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Vol 160 No 2
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Speech culture and folklore language: teaching the language of Russian folklore to foreigners

A. G. Kostina
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  • Rhodes College
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The specificity of the folklore language as a concept of mentality, 2) a linguo-cultural valuable unit of vocabulary and 3) a precedent text is analyzed. The thesis is put forward that in order for a foreign student to develop a confident and competent command of language and speech culture at the level of a native speaker, it is necessary to consciously, consistently and constantly teach folklore words, which can be carried out at the very first stages of learning Russian as a foreign language. The thesis is further illustrated by examples.

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  1. Колесов В.В. Жизнь происходит от слова. СПб., 2000.
  2. Сулименко Н.Е. Слово в контексте гуманитарного знания. СПб., 2002.
  3. Сухих М.В. Лингвострановедчески ценная лексика (на фоне итальянского языка): Автореф. дис. …канд. филол. наук. СПб., 2000.

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