Compensation of supply station reactive power by means of the mine main fan electric drive
About authors
- 1 — Postgraduate student Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)
- 2 — Ph.D., Dr.Sci. Professor Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)
On the basis of comparative analysis of the mine main fan electric drive input voltage-current characteristics, a frequency-variable drive with pulse width modulation (PWM) rectifier and PWM inverter is shown to be the most competitive one because of its capability to independently implement the substation power factor correction and the mine air flow energy-saving control.
- Электромеханические комплексы с синхронным двигателем и тиристорным возбуждением / Б.Н.Абрамович, В.Я.Чаронов, Ф.Д.Дубинин, Ю.В.Коновалов. СПб.: Наука, 1995. 264 с.
- Соболев В.В. Анализ режимов работы вентиляторов главного проветривания шахты «Заполярная» ОАО «Воркутауголь» / В.В.Соболев, О.Б.Шонин // Зап. Горного института. Т. 167. 2006. С. 201-204.
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