Date submitted2024-04-27
Date accepted2024-11-07
Date published2025-03-05
Comprehensive studies of the snow-firn layer in the area of the Russian Antarctic Vostok Station
The article presents the findings from research conducted at Vostok Station during the 69th Russian Antarctic expedition. The primary goal of the research is to perform a thorough investigation of the snow-firn layer using both direct (drilling and core analysis) and indirect (georadiolocation and seismic exploration) methods. As part of the research, fundamental tasks related to the study of the structure and dynamics of the upper part of the ice sheet were addressed, as well as applied tasks aimed at justifying the depth of explosive charge placement for seismic work with the goal of conducting a detailed study of Lake Vostok and selecting the point for drilling access to the lake. Data on the microstructure and physical properties of the snow-firn layer were collected. The findings will allow for future improvements to the firn densification model, which is required to understand the evolution of ice grains during the early stages of metamorphism. The study's findings aided in the understanding of the structural features of the ice sheet's surface layer, allowing for more precise determination of the structural and physical characteristics of the snow-firn layer and ice, potentially leading to a better understanding of climatic and geological processes in Antarctica.
Date submitted2024-03-20
Date accepted2024-11-07
Date published2025-02-27
Analysis of the stress state of rocks transformation near a horizontal well during acid treatment based on numerical simulation
The article presents an overview of the assessment and modelling of the stress state of rocks in the near-wellbore zone of horizontal wells during acid stimulation of the formation for improving the efficiency of oil and gas field development. A numerical finite element model of near-wellbore zone of the reservoir drilled by a horizontal section was compiled using one of oil fields in the Perm Territory as an example. The distribution of physical and mechanical properties of the terrigenous reservoir near the well was determined considering transformation under the action of mud acid for different time periods of its injection. Multivariate numerical simulation was performed and the distribution of horizontal and vertical stresses in near-wellbore zone was determined with regard for different values of pressure drawdown and changes in stress-strain properties depending on the area of mud acid infiltration. It was found that a change in elastic modulus and Poisson's ratio under the influence of acid led to a decrease in stresses in near-wellbore zone. Analysis of the stress distribution field based on the Coulomb – Mohr criterion showed that the minimum safety factor of rock even after the effect of mud acid was 1.5; thus, under the considered conditions of horizontal well modelling, the reservoir rock remained stable, and no zones of rock destruction appeared.
Date submitted2023-09-05
Date accepted2024-11-07
Date published2025-02-25
Investigation of the accuracy of constructing digital elevation models of technogenic massifs based on satellite coordinate determinations
At all stages of the life cycle of buildings and structures, geodetic support is provided by electronic measuring instruments – a laser scanning system, unmanned aerial vehicles, and satellite equipment. In this context, a set of geospatial data is obtained that can be presented as a digital model. The relevance of this work is practical recommendations for constructing a local quasigeoid model and a digital elevation model (DEM) of a certain accuracy. A local quasigeoid model and a DEM were selected as the study objects. It is noted that a DEM is often produced for vast areas, and, therefore, it is necessary to build a local quasigeoid model for such models. The task of assessing the accuracy of constructing such models is considered; its solution will allow obtaining a better approximation to real data on preassigned sets of field materials. A general algorithm for creating both DEM and local quasigeoid models in the Golden Software Surfer is presented. The constructions were accomplished using spatial interpolation methods. When building a local quasigeoid model for an area project, the following methods were used: triangulation with linear interpolation (the least value of the root mean square error (RMSE) of interpolation was 0.003 m) and kriging (0.003 m). The least RMSE value for determining the heights by control points for an area project was obtained using the natural neighbour (0.004 m) and kriging (0.004 m) methods. To construct a local quasigeoid model for a linear project, the following methods were applied: kriging (0.006 m) and triangulation with linear interpolation (0.006 m). Construction of the digital elevation model resulted in the least aggregate value of the estimated parameters: on a flat plot of the earth’s surface – the natural neighbour method, for a mountainous plot with anthropogenic topography – the quadric kriging method, for a mountainous plot – quadric kriging.
Date submitted2024-03-22
Date accepted2024-09-24
Date published2025-02-25
Behaviour of cerium (III) phosphate in a carbonate-alkaline medium
- Authors:
- Tatyana E. Litvinova
- Stepan A. Gerasev
The article investigates the behaviour of rare earth metals in carbonate-alkaline systems. The results of experimental studies on rare earth element extraction from phosphogypsum, a large-tonnage industrial waste forming in production of phosphoric acid are presented. Using the liquid phase leaching method, it was possible to extract more than 53 % of rare earth elements from old phosphogypsum and more than 69 % from fresh phosphogypsum due to solid phase treatment with a 4 mol/l potassium carbonate solution at temperature 90 °C. The behaviour of model cerium (III) phosphate in a carbonate-alkaline medium is characterized: a solubility isotherm is obtained as well as the dependences of the degree of cerium extraction into solution on temperature, carbonate ion concentration, interphase ratio, stirring intensity, and pH. The ability of soluble rare earth element complexes to precipitate over time was established, which was confirmed using cerium and neodymium as an example. Within 240 h after the end of the experiment, approximately 25 % of cerium and 17 % of neodymium were precipitated from the liquid phase. A similar property was recorded in representatives of the light group and was not noted in elements of the heavy group. The ability to self-precipitate in future can serve as a basis for developing an alternative approach to separating rare earth metals into groups after extraction in a carbonate ion medium. Also, based on the analysis of experimental data, the mechanism of cerium (III) phosphate dissolution in a carbonate-alkaline medium was characterized. An assumption was made that rare earth metal phosphates dissolve sequentially passing into an insoluble carbonate and then into a soluble carbonate complex.
Date submitted2024-07-28
Date accepted2024-11-26
Date published2024-12-12
From import substitution to technological leadership: how local content policy accelerates the development of the oil and gas industry
- Authors:
- Oleg V. Zhdaneev
- Ivan R. Ovsyannikov
Achieving technological sovereignty implies accelerating innovation and reducing import dependence. An effective tool for addressing these challenges is local content policy (LCP). The purpose of this study is to assess the impact of LCP on innovation activity in oil and gas companies and to provide recommendations for enhancing the effectiveness of this policy in Russia. The paper analyzes the influence of LCP on innovation levels in the oil and gas sector, drawing on examples from 10 countries. A positive short-term impact of LCP on innovation was identified in Brazil, Malaysia, and Saudi Arabia, with long-term effects observed in China and South Africa. Recommendations for improving the effectiveness of LCP in Russia are supplemented with a methodology for calculating the level of technological sovereignty. A refinement of the method for solving the «responsiveness» problem, incorporating the level of localization, has been proposed.
Date submitted2024-04-24
Date accepted2024-09-24
Date published2024-11-12
Study and justification of the combination of beneficiation processes for obtaining flake graphite from technogenic carbon-containing dusts
The most important task of modern production development is to provide the mineral and raw materials sector of the economy with resources included in the list of strategic raw materials, including flake graphite. In addition to natural raw materials, the source of its obtaining can be metallurgical production wastes not involved in processing. Development of metallurgical dust beneficiation technology will solve the problem of obtaining high-purity flake graphite with a crystal structure close to ideal and in demand in the production of high-tech materials. It will allow creating a renewable raw material base of graphite and utilising metallurgical production wastes. The research included the study of dust beneficiation by coarseness, magnetic and flotation methods, the influence of dust disintegration processes on beneficiation indicators. Based on the established technological properties of the components of dusts, magnetic, flotation and gravity beneficiation methods can be applied for their separation in different sequence. It is shown that dusts from different sites have different enrichability by these methods, and it should be taken into account when developing a complex technology of their processing. The degree of beneficiation increases in a row of dusts from the blast furnace shop (BF) – electric steel smelting shop (ESS) – oxygen-converter shop (OCS). The method of grinding has a significant influence on the separation indicators – at dry grinding in a centrifugal-impact mill with subsequent pneumatic classification the quality of graphite concentrates increases by 22.7 % of carbon for BF dust and by 13.48 % of carbon for ESS dust. OCS dust beneficiation indicators are high at coarse grinding with steel medium – mass fraction of carbon 96.1 %.
Date submitted2023-07-07
Date accepted2023-12-27
Date published2024-08-26
Landslide hazard assessment in Tinh Tuc town, Cao Bang province, Vietnam using Frequency ratio method and the combined Fractal-frequency ratio method
Landslides are one of the most frequent natural disasters that cause significant damage to property in Vietnam, which is characterized by mountainous terrain covering three-quarters of the territory. In 17 northern mountainous provinces of the country, over 500 communes are at a high to very high landslide hazard. The main goal of this study was to establish landslide hazard maps and conduct a comparative evaluation of the efficiency of the methods employed in Tinh Tuc town, Cao Bang province. The landslide hazard assessment was carried out in this study using the combined Fractal-frequency ratio (FFR) and the Frequency ratio (FR) methods. The FR method is based on the actualist principle, which assumes that future landslides may be caused by the same factors that contributed to slope failure in the past and present. The FFR method is based on the determination of the fractal dimension, which serves as a measure of the landslide filling density in the study area. Eight landslide-related factors were considered and presented in cartographic format: elevation, distance to roads, slope, geology, distance to faults, land use, slope aspect, and distance to drainage. Determining the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC-AUC) and verification index (LRclass) was performed to assess the performance of prediction models and the accuracy of the obtained maps. As a result, five zones were identified for the study area, characterized by very low, low, moderate, high, and very high landslide hazards. The analysis of the reliability of the obtained landslide hazard maps using the AUC and LRclass indices revealed that the FFR model has a higher degree of reliability (AUC = 86 %, LRclass = 86 %) compared to the FR model (AUC = 72 %, LRclass = 73 %); therefore, its use is more effective.
Date submitted2023-11-10
Date accepted2024-05-02
Date published2024-08-26
Paleoproterozoic Saltakh Pluton, Anabar Shield: mineralogical composition, age and a geodynamic setting
- Authors:
- Nikolai I. Gusev
- Lyudmila Yu. Romanova
The Saltakh Massif is located in the northern Anabar Shield, in the Saltakh shear-zone. It consists of two-pyroxene schists and plagiogneisses metamorphosed under granulite-facies conditions. Their chemical composition is consistent with that of a differentiated series of rocks ranging from gabbro to tonalites with abundant alaskitic gneissose granite veins and bodies. The rocks are mainly high-potassium (K2O/Na2O > 0.50), high-magnesium (mg# 50-70), low-titanium (TiO2 0.35-1.31 wt.%) with low TiO2 concentration in clino- and orthopyroxene. Normative olivine makes up 6-9 % of metagabbroic rocks. The rocks display well-defined negative Ti, Nb, Ta, and P anomalies typical of subduction magmatism. The two-pyroxene gneisses show high Sr/Y ratios of 67.6-88 and (La/Yb)N of 24.8-25.6. Saltakh rocks are part of a shoshonite series, as indicated by Nb/La, La/Yb, Th/Nb and Ce/Yb ratios. All the rocks display positive εNd(T) values of 1.9-4.1 and εSr(T) of 0.77-17.8 indicative of a mantle source of magma and T(Nd)DM of 2,20-2,26 Ga. U-Pb zircon dating (SHRIMP II) has shown that the protoliths of Saltakh melanocratic rocks were dated at 2100-2086 Ma, and those of two-pyroxene plagiogneisses of tonalite composition were dated at 2025±7 Ma. Alaskitic gneissose granites were dated at 1969±7 Ma. The study of the trace element composition of zircon has revealed general enrichment in LREE. High LREE concentrations are due to secondary zircon alterations and the shoshonitic pattern of the melt, the high-temperature conditions of crystallization, and an anomalous fluid regime. The geodynamic setting in which the Saltakh Massif was formed was consistent with a pericontinental magmatic arc. The formation of alaskitic gneissose granites was due to anatexis provoked by later collision processes. Saltakh magmatic rocks were formed simultaneously with magmatic rocks from the Khapchan prospect which occur farther south, and were studied earlier (2095±10 Ma tholeiitic metadiorites and 2030±17 Ma calc-alkaline metatonalites). We interpret them as part of a metamorphosed juvenile Paleoproterozoic suprasubduction complex.
Date submitted2024-04-08
Date accepted2024-06-13
Date published2024-12-25
Analysing the problems of reproducing the mineral resource base of scarce strategic minerals
The results of studying the scarcity of strategic minerals in the Russian Federation are presented, domestic consumption of which is largely provided by forced imports and/or stored reserves. Relevance of the work is due to aggravation of the geopolitical situation and a growing necessity to meet the demand of national economy for raw materials from own sources. Analysis of the state of mineral resource base of scarce minerals in the Russian Federation was accomplished, problems were identified and prospects for its development were outlined taking into account the domestic demand for scarce minerals, their application areas and the main consumers. Reducing the deficit through the import of foreign raw materials and the development of foreign deposits does not ensure the reproduction of the domestic mineral resource base, independence of the country from imported raw materials as well as additional competitive advantages, economic stability and security. It was ascertained that a major factor holding back the development of the mineral resource base is insufficient implementation of new technological solutions for the use of low-quality ore. Improving the technologies in the industry is relevant for all types of scarce minerals to solve the problem of reproducing their resource base. Taking into account the prospects for the development of the resource base for the minerals under consideration (manganese, uranium, chromium, fluorspar, zirconium, titanium, graphite) requires a set of legal and economic measures aimed at increasing the investment attractiveness of geological exploration for subsoil users at their own expense without attracting public funding. The proposed measures, taking into account the analysis of positive experience of foreign countries, include the development of junior businesses with expansion of the “declarative” principle, the venture capital market, various tax incentives, preferential loans as well as conditions for the development of infrastructure in remote regions. The proposed solution to the problem of scarcity of strategic minerals will make it possible in future to present measures to eliminate the scarcity of certain types of strategic minerals taking into account their specificity.
Date submitted2024-04-11
Date accepted2024-06-03
Date published2024-07-04
Assessment of the efficiency of acid mine drainage purification (using the example of copper-pyrite mines in the Middle Urals)
According to the results of the anti-rating of regions with extreme pollution of watercourses in the Sverdlovsk region, the largest number of polluted rivers has been recorded in recent years – more than a quarter of all high and extremely high pollution. One of the sources of pollution of natural water bodies in the Middle Urals are closed and flooded copper-pyrite mines, where acidic mine drainage continue to form and unload to the surface. Several of them have organized collection and a two-stage acidic drainage purification system, including neutralization with lime milk and settling in a clarifier pond. Despite the identical schemes, different indicators of pollutants are recorded during discharge into water bodies. The aim of the work is to evaluate the effectiveness of the applied acid mine drainage purification system and identify the parameters affecting the quality of treated mine water. Laboratory studies were performed using methods of flame emission spectrometry, flame atomic absorption, atomic absorption spectrometry, mass spectrometry with ionization in inductively coupled plasma, potentiometric, etc. It has been established that the existing mine drainage purification system at the Degtyarskii mine makes it possible to significantly reduce the concentrations of most toxic components of mine waters to almost standard values. At the Levikhinskii mine, the multiplicity of exceeding the maximum permissible concentrations reaches hundreds and thousands of times. To achieve a higher degree of purification, it is necessary that the duration of passive purification is sufficient for the reactant to interact with acidic waters. However, to ensure this possibility, it will require the creation of a cascade of ponds with an area of several thousand hectares. If the current two-stage system is quite effective for the Degtyarskii mine, then for Levikhinskii it is necessary to switch to the use of more modern systems, including three stages of purification.
Date submitted2024-04-22
Date accepted2024-06-13
Date published2024-07-04
Lithification of leachate from municipal solid waste landfills with blast furnace slag
- Authors:
- Mariya A. Pashkevich
- Yuliya A. Kulikova
The article presents an alternative method of utilization of blast furnace slag and leachate from solid municipal waste landfills, the formation of which occurs during the infiltration of atmospheric precipitation through the thickness of deposited waste. The method is based on the conversion of leachate from the liquid phase to the solid aggregate state by lithification using blast furnace slag as an astringent material. The hydraulic activity of slag, which depends on the amount of oxides contained in it, has been estimated. The investigated slag belongs to the 3rd grade, which confirms the possibility of its use as an astringent material. The filtrate was analyzed for the content of various elements, and the maximum permissible concentrations for each element were found to be exceeded. Chemical and biological oxygen demand were determined, and critically high values were installed (17200 mgO2/l and 4750 mgO2/l, respectively). The lithification process was divided into two stages. The first stage was to reduce the organic component in the filtrate using a coagulant, aluminum sulfate; the second stage was slag hydration. The optimum ratio of lithificate components in terms of mixture solidification rate was established at 1:0.03:1.25 (leachate, coagulant, blast furnace slag). The obtained material was analyzed for the solubility and content of various forms of metal. It is established that at infiltration of atmospheric precipitations through lithificate only 3 % of material will be washed out; concentrations of gross and mobile forms of heavy metals do not exceed the maximum permissible, except for the gross content of arsenic, mobile, and water-soluble forms of which were not found. The values of chemical (687 mgO2/l) and biological (173 mgO2/l) oxygen demand in the aqueous extract from lithificate decreased more than 25 times in comparison with the initial filtrate. According to the results of toxicological studies, lithificate was assigned an IV class of waste hazard, which confirms the possibility of its use as bulk material at landfills.
Date submitted2023-11-02
Date accepted2024-03-05
Date published2024-08-26
The polyphase Belokurikhinsky granite massif, Gorny Altai: isotope-geochemical study of zircon
Based on the isotopic-geochemical analyses of zircons from granites of the Belokurikhinsky massif in the Gorny Altai using the U-Pb method, the ages of three intrusion phases have been determined for the first time: the age of the first phase refers to the time interval of 255-250 Ma, the second and the third phases have similar ages of about 250 Ma. The formation time of the Belokurikhinsky massif is estimated as not exceeding 5-8 Ma. The δ18O values for zircons from granites of the second and the third intrusion phases average around 11.5-12.0 ‰, indicating a significant contribution of a crustal component in the formation of the parent melts for granites of these phases. The crystallization temperature values of the zircons by the Ti-in-zircon thermometer for three phases range from 820 to 800 °C. The P-T crystallization parameters of titanite from the first phase, determined using a titanite thermobarometer, average around 770 °C and 2.7 kbar. The zircons from the first phase mostly exhibits geochemical characteristics of typical magmatic zircons. The zircons from the second and the third intrusion phases either may be unaltered magmatic zircons or enriched in incompatible elements (LREE, Th, U, Ti, Ca, etc.) due to fluid influence, resembling hydrothermal-metasomatic type zircons in terms of their geochemical characteristics. A number of zircon grains from the second and the third phases of granites demonstrate anomalous geochemical characteristics – the REE distribution spectra atypical for zircons (including “bird's wing” type spectra with oppositely tilted of light and heavy REE distribution profiles), as well as significantly higher contents of certain trace elements compared to other varieties. Such an enriched zircon composition and wide variations in the incompatible element content are due to non-equilibrium conditions of zircon crystallization and evolution of the fluid-saturated melt composition during the final stages of the massif formation.
Date submitted2023-08-14
Date accepted2023-12-27
Date published2024-12-25
Modelling of compositional gradient for reservoir fluid in a gas condensate deposit with account for scattered liquid hydrocarbons
In oil and gas reservoirs with significant hydrocarbon columns the dependency of the initial hydrocarbon composition on depth – the compositional gradient – is an important factor in assessing the initial amounts of components in place, the position of the gas-oil contact, and variations of fluid properties throughout the reservoir volume. Known models of the compositional gradient are based on thermodynamic relations assuming a quasi-equilibrium state of a multi-component hydrodynamically connected hydrocarbon system in the gravity field, taking into account the influence of the natural geothermal gradient. The corresponding algorithms allow for calculation of changes in pressure and hydrocarbon fluid composition with depth, including determination of the gas-oil contact (GOC) position. Above and below the GOC, the fluid state is considered single-phase. Many oil-gas-condensate reservoirs typically have a small initial fraction of the liquid hydrocarbon phase (LHC) – scattered oil – within the gas-saturated part of the reservoir. To account for this phenomenon, a special modification of the thermodynamic model has been proposed, and an algorithm for calculating the compositional gradient in a gas condensate reservoir with the presence of LHC has been implemented. Simulation cases modelling the characteristic compositions and conditions of three real oil-gas-condensate fields are considered. The results of the calculations using the proposed algorithm show peculiarities of variations of the LHC content and its impact on the distribution of gas condensate mixture composition with depth. The presence of LHC leads to an increase in the level and possible change in the type of the fluid contact. The character of the LHC fraction dependency on depth can be different and is governed by the dissolution of light components in the saturated liquid phase. The composition of the LHC in the gas condensate part of the reservoir changes with depth differently than in the oil zone, where the liquid phase is undersaturated with light hydrocarbons. The results of the study are significant for assessing initial amounts of hydrocarbon components and potential efficiency of their recovery in gas condensate and oil-gas-condensate reservoirs with large hydrocarbon columns.
Date submitted2023-03-16
Date accepted2023-12-27
Date published2024-04-25
Comprehensive assessment of deformation of rigid reinforcing system during convergence of mine shaft lining in unstable rocks
Operation of vertical mine shafts in complex mining and geological conditions is associated with a number of features. One of them is a radial displacement of the concrete shaft lining, caused by the influence of mining pressure on the stress-strain state of the mine workings. A rigid reinforcing system with shaft buntons fixed in the concrete lining thus experiences elastoplastic deformations, their value increases with time. It results in deviation of conductors from design parameters, weakening of bolt connections, worsening of dynamic properties of geotechnical system “vehicle – reinforcing”, increase of wear rate of reinforcing system elements, increase of risks for creating an emergency situation. The article offers a comprehensive assessment of displacements of characteristic points of the bunton system based on approximate engineering relations, numerical modeling of the deformation process of the bunton system and laser measurements of the convergence of the inner surface of the concrete shaft lining. The method was tested on the example of the reinforcing system of the skip-cage shaft of the potash mine. Displacement of the characteristic points of the reinforcing system is determined by the value of radial displacements of the surface of the concrete shaft lining. Evaluation of the radial displacements was made using monitoring measurements and profiling data. The results obtained make it possible to justify the need and timing of repair works. It is shown that the deterioration of the reinforcing system at different levels occurs at different rates, defined, among other things, by mechanical properties of the rock mass layers located at a given depth.
Date submitted2023-08-16
Date accepted2023-10-24
Date published2023-10-27
Results of complex experimental studies at Vostok station in Antarctica
Scientific research in the area close to the Russian Antarctic station Vostok has been carried out since its founding on December 16, 1957. The relevance of work to study the region is steadily increasing, which is confirmed by the Strategy for the Development of Activities of the Russian Federation in the Antarctica until 2030. As part of the Strategy implementation, Saint Petersburg Mining University solves the comprehensive study issues of the Vostok station area, including the subglacial Lake Vostok, related to the development of modern technologies and technical means for drilling glaciers and underlying rocks, opening subglacial reservoirs, sampling water and bottom sediments, as well as carrying out comprehensive geological and geophysical research. For the successful implementation of the Strategy, at each stage of the work it is necessary to identify and develop interdisciplinary connections while complying with the requirements for minimizing the impact on the environment. During the season of the 68th Russian Antarctic Expedition, the staff of the Mining University, along with the current research works , began research of the dynamic interactions between the forces of the Earth, from the deepest depths to the surface glacier. Drilling and research programs have been completed. The drilling program was implemented jointly with colleagues from the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute at the drilling complex of the 5G well. The research program included: shallow seismic studies, core drilling of snow-firn strata, study of the snow-firn strata petrostructural features, studies of cuttings collection filters effectiveness when drilling snow-firn strata and the process of ice destruction in a reciprocating rotational method, bench testing of an acoustic scanner. As a result of drilling in 5G well at the depth range of 3453.37-3534.43 m, an ice core more than 1 million years old was obtained.
Date submitted2022-07-10
Date accepted2023-06-20
Date published2024-02-29
Mathematical modeling of the electric field of an in-line diagnostic probe of a cathode-polarized pipeline
A mathematical model of the in-line control of the insulation resistance state for cathodically polarized main pipelines according to electrometry data is considered. The relevance of the work is caused by the opportunity to create in-line internal isolation defects indicators of the main pipelines for transported liquids that are good conductors and expand the functionality of monitoring and controlling cathodic protection systems of the main pipelines. Features of the mathematical model are: consideration of the electric conductivity of transported liquid influence on electric field distribution; consideration of the influence of external and internal insulating coating resistance; use of the electric field of an in-line diagnostic probe for quality control of internal insulation. Practical significance consists in the development of modeling methods for control subsystems of main pipeline protection against corrosion and the development of special mathematical and algorithmic support systems for monitoring and controlling the operating modes of the cathodic protection station of main pipelines.
Date submitted2022-05-11
Date accepted2023-02-20
Date published2023-08-28
Application of the support vector machine for processing the results of tin ores enrichment by the centrifugal concentration method
The relevance of the research is due to the acquisition of new knowledge about the features of the applicability of the support vector machine, related to machine learning tools, for solving problems of mathematical modeling of mining and processing equipment. The purpose of the research is a statistical analysis of the results of semi-industrial tests of the Knelson CVD technology on tin raw materials using the support vector machine method and the development of mathematical models suitable for further optimization of the technological parameters of the equipment. The objects of research were the products obtained as a result of the operation of hydro-cyclones, as well as the technological parameters of the operation of centrifugal concentrators. The work uses classical methods of mathematical statistics, the least squares method for constructing a linear regression model, the support vector machine implemented on the basis of the Scikit-learn library, as well as the method of verifying the resulting models based on the ShuffleSplit library. A general description of the process of testing the Knelson concentrator with continuous controlled unloading in relation to the enrichment of tin ores is presented. The results obtained were processed using the support vector machine. Regression models are obtained in the form of polynomials of the second degree and in the form of radial basis functions. A significant non-linearity is shown in the dependence between the content of the valuable component in the tailings and the values of the technological parameters of the apparatus.
Date submitted2022-05-03
Date accepted2022-11-22
Date published2023-02-27
Development of methodology for scenario analysis of investment projects of enterprises of the mineral resource complex
Theoretical and applied aspects of scenario analysis of investment projects of enterprises in the mineral resource sector of the economy are considered, its advantages and disadvantages are analyzed. Taking into account the organizational and economic features of mineral resources management, a number of new modifications of the scenario analysis method, aimed at solving an urgent problem - reducing the information uncertainty in assessing the expected efficiency and risk of investment projects, are proposed. The peculiarity of the proposed new modifications is the use of the interval-probabilistic approach in the implementation of the scenario analysis procedure. This approach is based on a moderately pessimistic system of preferences in obtaining point values of the investment project initial parameters. Fishburn estimates and the hierarchy analysis method were used to reduce subjective uncertainty. The maximum likelihood values in the sense of the maximum a priori probability are used as expected estimates. An additional indicator of risk assessment, which characterizes the probability of the event that the net present value of the project will take a value less than the specified one, is proposed. When analyzing one project, this indicator is more informative than the standard deviation. A statistical hypothesis was tested on the improvement of the validity of investment decisions developed using the modified scenario analysis method compared to the standard method.
Date submitted2022-07-15
Date accepted2022-12-13
Date published2023-02-27
Mathematical modelling of displacement during the potash ores mining by longwall faces
In favourable mining conditions, in particular at the Starobinskoye potash deposit (Belarus), longwall mining systems are used. They cause a high human-induced load on the subsoil, including intense deformation of the ground surface. The presented investigations are aimed at studying the dynamics of the ground surface displacement during the longwall face advance. Mathematical modelling was carried out in an elastic-plastic formulation with numerical implementation by the finite element method. The condition for the roof rocks collapse was opening of the contact between the seams when its boundaries were reached by shear fractures or formation of the tensile stresses area at the outcrop. With the working front advance, an increase in subsidence is observed, followed by its stabilization to a value determined by the process parameters of mining operations and the physical and mechanical properties of collapsed rocks. In this case, each point of the ground surface experiences sign-alternating horizontal deformations: when the front approaches, it causes tension, and when it moves away, compression. The obtained results of mathematical modelling are in good agreement with the data of instrumental measurements of the ground surface displacements, which indicates the adequate description of the rock mass deformation during the slice excavation of sylvinite seams by longwall faces.
Date submitted2022-05-23
Date accepted2022-07-21
Date published2023-02-27
Alluvial tin mining by spray-suction borehole method: a case study on remaining alluvial tin reserves in Bangka Belitung, Indonesia
The area of the Bangka Belitung Islands, which is a potential area for alluvial tin deposits in Indonesia, has been affected by the destruction of tin reserves on the mainland due to rampant artisanal mining, which has left remnants of small-dimensional reserves. The remnants of these reserves can no longer be mined using the hydraulic mining of open pit method due to the small dimensions of the deposits. The hypothesis is that such sedimentary conditions can only be mined by the borehole method. This research aimed to design tools and perform test mining using the borehole method with a spray-suction mechanism. This research produced a novelty, namely, a method and parameters for alluvial tin deposits mining using borehole mining methods, such as the excavation capacity, excavation radius, mining recovery, and dilution factor. The benefit of this research is expected to provide an opportunity to increase the amount of onshore alluvial tin reserves to support tin production.
Date submitted2022-11-08
Date accepted2022-11-21
Date published2023-02-27
Assessment of the role of the state in the management of mineral resources
Mineral resources as natural capital can be transformed into human, social and physical capital that guarantees the sustainable development of a country, exclusively through professional public management. Public management of a country's mineral resource potential is seen as an element of transnational governance which provides for the use of laws, rules and regulations within the jurisdictional and sectoral capabilities of the state, minimising its involvement as a producer of minerals. The features of the ideology of economic liberalism, which polarises the societies of mineral-producing countries and denies the role of the state as a market participant, have been studied. The analysis of the influence of the radical new order of neoliberal world ideology on the development of the extractive sector and state regulation has been presented.
Date submitted2021-09-01
Date accepted2022-10-07
Date published2022-12-29
Parameter determination of the method of directional unloading of the reservoir based on physical modelling on a true triaxial loading setup
The article presents a theoretical and experimental substantiation of the method of directional unloading of the reservoir in fields with low-permeability reservoirs. The relevance of the article is due to the reduction of hydrocarbon resources in modern conditions and the need to create new efficient environmentally friendly technologies to develop hydrocarbon deposits with hard-to-recover reserves, primarily with low-permeability reservoirs. The results of a theoretical study of the stress-strain state in the vicinity of a well, both cased and open, are presented. They are necessary to develop programs for laboratory testing of core specimens from the studied fields. A technique for physical modelling of deformation processes in the bottomhole zone with a decrease in pressure at the well bottom in a true triaxial loading unit is described in order to determine the parameters of the process impact on the formation reservoir, leading to an increase in well productivity. The method was applied to the conditions of the low-permeability reservoir at the Verkhneviluchanskoye oil and gas condensate field in the southwest of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). Expe-rimental studies were carried out on a unique scientific unit for true triaxial loading, created at the IPMech RAS, the Triaxial Independent Loading Test System. The directional unloading method was adapted for the studied field, the process parameters of successful application of the method were determined: the bottomhole design, the drawdown values necessary to increase the permeability of the bottomhole formation zone.
Date submitted2022-03-25
Date accepted2022-09-06
Date published2022-12-29
Autoclave modeling of corrosion processes occurring in a gas pipeline during transportation of an unprepared multiphase medium containing CO2
The problem of selecting a method for ensuring the reliability of the unprepared fluid transport facilities of an unprepared fluid in the presence of carbon dioxide is considered. Carbon dioxide corrosion is one of the dangerous types of damage to field and main pipelines. It has been shown that dynamic autoclave tests should be carried out during staged laboratory tests in order to determine the intensity of carbon dioxide corrosion and to select the optimal method of protection. A hypothesis about the imperfection of the existing generally accepted approaches to dynamic corrosion testing has been put forward and confirmed. A test procedure based on the use of an autoclave with an overhead stirrer, developed using elements of mathematical modeling, is proposed. The flows created in the autoclave provide corrosive wear of the sample surface similar to the internal surfaces elements wear of the pipelines piping of gas condensate wells. The autoclave makes it possible to simulate the effect of the organic phase on the flow rate and the nature of corrosion damage to the metal surface, as well as the effect of the stirrer rotation speed and, accordingly, the shear stress of the cross section on the corrosion rate in the presence/absence of a corrosion inhibitor. The given results of staged tests make it possible to judge the high efficiency of the developed test procedure.
Date submitted2022-05-26
Date accepted2022-11-17
Date published2022-12-29
Renovation method of restoring well productivity using wavefields
A stagewise theoretical substantiation of the renovation vibrowave method of influencing the near-wellbore zone of reservoir for restoring well productivity is presented. The area of treatment by the proposed method covers the reservoir with a heterogeneous permeability with fractures formed by fracking. In this method a decrease in concentration of colmatants occurs due to a change in direction of contaminants migration. Under the influence of pressure pulses, they move deep into the reservoir and disperse through the proppant pack. The results of mathematical modelling of the propagation of pressure wave and velocity wave and the calculations of particles entrainment in wave motion are presented.
Date submitted2021-12-21
Date accepted2022-06-20
Date published2022-11-10
Scientific justification of the perforation methods for Famennian deposits in the southeast of the Perm Region based on geomechanical modelling
The article presents the results of analysing geological structure of the Famennian deposits (Devonian) in the Perm Region. Numerical modelling of the distribution of inhomogeneous stress field near the well was performed for the two considered types of perforation. With regard for the geometry of the forming perforation channels, numerical finite element models of near-wellbore zones were created considering slotted and cumulative perforation. It is ascertained that in the course of slotted perforation, conditions are created for a significant restoration of effective stresses and, as a result, restoration of reservoir rock permeability. Stress recovery area lies near the well within a radius equal to the length of the slots, and depends on the drawdown, with its increase, the area decreases. From the assessment of failure areas, it was found that in case of slotted perforation, the reservoir in near-wellbore zone remains stable, and failure zones can appear only at drawdowns of 10 MPa and more. The opposite situation was recorded for cumulative perforation; failure zones near the holes appear even at a drawdown of 2 MPa. In general, the analysis of results of numerical simulation of the stress state for two simulated types of perforation suggests that slotted perforation is more efficient than cumulative perforation. At the same time, the final conclusion could be drawn after determining the patterns of changes in permeability of the considered rocks under the influence of changing effective stresses and performing calculations of well flow rates after making the considered types of perforation channels.