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I. V. Kashina
I. V. Kashina
Kazan State Pedagogical University
Kazan State Pedagogical University


Professional rhetoric: theory - practice - teaching methods
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"Rhetoric" in the pedagogical university as an opportunity to get acquainted with the methodology of teaching this subject in school

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The emergence of fundamental scientific works on general rhetoric and in the field of private rhetoric cannot but influence the methodology of teaching this discipline in higher education, but, nevertheless, the latter is still far from being complete due to the complexity of multidimensional content of the subject and the peculiarity of its status in the circle of philological disciplines. In the course of classes, students not only learn the necessary rhetorical concepts and categories, acquire certain rhetorical skills and abilities, but, observing the speech behavior of the teacher, become familiar with the methods of lectures, arguments, conversations, with the methods of analysis and evaluation of speech works of students. In this way, they learn certain models of speech behavior in possible situations of future school life, which can be qualified as practical mastery of the methodology of teaching rhetoric.

How to cite: Kashina I.V. "Rhetoric" in the pedagogical university as an opportunity to get acquainted with the methodology of teaching this subject in school // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 2 160. p. 39-41.