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Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
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Analysis of the stress state of rocks transformation near a horizontal well during acid treatment based on numerical simulation

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The article presents an overview of the assessment and modelling of the stress state of rocks in the near-wellbore zone of horizontal wells during acid stimulation of the formation for improving the efficiency of oil and gas field development. A numerical finite element model of near-wellbore zone of the reservoir drilled by a horizontal section was compiled using one of oil fields in the Perm Territory as an example. The distribution of physical and mechanical properties of the terrigenous reservoir near the well was determined considering transformation under the action of mud acid for different time periods of its injection. Multivariate numerical simulation was performed and the distribution of horizontal and vertical stresses in near-wellbore zone was determined with regard for different values ​​of pressure drawdown and changes in stress-strain properties depending on the area of ​​mud acid infiltration. It was found that a change in elastic modulus and Poisson's ratio under the influence of acid led to a decrease in stresses in near-wellbore zone. Analysis of the stress distribution field based on the Coulomb – Mohr criterion showed that the minimum safety factor of rock even after the effect of mud acid was 1.5; thus, under the considered conditions of horizontal well modelling, the reservoir rock remained stable, and no zones of rock destruction appeared.

How to cite: Popov S.N., Chernyshov S.E., Wang X. Analysis of the stress state of rocks transformation near a horizontal well during acid treatment based on numerical simulation // Journal of Mining Institute. 2025. p. EDN VOBTXU
Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
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Study of wormhole channel formation resulting from hydrochloric acid treatment in complex-type reservoirs using filtration and X-ray computed tomography methods

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The primary function of hydrochloric acid treatment (HAT) is to create the maximum number of high-conductivity channels in the near-wellbore zone of the reservoir to restore its permeability and enhance hydraulic connectivity between the undisturbed part of the formation and the well. The objective of this study is to physically model HAT on core samples from the Orenburg oil and gas condensate field and to research the impact of such treatment on the structure of the pore space of rocks related to complex-type reservoirs. The complexity of the rock's pore space and the low permeability of the formations are distinguishing features of the study object. For this reason, HAT is a widely applied method for production intensification, necessitating the verification of acid injection rates, where the success criterion is the formation of high-conductivity filtration channels (wormholes) in the near-wellbore zone. These channels significantly expand the drainage area of wells, thereby bringing additional reservoir sections into development. The study examined the characteristics of filtration channel development resulting from acid treatment. Their structure was characterized and analyzed using X-ray computed tomography. The complex study confirmed the accuracy of the selected injection rate and provided practical recommendations for enhancing the efficiency of HAT.

How to cite: Аbrosimov A.A. Study of wormhole channel formation resulting from hydrochloric acid treatment in complex-type reservoirs using filtration and X-ray computed tomography methods // Journal of Mining Institute. 2025. Vol. 271. p. 63-73. EDN AIJSIT
Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
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Study of the pore structure in granite and gabbrodolerite crushed stone grains of various sizes

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The results of a study on the pore structure of crushed stone grains of various sizes, obtained through staged disintegration of gabbrodolerite and microcline granite – rocks differing in texture, structure, and mineral composition – are presented. Research conducted using X-ray computed microtomography revealed that disintegration leads to changes in the pore structure of the rocks. The increase in overall porosity and pore concentration in the crushed stone grains is associated with the formation of newly developed pores of various sizes and sphericity. A clear relationship between the porosity of the crushed stone grains and their size is absent, which is due to the textural and structural characteristics as well as the mineral composition of the original rocks. The scale factor is evident only in the case of gabbrodolerite, which is characterized by a fine-grained structure, massive texture, and stable mineral composition. Fine gabbrodolerite grains exhibit lower pore concentration compared to larger grains, which aligns with the statistical theory of rock strength, according to which the probability of defects (pores and microcracks) decreases as the sample size diminishes – the smaller the grain size, the higher its strength. In contrast, for porphyritic granites with an uneven grain size, the trend is reversed – smaller grains are more porous. A study of the porosity of individual rock-forming minerals in granite showed that pores are unevenly distributed in the granite crushed stone grains. The highest concentration of pores is typical for microcline. The presence of brittle and porous microcline inclusions in the granite crushed stone grains leads to the formation of new pores and microcracks, whose number increases with the repeated application of load during staged disintegration.

How to cite: Kameneva E.E., Nikiforova V.S. Study of the pore structure in granite and gabbrodolerite crushed stone grains of various sizes // Journal of Mining Institute. 2025. Vol. 271. p. 74-83. EDN UIKLCW
Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
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Environmental assessment of biochar application for remediation of oil-contaminated soils under various economic uses

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Remediation is an important area of oil-contaminated soil restoration in Russia, since oil refining industry is the major one for Russia and neighbouring countries, and the issues of environmentally effective and economically profitable remediation of oil contamination have not yet been solved. Soils under various economic uses have different surface areas and degrees of soil particles envelopment with oil due to the presence or absence of cultivation, the amount of precipitation and plant litter. The introduction of various substances for remediation into oil-contaminated soils of steppes (arable land), forests, and semi-deserts, considering their differences, gives different results. Biochar is coal obtained by pyrolysis at high temperatures and in the absence of oxygen. The uniqueness of this coal lies in the combination of biostimulating and adsorbing properties. The purpose of the study is to conduct an environmental assessment of biochar application for remediation of oil-contaminated soils under various economic uses. The article compares the environmental assessments of biochar application in oil-contaminated soils with different particle size fraction. The following indicators of soil bioactivity were determined: enzymes, indicators of initial growth and development intensity of radish, microbiological indicators. We found that the most informative bioindicator correlating with residual oil content is the total bacteria count, and the most sensitive ones are the roots length (ordinary chernozem and brown forest soil) and the shoots length (brown semi-desert soil). The use of biochar on arable land and in forest soil (ordinary chernozem and brown forest soil) is less environmentally efficient than in semi-desert soil (brown semi-desert soil). The study results can serve to develop measures and managerial and technical solutions for remediation of oil-contaminated soils under various economic uses.

How to cite: Minnikova T.V., Kolesnikov S.I. Environmental assessment of biochar application for remediation of oil-contaminated soils under various economic uses // Journal of Mining Institute. 2025. Vol. 271. p. 84-94. EDN UOQKTG
Energy industry
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Evaluation of the impact of the distance determination function on the results of optimization of the geographical placement of renewable energy sources-based generation using a metaheuristic algorithm

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Since the United Power System was created electrical supply of remote and hard-to-reach areas remains one of the topical issues for the power industry of Russia. Nowadays, usage of various renewable energy sources to supply electricity at remote areas has become feasible alternative to usage of diesel-based generation. It becomes more suitable with world decarbonization trends, the doctrine of energy security of Russia directives, and equipment cost decreasing for renewable energy sources-based power plants construction. Geological exploration is usually conducted at remote territories, where the centralized electrical supply can not be realized. Placement of large capacity renewable energy sources-based generation at the areas of geological expeditions looks perspective due to development of industrial clusters and residential consumers of electrical energy at those territories later on. Various metaheuristic methods are used to solve the task of optimal renewable energy sources-based generation geographical placement. The efficiency of metaheuristics depends on proper tuning of that methods hyperparameters, and high quality of big amount of meteorological and climatic data. The research of the effects of the calculation methods defining distance between agents of the algorithm on the optimization of renewable generation placement results is presented in this article. Two methods were studied: Euclidean distance and haversine distance. There were two cases considered to evaluate the effects of distance calculation method change. The first one was for a photovoltaic power plant with installed capacity of 45 MW placement at the Vagaiskii district of the Tyumen region. The second one was for a wind power plant with installed capacity of 25 MW at the Tungokochenskii district of the Trans-Baikal territory. The obtained results show low effects of distance calculation method change at average but the importance of its proper choose in case of wind power optimal placement, especially for local optima’s identification.

How to cite: Bramm A.M., Eroshenko S.A. Evaluation of the impact of the distance determination function on the results of optimization of the geographical placement of renewable energy sources-based generation using a metaheuristic algorithm // Journal of Mining Institute. 2025. Vol. 271. p. 141-153. EDN JSNZWK
Energy industry
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Thyristor booster device for voltage fluctuation reduction in power supply systems of ore mining enterprises

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The article is devoted to solving the problem of voltage fluctuations in the power supply systems of ore mining enterprises. The connection of high-power consumers with abruptly variable operating mode (for example, high-voltage mining excavators) causes voltage fluctuations and sags, disabling electrical equipment, communication, and automation devices in the 6-10 kV distribution network, which disrupts technological processes, etc. The use of existing solutions and methods to reduce voltage variations caused by dynamic loads is not effective. To solve the problem, booster transformers with high-speed thyristor switches can be used to work out switching the control steps towards increasing or decreasing the voltage. The authors offer a new circuitry solution for a thyristor booster device (TBD) with a pulse-phase control method. The purpose of the research is to determine the control laws of TBD, which enable to effectively reduce voltage fluctuations from dynamic load in the power supply systems of mining enterprises. The article provides a schematic diagram of the TBD and describes the principle of operation of the device. Some modes of increasing and decreasing the output voltage of the TBD, as well as the basic mode (without voltage addition) are provided. Mathematical modeling of TBD control processes was carried out and adjustment characteristics were set taking into account the load power factor. On a simulation computer model of a 6 kV electric network with a dynamic load, the verification of the adjustment characteristics of TBD obtained during mathematical modeling was carried out. Based on the research results, the laws for regulating the output voltage of TBD were established. The TBD effective control range with normal permissible limits of odd harmonics have been determined. The conducted research will make it possible to implement the device control system.

How to cite: Sosnina E.N., Asabin A.A., Bedretdinov R.S., Kryukov E.V., Gusev D.A. Thyristor booster device for voltage fluctuation reduction in power supply systems of ore mining enterprises // Journal of Mining Institute. 2025. p. EDN UIBVZK
Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
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The effect of mechanical and thermal treatment on the characteristics of saponite-containing material

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Solving the problems of modern building materials science is reduced to obtaining high-quality materials, expanding and searching for a rational raw material base, which can be carried out through the use of various industrial wastes. In this paper, the possibility of using waste from the mining industry – saponite-containing material (SCM) obtained during the enrichment of kimberlite ores from the Lomonosov diamond deposit, as an active mineral additive for cement binders and concretes is considered. The influence of mechanical and thermal treatment on a number of properties of the material selected from the tailings dump and in its initial state was studied. The study of the surface activity of SCM samples consisted in determining the sorption capacity, acid-base centers and their distribution. An increase in the activity of the surface of the material particles as a result of mechanical activation and its decrease during temperature treatment were determined. These effects are associated with phase rearrangements and structural changes in the sandy-clay rock, which was confirmed during thermal analysis. The temperature effect has no pronounced effect on the microstructure, the “smoothness” of the particles and the formation of a consolidated surface of the structural elements of the saponite-containing material are noted.

How to cite: Orekhova T.N., Sivalneva M.N., Frolova M.A., Strokova V.V., Bondarenko D.O. The effect of mechanical and thermal treatment on the characteristics of saponite-containing material // Journal of Mining Institute. 2024. p. EDN VZGFOR
Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
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The influence of ocean anoxia on conditions for the Domanik deposits formation

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The article considers one of conditions for the Domanik facies formation on the example of Tatarstan and Bashkortostan. The main emphasis is on the influence of anoxic paleobasin conditions on the high-carbon strata formation. A detailed study of the hydrocarbon composition of Domanik deposits made it possible to find characteristic biomarkers in their composition. They are based on the composition and structure of diagenetic products of biological compounds composing the sulphur bacteria living in anoxic/euxinic paleobasin conditions. Such compounds include C40 diaryl isoprenoids – isorenieratane and paleorenieratane. C10 tetramethylbenzenes also occupy a special place in the Domanik deposits study. Their appearance in the composition of organic matter of these deposits results from the transformation of sulphur bacteria compounds. Diaryl isoprenoids and tetramethylbenzenes are a reliable indicator of anoxic conditions of the Domanik deposits formation. The thermodynamic state of the hydrocarbon environment can be determined from the ratio of tetramethylbenzene isomers.

How to cite: Plotnikova I.N., Ostroukhov S.B., Pronin N.V. The influence of ocean anoxia on conditions for the Domanik deposits formation // Journal of Mining Institute. 2024. Vol. 269. p. 803-814. EDN YORQKB
Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
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Promising reagents for the extraction of strategic metals from difficult-to-enrich mineral raw materials

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The need of the mining and processing industry for new types of directional reagents is due to the deterioration of the material composition of the processed ores. Low Au content (less than 0.5-1.0 g/t), finely dispersed Au inclusions (0.1-10.0 microns) in the ore, similar properties of the separated minerals have an extremely negative effect on flotation performance when using traditional reagents, which leads to significant losses of valuable metal with enrichment tailings. Expanding the range of domestic flotation reagents based on the latest achievements of fundamental research and their targeted application at mining and processing companies will compensate for the negative impact of the mineral composition of raw materials and ensure maximum extraction of strategic metals from difficult-to-enrich ores. The use of modern research methods (scanning electron and laser microscopy, UV spectrophotometry, XRF and chemical analysis) made it possible to visualize the adsorption layer of new reagents-collectors of a number of dithiocarbamates with different structures of a hydrocarbon radical and an organic modifier on the surface of gold-containing sulfides. The amount of adsorbed reagents on the surface of minerals has been experimentally determined. The specific features of the fixation of reagents on minerals of various compositions led to optimal correlations of their consumption in the flotation process. Scientifically based reagent regimes ensured an increase in the gold content in the concentrate and a decrease in the loss of gold with tailings by 5-6 % during flotation enrichment of the refractory ore of the Malinovskoe deposit.

How to cite: Matveeva T.N., Gromova N.K., Lantsova L.B. Promising reagents for the extraction of strategic metals from difficult-to-enrich mineral raw materials // Journal of Mining Institute. 2024. Vol. 269. p. 757-764. EDN XAAEGH
Energy industry
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Enhancing the interpretability of electricity consumption forecasting models for mining enterprises using SHapley Additive exPlanations

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The objective of this study is to enhance user trust in electricity consumption forecasting systems for mining enterprises by applying explainable artificial intelligence methods that provide not only forecasts but also their justifications. The research object comprises a complex of mines and ore processing plants of a company purchasing electricity on the wholesale electricity and power market. Hourly electricity consumption data for two years, schedules of planned repairs and equipment shutdowns, and meteorological data were utilized. Ensemble decision trees were applied for time series forecasting, and an analysis of the impact of various factors on forecasting accuracy was conducted. An algorithm for interpreting forecast results using the SHapley Additive exPlanation method was proposed. The mean absolute percentage error was 7.84 % with consideration of meteorological factors, 7.41 % with consideration of meteorological factors and a load plan formulated by an expert, and the expert's forecast error was 9.85 %. The results indicate that the increased accuracy of electricity consumption forecasting, considering additional factors, further improves when combining machine learning methods with expert evaluation. The development of such a system is only feasible using explainable artificial intelligence models.

How to cite: Matrenin P.V., Stepanova A.I. Enhancing the interpretability of electricity consumption forecasting models for mining enterprises using SHapley Additive exPlanations // Journal of Mining Institute. 2025. Vol. 271. p. 154-167. EDN DEFRIP
Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
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Complete extraction of conditioned ores from complex-structured blocks due to partial admixture of substandard ores

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The paper presents mining-technological substantiation of complete extraction of conditioned ores from complex-structured blocks of benches by mixing a layer of substandard ores of certain sizes. The relevance of the work consists in the development of innovative methods of establishing the parameters of the substandard layer of ores to be added to the conditioned ores. The main problem is to ensure complete extraction of useful components into concentrate from shipped ore with acceptable deviations from the required ones. A new typification of complex-structured ore blocks of the bench has been carried out. Analytical dependences of mining and geological characteristics of complex-structured ore blocks were obtained. Theoretical dependences for determining the main indicators of mineral processing are derived. Analytical dependences for determination of the content of useful component in shipped ore α' – mixture of conditioned ore with the content of useful component α and admixed layer of substandard ore with the content of useful component α'' are offered. For the first time in mining science, a new approach of complete extraction of conditioned ores from complex-structured blocks of benches by grabbing a certain part of substandard ores during excavation, increasing the volume of extracted ore and expanding the extraction of useful components in the concentrate has been substantiated. The increment of useful components can reach 10-15 % of the total volume of extraction, which allows predicting a significant increase in the completeness of mineral extraction from the Earth's interior.

How to cite: Rakishev B.R. Complete extraction of conditioned ores from complex-structured blocks due to partial admixture of substandard ores // Journal of Mining Institute. 2024. Vol. 270. p. 919-930. EDN HNCZSX
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Lamprophyres of the Peshchernoe gold deposit, their geological position, material composition, and metasomatic alterations (Northern Urals)

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The article presents the first data on biotite-hornblende lamprophyres discovered at the Peshchernoe gold deposit. We consider the geological position of lamprophyre dikes in the deposit structure and the relationship of these rocks with tectonically weakened and mineralized zones. The data on the structural position of mineralized zones, faults, dike bodies, metasomatic halos, and host volcanogenic-sedimentary rocks confirm the tectonic nature of the Peshchernoe deposit alteration system. Lamprophyre dikes are pre-ore, as evidenced by the superimposed metasomatic mineral associations. We assume that dikes of andesitic rocks, lamprophyres, and subsequently hydrothermal fluids, including ore-bearing ones, were intruded along the fault zone of northeastern strike at different geological times. The description of mineralogical and chemical transformations of lamprophyres, which occurred as a result of alteration, is given. Two stages of metasomatism are distinguished: carbon dioxide (beresitization-listvenitization) and subsequent alkaline (sodic metasomatism). During carbon dioxide metasomatism, dark-coloured minerals are replaced by chlorite, albitization and sericitization of plagioclase occur, and ferruginous dolomite is formed under the influence of a significant supply of CO2. Alkaline (sodic) metasomatism is superimposed on the mineral metasomatic paragenesis of the first stage. We consider metasomatic zoning during sodic metasomatism, manifested in one of the spessartite dikes. Chlorite and relics of magmatic dark-coloured minerals are replaced by magnesite, the supply of Na leads to the appearance of newly formed albite, and the supply of S leads to the formation of pyrite, which concentrates iron from other minerals. As a result of the sodic metasomatism, iron content in carbonates decreases in the direction from the outer metasomatic zone to the inner one. We conclude that it was the alkaline-sulphide sodium solutions that performed the ore-bearing function, and beresitization and listvenitization prepared a favourable environment for ore deposition.

How to cite: Kuznetsov D.V., Stepanov S.Y., Butnyakov A.V., Igosheva V.S. Lamprophyres of the Peshchernoe gold deposit, their geological position, material composition, and metasomatic alterations (Northern Urals) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2025. Vol. 271. p. 22-41. EDN MPTXFV
Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
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Specific action of collector from phosphoric acid alkyl esters class in flotation of apatite-nepheline ores

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Increasing amount of apatite-nepheline ores with complex mineral composition involved in processing, growing content of the associated minerals in ore which are similar in their floatability to apatite lead to the necessity of using highly selective collectors. Non-frothing flotation method gave a comparative assessment of floatability of pure minerals and demonstrated a high selectivity of the action of phosphoric acid esters in relation to apatite. The effect of four reagent modes differing in the number of selective synthetic collectors was studied using the example of flotation of an apatite-nepheline ore sample containing 17.27 % apatite and 40.18 % nepheline. Mineralogical analysis of crushed ore showed that it contained two apatite varieties – coarse-grained free and finer poikilitic as inclusions in rock-forming minerals. Free apatite opens and occurs as open grains even in coarse-grained (+0.16 mm) grades. Poikilitic apatite occurs as intergrowths with different minerals, mainly with nepheline and its alteration products (natrolite, spreustein, sodalite, etc.), and pyroxene. Optical microscopy demonstrated that a growing share of reagent from the phosphoric acid oxyethylated esters class in the composition of the collector mixture allows improving the quality of the produced apatite concentrates by reducing the number of apatite intergrowths with nepheline and pyroxenes in the concentrates. In the concentrate obtained in the most selective reagent mode, the intergrowths are characterized by a 50/50 and higher ratio in favour of apatite. Concentrates of lower quality comprised intergrowths with lower apatite content, to 20/80 or less.

How to cite: Mitrofanova G.V., Chernousenko E.V., Kompanchenko A.A., Kalugin A.I. Specific action of collector from phosphoric acid alkyl esters class in flotation of apatite-nepheline ores // Journal of Mining Institute. 2024. Vol. 268. p. 637-645. EDN CSNOBO
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Paleoproterozoic Saltakh Pluton, Anabar Shield: mineralogical composition, age and a geodynamic setting

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The Saltakh Massif is located in the northern Anabar Shield, in the Saltakh shear-zone. It consists of two-pyroxene schists and plagiogneisses metamorphosed under granulite-facies conditions. Their chemical composition is consistent with that of a differentiated series of rocks ranging from gabbro to tonalites with abundant alaskitic gneissose granite veins and bodies. The rocks are mainly high-potassium (K2O/Na2O > 0.50), high-magnesium (mg# 50-70), low-titanium (TiO2 0.35-1.31 wt.%) with low TiO2 concentration in clino- and orthopyroxene. Normative olivine makes up 6-9 % of metagabbroic rocks. The rocks display well-defined negative Ti, Nb, Ta, and P anomalies typical of subduction magmatism. The two-pyroxene gneisses show high Sr/Y ratios of 67.6-88 and (La/Yb)N of 24.8-25.6. Saltakh rocks are part of a shoshonite series, as indicated by Nb/La, La/Yb, Th/Nb and Ce/Yb ratios. All the rocks display positive εNd(T) values of 1.9-4.1 and εSr(T) of 0.77-17.8 indicative of a mantle source of magma and T(Nd)DM of 2,20-2,26 Ga. U-Pb zircon dating (SHRIMP II) has shown that the protoliths of Saltakh melanocratic rocks were dated at 2100-2086 Ma, and those of two-pyroxene plagiogneisses of tonalite composition were dated at 2025±7 Ma. Alaskitic gneissose granites were dated at 1969±7 Ma. The study of the trace element composition of zircon has revealed general enrichment in LREE. High LREE concentrations are due to secondary zircon alterations and the shoshonitic pattern of the melt, the high-temperature conditions of crystallization, and an anomalous fluid regime. The geodynamic setting in which the Saltakh Massif was formed was consistent with a pericontinental magmatic arc. The formation of alaskitic gneissose granites was due to anatexis provoked by later collision processes. Saltakh magmatic rocks were formed simultaneously with magmatic rocks from the Khapchan prospect which occur farther south, and were studied earlier (2095±10 Ma tholeiitic metadiorites and 2030±17 Ma calc-alkaline metatonalites). We interpret them as part of a metamorphosed juvenile Paleoproterozoic suprasubduction complex.

How to cite: Gusev N.I., Romanova L.Y. Paleoproterozoic Saltakh Pluton, Anabar Shield: mineralogical composition, age and a geodynamic setting // Journal of Mining Institute. 2024. p. EDN SRITGO
Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
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Quantitative determination of sulfur forms in bottom sediments for rapid assessment of the industrial facilities impact on aquatic ecosystems

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The article describes an X-ray fluorescence method for quantitative analysis of sulfate and total sulfur in bottom sediments of watercourses and reservoirs located in the area of industrial enterprises impact. The quantitative determination of sulfur forms was carried out by analyzing the characteristic curves SKα1,2 and SKβ1,3, as well as the satellite line SKβ′ on X-ray emission spectra measured by an X-ray fluorescence spectrometer with wavelength dispersion. The study shows that these characteristic curves allow not only to determine the predominant form of sulfur, but also to separately conduct quantitative analyses of sulfates and total sulfur after fitting peaks and to separately analyze overlapping spectral lines. The results of quantitative analysis of the chemical state of sulfur by the proposed X-ray fluorescence method were compared with the results of inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy and elemental analysis, as well as certified standard samples of soils and sediments. The results are in good agreement with each other.

How to cite: Sverchkov I.P., Povarov V.G. Quantitative determination of sulfur forms in bottom sediments for rapid assessment of the industrial facilities impact on aquatic ecosystems // Journal of Mining Institute. 2024. Vol. 267. p. 372-380. EDN PUUADY
Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
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Iron ore tailings as a raw material for Fe-Al coagulant production

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The paper presents the results of experimental research into the recovery of Fe-Al coagulant from iron ore tailings (IOTs). The variables investigated in the laboratory tests included sulphuric acid concentration, temperature, leaching time, solid/liquid phase ratio (S:L) and the presence of stirring. The experiment determined the composition of the coagulant and the solid residue after leaching. The maximum iron content in the solution after leaching was obtained using 40 % H2SO4 at a temperature of 100 °C (or with stirring at 75 °C) and a contact time of 60 minutes. In this case, the iron yield was at the level of 25 % of the total content in the iron ore tailings. Chemical analysis of the solution obtained after leaching showed Fe and Al sulphate contents of 11 and 2 % respectively. In the next step, the efficiency of the coagulant was evaluated on model solutions of colour. The experimental results showed that the coagulant obtained from the iron ore tailings can be used for wastewater treatment in a wide pH range from 4 to 12 pH units. The solid residue after leaching is a fine-grained powder rich in silica, which can potentially be used as an artificial raw material in the construction industry. The research carried out in this thesis has shown that the extraction of coagulants from iron ore tailings can be considered as a way to extend the production chain of iron ore mining and to minimise the amount of tailings to be stored in tailing ponds. The technical solution presented in this work allows to comprehensively solve the problem of environmental protection by creating new target products for wastewater treatment from IOTs.

How to cite: Matveeva V.A., Chukaeva M.A., Semenova A.I. Iron ore tailings as a raw material for Fe-Al coagulant production // Journal of Mining Institute. 2024. Vol. 267. p. 433-443. EDN ASOYNX
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The polyphase Belokurikhinsky granite massif, Gorny Altai: isotope-geochemical study of zircon

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Based on the isotopic-geochemical analyses of zircons from granites of the Belokurikhinsky massif in the Gorny Altai using the U-Pb method, the ages of three intrusion phases have been determined for the first time: the age of the first phase refers to the time interval of 255-250 Ma, the second and the third phases have similar ages of about 250 Ma. The formation time of the Belokurikhinsky massif is estimated as not exceeding 5-8 Ma. The δ18O values for zircons from granites of the second and the third intrusion phases average around 11.5-12.0 ‰, indicating a significant contribution of a crustal component in the formation of the parent melts for granites of these phases. The crystallization temperature values of the zircons by the Ti-in-zircon thermometer for three phases range from 820 to 800 °C. The P-T crystallization parameters of titanite from the first phase, determined using a titanite thermobarometer, average around 770 °C and 2.7 kbar. The zircons from the first phase mostly exhibits geochemical characteristics of typical magmatic zircons. The zircons from the second and the third intrusion phases either may be unaltered magmatic zircons or enriched in incompatible elements (LREE, Th, U, Ti, Ca, etc.) due to fluid influence, resembling hydrothermal-metasomatic type zircons in terms of their geochemical characteristics. A number of zircon grains from the second and the third phases of granites demonstrate anomalous geochemical characteristics – the REE distribution spectra atypical for zircons (including “bird's wing” type spectra with oppositely tilted of light and heavy REE distribution profiles), as well as significantly higher contents of certain trace elements compared to other varieties. Such an enriched zircon composition and wide variations in the incompatible element content are due to non-equilibrium conditions of zircon crystallization and evolution of the fluid-saturated melt composition during the final stages of the massif formation.

How to cite: Skublov S.G., Levashova E.V., Mamykina M.E., Gusev N.I., Gusev A.I. The polyphase Belokurikhinsky granite massif, Gorny Altai: isotope-geochemical study of zircon // Journal of Mining Institute. 2024. Vol. 268. p. 552-575. EDN RGKCIJ
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Velocity structure of the Earth’s crust and upper mantle in the Pechenga ore region and adjacent areas in the northwestern part of the Lapland-Kola orogen by the receiver function technique

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The article presents a study of the Earth’s crust and upper mantle in the Pechenga ore region, as well as areas adjacent to it in the northwestern part of the Kola region. Applying the receiver function technique to data acquired by three broadband seismic stations, we obtained one-dimensional seismic velocity distribution models to a depth of 300 km. The stations are located in the northern parts of Finland and Norway, as well as in the Pechenga region of the Russian Federation. Despite the stations being in relatively close proximity (within 100 km of each other), the velocity models turned out to be significantly different, which indicates structural discontinuity within the lithosphere. Thus, Finland station data set revealed a gradient crust-mantle transition, which is not present in the other two models. At depths of about 150 km, a low-velocity zone was discovered, associated with mid-lithospheric discontinuity, which was not found beneath the Pechenga ore region. Furthermore, the crustal structure of the Pechenga region has an anomalously high Vp/Vs ratio to a depth of about 20 km. Considering the fact that the Pechenga (Nikel) seismic station was installed in close proximity to major copper-nickel deposits, this anomaly can be interpreted as a relic of Proterozoic plume activity.

How to cite: Goev A.G. Velocity structure of the Earth’s crust and upper mantle in the Pechenga ore region and adjacent areas in the northwestern part of the Lapland-Kola orogen by the receiver function technique // Journal of Mining Institute. 2024. Vol. 266. p. 188-198. EDN NZMXJC
Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
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Justification of the approaches to improve management strategy of the mining system based on the analysis of data on the mining of complex structural rock blocks

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Long-term activity of mining enterprises causes the necessity to substantiate the strategies of management of the mining and technical system functioning in terms of improvement of ore quality control, which is determined by its change in the course of field development due to the priority development of the main reserves and, as a consequence, forced transition to the mining of complex structural rock blocks with a decrease in the recovery percentage, which is typical in case the ore component meets the requirements of the feasibility study in terms of grade at substandard capacity. In this case, it is possible to identify the recovery percentage and the potential for its increase by analyzing the long-term activity of the mining and industrial enterprise, namely, by analyzing the data of mining complex structural rock blocks with the subsequent establishment of the relationship between the primary data on mining and geological conditions and information on the quality of the mineral obtained from the technological equipment. Therefore, the purpose of the research was to substantiate the necessity of improving the management strategy of the mining-technical system functioning, which consists in the fact that on the basis of analyzing the mining data of complex structural rock blocks it is possible to determine the ore mass losses and their quantity and to lay the basis for the development of decisions on its extraction. For this purpose, the collected data on the mining of complex structural rock blocks, accounting the geological and industrial type of extracted ores, were considered in modeling the conditions and studying the parameters of technological processes, the implementation of which provides additional products. It was revealed that the ore mass from substandard thickness layers is delivered to the dumps, and ore mass losses have been estimated at 25-40 % per year. It is proved that determination of ore mass losses based on the analysis of data on mining of complex structural rock blocks, as well as timely solution of this issue can significantly increase the production efficiency of mining and technical system. Taking into account for the results obtained, the options for optimizing the production of the mining and engineering system were proposed.

How to cite: Tsupkina M.V., Kirkov A.E., Klebanov D.A., Radchenko D.N. Justification of the approaches to improve management strategy of the mining system based on the analysis of data on the mining of complex structural rock blocks // Journal of Mining Institute. 2024. Vol. 266. p. 316-325. EDN JOLUPJ
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Assessment of rock massif sustainability in the area of the underground research laboratory (Nizhnekanskii Massif, Enisei site)

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The study presents the results of the research on geodynamic and geological conditions of the Enisei site (Krasnoyarsk Krai), chosen for the construction of an underground research laboratory. The laboratory is being built at a depth of 500 m to assess the suitability of the rock mass for burying high-level radioactive waste. The rocks consist of weakly fractured gneisses, granites, and dikes of metadolerites. Field observations were conducted on bedrock outcrops. They included the determination of rock mass quality indicators, measurement of rock fracturing, and a rating classification of stability using N.Barton's method. GNSS observations were also made to monitor surface deformations. These data were used to develop a three-dimensional structural model, including lithology, fault disruptions, intrusive bodies, elastic-strength properties of rocks, and the sizes of zones influenced by faulting. It will serve as a basis for boundary conditions and the construction of three-dimensional variational models of stress-strain states, identifying zones of concentration of hazardous stresses, and planning in situ geomechanical experiments in underground mines of the laboratory. The obtained values of the modified QR index for the main types of rocks allowed their classification as stable and moderately stable, corresponding to strong and very strong rocks on Barton's scale and the massif rating according to geomechanical classification.

How to cite: Akmatov D.Z., Manevich A.I., Tatarinov V.N., Shevchuk R.V., Zabrodin S.M. Assessment of rock massif sustainability in the area of the underground research laboratory (Nizhnekanskii Massif, Enisei site) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2024. Vol. 266. p. 167-178. EDN ECCWUV
Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
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Predictive assessment of ore dilution in mining thin steeply dipping deposits by a system of sublevel drifts

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The purpose of research is the study of stress-strain state of marginal rock mass around the stope and predictive assessment of ore dilution with regard for changes in ore body thickness in mining thin ore deposits on the example of the Zholymbet mine. Study of the specific features of the stress-strain state development was accomplished applying the methodology based on numerical research methods taking into account the geological strength index (GSI) which allows considering the structural features of rocks, fracturing, lithology, water content and other strength indicators, due to which there is a correct transition from the rock sample strength to the rock mass strength. The results of numerical analysis of the stress-strain state of the marginal part of the rock mass using the finite element method after the Hoek – Brown strength criterion made it possible to assess the geomechanical state in the marginal mass provided there are changes in ore body thickness and to predict the volume of ore dilution. It was ascertained that when mining thin ore deposits, the predicted value of ore dilution is influenced by the ore body thickness and the GSI. The dependence of changes in ore dilution values on the GSI was recorded taking into account changes in ore body thickness from 1 to 3 m. Analysis of the research results showed that the predicted dimensions of rock failure zone around the stopes are quite large, due to which the indicators of the estimated ore dilution are not attained. There is a need to reduce the seismic impact of the blasting force on the marginal rock mass and update the blasting chart.

How to cite: Imashev A.Z., Suimbaeva A.M., Musin A.A. Predictive assessment of ore dilution in mining thin steeply dipping deposits by a system of sublevel drifts // Journal of Mining Institute. 2024. Vol. 266. p. 283-294. EDN GPKEBJ
Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
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Experimental simulation of a system of swamp biogeocenoses to improve the efficiency of quarry water treatment

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Mining activities were producing large quantities of wastewater contaminated with nitrogen compounds and metals. With insufficient treatment, these pollutants are released into the environment and have a toxic effect on living organisms. Constructed wetlands are now widely adopted as wastewater treatment systems because of the combination of physical, chemical and biological processes for the removal of contaminants. In this study, an experimental system was modeled to improve the efficiency of the quarry wastewater treatment of a mining enterprise by sharing the higher aquatic vegetation: broad-leaved cattail (Typha latifolia L.), common water-plantain (Alisma plantago-aquatica L.), jointed rush (Juncus articulatus L.) and lower aquatic vegetation (Chlorella sp.). Concentrations of nitrogen compounds and metal were analyzed both in the model and in the treated solution of quarry wastewater for calculation of treatment efficiency. Concentrations of the pollutants in the tissues of the higher aquatic vegetation were analyzed to assess the accumulation capacity and efficiency of translocation of the pollutants. The results of the experimental study showed the practical applicability of the constructed integrated treatment system to reduce the concentration of pollutants in quarry wastewater, as well as increasing the efficiency of treatment by introducing lower aquatic vegetation into the system

How to cite: Pashkevich M.A., Korotaeva A.E., Matveeva V.A. Experimental simulation of a system of swamp biogeocenoses to improve the efficiency of quarry water treatment // Journal of Mining Institute. 2023. Vol. 263. p. 785-794. EDN QJYDIH
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Gold-rare metal and associated mineralization in the western part of Bolshevik Island, Severnaya Zemlya archipelago

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The presented studies are aimed to determine the formation patterns of the gold-rare metal mineralization within one of the most inaccessible Arctic islands of the Russian Federation, Bolshevik Island of the Severnaya Zemlya archipela-go. The relevance of the work is determined by the high probability of discovering a significant in terms of metal reserves deposit, which is proved by many researchers on the example of known large deposits to be a typical feature of sites with gold-rare metal formation. Obviously, only the possibility of discovering and subsequent development of a deposit of a highly liquid type of mineral, gold, can ensure the profitability of mining production on Severnaya Zemlya. It is established that the main geological, mineralogical, and geochemical features of the gold-rare metal mineralization in the Kropotkinsko-Nikitinskaya metallogenic zone of Bolshevik Island correspond to that of similar ore sites in Russia and the world. The occurrences of other formation types revealed in this metallogenic zone suggest a certain zoning in their distribution: mineralization is located in the apical parts of granitoids and in the nearest halo of hornfelses. At a distance, with an exit from the hornfelsed zone, there are occurrences of a cassiterite-sulphide formation with elevated gold and silver content at the top of the ore column, together with an increased amount of polymetallic ores. Occurrences of gold-quartz and gold-sulphide-quartz formations are localized in fault zones, as a rule, farther from granitoids. The total vertical range of gold mineralization exceeds 300 m. The assignment of all types of mineralization in the Kropotkinsko-Nikitinskaya metallogenic zone of Bolshevik Island to a single hydrothermal process is emphasized by the similar isotope composition of lead galena from heterogeneous occurrences, which determines the age of all mineralization at 200-300 Ma.

How to cite: Evdokimov A.N., Fokin V.I., Shanurenko N.K. Gold-rare metal and associated mineralization in the western part of Bolshevik Island, Severnaya Zemlya archipelago // Journal of Mining Institute. 2023. Vol. 263. p. 687-697. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2022.94
Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
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Combined method of phytoremediation and electrical treatment for cleaning contaminated areas of the oil complex

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The scale of land pollution with oil waste necessitates the use of economical and effective methods of recultivation. Phytoremediation is one of the simplest methods, but it has a number of limitations, so additional preparation of the territory is often required before it is carried out. Preliminary electrical preparation and subsequent seeding of special phytoremediants are of interest. Passing a constant electric current through the soil volume under a low voltage removes toxicants from deep soil layers even with flooding. In addition, it reduces pollutant content in the upper layer, where the plants root system is located, which creates more favorable conditions for phytoremediants. Adequately selected types of plants will ensure additional soil cleaning, improve its structure and air exchange. The results of two research directions are presented. Experiments on the study of plant resistance to oil-contaminated soil substrate allowed establishing contamination thresholds at which it is advisable to sow a particular species, and to choose optimal phytoremediants. The study of the oil-containing soil cleaning in a monocathodocentric electrochemical installation with the fixation of main characteristics (oil products concentration, soil temperature, volt-ampere characteristics) allows us to develop technical measures to prepare territories for phytoremediation taking into account the relief features.

How to cite: Shulaev N.S., Kadyrov R.R., Pryanichnikova V.V. Combined method of phytoremediation and electrical treatment for cleaning contaminated areas of the oil complex // Journal of Mining Institute. 2024. Vol. 265. p. 147-155. EDN WJRQDO
Energy industry
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Application of the cybernetic approach to price-dependent demand response for underground mining enterprise electricity consumption

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The article considers a cybernetic model for the price-dependent demand response (DR) consumed by an underground mining enterprise (UGME), in particular, the main fan unit (MFU). A scheme of the model for managing the energy consumption of a MFU in the DR mode and the implementation of the cybernetic approach to the DR based on the IoT platform are proposed. The main functional requirements and the algorithm of the platform operation are described, the interaction of the platform with the UGME digital model simulator, on which the processes associated with the implementation of the technological process of ventilation and electricity demand response will be simulated in advance, is shown. The results of modeling the reduction in the load on the MFU of a mining enterprise for the day ahead are given. The presented solution makes it possible to determine in advance the necessary power consumption for the operation of the main power supply unit, manage its operation in an energy-saving mode and take into account the predicted changes in the planned one (e.g., when men hoisting along an air shaft) and unscheduled (e.g., when changing outdoor air parameters) modes. The results of the study can be used to reduce the cost of UGME without compromising the safety of technological processes, both through the implementation of energy-saving technical, technological or other measures, and with the participation of enterprises in the DR market. The proposed model ensures a guaranteed receipt of financial compensation for the UGME due to a reasonable change in the power consumption profile of the MFU during the hours of high demand for electricity, set by the system operator of the Unified Energy System.

How to cite: Nikolaev A.V., Vöth S., Kychkin A.V. Application of the cybernetic approach to price-dependent demand response for underground mining enterprise electricity consumption // Journal of Mining Institute. 2023. Vol. 261. p. 403-414. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2022.33