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Vol 160 No 2
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The relationship between language and culture

S. A. Prokhotskaya
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  • P.A. Stolypin Volga Academy of Public Service
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The language of any nation is its historical memory embodied in words. It is in language and through language that such important features and traits as national psychology, character of the people, their way of thinking, original uniqueness of artistic creativity, moral state and spirituality are revealed. Therefore, the culture of language can and should be conceptualized in the ecological aspect proper - as part of a healthy surrounding "speech environment of existence".

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  1. Культура русской речи / Под ред. Л.К.Граудиной и Е.Н.Ширяева. М.,1998.
  2. Оганесян С.С. Культура речевого общения // Русский язык в школе. 1998. № 5.
  3. Скворцов Л.И. Язык, общение и культура // Русский язык в школе. 2000. № 1.

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