Date submitted2023-04-10
Date accepted2024-11-07
Date published2025-02-25
Consideration of the geomechanical state of a fractured porous reservoir in reservoir simulation modelling
This paper presents reservoir simulation modeling of a hydrocarbon accumulation with a fractured porous reservoir, incorporating the geomechanical effects of fracture closure during variations in formation pressure. The fracture permeability parameter is derived from the impact of stress on fracture walls. The fracturing parameter is determined based on 3D seismic data analysis. A permeability reduction model is implemented in the tNavigator reservoir simulation platform. The proposed approach improves the convergence of formation pressure dynamics in well data while maintaining flow rate and water cut adaptation accuracy. This results in enhanced formation pressure prediction and optimization of the pressure maintenance system.
Date submitted2023-06-25
Date accepted2024-11-07
Date published2025-02-25
Study of wormhole channel formation resulting from hydrochloric acid treatment in complex-type reservoirs using filtration and X-ray computed tomography methods
- Authors:
- Andrei A. Аbrosimov
The primary function of hydrochloric acid treatment (HAT) is to create the maximum number of high-conductivity channels in the near-wellbore zone of the reservoir to restore its permeability and enhance hydraulic connectivity between the undisturbed part of the formation and the well. The objective of this study is to physically model HAT on core samples from the Orenburg oil and gas condensate field and to research the impact of such treatment on the structure of the pore space of rocks related to complex-type reservoirs. The complexity of the rock's pore space and the low permeability of the formations are distinguishing features of the study object. For this reason, HAT is a widely applied method for production intensification, necessitating the verification of acid injection rates, where the success criterion is the formation of high-conductivity filtration channels (wormholes) in the near-wellbore zone. These channels significantly expand the drainage area of wells, thereby bringing additional reservoir sections into development. The study examined the characteristics of filtration channel development resulting from acid treatment. Their structure was characterized and analyzed using X-ray computed tomography. The complex study confirmed the accuracy of the selected injection rate and provided practical recommendations for enhancing the efficiency of HAT.
Date submitted2024-05-30
Date accepted2024-10-14
Date published2024-11-12
Thermodynamic modelling as a basis for forecasting phase states of hydrocarbon fluids at great and super-great depths
The possibility of discovering oil and gas occurrences at great (more than 5 km) and super-great (more than 6 km) depths is considered in two aspects. The first one is the preservation conditions of large hydrocarbon accumulations forming at depths to 4 km and caused by different geological and tectonic processes occurring at great and super-great depths with partial oil-to-gas transformation. It was ascertained that among the factors controlling preservation of liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons are the temperature, pressure, subsidence rate (rate of temperature and pressure increase), time spent under ultrahigh thermobaric conditions, and initial composition of organic matter. The possibility of existence of liquid components of oil at great and super-great depths is characteristic of sedimentary basins of China, the Gulf of Mexico, the Santos and Campos basins on the Brazilian shelf, and in the Russian Federation it is most probable for the Caspian Depression, some submontane troughs and zones of intense accumulation of young sediments. Determination of critical temperatures and pressures of phase transitions and the onset of cracking is possible using the approach considered in the article, based on estimation of organic matter transformation degree, kinetic and thermobaric models taking into account the composition of hydrocarbon fluid. The second aspect is the estimation of composition of hydrocarbons associated with rocks forming at great depths or rocks transformed under conditions of critical temperatures and pressures. This aspect of considerable science intensity can hardly be considered as practically significant. The study focuses on the investigation of the possibilities of thermodynamic modelling and the use of alternative methods for studying the transformation degree of liquid formation fluid into components of the associated gas through the example of two areas with identified oil, condensate and gas accumulations.
Date submitted2024-10-29
Date accepted2024-10-29
Date published2024-11-12
Study of thermodynamic processes of the Earth from the position of the genesis of hydrocarbons at great depths
In the context of significant depletion of traditional proven oil reserves in the Russian Federation and the inevitability of searching for new directions of study and expansion of the raw material base of hydrocarbon raw materials in hard-to-reach regions and on the Arctic shelf, a scientific search is underway for accumulations in complex geological conditions and in manifestations that differ significantly from traditional ones, which include the processes of oil and gas formation and preservation of oil and gas in low-permeability “shale” strata and in heterogeneous reservoirs at great and super-great depths. Within the oil and gas provinces of the world, drilling of a number of deep and super-deep wells has revealed deposits at great depths, established connections between hydrocarbon deposits and “traces” of hydrocarbon migration left in the core of deep wells, which has made it possible to significantly re-evaluate theoretical ideas on the issue of oil and gas formation conditions and the search for technologies aimed at solving applied problems. Modern geochemical, chromatographic, bituminological, coal petrographic and pyrolytic methods of studying oil and bitumoids extracted from the host rocks of deep well cores give a hope for identifying correlations in the oil-source system, revealing processes that determine the possibility of hydrocarbon formation and accumulation, and defining predictive criteria for oil and gas potential at great depths.
Date submitted2022-10-04
Date accepted2024-03-05
Date published2024-08-26
Localization and involvement in development of residual recoverable reserves of a multilayer oil field
During waterflooding of a multilayer oil field there is a constant deterioration of the structure and composition of residual reserves due to geological and technological reasons. The largest share of residual reserves is localized in pillars, which arise from uneven development of the production facility and are undrained or poorly drained zones. The results of a quantitative assessment of the distribution of residual oil reserves in the Middle and Upper Devonian deposits of the Romashkinskoe oil field of the Republic of Tatarstan are presented. A retrospective method is proposed to identify reserves by analyzing and summarizing historical exploration data and the long history of reservoir development, and a calculation algorithm is proposed to quantify them. It has been established that residual oil reserves are localized in rows of dividing and injection wells, as well as in the central rows of producing wells in a three-line drive, in abandoned and piezometric wells, in the areas adjacent to the zones of reservoir confluence, pinch-out, oil-bearing contours, distribution of reservoirs with deteriorated porosity and permeability properties. Depending on geological conditions, algorithms for selecting geological and technical measures to include localized reserves in development and forecasting production profiles were proposed. According to the proposed method, residual recoverable reserves were identified and a number of wells were recommended for experimental works on their additional recovery: in well 16 (hereinafter in the text, conventional well numbers are used) after isolation of overlying high-water-cut formations, the additional perforation was carried out and oil flow was obtained. Additional perforation in well 6 resulted in oil recovery during development as well. Thus, the developed approaches to identifying residual recoverable reserves and patterns of their spatial distribution can be recommended in other multilayer oil fields with a long history of development.
Date submitted2023-09-29
Date accepted2023-10-25
Date published2024-08-26
Laboratory studies of transformation of porosity and permeability and chemical composition of terrigenous reservoir rocks at exposure to hydrogen (using the example of the Bobrikovskii formations in the oil field in the northeast Volga-Ural oil and gas province)
The article describes the methodology for laboratory studies of reservoir rock exposure to hydrogen. The stages of sample research and the instruments used in the experiments are considered. A comparative analysis of the results of studies on porosity and permeability of core samples was performed. It was shown that after exposure to hydrogen, the porosity decreased by 4.6 %, and the permeability by 7.9 %. The analysis of correlation dependencies demonstrated a typical change in the relationship of these characteristics: after the samples exposure to hydrogen the scatter of the values increased and the correlation coefficient decreased, which indicates a change in the structure of the void space. Based on the research results, it was concluded that the decrease in porosity and permeability of the core samples occurred due to their minor compaction under the action of effective stresses. The chemical analysis of the rock showed no major difference in the composition of the basic oxides before and after exposure to hydrogen, which points to the chemical resistance of the studied formation to hydrogen. The experimental results showed that the horizon under consideration can be a storage of the hydrogen-methane mixture.
Date submitted2023-08-14
Date accepted2023-12-27
Date published2024-12-25
Modelling of compositional gradient for reservoir fluid in a gas condensate deposit with account for scattered liquid hydrocarbons
In oil and gas reservoirs with significant hydrocarbon columns the dependency of the initial hydrocarbon composition on depth – the compositional gradient – is an important factor in assessing the initial amounts of components in place, the position of the gas-oil contact, and variations of fluid properties throughout the reservoir volume. Known models of the compositional gradient are based on thermodynamic relations assuming a quasi-equilibrium state of a multi-component hydrodynamically connected hydrocarbon system in the gravity field, taking into account the influence of the natural geothermal gradient. The corresponding algorithms allow for calculation of changes in pressure and hydrocarbon fluid composition with depth, including determination of the gas-oil contact (GOC) position. Above and below the GOC, the fluid state is considered single-phase. Many oil-gas-condensate reservoirs typically have a small initial fraction of the liquid hydrocarbon phase (LHC) – scattered oil – within the gas-saturated part of the reservoir. To account for this phenomenon, a special modification of the thermodynamic model has been proposed, and an algorithm for calculating the compositional gradient in a gas condensate reservoir with the presence of LHC has been implemented. Simulation cases modelling the characteristic compositions and conditions of three real oil-gas-condensate fields are considered. The results of the calculations using the proposed algorithm show peculiarities of variations of the LHC content and its impact on the distribution of gas condensate mixture composition with depth. The presence of LHC leads to an increase in the level and possible change in the type of the fluid contact. The character of the LHC fraction dependency on depth can be different and is governed by the dissolution of light components in the saturated liquid phase. The composition of the LHC in the gas condensate part of the reservoir changes with depth differently than in the oil zone, where the liquid phase is undersaturated with light hydrocarbons. The results of the study are significant for assessing initial amounts of hydrocarbon components and potential efficiency of their recovery in gas condensate and oil-gas-condensate reservoirs with large hydrocarbon columns.
Date submitted2023-03-14
Date accepted2023-10-25
Date published2024-04-25
Predictive assessment of ore dilution in mining thin steeply dipping deposits by a system of sublevel drifts
The purpose of research is the study of stress-strain state of marginal rock mass around the stope and predictive assessment of ore dilution with regard for changes in ore body thickness in mining thin ore deposits on the example of the Zholymbet mine. Study of the specific features of the stress-strain state development was accomplished applying the methodology based on numerical research methods taking into account the geological strength index (GSI) which allows considering the structural features of rocks, fracturing, lithology, water content and other strength indicators, due to which there is a correct transition from the rock sample strength to the rock mass strength. The results of numerical analysis of the stress-strain state of the marginal part of the rock mass using the finite element method after the Hoek – Brown strength criterion made it possible to assess the geomechanical state in the marginal mass provided there are changes in ore body thickness and to predict the volume of ore dilution. It was ascertained that when mining thin ore deposits, the predicted value of ore dilution is influenced by the ore body thickness and the GSI. The dependence of changes in ore dilution values on the GSI was recorded taking into account changes in ore body thickness from 1 to 3 m. Analysis of the research results showed that the predicted dimensions of rock failure zone around the stopes are quite large, due to which the indicators of the estimated ore dilution are not attained. There is a need to reduce the seismic impact of the blasting force on the marginal rock mass and update the blasting chart.
Date submitted2023-01-16
Date accepted2023-06-20
Date published2024-04-25
Study on the thin layer drying and diffusion mechanism of low rank coal in Inner Mongolia and Yunnan
Coal is one of the world's most important energy substances. China is rich in coal resources, accounting for more than 90 % of all ascertained fossil energy reserves. The consumption share of coal energy reaches 56.5 % in 2021. Due to the high moisture content of low-rank coal, it is easy to cause equipment blockage in the dry sorting process. This paper considers low-rank coal coming from Inner Mongolia (NM samples) and Yunnan (YN samples). The weight loss performance of the samples was analyzed using thermogravimetric experiments to determine the appropriate temperature for drying experiments. Thin-layer drying experiments were carried out at different temperature conditions. The drying characteristics of low-rank coal were that the higher the drying temperature, the shorter the drying completion time; the smaller the particle size, the shorter the drying completion time. The effective moisture diffusion coefficient was fitted using the Arrhenius equation. The effective water diffusion coefficient of NM samples was 5.07·10–11 - 9.58·10–11 m2/s. The effective water diffusion coefficients of the three different particle sizes of YN samples were 1.89·10–11 - 4.92·10–11 (–1 mm), 1.38·10–10 - 4.13·10–10 (1-3 mm), 5.26·10–10 - 1.49·10–9 (3-6 mm). The activation energy of Inner Mongolia lignite was 10.97 kJ/mol (–1 mm). The activation energies of Yunnan lignite with different particle sizes were 17.97 kJ/mol (–1 mm), 33.52 kJ/mol (1-3 mm), and 38.64 kJ/mol (3-6 mm). The drying process was simulated using empirical and semi-empirical formulas. The optimal model for Inner Mongolia samples was the Two-term diffusion model, and Yunnan samples were the Hii equation was used.
Date submitted2021-01-21
Date accepted2023-09-20
Date published2023-12-25
Adaptation of transient well test results
Transient well tests are a tool for monitoring oil recovery processes. Research technologies implemented in pumping wells provide for a preliminary conversion of measured parameters to bottomhole pressure, which leads to errors in determining the filtration parameters. An adaptive interpretation of the results of well tests performed in pumping wells is proposed. Based on the original method of mathematical processing of a large volume of field data for the geological and geophysical conditions of developed pays in oil field, multidimensional models of well flow rates were constructed including the filtration parameters determined during the interpretation of tests. It is proposed to consider the maximum convergence of the flow rate calculated using a multidimensional model and the value obtained during well testing as a sign of reliability of the filtration parameter. It is proposed to use the analysis of the developed multidimensional models to assess the filtration conditions and determine the individual characteristics of oil flow to wells within the pays. For the Bashkirian-Serpukhovian and the Tournaisian-Famennian carbonate deposits, the influence of bottomhole pressure on the well flow rates has been established, which confirms the well-known assumption about possible deformations of carbonate reservoirs in the bottomhole areas and is a sign of physicality of the developed multidimensional models. The advantage of the proposed approach is a possibility of using it to adapt the results of any research technology and interpretation method.
Date submitted2023-04-02
Date accepted2023-06-20
Date published2023-07-19
Integration of renewable energy at coal mining enterprises: problems and prospects
This article addresses the issue of developing renewable energy in coal mining enterprises in the Russian Federation. The study presents a methodology for assessing the technical and economic efficiency of introducing renewable energy sources based on simulation modeling. An analysis of the potential of solar and wind energy for coal mining regions in Russia is conducted. The authors use a custom software developed by them to simulate the power supply system for various scenarios of renewable energy integration, including solar generation, wind generation, solar generation with energy storage, wind generation together with solar generation. Based on the example of the Rostov region, a feasibility study of the considered options is presented. Additionally, the research includes a sensitivity analysis of the investment project in the conditions of uncertainty in the development of Russian renewable energy. The research findings indicate that even in market conditions with CO2 emission quotas and prices at the level of the Sakhalin experiment, renewable energy in coal mining enterprises in Russia remains unattractive and requires additional support.
Date submitted2022-04-13
Date accepted2023-02-15
Date published2023-08-28
The impact of secondary mineral formation on Na-K-geothermometer readings: a case study for the Valley of Geysers hydrothermal system (Kronotsky State Nature Biosphere Reserve, Kamchatka)
The temperature in the Valley of Geysers (Kamchatka) geothermal reservoir calculated using the feldspar Na-K-geothermometer has been steadily increasing over the past 10 years on average from 165 to 235 °C, which is close to the temperature values of a hydrothermal explosion of the steam and water mixture. For the analysis of chemical geothermometers, TOUGHREACT-simulation was used, with the help of which the previously known Na-K feldspar geothermometer was reproduced on a single-element model and new formulas were obtained for three Na-K geothermometers: zeolite, smectite, and based on volcanic glass. Data of chemical analysis for the period 1968-2018, in which the chloride ion is considered as an inert tracer of geofiltration processes, indicates that after 2007 a significant inflow of infiltration water (its mass fraction is estimated from 5 to 15 %) into the Geyser reservoir. It is assumed that the Na-K increased values of the feldspar geothermometer are not the result of the temperature increase in the Geyser reservoir, but the effect of smectite water dilution.
Date submitted2022-06-20
Date accepted2023-01-10
Date published2023-08-28
Laboratory, numerical and field assessment of the effectiveness of cyclic geomechanical treatment on a tournaisian carbonate reservoir
Results are discussed for evaluation of effectiveness of the cyclic geomechanical treatment (CGT) on a Tournaisian carbonate reservoir. Analysis of laboratory experiments performed according to a special program to assess permeability changes for Tournaisian samples under cyclic changes in pore pressure is presented. The main conclusion is the positive selectivity of the CGT: an increase in permeability is observed for samples saturated with hydrocarbons (kerosene) with connate water, and maximal effect is related to the tightest samples. For water-saturated samples, the permeability decreases after the CGT. Thus, the CGT improves the drainage conditions for tight oil-saturated intervals. It is also confirmed that the CGT reduces the fracturing pressure in carbonate reservoirs. Using flow simulations on detailed sector models taking into account the results of laboratory experiments, a possible increase in well productivity index after CGT with different amplitudes of pressure variation was estimated. Results of a pilot CGT study on a well operating a Tournaisian carbonate reservoir are presented, including the interpretation of production logging and well testing. The increase in the well productivity index is estimated at 44-49 % for liquid and at 21-26 % for oil, with a more uniform inflow profile after the treatment. The results of the field experiment confirm the conclusions about the mechanisms and features of the CGT obtained from laboratory studies and flow simulations.
Date submitted2022-08-05
Date accepted2022-11-17
Date published2023-02-27
Feasibility study of using cogeneration plants at Kuzbass coal mines
The paper considers the problem of reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the process of coal mining during the coal mine methane utilization in power supply systems. An algorithm to form recommendations for the implementation of CMM generation is presented. A simulation model for one of the Kuzbass coal mines was developed in the PowerFactory software application. The simulation model considers the uneven nature of the power consumption of mining equipment. As a result of modeling, daily power consumption profiles and voltage levels in the coal mine power supply system were determined before and after the implementation of the proposed measures. Based on the results, the technical and economic effects was estimated, which consisted in reducing the direct and indirect carbon footprint, electricity and capacity fees. It has been established that the cost of carbon dioxide emission quotas significantly affects the investment attractiveness of cogeneration projects. Based on the results, recommendations are given to stimulate the development of small generation in coal mines.
Date submitted2022-08-01
Date accepted2022-11-17
Date published2023-02-27
Use of machine learning technology to model the distribution of lithotypes in the Permo-Carboniferous oil deposit of the Usinskoye field
- Authors:
- Denis V. Potekhin
- Sergei V. Galkin
Permo-Carboniferous oil deposit of the Usinskoye field is characterized by an extremely complex type of the void space with intense cross-sectional distribution of cavernous and fractured rock. In this study, for this production site, the process of 3D geological modeling has been implemented. At the first stage, it provided for automated identification of reservoir volumes by comparing the data of core and well logging surveys; at the second stage, identification of rock lithotypes according to Dunham classification is performed on the basis of comparison of thin sections examination and well logging data. A large array of factual information enables the use of machine learning technology on the basis of Levenberg – Marquardt neural network apparatus toward achievement of our research goals. The prediction algorithms of reservoir and rock lithotype identification using well logging methods obtained on the basis of the training samples are applied to the wells without core sampling. The implemented approach enabled complementing the 3D geological model with information about rock permeability and porosity, taking into account the structural features of the identified lithotypes. For the Permo-Carboniferous oil deposit of the Usinskoye field, the volumetric zoning of the distribution of different rock lithotypes has been established. Taking into account the lithotypes identified based on machine learning algorithms, density and openness of fractures were determined, and fracture permeability in the deposit volume was calculated. In general, during the implementation, the machine learning errors remained within 3-5 %, which suggests reliability of the obtained predictive solutions. The results of the research are incorporated in the existing 3D digital geological and process model of the deposit under study.
Date submitted2022-05-06
Date accepted2022-11-17
Date published2023-02-27
Comprehensive study of filtration properties of pelletized sandy clay ores and filtration modes in the heap leaching stack
There are the results of a study of the factors determining the formation and changes in the filtration properties of a heap leaching stack formed from pelletized poor sandy-clay ores. An analysis of methods of investigation of filtration properties of ore material for different stages of heap leaching plots functioning is carried out. Influence of segregation process during stack dumping on formation of zones with very different permeability parameters of ore has been established by experimental and filtration works. The construction and application of a numerical model of filtration processes in pelletized ores based on laboratory experiments is shown. By means of solution percolation simulation at different irrigation intensities the justification of optimal stack parameters is provided in terms of the geomechanical stability and prevention of solution level rise above the drainage layer.
Date submitted2022-07-15
Date accepted2022-12-13
Date published2023-02-27
Mathematical modelling of displacement during the potash ores mining by longwall faces
In favourable mining conditions, in particular at the Starobinskoye potash deposit (Belarus), longwall mining systems are used. They cause a high human-induced load on the subsoil, including intense deformation of the ground surface. The presented investigations are aimed at studying the dynamics of the ground surface displacement during the longwall face advance. Mathematical modelling was carried out in an elastic-plastic formulation with numerical implementation by the finite element method. The condition for the roof rocks collapse was opening of the contact between the seams when its boundaries were reached by shear fractures or formation of the tensile stresses area at the outcrop. With the working front advance, an increase in subsidence is observed, followed by its stabilization to a value determined by the process parameters of mining operations and the physical and mechanical properties of collapsed rocks. In this case, each point of the ground surface experiences sign-alternating horizontal deformations: when the front approaches, it causes tension, and when it moves away, compression. The obtained results of mathematical modelling are in good agreement with the data of instrumental measurements of the ground surface displacements, which indicates the adequate description of the rock mass deformation during the slice excavation of sylvinite seams by longwall faces.
Date submitted2022-03-01
Date accepted2022-05-25
Date published2022-12-29
Study on the rheological properties of barite-free drilling mud with high density
Improved drilling and reservoir penetration efficiency is directly related to the quality of the drilling mud used. The right choice of mud type and its components will preserve formation productivity, stability of the well walls and reduce the probability of other complications. Oil and gas operators use barite, less often siderite or hematite weighting agent as a weighting component in the composition of drilling muds for the conditions of increased pressure. But the use of these additives for the penetration of the productive formation leads to the reduction of filtration characteristics of the reservoir, as it is almost impossible to remove them from the pore channels. Therefore, barite-free drilling mud of increased density based on formic acid salts with the addition of carbonate weighting agent as an acid-soluble bridging agent is proposed. The results of experimental investigations on rheological parameters of barite-free solutions are given and the obtained data are analyzed. Based on the comparison of results it is recommended to use high-density drilling mud on the basis of formic acid salts (sodium and potassium formate) and with the addition of partially hydrolyzed polyacrylamide with molecular mass of 27 million.
Date submitted2021-05-13
Date accepted2022-11-28
Date published2022-12-29
Reproduction of reservoir pressure by machine learning methods and study of its influence on the cracks formation process in hydraulic fracturing
Hydraulic fracturing is an effective way to stimulate oil production, which is currently widely used in various conditions, including complex carbonate reservoirs. In the conditions of the considered field, hydraulic fracturing leads to a significant differentiation of technological efficiency indicators, which makes it expedient to study in detail the crack formation patterns. For all affected wells, the assessment of the resulting fractures spatial orientation was performed using the developed indirect technique, the reliability of which was confirmed by geophysical methods. In the course of the analysis, it was found that in all cases the fracture is oriented in the direction of the development system element area, which is characterized by the maximum reservoir pressure. At the same time, reservoir pressure values for all wells were determined at one point in time (at the beginning of hydraulic fracturing) using machine learning methods. The reliability of the used machine learning methods is confirmed by high convergence with the actual (historical) reservoir pressures obtained during hydrodynamic studies of wells. The obtained conclusion about the influence of the formation pressure on the patterns of fracturing should be taken into account when planning hydraulic fracturing in the considered conditions.
Date submitted2021-09-01
Date accepted2022-10-07
Date published2022-12-29
Parameter determination of the method of directional unloading of the reservoir based on physical modelling on a true triaxial loading setup
The article presents a theoretical and experimental substantiation of the method of directional unloading of the reservoir in fields with low-permeability reservoirs. The relevance of the article is due to the reduction of hydrocarbon resources in modern conditions and the need to create new efficient environmentally friendly technologies to develop hydrocarbon deposits with hard-to-recover reserves, primarily with low-permeability reservoirs. The results of a theoretical study of the stress-strain state in the vicinity of a well, both cased and open, are presented. They are necessary to develop programs for laboratory testing of core specimens from the studied fields. A technique for physical modelling of deformation processes in the bottomhole zone with a decrease in pressure at the well bottom in a true triaxial loading unit is described in order to determine the parameters of the process impact on the formation reservoir, leading to an increase in well productivity. The method was applied to the conditions of the low-permeability reservoir at the Verkhneviluchanskoye oil and gas condensate field in the southwest of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). Expe-rimental studies were carried out on a unique scientific unit for true triaxial loading, created at the IPMech RAS, the Triaxial Independent Loading Test System. The directional unloading method was adapted for the studied field, the process parameters of successful application of the method were determined: the bottomhole design, the drawdown values necessary to increase the permeability of the bottomhole formation zone.
Date submitted2022-04-12
Date accepted2022-11-17
Date published2022-12-29
Development of technological solutions for reliable killing of wells by temporarily blocking a productive formation under ALRP conditions (on the example of the Cenomanian gas deposits)
Modern field operation conditions are characterized by a decline in gas production due to the depletion of its reserves, a decrease in reservoir pressure, an increase in water cut, as well as due to the depreciation of the operating well stock. These problems are especially specific at the late stage of development of the Cenomanian deposits of Western Siberia fields, where the anomaly factor below 0.2 prevails, while gas-bearing formations are represented mainly by complex reservoirs with high-permeability areas. When killing such wells, the classical reduction of overbalance by reducing the density of the process fluid does not provide the necessary efficiency, which requires the search for new technical and technological solutions. In order to prevent the destruction of the reservoir and preserve its reservoir properties during repair work in wells with abnormally low reservoir pressure, AO “SevKavNIPIgaz” developed compositions of special process fluids. A quantitative description of the process of blocking the bottomhole formation zone is proposed by means of mathematical modeling of injection of a gel-forming solution into a productive horizon. The well killing technology includes three main stages of work: leveling the injectivity profile of the productive strata using three-phase foam, pumping the blocking composition and its displacement with the creation of a calculated repression. Solutions obtained on the basis of a mathematical model allow optimizing technological parameters to minimize negative consequences in the well killing process.
Date submitted2022-05-26
Date accepted2022-11-17
Date published2022-12-29
Renovation method of restoring well productivity using wavefields
A stagewise theoretical substantiation of the renovation vibrowave method of influencing the near-wellbore zone of reservoir for restoring well productivity is presented. The area of treatment by the proposed method covers the reservoir with a heterogeneous permeability with fractures formed by fracking. In this method a decrease in concentration of colmatants occurs due to a change in direction of contaminants migration. Under the influence of pressure pulses, they move deep into the reservoir and disperse through the proppant pack. The results of mathematical modelling of the propagation of pressure wave and velocity wave and the calculations of particles entrainment in wave motion are presented.
Date submitted2022-05-31
Date accepted2022-11-17
Date published2022-12-29
Estimation of the influence of fracture parameters uncertainty on the dynamics of technological development indicators of the Tournaisian-Famennian oil reservoir in Sukharev oil field
Issues related to the influence of reservoir properties uncertainty on oil field development modelling are considered. To increase the reliability of geological-hydrodynamic mathematical model in the course of multivariate matching, the influence of reservoir properties uncertainty on the design technological parameters of development was estimated, and their mutual influence was determined. The optimal conditions for the development of the deposit were determined, and multivariate forecasts were made. The described approach of history matching and calculation of the forecast of technological development indicators allows to obtain a more reliable and a less subjective history match as well as to increase the reliability of long-term and short-term forecasts.
Date submitted2021-12-21
Date accepted2022-06-20
Date published2022-11-10
Scientific justification of the perforation methods for Famennian deposits in the southeast of the Perm Region based on geomechanical modelling
The article presents the results of analysing geological structure of the Famennian deposits (Devonian) in the Perm Region. Numerical modelling of the distribution of inhomogeneous stress field near the well was performed for the two considered types of perforation. With regard for the geometry of the forming perforation channels, numerical finite element models of near-wellbore zones were created considering slotted and cumulative perforation. It is ascertained that in the course of slotted perforation, conditions are created for a significant restoration of effective stresses and, as a result, restoration of reservoir rock permeability. Stress recovery area lies near the well within a radius equal to the length of the slots, and depends on the drawdown, with its increase, the area decreases. From the assessment of failure areas, it was found that in case of slotted perforation, the reservoir in near-wellbore zone remains stable, and failure zones can appear only at drawdowns of 10 MPa and more. The opposite situation was recorded for cumulative perforation; failure zones near the holes appear even at a drawdown of 2 MPa. In general, the analysis of results of numerical simulation of the stress state for two simulated types of perforation suggests that slotted perforation is more efficient than cumulative perforation. At the same time, the final conclusion could be drawn after determining the patterns of changes in permeability of the considered rocks under the influence of changing effective stresses and performing calculations of well flow rates after making the considered types of perforation channels.
Date submitted2022-05-03
Date accepted2022-07-21
Date published2022-11-03
Determination of rational steam consumption in steam-air mixture flotation of apatite-nepheline ores
Relevance of the study is determined by the decisions taken to increase the production volume of certain commercial products from mineral raw materials. The scale, impact and consequences of the projects on developing the resource-saving technologies for beneficiation of mineral raw materials are socially significant, and the economic growth of mining production complies with the sustainable development goals. The aim of the study is to develop the flotation circuit and mode that improve the technological performance of beneficiation of apatite-nepheline ores of the Khibiny Massif in the Kola Peninsula. The scientific idea of the work is to develop the flotation circuit, the movement of beneficiation products in which ensures a major increase in the content of the recovered component in the rougher flotation procedure with a simultaneous increase in dressability of the material. The above condition is met when mixing the feedstock with rough concentrate. Recovery of the valuable component from the resulting mixture is accomplished in a mode differing from the known ones in that the heat of steam condensation is used to increase water temperature in the interphase film between the particle and the bubble. For pulp aeration during flotation, a mixture of air and hot steam is used as the gas phase. A high recovery of the valuable component in ore flotation according to the developed circuit and mode is facilitated by increasing water temperature in wetting films due to the steam condensation heat. A high selectivity of flotation with a steam-air mixture can be explained using the concepts of a phonon component of disjoining pressure, the value and sign of which are associated with a difference in the dynamic structure of liquid in the wetting film and bulk liquid.