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Vol 186
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The mechanism of optimization of the control system of traffic of resources in the chain of deliveries on the example of the enterprise of open company «KNAUF GIPS ARKHANGELSK»

V. A. Modyanova
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  • student Saint-Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)
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At the developing present stage the economic science has proved, and practice has confirmed that reserves on the further increase in profit are put not so much in developing of technologies, a manufacturing intensification, and how many in reduction of the expenses connected with moving of resources which make from 20 to 60 % from the general expenses of the enterprise. One of directions of achievement of these purposes is the commitment of increase of management efficiency traffic of resources of the enterprise in a chain of deliveries. And it in turn makes essential impact on rates and proportions of economic developing of the enterprise. Realizing the allocating and exchange functions, the generated chains of deliveries determine dynamics of commodity-material, information, financial and other streams in the course of reproduction. At traffic of resources control in a chain of deliveries there is a commitment of improvement of quality of servicing of consumers with smaller expenses.

profit expenses management moving of resources a chain of deliveries
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