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Vol 186
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Research article

Geotechnical engineering features of the estimation of stability of heavy constructions of designed cement works in Novorossiysk

Yu. V. Khaliullina
About authors
  • student Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)
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In the paper possibilities of constructing industrial heavy structures near slopes are described. The influence of tectonics, seismicity, a relief, deposit rocks thicknesses, their physical properties of geotechnical engineering feature are analyzed. The law of marls durability change is established. Positions of the most probable surfaces of sliding in cracked monoclonal deposit thickness are shown. The estimation of stability of the loaded slopes is made. Some recommendations for maintenance of structure stability are given.

industrial heavy structures geotechnical engineering feature marl cracked monoclonal deposit thickness surfaces of sliding stability of the loaded slopes maintenance of structure stability
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  1. Дашко Р.Э. Механика горных пород: Учебник для вузов. М.: Недра, 1987. 264 с.
  2. Инженерная геология СССР. Т.1 Платформенные регионы европейской части СССР / Под ред. И.С.Комарова. М.: Недра, 1991. 356 c.
  3. Молоков Л.А. Взаимодействие инженерных сооружений с геологической средой. М.: Недра, 1988. 94 c.

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