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Vol 186
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Using of electric field for manufacturing and nondestructive testing of a capacitor sensors and actuators

N. S. Pshchelko1
V. V. Buevich2
About authors
  • 1 — Ph.D. Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)
  • 2 — Student Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)
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Some designs of capacitor sensors and actuators which work is based on electric field use are considered. It is shown that these designs are rather cheap in manufacturing, but thus possess good technical characteristics. The theoretical substantiation of possibility of electrostatic forces use for balancing of a pressure difference in the corresponding measuring device is adduced. Procedure for definition of parameters of a condenser structure cap is considered. The procedure allows by means of one operation – volt-capacitance characteristic measuring – to define the whole complex of the major parameters of a cap-size of a working air gap, a membrane deflection, surface electret potential and a membrane tension. Analytical expression for capacitance of a cap depending on the specified parameters and measuring of its volt-capacitance characteristic allow to define these parameters by solving corresponding system of equations. The procedure considered in the present work is a method of a not-destroying control.

electric field capacitor transducers non-destructive control
Go to volume 186


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