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M. V. Manylova
M. V. Manylova
G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute
G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute



Improvement of the system of state management of subsoil use
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Prospects for the development of Russia's shale oil industry on the basis of an innovative project

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On the basis of the Leningrad oil shale deposit the only oil shale mining enterprise in Russia – OOO Leningradslanets operates. The difficult financial situation of this town-forming enterprise has led to negative socio-economic consequences for the population of the entire Slantsy district. The paper considers the prospects of the enterprise development by implementing an innovative project for the construction of an energy-technological complex based on oil shale.

How to cite: Manylova M.V. Prospects for the development of Russia’s shale oil industry on the basis of an innovative project // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 161. p. 46-48.
Economics and management
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Some results of coal industry restructuring and prospects for the development of the oil shale industry

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On the basis of the Leningrad oil shale deposit the only oil shale mining enterprise in Russia - OAO Leningradslanets - operates. The present state of the oil shale industry is analyzed, and a brief analysis of its economic activity is given. The critical state of the industry is noted, because after the collapse of the USSR Russia lost its main consumers of oil shale. The difficult financial situation of the city-forming enterprise - OAO Leningradslanets - has led to negative social and economic consequences in the life of the population of the whole Slantsy region. The prospects of the enterprise's development through the implementation of an innovative project for the construction of an oil shale-based power engineering complex are being considered.

How to cite: Soloveva E.A., Manylova M.V. Some results of coal industry restructuring and prospects for the development of the oil shale industry // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. № 1 159. p. 189-192.