gankevich T.V. World practice of environmental services market development // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 161. p. 187-189.