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Viktoriya S. Igosheva
Viktoriya S. Igosheva
Research Engineer
The Zavaritsky Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of the Ural Branch of the RAS
Research Engineer
The Zavaritsky Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of the Ural Branch of the RAS


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Lamprophyres of the Peshchernoe gold deposit, their geological position, material composition, and metasomatic alterations (Northern Urals)

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The article presents the first data on biotite-hornblende lamprophyres discovered at the Peshchernoe gold deposit. We consider the geological position of lamprophyre dikes in the deposit structure and the relationship of these rocks with tectonically weakened and mineralized zones. The data on the structural position of mineralized zones, faults, dike bodies, metasomatic halos, and host volcanogenic-sedimentary rocks confirm the tectonic nature of the Peshchernoe deposit alteration system. Lamprophyre dikes are pre-ore, as evidenced by the superimposed metasomatic mineral associations. We assume that dikes of andesitic rocks, lamprophyres, and subsequently hydrothermal fluids, including ore-bearing ones, were intruded along the fault zone of northeastern strike at different geological times. The description of mineralogical and chemical transformations of lamprophyres, which occurred as a result of alteration, is given. Two stages of metasomatism are distinguished: carbon dioxide (beresitization-listvenitization) and subsequent alkaline (sodic metasomatism). During carbon dioxide metasomatism, dark-coloured minerals are replaced by chlorite, albitization and sericitization of plagioclase occur, and ferruginous dolomite is formed under the influence of a signifi-cant supply of CO 2 . Alkaline (sodic) metasomatism is superimposed on the mineral metasomatic paragenesis of the first stage. We consider metasomatic zoning during sodic metasomatism, manifested in one of the spessartite dikes. Chlorite and relics of magmatic dark-coloured minerals are replaced by magnesite, the supply of Na leads to the appearance of newly formed albite, and the supply of S leads to the formation of pyrite, which concentrates iron from other minerals. As a result of the sodic metasomatism, iron content in carbonates decreases in the direction from the outer metasomatic zone to the inner one. We conclude that it was the alkaline-sulphide sodium solutions that performed the ore-bearing function, and beresitization and listvenitization prepared a favourable environment for ore deposition.

How to cite: Kuznetsov D.V., Stepanov S.Y., Butnyakov A.V., Igosheva V.S. Lamprophyres of the Peshchernoe gold deposit, their geological position, material composition, and metasomatic alterations (Northern Urals) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2024. p. EDN MPTXFV