Date submitted2023-12-15
Date accepted2024-06-13
Date published2025-02-25
Development of equipment and improvement of technology for inertial thickening of backfill hydraulic mixtures at the final stages of transportation
The results of the study of the functioning of the developed thickening equipment as part of the stowing complex for the formation of a flow of high-concentration hydromixture are presented. To explain the operation of the hydrotransport system of the stowing complex, equipped with a thickener of the developed design, its basic diagram is presented. A mathematical model has been created that describes the mechanism of inertial sedimentation of a solid component of a hydraulic mixture in a working chamber equipped with hydrodynamic profiles. Interaction with the profile leads to flow stratification due to a change in the trajectory of movement and a decrease in speed. The interval of rational velocity of primary pulp entering the input of the working chamber of the inertial thickener is substantiated. The synthesis of solutions of the thickening process model is performed in the COMSOL Multiphysics and Ansys Fluent programs. This made it possible to eliminate physical contradictions in the operation of the equipment and justify the overall dimensions of its main elements, ensuring the implementation of the mechanism of inertial sedimentation of the slurry. It was found that the concentration of the thickened flow at the outlet branch pipe of the thickener working chamber is determined by the level of the primary hydraulic fluid velocity, the characteristic length of the section of interaction with the deflecting profile, and the ratio of the flow and attack angles. A nomogram of the dynamics of the change in the hydraulic fluid concentration in the section of the outlet branch pipe depending on the ratios of the overall dimensions of the deflecting profile of the working chamber was compiled. The results of the study allowed formulating recommendations for selecting the dimensions of the thickener's deflecting hydrodynamic profile to form a flow of hydraulic mixture with a concentration of about 50 % by weight. The developed equipment can be used in a stowage complex and will increase the range of supply of the stowage mixture. This is due to the fact that a flow of primary slurry with a low concentration, due to lower pressure losses, can be moved in a pipeline system over a greater distance than a flow with a high filler content. The use of a thickener at the final stage of transportation is intended to increase the concentration of the hydraulic mixture immediately before production.
Date submitted2024-05-28
Date accepted2024-11-07
Date published2024-12-25
Methods of intensification of pipeline transportation of hydraulic mixtures when backfilling mined-out spaces
The paper presents an analysis of the advantages and limitations of additional measures to intensify the transportation of the backfill hydraulic mixture flow. The results of the analysis of the conditions for using pumping equipment to move flows with different rheological properties are shown. Generalizations of the methods for influencing the internal resistance of backfill hydraulic mixtures by means of mechanical activation, as well as increasing fluidity due to the use of chemical additives are given. The article presents the results of studies confirming the feasibility of using pipes with polymer lining, which has proven its efficiency in pumping flows of hydraulic mixtures with different filler concentrations. An analytical model of hydraulic mixture movement in the pipeline of the stowage complex has been developed. The trends in pressure change required to ensure the movement of hydraulic mixture in pipelines of different diameters are exponential, provided that the flow properties are constant. The effect of particle size on the motion mode of the formed heterogeneous flow, as well as on the distribution of flow density over the cross-section, characterizing the stratification and change in the rheological properties of the backfill hydraulic mixture, is assessed. An analytical model of centralized migration of the dispersed phase of the hydraulic mixture flow is formulated, describing the effect of turbulent mixing of the flow on the behavior of solid particles. An assessment of the secondary dispersion of the solid fraction of the hydraulic mixture, which causes a change in the consistency of the flow, was performed. The studies of the influence of the coefficient of consistency of the flow revealed that overgrinding of the fractions of the filler of the hydraulic mixture contributes to an increase in the required pressure in the pipeline system.
Date submitted2022-03-01
Date accepted2024-06-03
Date published2024-12-25
Study of the possibility of using high mineralization water for hydraulic fracturing
The results of laboratory studies aimed at developing hydraulic fracturing fluid based on alternative sources of high mineralization water are presented. It is shown that Cenomanian sources have the most stable mineralization parameters, while bottom water and mixed waters collected from pressure maintenance systems differ significantly in their properties, with iron content varying several times, and hardness and mineralization undergoing substantial changes. The quality of the examined hydraulic fracturing fluids based on alternative water sources is confirmed by their impact on residual permeability, as well as residual proppant pack conductivity and permeability. The experimental results show similar values for these parameters. The comprehensive laboratory studies confirm the potential for industrial use of high mineralization water in hydraulic fracturing operations.
Date submitted2023-07-27
Date accepted2024-06-03
Date published2024-12-25
Normalized impulse response testing in underground constructions monitoring
Impulse Response testing is a widespread geophysical technique of monolithic plate-like structures (foundation slabs, tunnel lining, and supports for vertical, inclined and horizontal mine shafts, retaining walls) contact state and grouting quality evaluation. Novel approach to data processing based on normalized response attributes analysis is presented. It is proposed to use the energy of the normalized signal calculated in the time domain and the normalized spectrum area and the average-weighted frequency calculated in the frequency domain as informative parameters of the signal. The proposed technique allows users a rapid and robust evaluation of underground structure’s grouting or contact state quality. The advantage of this approach is the possibility of using geophysical equipment designed for low strain impact testing of piles length and integrity to collect data. Experimental study has been carried out on the application of the technique in examining a tunnel lining physical model with a known position of the loose contact area. As examples of the application of the methodology, the results of the several monolitic structures of operating municipal and transport infrastructure underground structures survey are presented. The applicability of the technique for examining the grouting of the tunnel lining and the control of injection under the foundation slabs is confirmed. For data interpretation the modified three-sigma criteria and the joint analysis of the attribute’s behavior were successfully used. The features of the field work methodology, data collection and analysis are discussed in detail. Approaches to the techniques' development and its application in the framework of underground constructions monitoring are outlined. The issues arising during acoustic examination of reinforced concrete plate-like structures are outlined.
Date submitted2022-10-29
Date accepted2023-10-25
Date published2024-04-25
Assessment of rock massif sustainability in the area of the underground research laboratory (Nizhnekanskii Massif, Enisei site)
The study presents the results of the research on geodynamic and geological conditions of the Enisei site (Krasnoyarsk Krai), chosen for the construction of an underground research laboratory. The laboratory is being built at a depth of 500 m to assess the suitability of the rock mass for burying high-level radioactive waste. The rocks consist of weakly fractured gneisses, granites, and dikes of metadolerites. Field observations were conducted on bedrock outcrops. They included the determination of rock mass quality indicators, measurement of rock fracturing, and a rating classification of stability using N.Barton's method. GNSS observations were also made to monitor surface deformations. These data were used to develop a three-dimensional structural model, including lithology, fault disruptions, intrusive bodies, elastic-strength properties of rocks, and the sizes of zones influenced by faulting. It will serve as a basis for boundary conditions and the construction of three-dimensional variational models of stress-strain states, identifying zones of concentration of hazardous stresses, and planning in situ geomechanical experiments in underground mines of the laboratory. The obtained values of the modified QR index for the main types of rocks allowed their classification as stable and moderately stable, corresponding to strong and very strong rocks on Barton's scale and the massif rating according to geomechanical classification.
Date submitted2021-02-09
Date accepted2023-09-20
Date published2024-02-29
Analysis of experience in the use of preformed particle polymer gels in the development of high-water-cut production facilities in low-temperature oil reservoirs
- Authors:
- Sergei V. Galkin
- Yuliya A. Rozhkova
Foreign practice of oil production in high-water-cut conditions suggests using the technology of injection of preformed particle gel (PPG) suspension into injection wells. After swelling, the polymer particles become elastic and are able to penetrate through highly permeable watered intervals into the remote reservoir zone, forming a polymer “plug”. Thus far, the domestic experience of application of this technology boiled down to testing foreign compounds. We have looked into the possibilities of PPG technology application in geological and technological conditions of high-water-cut fields of Perm Krai. The paper proposes PPG reagents effective in low-temperature reservoirs (20-35 °С) and at relatively high salinity of formation water (more than 200 g/l). The world experience of PPG technology application was analyzed to identify the principal scheme of reagent injection, to establish variants of sequence of injection of PPG particles of different sizes, as well as the possibility of regulating the morphological characteristics of polymer gel particles during synthesis depending on the porosity and permeability of the reservoir. A prerequisite for the technology is the ability to remove PPG particles after treatment from the bottom-hole zone of the formation; for this purpose, tests were carried out on a breaker compound based on sodium persulfate with synergizing additives. PPG technology is effective in reservoirs with high permeability heterogeneity. Two types of high-water-cut production facilities potentially promising for PPG realization have been identified for oil fields of Perm Krai. The first type includes carbonate Tournaisian-Famennian reservoirs with pronounced macrofracturing, in which the PPGs are used for colmatation of flushed large fractures. The second type is terrigenous Visean deposits with increased oil viscosity from 5 to 100 mPa∙s and high permeability of reservoirs (> 0.5 μm2). For both types of reservoirs, areas have been selected that are promising for the implementation of PPG technology.
Date submitted2021-01-21
Date accepted2023-09-20
Date published2023-12-25
Adaptation of transient well test results
Transient well tests are a tool for monitoring oil recovery processes. Research technologies implemented in pumping wells provide for a preliminary conversion of measured parameters to bottomhole pressure, which leads to errors in determining the filtration parameters. An adaptive interpretation of the results of well tests performed in pumping wells is proposed. Based on the original method of mathematical processing of a large volume of field data for the geological and geophysical conditions of developed pays in oil field, multidimensional models of well flow rates were constructed including the filtration parameters determined during the interpretation of tests. It is proposed to consider the maximum convergence of the flow rate calculated using a multidimensional model and the value obtained during well testing as a sign of reliability of the filtration parameter. It is proposed to use the analysis of the developed multidimensional models to assess the filtration conditions and determine the individual characteristics of oil flow to wells within the pays. For the Bashkirian-Serpukhovian and the Tournaisian-Famennian carbonate deposits, the influence of bottomhole pressure on the well flow rates has been established, which confirms the well-known assumption about possible deformations of carbonate reservoirs in the bottomhole areas and is a sign of physicality of the developed multidimensional models. The advantage of the proposed approach is a possibility of using it to adapt the results of any research technology and interpretation method.
Date submitted2022-12-01
Date accepted2023-01-19
Date published2023-12-25
Inclusions of diamond crystals in the tourmaline of the schorl-uvite series: problems of genesis
The mineralogical and geochemical features of diamond-bearing tourmaline crystals (schorl-uvite series) from garnet-clinopyroxene rocks of the Kumdy-Kol deposit (Northern Kazakhstan) have been studied in detail. The formation of the main rock-forming minerals (garnet + K-bearing clinopyroxene) occurred in the diamond stability field at 4-6 GPa and 950-1000 °C. Crystallization of K-bearing clinopyroxene at these parameters is possible in the presence of an ultra-potassic fluid or melt formed because of crustal material melting in subduction zones. Tourmaline crystals (up to 1 cm) containing diamond inclusions perform veins crosscutting high-pressure associations. The composition of individual zones varies from schorl to uvite within both a single grain and the sample as a whole. The potassium content in this tourmaline does not exceed 0.1 wt.% K2O, and the isotopic composition of boron δ11B varies from –10 to –15.5 ‰, which significantly differs from the previously established isotopic composition of boron in maruyamaite crystals (δ11B 7.7 ‰ in the core and –1.2 ‰ in the rim) of the same deposit. Analysis of the obtained data on δ11B in the tourmalines from the diamond-grade metamorphic rocks within the Kumdy-Kol deposit suggests the existence of two boron sources that resulted in crystallization of K-bearing tourmaline crystals (maruyamaite-dravite series) and potassium-free tourmalines of the schorl-uvite series.
Date submitted2022-06-20
Date accepted2023-01-10
Date published2023-08-28
Laboratory, numerical and field assessment of the effectiveness of cyclic geomechanical treatment on a tournaisian carbonate reservoir
Results are discussed for evaluation of effectiveness of the cyclic geomechanical treatment (CGT) on a Tournaisian carbonate reservoir. Analysis of laboratory experiments performed according to a special program to assess permeability changes for Tournaisian samples under cyclic changes in pore pressure is presented. The main conclusion is the positive selectivity of the CGT: an increase in permeability is observed for samples saturated with hydrocarbons (kerosene) with connate water, and maximal effect is related to the tightest samples. For water-saturated samples, the permeability decreases after the CGT. Thus, the CGT improves the drainage conditions for tight oil-saturated intervals. It is also confirmed that the CGT reduces the fracturing pressure in carbonate reservoirs. Using flow simulations on detailed sector models taking into account the results of laboratory experiments, a possible increase in well productivity index after CGT with different amplitudes of pressure variation was estimated. Results of a pilot CGT study on a well operating a Tournaisian carbonate reservoir are presented, including the interpretation of production logging and well testing. The increase in the well productivity index is estimated at 44-49 % for liquid and at 21-26 % for oil, with a more uniform inflow profile after the treatment. The results of the field experiment confirm the conclusions about the mechanisms and features of the CGT obtained from laboratory studies and flow simulations.
Date submitted2022-08-20
Date accepted2022-11-17
Date published2022-12-29
Comparison of the approaches to assessing the compressibility of the pore space
- Authors:
- Vitaly S. Zhukov
- Yuri O. Kuzmin
Integral and differential approaches to determining the volumetric compression of rocks caused by changes in the stress state are considered. Changes in the volume of the pore space of rocks are analyzed with an increase in its all-round compression. Estimation of changes in the compressibility coefficients of reservoirs due to the development of fields is an urgent problem, since the spread in the values of compressibility factors reduces the adequacy of estimates of changes in the physical properties and subsidence of the earth's surface of developed fields and underground gas storages. This parameter is key in assessing the geodynamic consequences of the long-term development of hydrocarbon deposits and the operation of underground gas storage facilities. Approaches to the assessment differ in the use of cumulative (integral) or local (differential) changes in porosity with a change in effective pressure. It is shown that the coefficient of volumetric compressibility of pores calculated by the integral approach significantly exceeds its value calculated by the differential approach, which is due to the accumulative nature of pore compression with an increase in effective pressure. It is shown that the differential approach more accurately determines the value of the pore compressibility coefficient, since it takes into account in more detail the features of the change in effective pressure.
Date submitted2022-04-12
Date accepted2022-11-17
Date published2022-12-29
Development of technological solutions for reliable killing of wells by temporarily blocking a productive formation under ALRP conditions (on the example of the Cenomanian gas deposits)
Modern field operation conditions are characterized by a decline in gas production due to the depletion of its reserves, a decrease in reservoir pressure, an increase in water cut, as well as due to the depreciation of the operating well stock. These problems are especially specific at the late stage of development of the Cenomanian deposits of Western Siberia fields, where the anomaly factor below 0.2 prevails, while gas-bearing formations are represented mainly by complex reservoirs with high-permeability areas. When killing such wells, the classical reduction of overbalance by reducing the density of the process fluid does not provide the necessary efficiency, which requires the search for new technical and technological solutions. In order to prevent the destruction of the reservoir and preserve its reservoir properties during repair work in wells with abnormally low reservoir pressure, AO “SevKavNIPIgaz” developed compositions of special process fluids. A quantitative description of the process of blocking the bottomhole formation zone is proposed by means of mathematical modeling of injection of a gel-forming solution into a productive horizon. The well killing technology includes three main stages of work: leveling the injectivity profile of the productive strata using three-phase foam, pumping the blocking composition and its displacement with the creation of a calculated repression. Solutions obtained on the basis of a mathematical model allow optimizing technological parameters to minimize negative consequences in the well killing process.
Date submitted2021-05-13
Date accepted2022-11-28
Date published2022-12-29
Reproduction of reservoir pressure by machine learning methods and study of its influence on the cracks formation process in hydraulic fracturing
Hydraulic fracturing is an effective way to stimulate oil production, which is currently widely used in various conditions, including complex carbonate reservoirs. In the conditions of the considered field, hydraulic fracturing leads to a significant differentiation of technological efficiency indicators, which makes it expedient to study in detail the crack formation patterns. For all affected wells, the assessment of the resulting fractures spatial orientation was performed using the developed indirect technique, the reliability of which was confirmed by geophysical methods. In the course of the analysis, it was found that in all cases the fracture is oriented in the direction of the development system element area, which is characterized by the maximum reservoir pressure. At the same time, reservoir pressure values for all wells were determined at one point in time (at the beginning of hydraulic fracturing) using machine learning methods. The reliability of the used machine learning methods is confirmed by high convergence with the actual (historical) reservoir pressures obtained during hydrodynamic studies of wells. The obtained conclusion about the influence of the formation pressure on the patterns of fracturing should be taken into account when planning hydraulic fracturing in the considered conditions.
Date submitted2021-09-17
Date accepted2022-04-07
Date published2022-12-29
Technique for calculating technological parameters of non-Newtonian liquids injection into oil well during workover
Technique for automated calculation of technological parameters for non-Newtonian liquids injection into a well during workover is presented. At the first stage the algorithm processes initial flow or viscosity curve in order to determine rheological parameters and coefficients included in equations of rheological models of non-Newtonian fluids. At the second stage, based on data from the previous stage, the program calculates well design and pump operation modes, permissible values of liquid flow rate and viscosity, to prevent possible hydraulic fracturing. Based on the results of calculations and dependencies, a decision is made on the necessity of changing the technological parameters of non-Newtonian liquid injection and/or its composition (components content, chemical base) in order to prevent the violation of the technological operation, such as unintentional formation of fractures due to hydraulic fracturing. Fracturing can lead to catastrophic absorptions and, consequently, to increased consumption of technological liquids pumped into the well during workover. Furthermore, there is an increased risk of uncontrolled gas breakthrough through highly conductive channels.
Date submitted2021-09-22
Date accepted2022-03-24
Date published2022-04-29
Predicting dynamic formation pressure using artificial intelligence methods
Determining formation pressure in the well extraction zones is a key task in monitoring the development of hydrocarbon fields. Direct measurements of formation pressure require prolonged well shutdowns, resulting in underproduction and the possibility of technical problems with the subsequent start-up of wells. The impossibility of simultaneous shutdown of all wells of the pool makes it difficult to assess the real energy state of the deposit. This article presents research aimed at developing an indirect method for determining the formation pressure without shutting down the wells for investigation, which enables to determine its value at any time. As a mathematical basis, two artificial intelligence methods are used – multidimensional regression analysis and a neural network. The technique based on the construction of multiple regression equations shows sufficient performance, but high sensitivity to the input data. This technique enables to study the process of formation pressure establishment during different periods of deposit development. Its application is expedient in case of regular actual determinations of indicators used as input data. The technique based on the artificial neural network enables to reliably determine formation pressure even with a minimal set of input data and is implemented as a specially designed software product. The relevant task of continuing the research is to evaluate promising prognostic features of artificial intelligence methods for assessing the energy state of deposits in hydrocarbon extraction zones.
Date submitted2021-09-02
Date accepted2022-01-24
Date published2022-04-29
Complex processing of high-carbon ash and slag waste
The paper considers a current issue of ash and slag processing for the Polyus Aldan JSC, that has accumulated over 1 million tons of this waste. Following the results of the review of Russian and foreign literature, four promising areas of their use were selected: road construction, building materials, reclamation of disturbed lands, and inert aggregates. To assess the possibility of implementing the selected disposal directions, the samples of ash and slag waste of the enterprise were sampled and analyzed. Fuel characteristics, chemical and mineral composition, as well as physico-chemical and mechanical properties of waste were determined. Taking into account the results of complex laboratory studies and the requirements of regulatory documents, each of the selected areas of using ash and slag waste was evaluated. It was found that their disposal by traditional methods has limitations, mainly related to the high content of unburned fuel residues. The high content of combustible substances and the high specific heat of combustion with a relatively low ash content suggested the possibility of thermal disposal of the studied waste. Based on the literature data, the characteristics of the preparation of organic coal-water suspensions based on the studied ash and slag waste were selected. As a result of a series of experiments on their flaring, the expediency of using the obtained fuel at the enterprise under consideration has been proved. The authors note the possibility of using ash obtained after thermal waste disposal in the road construction industry. The prospects for further research of technologies for the preparation and combustion modes of suspension fuel based on ash and slag waste are determined.
Date submitted2021-02-28
Date accepted2021-11-30
Date published2021-12-27
Substantiation of analytical dependences for hydraulic calculation of high-viscosity oil transportation
- Authors:
- Alexander K. Nikolaev
- Natalia А. Zaripova
One of the development priorities in oil and gas industry is to maintain gas and oil pipeline networks and develop pipeline-connected gas and oil fields of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, a promising region the resource potential of which will not only meet a significant portion of internal and external demand for various types of raw materials and primary energy carriers, but will also bring great economic benefits to subsoil users and the state. The mineral and raw material centers of the Nadym-Purskiy and Pur-Tazovskskiy oil and gas bearing areas are among the most attractive regions of the Arctic zone. It is necessary to develop a scientifically substantiated approach to improve the methods of oil transportation from the field to the existing pipelines. As it is known, the task of increasing the efficiency of pipeline transportation of high-viscosity oil is inseparably connected with solving problems in the field of thermal and hydraulic calculation of pipeline system. The article presents the substantiation of dependencies for hydraulic calculation of pipelines transporting high-viscosity oil exhibiting complex rheological properties. Based on the laws of hydraulics for non-Newtonian fluids, the formulas for calculating head losses for fluids obeying Ostwald's law are proposed, their relationship to the classical equations of hydraulics is shown. The theoretical substantiation of looping installation for increasing the efficiency of pipeline transportation of high-viscosity oil taking into account the received dependences for power fluid is considered.
Date submitted2021-07-07
Date accepted2021-10-18
Date published2021-12-16
Influence of hydraulic compression on porosity and permeability properties of reservoirs
Active development of hard-to-recover oil reserves causes the need for an innovative approach to methods of oil recovery and intensification of its production, based on taking into account the specifics of filtration processes in low-productive reservoirs and complex geological and physical conditions. Pilot works for studying the mechanism of changes in porosity and permeability properties of reservoirs during swabbing of wells are presented. Based on the hydrodynamic investigations performed, the results of the work are analyzed. The method of oil production intensification using hydraulic compression of formation has been developed. It has been shown that when using hydraulic compression technology in the pore space of the formation, the effect of capillary and gravitational forces is strongly reduced. The influence of these forces decreases when significant pressure gradients with changing direction are formed during well swabbing for depression impact on the bottomhole zone of the formation. Hydraulic compression induced an increase in well productivity and flow rate; insights into how how permeability and porosity properties change during well swabbing were clarified. The range of compressive durability (minimum and maximum values) was determined for the Verean deposits of the Melekeskaya Depression and the South Tatar arch. The impact of formation hydraulic compression caused changes in permeability and porosity properties of the reservoir in the bottomhole zone on a qualitative level. Piezo- and hydraulic conductivity increased by 20 %. Experimental work in well 1545 of Keremetyevskoe field showed an increase of piezo- and hydraulic conductivity coefficients, effective formation thickness, change of filtration flows character.
Date submitted2021-04-26
Date accepted2021-07-27
Date published2021-10-21
Study of the dynamics for gas accumulation in the annulus of production wells
Accumulation of associated petroleum gas in the annulus is one of the negative factors that impede the intensification of mechanized oil production. An increase in annular gas pressure causes growth of bottomhole pressure, a decrease in back pressure to the formation and the inflow of formation fluid. In addition, accumulation of gas in the annulus leads to displacement and a decrease in the liquid level above the submersible pump. Insufficient level of the pump submersion (rod or electric submersible) causes a number of complications in the operation of mechanized production units associated with overheating of the elements in pumping units. Therefore, the development of technologies for optimizing the gas pressure in the annulus is relevant. Method for calculating the intensity of gas pressure increase in the annulus of production wells operated by submersible pumps has been developed. Analytical dependence for calculating the time interval of gas accumulation in the annulus, during which the dynamic level decreases to the pump intake, is obtained. This value can be used to estimate the frequency of gas withdrawal from the annulus using compressors. It has been found that the rate of increase in annular gas pressure in time increases non-linearly with a rise in the gas-oil ratio and a decrease in water cut, and also linearly increases with a rise in liquid flow rate. Influence of the operating (gas-oil ratio) and technological (value of the gas pressure maintained in the annulus) factors on the flow rate of the suspended reciprocating compressor driven by the beam engine, designed for forced withdrawal and redirection of the annular gas into the flow line of the well is analyzed.
Date submitted2021-03-11
Date accepted2021-07-27
Date published2021-10-21
Justification of a comprehensive technology for preventing the formation of asphalt-resin-paraffin deposits during the production of highlyparaffinic oil by electric submersible pumps from multiformation deposits
Production of highly solidifying abnormal oils (with a paraffin content of over 30 % by mass) in the Far North is complicated by the intensive formation of asphalt-resin-paraffin deposits (ARPD) in the bottomhole zone of the productive formation, well and surface equipment. Existing methods and technologies for countering the formation of organic deposits in well equipment have many advantages. However, their application in the production of highly paraffinic oil does not fully prevent the formation of ARPD in the tubing string. This leads to a significant reduction in oil production, reduction of turnaround and intertreatment periods of production wells operation, an increase in specific operating expenses for paraffin removal. Results of theoretical and laboratory investigations presented in the article show that one of the promising ways to improve the operational efficiency of wells equipped with electric submersible pumps during extraction of highly paraffinic oil from multiformation deposits is the application of a new integrated technology based on the joint production of highly solidifying abnormal oil with oil, characterized by a lower paraffin content and manifestation of structural and mechanical properties, in conjunction with the regulation of the parameters for the electric submersible pump. Results of numerical modeling using the PIPESIM steady-state multiphase flow simulator, physical, chemical and rheological investigations show that with a decrease of highly paraffinic oil from the productive formation D2ef in a blend with Stary Oskol oil from the Kyrtaelskoye field, a decrease in the mass content of paraffin in the blend and the temperature of its saturation with paraffin, depth and intensity of the organic deposits formation in the tubing string, pour point, as well as the improvement of the rheological properties of the investigated structured dispersed systems is observed. Article describes a promising assembly of well equipment for the single tubing separate production of highly paraffinic oil from multiformation deposits of the Timan-Pechora province, providing separation of the perforation zones in two productive formations using a packer-anchor system at simultaneous-separate operation of the formations by a double electric submersible pump unit.
Date submitted2020-08-20
Date accepted2021-04-01
Date published2021-06-24
Features of the mineral and chemical composition of the Northwest manganese ore occurrence in the Highveld region, South Africa
- Authors:
- Aleksandr N. Evdokimov
- Benedict L. Pharoe
The Northwest manganese ore mineralisation is located at a relative distance from traditionally known manganese mining areas in a new manganese-bearing region (Highveld) in the Northwest Province, Republic of South Africa. The ore occurrence was studied on farms: Buchansvale 61 IQ, Weltevreden 517 JQ, Rhenosterhoek 343 JP and Kafferskraal 306 JP. The data obtained from studying the geology of the area pointed out to interests regarding the development criterias for search of similar ore mineralisations in the northwest region of South Africa. The ore occurs predominantly in the form of powdered manganese wad, manganese nodules and crusts, confined to the karstic structures of the upper section of the dolomites. X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), Scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive link (SEM-EDS) and X-ray fluorescence were utilized to unveil the mineral and chemical composition of the ore samples. The present study therefore presents the results on both chemical and mineral composition of manganese ores, and their depth and longitudinal distribution. Karstic areas causing an increased local thickness of the ore body were identified. The geochemical and microspcopic study of the ores indicates their supergene nature. The main ore minerals includes cryptomelane, lithiophorite, purolusite, hollandite and romanechite associated with impurity components of Ba, Ce, Co, La, Cr, Zn and V.
Date submitted2021-01-20
Date accepted2021-03-15
Date published2021-04-26
Improving the quality of electricity in the power supply systems of the mineral resource complex with hybrid filter-compensating devices
- Authors:
- Yurii A. Sychev
- Roman Yu. Zimin
The urgency and necessity of choosing and justifying the structures of hybrid filter-compensating devices based on series and parallel active filters to improve the quality of electricity in the power supply systems of enterprises of the mineral resource complex is shown. Mathematical models of hybrid filter compensating devices based on parallel and series active filters have been developed. Based on these mathematical models, computer simulation models of the indicated hybrid structures have been developed. The results of simulation showed the effectiveness of the correction of power quality indicators in terms of reducing the level of higher harmonics of current and voltage, as well as voltage deviations. The degree of influence of filter-compensating devices on the power quality indicators, which determine the continuity and stability of the technological process at the enterprises of the mineral resource complex, have been revealed. It has been established that a hybrid filter-compensating device based on a parallel active filter can reduce the level of higher harmonics of current and voltage by more than 90 and 70 %, respectively, and based on a series active filter, it can reduce the level of higher harmonics of voltage by more than 80 %. Based on the simulation results, the possibility of compensating for the reactive power of a hybrid structure based on parallel active and passive filters has been revealed. The possibility of integrating hybrid filter-compensating devices into more complex multifunctional electrical systems for the automated improvement of the quality of electricity is substantiated, as well as the expediency and prospects of their use in combined power supply systems based on the parallel operation of centralized and autonomous sources of distributed generation.
Date submitted2020-07-02
Date accepted2021-02-16
Date published2021-04-26
Development of viscoelastic systems and technologies for isolating water-bearing horizons with abnormal formation pressures during oil and gas wells drilling
Article provides a brief overview of the complications arising during the construction of oil and gas wells in conditions of abnormally high and abnormally low formation pressures. Technological properties of the solutions used to eliminate emergency situations when drilling wells in the intervals of catastrophic absorption and influx of formation fluid have been investigated. A technology for isolating water influx in intervals of excess formation pressure has been developed. The technology is based on the use of a special device that provides control of the hydrodynamic pressure in the annular space of the well. An experiment was carried out to determine the injection time of a viscoelastic system depending on its rheology, rock properties and technological parameters of the isolation process. A mathematical model based on the use of a special device is presented. The model allows determining the penetration depth of a viscoelastic system to block water-bearing horizons to prevent interformation crossflows and water breakthrough into production wells.
Date submitted2020-05-21
Date accepted2020-10-05
Date published2020-11-24
Method of calculating pneumatic compensators for plunger pumps with submersible drive
- Authors:
- Eduard O. Timashev
One of the most promising ways to improve the efficiency of mechanized oil production is a plunger pump with a submersible drive, which allows obtaining harmonic reciprocating movement of the plunger. In the pumping process of well products by plunger pumps, oscillations in the velocity and pressure of the liquid in the lifting pipes occur, which lead to an increase in cyclic variable loads on the plunger, a decrease in the drive life period and the efficiency of the pumping unit. To eliminate the pulsation characteristics of the plunger pump and increase the reliability indicators of the pumping unit (in particular, the overhaul period), pneumatic compensators can be used. A method for calculating the optimal technological parameters of a system of deep pneumatic compensators for plunger pumping units with a submersible drive, based on mathematical modeling of hydrodynamic processes in pipes, has been developed. Calculations of the forming flow velocity and pressure in the lifting pipes of submersible plunger units equipped with pneumatic compensators (PC) have been carried out. Influence of the PC technological parameters on the efficiency of smoothing the oscillations of velocity and pressure in the pipes has been analyzed. Non-linear influence of the charging pressure and PC total volume on the efficiency of their work has been established. Optimal pressure of PC charging, corresponding to the minimum pressure in the tubing during the pumping cycle for the considered section of the tubing, is substantiated. Two ultimate options of PC system placement along the lifting pipes are considered. In the first option, PC are placed sequentially directly at the outlet of the plunger pump, in the second - evenly along the lift. It is shown that the first option provides the minimum amplitude of pressure oscillations at the lower end of the tubing and, accordingly, variable loads on the pump plunger. Nature of the pressure and flow velocity oscillations in the tubing at the wellhead for both options of PC placement has similar values .
Date submitted2020-05-05
Date accepted2020-10-05
Date published2020-11-24
Assessment of the Influence of Water Saturation and Capillary Pressure Gradients on Size Formation of Two-Phase Filtration Zone in Compressed Low-Permeable Reservoir
The paper examines the influence of capillary pressure and water saturation ratio gradients on the size of the two-phase filtration zone during flooding of a low-permeable reservoir. Variations of water saturation ratio s in the zone of two-phase filtration are associated with the pressure variation of water injected into the reservoir; moreover the law of variation of water saturation ratio s ( r , t ) must correspond to the variation of injection pressure, i.e. it must be described by the same functions, as the functions of water pressure variation, but be subject to its own boundary conditions. The paper considers five options of s ( r , t ) dependency on time and coordinates. In order to estimate the influence of formation and fluid compressibility, the authors examine Rapoport – Lis model for incompressible media with a violated lower limit for Darcy’s law application and a time-dependent radius of oil displacement by water. When the lower limit for Darcy’s law application is violated, the radius of the displacement front depends on the value of capillary pressure gradient and the assignment of s function. It is shown that displacement front radii contain coefficients that carry information about physical properties of the reservoir and the displacement fluid. A comparison of two-phase filtration radii for incompressible and compressible reservoirs is performed. The influence of capillary pressure gradient and functional dependencies of water saturation ratio on oil displacement in low-permeable reservoirs is assessed. It is identified that capillary pressure gradient has practically no effect on the size of the two-phase filtration zone and the share of water in the arbitrary point of the formation, whereas the variation of water saturation ratio and reservoir compressibility exert a significant influence thereupon.
Date submitted2020-06-19
Date accepted2020-10-06
Date published2020-11-24
Practice of using the magnetic treatment devices to intensify the processes of primary oil treating
During the primary treatment of oil, gas and water, complications arise associated with the presence of hard water-oil emulsions, which cause an increase in fluid pressure in the gathering systems, pipeline damage, as well as difficulties in gas separation and preliminary water discharge at the preliminary discharge unit (PRU). Additional problems arise during transportation of highly paraffinic oils associated with the crystallization of paraffin in the flow path of the oilfield equipment and on the inner surface of pipes, leading to a drop in the productivity of pipelines. Article discusses the technology of magnetic-reagent treatment of water-oil media, which allows intensifying the processes of primary oil treatment at the facilities of its production. Bench and pilot tests have shown the ability of the magnetic field to accelerate oil demulsification processes, increasing the percentage of separated water during subsequent settling, and to reduce asphalt-resin-paraffin deposits (ARPD) on the inner surface of oil and gas field equipment. Mechanism of the magnetic field effect on water-oil media is described. Effect of treatment on the integrity of the armour shells of oil-water emulsions was studied. Various modes of magnetic treatment have been investigated with evaluation of its effectiveness. It is shown that the best effect is achieved with the combined use of reagents and a magnetic field. Synergistic effect is observed, which consists in increasing their effectiveness. This made it possible to conclude that this method can be applied to reduce the consumption of reagents used in oil production while maintaining the treatment efficiency.