Pedagogical rhetoric and the pragmatics of apologizing
About authors
- Institute of Management and Economics
The article deals with situations requiring the fulfillment of a speech ritual (apology) from the participants of communication whose social and speech roles are pupil/student and teacher/teacher. The most effective tactics of conflict mitigation, from the author's point of view, are: - explaining the inevitability of speech ritual; - etymological analysis of the concepts of "guilt", "error"; - reference to the opinion of an authoritative scholar, which leads to the effect of "impartial judging"; - rhetorical trainings. The key to constructive solution of a conflict situation is the teacher's rhetorical culture.
- Рождественский Ю.В. Словарь терминов. (Общеобразовательный тезаурус): Мораль. Нравственность. Этика. М.: Флинта: Наука, 2002.
- Формановская Н.И. Речевой этикет и культура общения. М.: Высш. шк., 1989.
- Юнина Е.А. Закон моделирования аудитории и дифференцированное обучение // Юнина Е.А. Педагогическая риторика: Учебное пособие. Пермь: Изд-во ПОИПКРО, 1995. С.48-61.
- Юнина Е.А. Педагогическая риторика: Учебное пособие. Пермь: Изд-во ПОИПКРО, 1995.
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