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Vol 186

Vol 185
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The problems of stratigraphy on devon оf Polar Urals and Pay-Hoi

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The legends of the Polar Urals and Pay-Hoi map series were estimated for proving the mapped subdivisions due to geological survey in the scale 1:200000 conducted in Kara-Silovskaya area (on western slope of the Arctic Urals and the range Pay-Hoi). In the result it was found out that Eletskaya Structure-Formation Zone in Devon was divided into a great number of stratigraphic units, reflecting the lateral substance changes of the same age level. According to it all units are conventionally valid and there are same equal ones among them. The biohermal massifs are not distinguished as independent units.

How to cite: Zherlygin A.L. The problems of stratigraphy on devon оf Polar Urals and Pay-Hoi // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 186. p. 9-12.
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Geotechnical engineering and hydrogeological specifics of estimate high-rise buildings construction and operation conditions (in terms of local zone on the right bank of Neva river)

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In the paper specificity of geotechnical engineering conditions in the local zone of the right river Neva bank are considered. The influence of underground topographies of Pre-Quaternary soils roof formed by paleovalleys on the specificity of engineering geological profile is analyzed. Influence of tectonic faults on physical and mechanical properties of Upper Kotlin clays (Upper Vendian) which it is planned to use as the basis for high-rise constructions is considered. Negative influence of Low Kotlin (Upper Vendian) pressure water-bearing horizon on clay properties in the construction foundation and structural materials is investigated.

How to cite: Zhukova A.M. Geotechnical engineering and hydrogeological specifics of estimate high-rise buildings construction and operation conditions (in terms of local zone on the right bank of Neva river) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 186. p. 13-17.
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The ontogenetic analysis of the vein quartz of some deposits of Southern Urals mountains

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Comprehensive studying of vein quartz gives valuable information about quartz and quartz bodies formation conditions, which is very important for a forecast substantiation and exploration of new perspective deposits. For the purpose to receive qualitative and quantitative mineralogy-petrographic characteristics of vein quartz of different technological types (deposits of Southern Urals Mountains) four types of quartz grains are dedicated. For acknowledgement of correctness of the differentiation the full stereometric analysis with the help of Mineralogical Analyzer of structure MIU-5M is carried out. Parameters of a structure of mineral aggregate are received. Basis on these data, genetic and necessary for technologists conclusions are represented.

How to cite: Kotova E.L. The ontogenetic analysis of the vein quartz of some deposits of Southern Urals mountains // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 186. p. 18-21.
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The estimation features of vulnerability and desintegration оf subway construction materials in Saint Petersburg

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In this paper the features of subway construction materials degradation depending on engineering-geological, hydro-geological and geoecological conditions of Saint Petersburg underground space are considered. The basic types of subway construction placing and their destruction specificity depending on influence of water-bearing horizons hydrodynamic and hydro chemical conditions, natural and natural-technogenic gas bio-production and microbial activity are analyzed. The examples of the disintegrated materials and new growths (salt efflorescence, stalactites and others) chemical compound features depending on the content of ground waters basic components affecting on tunnels lining are resulted.

How to cite: Kotyukov P.V. The estimation features of vulnerability and desintegration оf subway construction materials in Saint Petersburg // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 186. p. 22-26.
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Mineralogical and geochemical features of metamorphic roks of Pestpaksha (Kola peninsula)

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The rock composition was studied, the garnet composition was researched with a X-ray phase analysis, and equilibrium pressures of the garnet crystallization were calculated with the geobarometer GASP, thermal properties of graphite were characterized and polymorphic modification was identified by X-rays diffraction.

How to cite: Kurguzova A.V. Mineralogical and geochemical features of metamorphic roks of Pestpaksha (Kola peninsula) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 186. p. 27-30.
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Scheelites of Gavrilovskoe deposit (first find)

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The Gavrilovskoe deposit (deposit of building stone) is situated in Vyborg district, Leningrad region. There was found scheelite (CaWO 4 ) in the «Northern» quarry at the Gavrilovskoe deposit in 2008. This mineral was identified exactly in the Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University) with Raman Spectrometer Renishaw InVia Reflex. It was for the first time that scheelite was found at this place. There was researched a form of one scheelite crystal. The simple forms of this scheelite crystal were detected. It is very interesting to compare simple forms of scheelite from the Gavrilovskoe deposit to different crystals of this mineral, described in any science literature.

How to cite: Melnik A.E. Scheelites of Gavrilovskoe deposit (first find) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 186. p. 31-33.
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The influence of change in geotechnical engineering and geoenvironmental conditions during the process of building and operation of constructions of projected Alekseevsky cement factory on their stability (Mordovia Republic)

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The influence of change engineering-geological and geoenvironmental conditions on stability of cement factory are considered in this paper. Influence of additional humidifying, rise in temperature in the basis of constructions and activization of microbic activity is considered. The specificity of physicomechanical properties of silica rock and upper Jurassic clay is considered. Results of experimental researches of increase in microbic mass in soils at watering and heating are resulted. The estimation influences of temperature on deformation ability soils is given.

How to cite: Pankratova K.V. The influence of change in geotechnical engineering and geoenvironmental conditions during the process of building and operation of constructions of projected Alekseevsky cement factory on their stability (Mordovia Republic) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 186. p. 34-37.
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Spacing of lattice in labradorite and interference model of iridescent

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Spacing of lattice for non-iridescent labradorite, blue-iridescent labradorite, green-iridescent labradorite and red-iridescent labradorite were determined with scanning probe electron microscope. Lattice spacing increases the dynamical trend for different kinds of labradorite, line non-iridescent labradorite (107,5 ± 10 nm), blue-iridescent labradorite (150 ± 10 nm), green-iridescent labradorite (196 ± 10 nm), red-iridescent (231 ± 10 nm). This trend let is state iridescent of these samples to be caused by interference of secondary order.

How to cite: Simakov A.P. Spacing of lattice in labradorite and interference model of iridescent // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 186. p. 38-40.
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Geotechnical engineering features of the estimation of stability of heavy constructions of designed cement works in Novorossiysk

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In the paper possibilities of constructing industrial heavy structures near slopes are described. The influence of tectonics, seismicity, a relief, deposit rocks thicknesses, their physical properties of geotechnical engineering feature are analyzed. The law of marls durability change is established. Positions of the most probable surfaces of sliding in cracked monoclonal deposit thickness are shown. The estimation of stability of the loaded slopes is made. Some recommendations for maintenance of structure stability are given.

How to cite: Khaliullina Y.V. Geotechnical engineering features of the estimation of stability of heavy constructions of designed cement works in Novorossiysk // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 186. p. 41-45.
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Complex geological engineering and geoenvironmental monitoring as a basis for creation of strategy of Saint Petersburg architectural and historical monuments conservation

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In the paper concept and structural of complex engineering geological and geoenvironmental monitoring of architectural and historical monuments are considered. The specificity of engineering geological and hydrogeological conditions by the example of the Isaac Cathedral, the Kazan Cathedral and the Peter and Paul Cathedral is analyzed. The geoenvironmental condition of architectural and historical monuments underground space is estimated. The factors which influence on monuments deformation due to the high degree of underground space transformation and activity of negative natural and technogenic processes are shown. The system of impact monitoring of the Isaac Cathedral, the Kazan Cathedral and the Peter and Paul Cathedral is proposed.

How to cite: Shidlovskaya A.V. Complex geological engineering and geoenvironmental monitoring as a basis for creation of strategy of Saint Petersburg architectural and historical monuments conservation // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 186. p. 46-49.
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Reducing losses ore between whole chamber for the design of lower layers mine by Gubkin of open joint-stock company «Industrial complex KMAruda»

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Technological decisions on decrease in losses of ore in between chamber walls are considered at designing of the bottom horizons of mine of Gubkin. It is offered two variants of decrease in losses of the ore technologically compatible with each other for their simultaneous use. Results of calculation of losses of ore and economic consequences are resulted. The basic actions which are necessary for carrying out, before introduction of technological decisions in manufacture are described.

How to cite: Boguslavskiy E.I., Korzhavykh P.V. Reducing losses ore between whole chamber for the design of lower layers mine by Gubkin of open joint-stock company «Industrial complex KMAruda» // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 186. p. 50-53.
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Biogene ways of decrease in dust loading on open-cast mines of building materials

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One of the basic sources of environmental contamination are the technogenic files having the broken surface on which under influence of atmospheric conditions there are formation of dust processes. The brief review of the basic existing directions of struggle against a dust at the mountain enterprises is given. Biological dust removal ways among which the special accent is done on use of wormtechnology opportunities for these purposes are in more detail analyzed. Wormtechnology is one of the most productive ways of organic waste processing (including and organic waste mining industries) by means of earthworms. This biotechnology has high efficiency not only for broken technogenic files recultivation, and by that, reduces volumes of a formed dust, but also solves a waste problem, which is emphasized by one of key problems of a modern society development.

How to cite: Kovshov S.V., Bulbashev A.A. Biogene ways of decrease in dust loading on open-cast mines of building materials // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 186. p. 54-57.
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Individual thermosteam bath

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In work the developed device – an individual thermosteam bath is presented, allowing to lower risk сooling diseases and other occupational diseases to raise comfort of conditions and labour productivity of miners. Distinctive feature consists that the head of the patient is out of a zone of influence of hot steam. Accordingly there is no loading on vessels of a brain and there is no oxygen lack. In the course of application of the given device vessels extend, blood goes on periphery, releasing all organism from the stagnant blood formed as a result of narrowing of vessels, arterial pressure is normalised, work of all bodies improves. The strengthened movement of blood promotes good thermoregulation, increase of immunity and adaptation of an organism to adverse environmental conditions.

How to cite: Kotenkov N.A. Individual thermosteam bath // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 186. p. 58-60.
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Selection of optimal scheme of a reclamation of mining damp of the open-cast «Mejdyrechensky»

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The paper deal with the problem of finding the optimal way of land reclamation for opencast mining company «Mejdurechye», which nowadays is one of the leading companies in Russia in it area. Therefore the question of land reclamation is one of the major issues to adress for this organisation. During the reaserch samples of antropogenic massifs were taken and analyised, which helped to work out a complite plan of restoration. Besides the scheme, a brief review of disadvantages of the suggested plan is available as well as their removal. Special attention is paid to the necessity of biologikal reclaimation because of the low speed of flora recovery.

How to cite: Levchuk I.R. Selection of optimal scheme of a reclamation of mining damp of the open-cast «Mejdyrechensky» // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 186. p. 61-63.
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Influence of detonation parameters of explosives on energy efficiency of explosive destruction of rocks

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About 30 % of the mountain weight extracted on rubble the enterprises, at explode and the subsequent mechanical crushing, the fraction less makes than5 mm(elimination) which practically does not find selling and litters an environment. The output of elimination is influenced essentially with detonation characteristics explosives.

How to cite: Menzhulin M.G., Afanasev P.I., Trofimov A.V. Influence of detonation parameters of explosives on energy efficiency of explosive destruction of rocks // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 186. p. 64-67.
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Developing a rational technology of utilization оf bio and oil slimes of the Kinef Ltd by an extraction оf useful components

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The paper deal with the problem of developing a rational technology of slime and silt recycling for company «KINEF», which nowadays is one of the leading companies in Russia in it area. Therefore the question of soil-waste utilization is one of the major issues to adress for this organisation. During the reaserch samples of soil waste were taken and analyised, which helped to work out a complite technology of recycling. Special attention is paid to the necessity of extraction of the useful components.

How to cite: Moiseeva K.A. Developing a rational technology of utilization оf bio and oil slimes of the Kinef Ltd by an extraction оf useful components // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 186. p. 68-70.
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Reseach of cutoff grade influence on economic performances of mining

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Research of cutoff grade influence on economic performances of mine as well as parameters and configuration of ore deposits with the help of the advanced geoinformation system were carried out. Computer modeling of an ore chute was made; the results of calculation were presented, involvement is given.

How to cite: Morozov M.D. Reseach of cutoff grade influence on economic performances of mining // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 186. p. 71-74.
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Research of the probability of sudden salt rock outbursts on the basis of measuring of their volume shrinkage

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The article is devoted to research of probability of sudden salt rocks outbursts on the basis of measuring of their volume shrinkage. The design scheme of the device for measuring quantity of the microincluded gases in rocks is proposed. Criteria to estimate the possibility of sudden salt rocks outbursts is revealed.

How to cite: Sirenko Y.G., Brovko A.V., Sankovskii A.A. Research of the probability of sudden salt rock outbursts on the basis of measuring of their volume shrinkage // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 186. p. 75-78.
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The improvement of selective extraction of thick potash seams mined with room and pillar mining method

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Technological scheme of selective extraction of a complex thick potash seam on the basis of cutting machine «Bucyrus Model 25 M0» is proposed. Stable pillars’ width and room dimensions are calculated. Economical effect is also presented.

How to cite: Sirenko Y.G., Brychkov M.Y., Kovalsky E.R. The improvement of selective extraction of thick potash seams mined with room and pillar mining method // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 186. p. 79-81.
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Using of steam condensing way of dust-depressing in different manufacturing operations during mining

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In places of possible allocation of a dust, near sources of its formation or at allocation places ways of dust-depressing now are applied. Principal views of dust-depressing are: a water irrigation (including dispersing, the ionized water), a foamy irrigation (aerofoams, air-mechanical foams), an irrigation steam (fog). In article condensation of steams of water on a surface of hygroscopic particles is considered stream-condensation way of dust-depressing, based on action.

How to cite: Smirnov Y.D., Kamenskii A.A., Ivanov A.V. Using of steam condensing way of dust-depressing in different manufacturing operations during mining // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 186. p. 82-85.
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Increase of efficiency performance of complexes open-cut equipment

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At definition of benches height many features and factors are taken into consideration: conditions of burial and property of taken out rocks; necessary intensity of mining work; the planned schedule of strippings; demanded quality given out, from mineral opencast; parametres of drilling-and-blastings; working conditions of excavators and a condition of transportation of ore. The basic condition of correctly chosen bench height is its stability in the course of operation the opencast mine providing safety of conducting of mining operations.

How to cite: Faul A.A. Increase of efficiency performance of complexes open-cut equipment // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 186. p. 86-89.
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The integrated reloading point at the combined auto-railway transportation

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In article it is considered the technology of creation and exploitation of reloading ore warehouse. As the reloading equipment it is offered to use a hydraulic backhoe excavator. At the combined transport the warehouse is an irreplaceable link in a technological chain. Basic difference from existing schemes of warehousing is that ore is housed not in a stack but in a concentration trench. The concentration trench is formed in immediate proximity from a face. It allows to prolong the operation term of the warehouse and to exclude rigid interdependence of the combined transport links.

How to cite: Yakubovskii M.M., Kholodniakov G.A. The integrated reloading point at the combined auto-railway transportation // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 186. p. 90-93.
Geodesy, geomechanics and underground construction
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The substantiation of reinforcing support of preparation mines in the ore massive of the Yakovlevskiy deposit

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The paper justifies a design of reinforcing mine support of the protective roof at the priority high-grade ore mining site of the Yakovlevskiy deposit. Experience of mine roadway support with the KMP-A3 standing support has been analyzed. A reinforcing support is offered consisting of rock bolts back bracing the ore exposure, which best fits with continuous miner roadheading and consolidating stowing (concrete).

How to cite: Antonov Y.N., Sinegubov V.Y. The substantiation of reinforcing support of preparation mines in the ore massive of the Yakovlevskiy deposit // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 186. p. 94-98.
Geodesy, geomechanics and underground construction
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Geomechanical substantiation of parameters of the fastening of railway tunnels in the conditions of the North Caucasus

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The article presents the rationale of temporary supports used in the drilling of new mines, which provides for the construction of model projects of reconstruction of old tunnels. Finite-element method analyzed the changes of stress-strain state containing tunnel complex array during the drilling of new mines. Based on the analysis, a number of findings to explore the possibility of reducing the thickness of the permanent support of new mines in tunnel complex - the new tunnel, and transport and drainage culvert.

How to cite: Belyakov N.A. Geomechanical substantiation of parameters of the fastening of railway tunnels in the conditions of the North Caucasus // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 186. p. 99-103.
Geodesy, geomechanics and underground construction
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Estimation of stresses in system «massive – support – shaft drift» at dynamic loadings

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In article the question of dynamic influence on shaft drift a moving vessel is considered. Dependences of pressure in system «massive – support – shaft drift» from various in a direction and value of the loadings received by means of a method of final elements are resulted.

How to cite: Dolgiy I.E., Kotikov D.A. Estimation of stresses in system «massive – support – shaft drift» at dynamic loadings // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 186. p. 104-106.
Geodesy, geomechanics and underground construction
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Definition of dependent cadastral value estimation indicators of urban land sections (on the example of Kostomuksha)

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The work is devoted to the analyze of the connection between indices of urban parcels cadastral value. By using several mail factors composite analyze of urban parcels was done. With the help of statistic methods distribution laws of indices were determined. As a result correlation coefficients were calculated and dependent indices were exposed. In the end of the research the main question was answered: is it right to use analyze of hierarchy method for calculating weights of the indices as it is done in the methods of urban area state cadastral valuation?

How to cite: Lepikhina O.Y. Definition of dependent cadastral value estimation indicators of urban land sections (on the example of Kostomuksha) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 186. p. 107-111.
Economics and management
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Developing the proposal of the realisation of surplus capacities of a gas pipeline towards Yamal – Torzhok (on the example of compressor station Torzhok)

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In the given work the basic directions of deliveries of gas in a direction Yamal – Torzhok are considered. The possible policy of Open Society «Gazprom» on a diversification of transport streams of «blue fuel» is analysed. As object of research the transport knot «Torzhok» is chosen. Discrepancies, in entering and proceeding transport streams on the given direction are revealed. In work actions for liquidation of the given discrepancy are presented, possible directions of the further deliveries also are offered.

How to cite: Dmitriev A.A. Developing the proposal of the realisation of surplus capacities of a gas pipeline towards Yamal – Torzhok (on the example of compressor station Torzhok) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 186. p. 210-213.
Economics and management
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The valuation of cost of the mining company in the reorganization

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There are different approaches and methods of valuation of cost of the company. Valuation of cost of the mining companies differs from a valuation of the others by some features. The most important of them is necessity of valuation mineral resources belonging to it. In work valuation of cost of the mining company is considered (for example, JSC «SOBR»). Company cost is evaluated with the positions of the two approaches: the cost and profitability, with allowance for the features inherent in mining branch. The problems arising at valuation of cost of the mining company are formulated.

How to cite: Dmitrieva D.M., Ponomarenko T.V. The valuation of cost of the mining company in the reorganization // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 186. p. 214-217.
Economics and management
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The strategic analysis of resource conservation technology capabilities for the underground gas storage facilities

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General estimate the appeal of the resource conservation technologies in combination with growth prospectives, profitability and possible instability in underground gas storage facilities is received.

How to cite: Elizarova G.S. The strategic analysis of resource conservation technology capabilities for the underground gas storage facilities // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 186. p. 218-220.
Economics and management
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Peculiarity of economic investment at gold ore deposit

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In clause dynamics investment development branch is studied. Methodical bases the analysis of the factors influencing acceptance investment decisions and algorithm of a complex estimation investment appeal of the enterprise are offered.

How to cite: Zhigulevich P.A. Peculiarity of economic investment at gold ore deposit // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 186. p. 221-223.
Economics and management
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The mechanism of optimization of the control system of traffic of resources in the chain of deliveries on the example of the enterprise of open company «KNAUF GIPS ARKHANGELSK»

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At the developing present stage the economic science has proved, and practice has confirmed that reserves on the further increase in profit are put not so much in developing of technologies, a manufacturing intensification, and how many in reduction of the expenses connected with moving of resources which make from 20 to 60 % from the general expenses of the enterprise. One of directions of achievement of these purposes is the commitment of increase of management efficiency traffic of resources of the enterprise in a chain of deliveries. And it in turn makes essential impact on rates and proportions of economic developing of the enterprise. Realizing the allocating and exchange functions, the generated chains of deliveries determine dynamics of commodity-material, information, financial and other streams in the course of reproduction. At traffic of resources control in a chain of deliveries there is a commitment of improvement of quality of servicing of consumers with smaller expenses.

How to cite: Modyanova V.A. The mechanism of optimization of the control system of traffic of resources in the chain of deliveries on the example of the enterprise of open company «KNAUF GIPS ARKHANGELSK» // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 186. p. 224-226.
Economics and management
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Prospects of development of open society «Apatite»

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Prospects of development of Open Society «Apatit» – the basic supplier of raw materials for manufacture of mineral fertilizers in Russia are considered. The rational actions connected with increase of a production efficiency on Open Society «Apatit» are offered.

How to cite: Noskov V.A., Gurev A.A. Prospects of development of open society «Apatite» // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 186. p. 227-229.
Economics and management
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Increase of competitiveness of russian and belorussian potash companies owing to perfection of sale policy

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The potassium companies of Russia and Belorussia, developing the unique deposits of potassium salts, provide more than 40 % of the world production of potassium fertilizers. Therefore economic efficiency from their activity considerably influences to the world market of potassium. Being the companies which export more than 80 % producible products «Belaruskali», «Uralkali» and «Silvinite» have problems with the transport of fertilizers in Brazil, India, China. Therefore for the increase of competitiveness of these enterprises it is necessary to develop an effective logistic chain which would take into account their geopolitical features.

How to cite: Ponomarenko T.V., Sultani A.N. Increase of competitiveness of russian and belorussian potash companies owing to perfection of sale policy // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 186. p. 230-232.
Humanities and fundamental researches
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The analyses of influence of goafs on the state of developmental excavations as applies to Starobinsky potassium salt deposit

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The analysis of stress-strain state near excavations and influence of goafs on its redistribution were carried out in this work as applies to coal and salt deposits. The indirect boundary element method was chosen as a tool of research.

How to cite: Gospodarikov A.P., Bespalov L.A. The analyses of influence of goafs on the state of developmental excavations as applies to Starobinsky potassium salt deposit // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 186. p. 233-236.
Humanities and fundamental researches
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Technology of associative representations in training of athletes the techniques of throwing curling stones

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Curling has gained wide acceptance and spread, and a number of studies devoted to it. Researching of the methodological features of teaching and training athletes are held to find new means of improving their skills. Ideomotor training – one of such means. It is a very effective means of preparing athletes for competition. Application ideomotor training in the training process contributes to improve of the many techniques of throwing curling stones.

How to cite: Izotov E.A. Technology of associative representations in training of athletes the techniques of throwing curling stones // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 186. p. 237-240.
Humanities and fundamental researches
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Regularities of change of water-repellent properties of the nanostructured metal powders on the base of aluminium

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Regularities of change of water-repellent properties of metal powders on the basis of aluminium depending on the program of nano-structural surface modifying are studyed. The rows of increase of water-repellent properties of modified aluminium on the base of coarse-dispersed and high-dispersed (PAP-2) powders are obtained. Several specimens excelling initial hydrohobic PAP-2 inits water-repellent capacity are found out. The research uses the methods of XP-, EDX- spectroscopy and gravimetry.

How to cite: Zhurenkova L.A., Vakhreneva T.G., Syrkov A.G., Taraban V.V. Regularities of change of water-repellent properties of the nanostructured metal powders on the base of aluminium // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 186. p. 241-244.
Humanities and fundamental researches
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The phenomenon of spontaneous termination of the discharge current and the establishment of fully-managed key elements of the plasma

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For the first time magnetic and probe technique for diagnostics of anisotropic plasma have been worked out. Contemporary digital measuring methods, plasma plants and new generation devices of plasma energetics as well as special mathematical programs for fundamental investigations of anisotropic plasma were created. The inventions of Saint Petersburg Mining Institute are used for solving of plasma energetic problems.

How to cite: Mustafaev A.S., Vysotskii S.A., Cherkasova M.A., Mamelkina M.A. The phenomenon of spontaneous termination of the discharge current and the establishment of fully-managed key elements of the plasma // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 186. p. 245-248.
Humanities and fundamental researches
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Research of antifrictional properties of industrial oil with additives of the nanostructured metals the acoustic method

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On data of acoustic method, it’s discovered that dependence of integral index of friction (D) from loading pressure (P) under using of best lubricant with addition of nanostructured aluminium powder after treatment by mixture of alcamon and triamon vapour, doesn’t consist a characteristic peak under small pressures. This dependence is smooth, plain curve and in pressure range (15-55 MPa) is correctly described by equation D=8,5e 0,082P . Alteration of D on exponent low takes place under using of analogous addition on copper powder base and powder copper, which is processed by alcamon, too. Those facts testify about liquid mode of friction.

How to cite: Pleskunov I.V., Bystrov D.S., Syrkov A.G., Pantyushin I.V., Vakhreneva T.G. Research of antifrictional properties of industrial oil with additives of the nanostructured metals the acoustic method // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 186. p. 249-252.
Humanities and fundamental researches
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Using of electric field for manufacturing and nondestructive testing of a capacitor sensors and actuators

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Some designs of capacitor sensors and actuators which work is based on electric field use are considered. It is shown that these designs are rather cheap in manufacturing, but thus possess good technical characteristics. The theoretical substantiation of possibility of electrostatic forces use for balancing of a pressure difference in the corresponding measuring device is adduced. Procedure for definition of parameters of a condenser structure cap is considered. The procedure allows by means of one operation – volt-capacitance characteristic measuring – to define the whole complex of the major parameters of a cap-size of a working air gap, a membrane deflection, surface electret potential and a membrane tension. Analytical expression for capacitance of a cap depending on the specified parameters and measuring of its volt-capacitance characteristic allow to define these parameters by solving corresponding system of equations. The procedure considered in the present work is a method of a not-destroying control.

How to cite: Pshchelko N.S., Buevich V.V. Using of electric field for manufacturing and nondestructive testing of a capacitor sensors and actuators // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 186. p. 253-256.
Humanities and fundamental researches
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Impact of the global financial crisis on German economy

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Issues of the global financial crisis as well as searching for and analyzing ways to stabilize economies have recently become a widely discussed topic in the mass media. The paper studies impact of the global crisis on German economy, industry and banking system as well as the basic measures taken by the German government during recent months to surmount the crisis. Material for the paper was collected from numerous publications in German periodicals such as «Der Spiegel», «Bild», «Zeit», as well аs from the following German news websites: ; ; .

How to cite: Rusakova A.P., Sishchuk Y.M. Impact of the global financial crisis on German economy // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 186. p. 257-259.
Humanities and fundamental researches
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The North African campaign and its role in the World War II

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The paper focuses on the North African Campaign of 1940-1943 and studies its role in the World War II. It stresses the key role of the Suez Canal in the foreign policy of the United Kingdom in the first half of the 20 th Century and reviews overall strategies of the conflicting parties paying a special attention to German tactics in desert conditions, which partially explain phenomenal success of the German troops headed by field marshal Rommel in this theater of military operations.

How to cite: Tikhonov O.O., Fedorov K.V., Plenkov O.Y. The North African campaign and its role in the World War II // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 186. p. 260-263.
Geotechnical engineering, powerengineering and automation
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Analysis and synthesis of commercial oil using radioisotope measuring the density

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This article deals with a system of commercial accounting of oil transported using radioisotope measuring the density, i.e. measurement-wise number of borehole fluid. In this paper we developed a connection diagram for measuring the density of radioisotope in the main pipeline and verification tools for the measurement system.

How to cite: Voityuk I.N. Analysis and synthesis of commercial oil using radioisotope measuring the density // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 186. p. 112-115.
Geotechnical engineering, powerengineering and automation
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The autoresonant electric drive of the swinging movement pendular vibration exciter vibration jaw crushers

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To use of the autoresonant electric drive of swinging movement for creation of an oscillative motion of crushing jaws of vibrating jaw crushers it is offered in this article. The control system of the electric drive is developed. The results of imitating and physical modelling of the autoresonant electric drive are presented.

How to cite: Gavrilov Y.A., Zagrivnyi E.A. The autoresonant electric drive of the swinging movement pendular vibration exciter vibration jaw crushers // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 186. p. 116-119.
Geotechnical engineering, powerengineering and automation
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Trends in using technology to improve pipeline hydrotransport

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This paper is devoted to reviewing the most promising directions of development of hydrotransport in the current time. The further improvements of proposals hydrotransport are considered hereinafter. An analysis of technology and means to ensure the effective functioning of hydrotransport systems have been carried out. An algorithm of selection new research in the field hydrotransport is proposed.

How to cite: Golovachev N.V. Trends in using technology to improve pipeline hydrotransport // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 186. p. 120-123.
Geotechnical engineering, powerengineering and automation
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Modern magnetic quality monitoring and the forecast of the technical condition of engineering constructions

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On terrain of Russia act a system of mains by a general expansion more than 200 thousand km. More than halves oil and gas pipelines are in exploitation 25-35 years, i.e. demand immediate repeated examination and conforming preventive maintenance. Intraube magnetic or the ultrasonic flaw detection for these purposes is not always possible and is dear enough, therefore last years a urgency of application of remote geophysical methods has increased at service oil and gaspipeline of the transport sharply. These methods are express enough and more economic.

How to cite: Lyubchik A.N. Modern magnetic quality monitoring and the forecast of the technical condition of engineering constructions // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 186. p. 124-127.
Geotechnical engineering, powerengineering and automation
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Synthesis of means supply water to waterreceiver, Driven along long face

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The pipeline from two hinge the sites located along a face, and two telescopic sites on lines is synthesised. Influence of a design of the hinge on losses of pressure and the central corner divergence of hinge sections on effort of its reduction is analysed. The diagramme of communication of width dredging strips of coal with capacity of a layer is offered at the set level of losses of pressure of water in hinge the pipeline and effort of its reduction.

How to cite: Medvedkov V.I., Trishin M.I., Sidorenko A.A. Synthesis of means supply water to waterreceiver, Driven along long face // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 186. p. 128-132.
Geotechnical engineering, powerengineering and automation
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Mathematical model of impact energy pulse changes in «rock drill – rod – rock» system of rotary-percussion drill rigs

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This article describes the process of passing the impact energy through the connection of drilling composition. Based on the concept of impact energy transfer, created a mathematical model of impact energy pulse changes in the «rock drill-rod-rock» system of rotary-percussion drill rigs.

How to cite: Resheten S.A. Mathematical model of impact energy pulse changes in «rock drill – rod – rock» system of rotary-percussion drill rigs // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 186. p. 133-135.
Geotechnical engineering, powerengineering and automation
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Compensation of supply station reactive power by means of the mine main fan electric drive

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On the basis of comparative analysis of the mine main fan electric drive input voltage-current characteristics, a frequency-variable drive with pulse width modulation (PWM) rectifier and PWM inverter is shown to be the most competitive one because of its capability to independently implement the substation power factor correction and the mine air flow energy-saving control.

How to cite: Sobolev V.V., Shonin O.B. Compensation of supply station reactive power by means of the mine main fan electric drive // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 186. p. 136-139.
Geotechnical engineering, powerengineering and automation
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Relationship between wear resistance of cutting bit body of mining tool and distribution of hardness along the cutting bit

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In present article the courses of low wear resistance of rotary cutting bit body and also the courses of one-sided wear are described. The results of hardness of the cutting bit body from various manufacturers are represented here. In summary a conclusion was made that the utilization of thermal treatment after pressing removes specific structure that can be the course of one-sided wear genesis.

How to cite: Talerov M.P. Relationship between wear resistance of cutting bit body of mining tool and distribution of hardness along the cutting bit // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 186. p. 140-142.
Geotechnical engineering, powerengineering and automation
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New constructions of belt-ropes conveyors for the mountain enterprises

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The new design of cable-belt conveyor is described. This type of conveyor is alternative of existing two-planimetric cable-rope conveyors and it allows to eliminate organic lacks of existing conveyors is described. Settlement formulas for definition of key parameters defining loadings on elements of the conveyor and its drive are resulted.

How to cite: Tarasov Y.D., Kopteva A.V. New constructions of belt-ropes conveyors for the mountain enterprises // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 186. p. 143-147.
Geotechnical engineering, powerengineering and automation
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Perfection of shutters for ore chutes

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The construction of a chain shutter for use on mines is described and proved at release of large pieces of mined rock from final apertures of ore chutes of the increased cross-section sections, allowing to eliminate lacks of existing constructions and to raise reliability of operation the chute tapper of unloading of mined rock.

How to cite: Tarasov Y.D., Ushatinsky I.V. Perfection of shutters for ore chutes // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 186. p. 148-150.
Geotechnical engineering, powerengineering and automation
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Mathematical description of microwave contact level controller for liquid agent

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It is shown the problem of measurement of level in oil tanks. Considered the use of a method of the sway electromagnetic radiation for the control of level of section of environments in tanks, made its mathematical description, resulted the estimation of results of practical application.

How to cite: Teterin N.V., Bolshunova O.M. Mathematical description of microwave contact level controller for liquid agent // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 186. p. 151-155.
Geotechnical engineering, powerengineering and automation
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Electrical supply of power installations of oil extracting from independent power stations

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In article the imitating model of the closed system of an independent electrical supply with the energy carrier in the form of passing oil gas, with which help probably is presented: to establish parities of capacities of microturbine installation and погружного the electric motor for system work in a nominal mode; to eliminate the higher harmonious components of a current and pressure for maintenance with the electric power of the remote areas of the oil extracting satisfying with GOST 13109-97.

How to cite: Turysheva A.V. Electrical supply of power installations of oil extracting from independent power stations // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 186. p. 156-160.
Geotechnical engineering, powerengineering and automation
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Experimental determination of vibration jaw crusher perfomance and characteristic of the crusher two-motor drive in no-load and nominal mode of operation

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The paper is devoted to the experimental study of jaw crusher characteristics under condition that nonidentity of subsystems electro-mechanical parameters causes the distortion of the nominal mode of the jaw crusher operation. Experimental data obtained have confirmed basic statements of a self-synchronization theory. The initial phase shift of jaws oscillations is shown to result in a substantial decrease in the crusher productivity and a significant increase in the specific power consumption.

How to cite: Tyagushev S.Y., Shonin O.B. Experimental determination of vibration jaw crusher perfomance and characteristic of the crusher two-motor drive in no-load and nominal mode of operation // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 186. p. 161-164.
Geotechnical engineering, powerengineering and automation
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Forecasting the power consumption of mines on the basis of stochastic time-series models

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The paper is devoted to building up time series models to forecast the power consumption of a mine. The results discussed are obtained using various linear filter models and artificial neural network. The wavelet transform of the raw time series is shown to be an efficient technique to increase the forecasting accuracy.

How to cite: Chernysh A.A., Shonin O.B. Forecasting the power consumption of mines on the basis of stochastic time-series models // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 186. p. 165-169.
Geotechnical engineering, powerengineering and automation
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Increase of an overall performance clearing combine complexes by perfection of their structure

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The present stage of development of the coal extraction and the problems arising during their operation is considered. The analysis of an operating mode of the coal extraction with entering updatings into the standard method of an estimation is lead. The technical decision directed on increase of efficiency and stability of work of clearing mechanized complexes is offered.

How to cite: Yaichnikov A.A. Increase of an overall performance clearing combine complexes by perfection of their structure // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 186. p. 170-172.
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Problems and prospects of the exploration of the primary oil refining

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The basic principles of operation and device of the innovation laboratory complex for studying processes of oil refining are described in the paper. The issue of research is reviewed in terms of computer simulation of technological processes separately, because it presents the greatest interest in terms of economic development.

How to cite: Volovikov A.Y. Problems and prospects of the exploration of the primary oil refining // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 186. p. 173-175.
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Calculation of material streams of the pirometallurgical cycle of processing of copper sulphidic raw materials

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The technology pirometallurgical a cycle of processing of copper sulphidic materials is considered. The technology includes autogenous fusion in furnaces Vanjukova, converting copper steins and copper refinement. The primary goals of drawing up of model and the accepted assumptions are described. The equations of system of model are balance expressions for each of material streams. Expressions for calculation of material streams pirometallurgical a cycle of processing of copper sulphidic raw materials are found.

How to cite: Danilova N.V. Calculation of material streams of the pirometallurgical cycle of processing of copper sulphidic raw materials // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 186. p. 176-180.
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Advance of the metallurgical limestone shaft kilning process control system

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Today at management system engineering by metallurgical processes used to special methods of the control theory such as optimal, neuro-fuzzy and adaptive methods. First of all, it is connected with increase of problems complexity maintained in control process. In article possibility of application of neural networks is considered at improvement of a control system by process of mine roasting of limestone, are described the neural network scheme controls and the basic stages of its construction.

How to cite: Koteleva N.I. Advance of the metallurgical limestone shaft kilning process control system // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 186. p. 181-184.
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Analysis of statistical data of lecture of the alloyed steels

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Influence of a chemical compound on the carbon contents in a steel is analysed, in the course of processing of month basic data the mathematical model is received, it is offered optimum significances of source parametres at the carbon contents in a steel.

How to cite: Kurtenkov R.V. Analysis of statistical data of lecture of the alloyed steels // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 186. p. 185-187.
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The unit for gravity concentration of fine particles

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It was made new modification of device for allows increasing recovery, to increase productivity and to lower size of concentrated particles. The device has a deck executed as a circle, which divides into two sectors; each sector has circular rifles with progressively growing height from the centre to periphery of a deck. The table is equipped with the high-frequency step-by-step engine ensuring continuous rotation of a table and submission counter impulses for shear of particles in a direction, opposite to rotation of a table. The quantity of angle sectors can be various. Testing of prototype of a table has confirmed an opportunity of increase of recovery, decrease size of extracted dense minerals and increase of throughput.

How to cite: Kuskova Y.V. The unit for gravity concentration of fine particles // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 186. p. 188-190.
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Study of the opening of copper presence electrolytic slimes of the copper production

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The methods of processing the electrolytic slimes of copper production are examined. The process of the autoclave oxidizing leaching of copper slime is investigated. It is established that the autoclave opening ensures the selective transfer into the solution of nonferrous metals and concentration in the cakes of the leaching of noble metals.

How to cite: Modestova S.A. Study of the opening of copper presence electrolytic slimes of the copper production // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 186. p. 191-193.
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Control system for waste treatment of metallurgical works with use of membrane methods

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In work considered application of baromembrane methods for waste treatment of metallurgical works, basic laws of baromembrane processes. On basis of adduced laws defined basic tasks of control system, mode of working and quality indexes of operation membrane complex.

How to cite: Pavlov R.D. Control system for waste treatment of metallurgical works with use of membrane methods // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 186. p. 194-199.
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Precipitation of alumina liquor inclusive potassium

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The materials of experimental research on alumina liquor precipitation kinetics in system Na 2 O – K 2 O – Al 2 O 3 – H 2 O using carbonated alumina hydroxide as a seed are presented. Particle size distribution (PSD) analyses of settling products are given. Correlation link of alumina liquor decomposition degree and average median diameter of received aluminum hydroxide are shown.

How to cite: Radko V.V. Precipitation of alumina liquor inclusive potassium // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 186. p. 200-203.
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Predictive calculations for grinding flowsheets

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The optimizing and predicting computer packages are extremely important in the theory and practice of processes of crushing, allowing to solve variety of the problems, concerning calculation of schemes, a choice of the equipment, definition of power expenses, automation etc.

How to cite: Romashev A.O. Predictive calculations for grinding flowsheets // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 186. p. 204-206.
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Allocation of tellurium from difficult on structure of sulfuric acid solutions

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As the main source of reception of tellurium serve electrolytic copper refinery slimes. In the conditions of manufacture expansion and transition on technology decopperizing slimes by pressure leaching O 2 -H 2 SO 4 media, the solution (decopperized product) becomes the basic concentrator of tellurium. Extraction of tellurium from a decopperized (pressure-leached) liquid products is considered. The method allows to raise percent of extraction of tellurium from initial raw materials and to enrich pressure-leached solid product with precious metals.

How to cite: Fokina S.B. Allocation of tellurium from difficult on structure of sulfuric acid solutions // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 186. p. 207-209.