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Vol 184

Vol 183
Mineral raw materials complex: problems in control under new economical conditions
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State customers as the target market segment of natural resources complex

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State customer is one of the target segments in industrial marketing. There is a great demand for goods and services from the side of this segment. Thus, many enterprises plan their strategies paying attention to this fact. The article is devoted to the problems, which enterprises of the mining industry and its correlating branches have to deal targeting at the segment of state customers.

How to cite: Vasilyuev Y.N., Marinina O.A. State customers as the target market segment of natural resources complex // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 184. p. 9-12.
Mineral raw materials complex: problems in control under new economical conditions
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Problems of development of the diamond complex on company «ALROS»

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Diamond complex – one of the economy sectors, the kept potential of the expanded reproduction in the conditions of crisis. Russia, along with the republic of South Africa, Australia, Zaire, Botswana, Angola and Namibia is included into number of seven largest diamond-mining countries of the world and takes the second place in the world on volume of extraction of diamonds, being the world leader on stocks of diamond raw materials. Reserves of increase of efficiency at the separate enterprises and branch as a whole are revealed. Problems of strengthening of position of object of research on internal and a foreign market are defined.

How to cite: Vasiltsova V.M., Belov A.K. Problems of development of the diamond complex on company «ALROS» // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 184. p. 13-17.
Mineral raw materials complex: problems in control under new economical conditions
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Complex modernisation of manufacture on Open Society «Severstal»

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The metallurgical complex is a part of the manufactures making a basis of industrial and defensive potential of Russia. For increase in volume and production improvement of quality are defined internal possibilities of manufacture on the basis of its modernisation. Attempt of actualisation of the term «modernisation» at the expense of the complex approach to its treatment and workings out of the mechanism of acceptance of corresponding organizational and administrative decisions is undertaken. The technique is specified and the estimation of a technical condition of the equipment is carried out, the technical and economic analysis of modernisation on Open Society «Severstal» is carried out. Ways of perfection of a control system by updating of industrial potential of the metallurgical enterprise taking into account the requirement of the complex approach are defined.

How to cite: Vasiltsova V.M., Popova O.A., Vinogradov S.N. Complex modernisation of manufacture on Open Society «Severstal» // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 184. p. 18-21.
Mineral raw materials complex: problems in control under new economical conditions
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Principles and methods of constructing models of contract bidding in outsourcing support-service production

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We consider the principles and methods of construction contract bidding in outsourcing support-service production by the criterion of optimality of the customer, implemented with a minimum expenditure of the funds and ensure the reduction of the cost of production customers.

How to cite: Voronov N.G. Principles and methods of constructing models of contract bidding in outsourcing support-service production // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 184. p. 22-26.
Mineral raw materials complex: problems in control under new economical conditions
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Principles optimization of expenses for the labour protection of the mining enterprises

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Classification of damage from accidents and crashes is given. Procedure optimization expenses for a labour protection and definition of economically sound risk of accidents and crashes is offered. The estimation of economic efficiency of personnel development serving the self-propelled mining equipments on ore mine «Northern» of industrial complex «Pechenga Nikel» is carried out.

How to cite: Gendler S.G., Nevskaya M.A., Dompalm E.I., Sivakova N.S. Principles optimization of expenses for the labour protection of the mining enterprises // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 184. p. 27-33.
Mineral raw materials complex: problems in control under new economical conditions
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Stadies on creation of economic-organizing mechanism in the sphere of rational subsoil use

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The essence of terms «subsoil use» and «rational use of mineral resources» in economic aspect is considered in the work. The main prerequisites and ways of effective economic-organizing mechanism creation in the sphere of subsoil use management are stated.

How to cite: Zhukov A.M. Stadies on creation of economic-organizing mechanism in the sphere of rational subsoil use // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 184. p. 34-38.
Mineral raw materials complex: problems in control under new economical conditions
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Methodology for formation of research production labour input norms system providing increase of efficiency for research and development projects

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The efficiency of industrial resources use at realization of research and development projects can be provided by development of labour input norms, because labour input parameters form the basis for calculation of the prime cost and price determination of the research development. The method of the norms formation is determined by the theme specificity, degree of complexity and novelty of the developed product, availability of analogue products and reliable statistical base.

How to cite: Katysheva E.G. Methodology for formation of research production labour input norms system providing increase of efficiency for research and development projects // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 184. p. 39-45.
Mineral raw materials complex: problems in control under new economical conditions
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Management of competitiveness of the enterprise in crisis

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Feature of anti-recessionary management of the organisation consists in the raised complexity of administrative processes. Financial crisis is shown in shortage of money resources, growth of the delayed creditor debts, falling of sales, discontent of the personnel and other adverse factors. Level of requirements to the heads, making the most important, strategic decisions, increases in a geometrical progression In the conditions of a crisis state most important to reduce one expenses and to increase others which can make the company profitable.

How to cite: Kichigin A.V., Vasiltsov V.S. Management of competitiveness of the enterprise in crisis // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 184. p. 46-49.
Mineral raw materials complex: problems in control under new economical conditions
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The quality of commodity output – the factor of competitiveness iron-ore branch

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The problems of quality improving of commodity output are the most urgent and up-to date questions in the period of intromission of Russian on the world market. The country possesses of significant mineral raw ferrous materials, which are poor quality. In conjunction with it mining-and-processing integrated works must develop and improve the process of production in order to provide the quality of the products conforming to world requirements. The main task of iron-ore branch in Russia is to maintain the competitive ability on the foreign market.

How to cite: Korchenkov R.V. The quality of commodity output – the factor of competitiveness iron-ore branch // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 184. p. 50-54.
Mineral raw materials complex: problems in control under new economical conditions
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Rating indicators of the financial condition estimation of mining enterprise

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The method of receiving of united factor is considered to be the foundation of system development monitoring factors based on integrations of private factors of financial analysis, that is to say calculation of rating for different variants of investment activity a mining enterprise. Calculation of rating of borrower and rating of financial stability has the most importance while developing the investment strategy of development a mining enterprise. Rating analysis will allow to motivate the possibility for calculating the real investments, defining the value of rational growth of production volumes, motivating the borders of rational increase the volumes of production within the framework of investment activity.

How to cite: Luebeck J.V. Rating indicators of the financial condition estimation of mining enterprise // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 184. p. 55-61.
Mineral raw materials complex: problems in control under new economical conditions
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The USA mineral-resources sector development in the globalization epoch

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There are revealed the peculiarities of America’s mineral-resources sector at the modern stage of development. The influence of globalization processes on the US mineral-resources sector evolution is considered. The strategy and tactics of US mineral-resources sector state positioning policy in new management frameworks are being scrutinized.

How to cite: Maltsev A.A. The USA mineral-resources sector development in the globalization epoch // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 184. p. 62-69.
Mineral raw materials complex: problems in control under new economical conditions
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Model of evaluation of the mining enterprise’s competitiveness’ potential

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Competitiveness of a mining enterprise has a dynamic character which defines a necessity to evaluate a potential of competitiveness at the moment and in the future. The evaluation of competitiveness’ potential has to be systematic, to engulf different levels which are differentiated by interval of evaluation, information sources, evaluation base, methods and results. The method of evaluation of basic indices of competitiveness’ potential is presented in this paper. The calculation of operation and dynamic competitiveness’ potential of JSC “Uralkali” and JSC “Silvinit” for 2007 year was made and the interpretation of received results was given.

How to cite: Ponomarenko T.V., Sultani A.N. Model of evaluation of the mining enterprise’s competitiveness’ potential // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 184. p. 70-75.
Mineral raw materials complex: problems in control under new economical conditions
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The influence of the technological and organizational factors on the steady growth of the mining industry

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The steady growth of the mining industry calls forth the character of its activities connected with the dependence of the work on the natural conditions which are practically unpredictable and constantly changeable. The two basic factors are chosen – the technology of the mining work and the organization of the industry, which have the decisive importance in the increasing of the basic indices of the activity of the enterprise. The possible technological and organizational solutions are offered as they permit to find possible directions in the lowering of the negative influence of the appearing problems.

How to cite: Pronin E.M., Vasiliev V.E. The influence of the technological and organizational factors on the steady growth of the mining industry // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 184. p. 76-78.
Mineral raw materials complex: problems in control under new economical conditions
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Electronic commerce and its influence on business

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Electronic commerce can give new possibilities to any firm in any industrial sector. It can lead to change of the existing markets: the new markets can appear, and old – to disappear. A key condition of successful introduction of electronic commerce is increase of professional qualities of employees.

How to cite: Sattarova N.I., Prudinsky G.A. Electronic commerce and its influence on business // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 184. p. 79-83.
Mineral raw materials complex: problems in control under new economical conditions
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Integrated assessment state and use of capital business entity

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There is studied the totality of the capital and property of the managing subject as the basis of its financial resources. The financial resources structure characteristics is provided. There is proposed a complex analysis scheme for the enterprise capital use including the build-up source analysis, profitability analysis and ratio analysis of the different capital types turnover. There is recommended the aggregate procedure of the capital turnover ratio analysis to the financial results of the enterprise activity including the structural logic procedures of the owned and loan capital use.

How to cite: Scobelina V.P. Integrated assessment state and use of capital business entity // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 184. p. 84-88.
Mineral raw materials complex: problems in control under new economical conditions
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Estimate of efficiency using material resources ore-dressing enterprise

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There is studied the activities system to estimate the efficiency of the material resource using effectiveness at a ore mining and processing enterprise, for instance OJSC “Apatit”. The activities were calculated as a part of the industrial and economic activity financial result analysis for a three year period. The activity study demonstrated that the extensive type of the material resources growth is typical for this enterprise with an unpractical use of the material stuff. As the material resource use efficiency criterion there is selected the most resumptive parameter, the profit per ruble of the material expenses. It is offered for this parameter analysis per factor.

How to cite: Scobelina V.P., Kogan O.S. Estimate of efficiency using material resources ore-dressing enterprise // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 184. p. 89-93.
Mineral raw materials complex: problems in control under new economical conditions
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The basis of minimal industrial maintenance of useful component for deposits of complex mineral raw material

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The problems of the calculation of the minimal industrial maintenance for complex ores of nonferrous metals are considered. Then the calculation of the minimal industrial maintenance of nickel according to different formulas for the technical-economic basis of exploratory conditions of concrete ore deposits and the analysis of results were carried out.

How to cite: Ternovoy V.V., Samoilenko A.I., Tsarakov O.I. The basis of minimal industrial maintenance of useful component for deposits of complex mineral raw material // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 184. p. 94-98.
Mineral raw materials complex: problems in control under new economical conditions
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The legal and economic conditions of attraction investments to the exploration in Russia

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The problems of rational use of the huge mineral-resource potential of Russia are considered. The causes of insufficient exploration volumes in Russia are analyzed. It is proposed measures of the legal regulations in order to create junior geological companies in Russia and increase private investments to the exploration of deposits.

How to cite: Fedchenko A.A., Beliakov V.G. The legal and economic conditions of attraction investments to the exploration in Russia // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 184. p. 99-107.
Mineral raw materials complex: problems in control under new economical conditions
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Financial conglomerates: opportunities for cooperation with mining enterprises

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In this article it is argued whether there are significant opportunities for cooperation between financial conglomerates and the enterprises of the mining industry. The activities of financial conglomerates are not investigated thoroughly yet, as the alliances of that kind are of the relatively recent emergence and are now at the stage of rapid development. Their interactions with other industries have not been deeply researched either. Since the financial conglomerates have major influence on the modern world economical environment, it seems necessary to analyze the probable effect they may trigger in the strategic branch of Russian economy. This theme is particularly interesting nowadays, as the economical crisis demands for the search of new managerial solutions, including the financing sphere.

How to cite: Shakhpazov K.A. Financial conglomerates: opportunities for cooperation with mining enterprises // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 184. p. 108-113.
Mineral raw materials complex: problems in control under new economical conditions
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Intangible assets are the most important reserve for efficiency upgrading of enterprises engaged in the field of mineral resources utilization

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The role of intangible assets in activities of enterprises engaged in the field of this country’s mineral resources utilization is considered. Their insignificant specific weight in assets is pointed out as well as their slight reactivation in economic turnover and respectively in drawing of profit by domestic enterprises of Mineral and Raw Materials Complex. Basic reasons of the fact why at present intangible assets are one of little used reserves for increasing efficiency of enterprises carrying out activities in the field of mineral resources utilization are analyzed. Principal directions of intangible assets of MRMC enterprises record keeping, evaluation and use are suggested on the basis of gained world experience.

How to cite: Shelkov E.A. Intangible assets are the most important reserve for efficiency upgrading of enterprises engaged in the field of mineral resources utilization // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 184. p. 114-117.
Economical aspects in the developments оf fuel & energy complex
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Industrial potential of oil and gas production enterprise and it`s valuation

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Methodically the question about definition of industrial potential and it`s valuation doesn`t develop exactly. In this matter it was marked principal specifics of industrial potential valuation in oil and gas production enterprise. Based on this author defined a concept of potential, its valuation structure, basic sub-aggregates of valuation and its characteristics.

How to cite: Burenina I.V., Gamilova D.A. Industrial potential of oil and gas production enterprise and it`s valuation // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 184. p. 118-120.
Economical aspects in the developments оf fuel & energy complex
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Rate setting of electrical equipment reserve stocks on the enterprises of the gas main transport

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Minimization of economic losses from downtime of equipment and, first of all, off-schedule (breakdowns, accidents) is an actual problem whose solution can be achieved by the development and creation of a reserve stocks (irreducible level) materials and spare parts of electrical equipment. As a result of the study and comparative analysis of different methods for determining the amount of the reserve stocks has been concluded that these approaches are not fully reflect the real needs of the enterprise. In this regard, has developed an optimal method for determining the amount of irreducible level of reserve stocks of electrical equipment, taking into account the rational order of delivery of equipment, spare parts.

How to cite: Vazhenina L.V. Rate setting of electrical equipment reserve stocks on the enterprises of the gas main transport // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 184. p. 121-124.
Economical aspects in the developments оf fuel & energy complex
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The main targets of strategic planning of the Russian vertically-integrated oil-gas companies

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The article discusses main goals and targets of strategic planning in oil companies considering the example of leading vertically-integrated oil-gaz companies. The impact of oil industry on the country’s macroeconomic indices is shown. Besides, main directions of big companies’ activity are analyzed. Special corporate features considered in the companies’ strategic plans should be correlated with the State Energy strategy.

How to cite: Zhimirova A.V. The main targets of strategic planning of the Russian vertically-integrated oil-gas companies // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 184. p. 125-131.
Economical aspects in the developments оf fuel & energy complex
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The problems of state regulation of Russian fuel and energy complex

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In work the analysis of a state policy sphere concerning fuel and energy complex is lead. The basic lacks and features of legislative regulation and investment of Russian fuel and energy complex are noted. As a result conclusions, that reforming of the Russian legislation on bowels becomes inevitable, have been done. Directions of the legislation development on bowels should be directed on development and acceptances of the federal law about oil and gas; on realization of a control system of the state fund of bowels; on differentiation of conducting subjects in sphere of bowels studying, oil and gas exploration and extraction between authorities of a federal level and federation subjects.

How to cite: Iseeva L.I. The problems of state regulation of Russian fuel and energy complex // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 184. p. 132-137.
Economical aspects in the developments оf fuel & energy complex
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Assessment the effectiveness of energy consumption in the enterprises of the main transport of gas

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This study proposed a new comprehensive approach to assessing energy efficiency in the enterprises of the main transport of gas, which allows you to explore in detail the consumption of energy resources of each equipment, consumption of resources in technological operations and the creation of favorable conditions, to assess the state of accounting systems and the organization works to improve the efficiency use of energy.

How to cite: Konoplev T.F. Assessment the effectiveness of energy consumption in the enterprises of the main transport of gas // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 184. p. 138-143.
Economical aspects in the developments оf fuel & energy complex
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The economic mechanism of project risk management in development of oil and gas resources

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Management decisions efficiency in well construction projects depends on the control of the worked out planning taking into consideration expected risks, rapid reaction on plan vs fact deviations and adjustment to course of works. Economic assessment of well construction risks offers an opportunity to find adequate managerial decisions for prevention of possible design deviations and to submit respective recommendations for construction of new wells to be placed in operation.

How to cite: Krainova E.A. The economic mechanism of project risk management in development of oil and gas resources // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 184. p. 144-149.
Economical aspects in the developments оf fuel & energy complex
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Improvement of Russian coal industry development strategy

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The work is dedicated to the problems of Russian energy safety by means of perfecting and optimization of the developing strategy of coal industry. The condition of Russian coal industry was analyzed and the main factors, that have an influence on it, were determined. The vision and the main aims of the developing strategy of coal industry and the recommendations of the coal industry state regulation mechanism perfection for the long period were defined in the article.

How to cite: Martemyanova A.N. Improvement of Russian coal industry development strategy // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 184. p. 150-155.
Economical aspects in the developments оf fuel & energy complex
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Strategy modelling of jaking decisions at ecological and economic evaluation of oil project

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The supposed methodological approach to the evaluation of oil investment project is based on the principle of correlation of profits and expenses, nature protection expenses included at their early stage. The advantage of this analysis is the possibility of making project analysis of ecological risks based on the method analysis of taking decisions and the analysis of the economical results. The account of the ecological factor of the oil project model of evaluation is based on the developed interaction of the technological, ecological and economic information. It’s basis is project documentation, project influence materials, evaluation upon the environment and accountants report.

How to cite: Markhasina M.V. Strategy modelling of jaking decisions at ecological and economic evaluation of oil project // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 184. p. 156-159.
Economical aspects in the developments оf fuel & energy complex
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Development of an economic-organizing mechanism of mineral resourсe base renewal in Russia's oil industry

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In paper there has been developed an economic-organizing mechanism of mineral resource base renewal of Russia's oil industry using financial and tax instruments and licensing system of soil use. The proposed mechanism is targeted on perfecting of soil use managing system, attracting investments into geological exploration branch, stimulating innovation constituent in exploration and extraction of oil, rational use of mineral resource base in oil industry.

How to cite: Pashkevich N.V., Nikolaychuk L.A. Development of an economic-organizing mechanism of mineral resourсe base renewal in Russia’s oil industry // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 184. p. 160-166.
Economical aspects in the developments оf fuel & energy complex
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The main tasks of modern tax system development in fuel and energy complex industries

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The basic principles of the existing tax structure in the sphere of entrails usage are stated in the article. Some disadvantages of tax on mineral resources extraction in respect of energy resources are pointed out. The necessity of tax rates differentiation with reference to tax on mineral resources extraction is proved in an effort to stimulate rational subsoil usage.

How to cite: Solovyova E.A., Zhukov A.M. The main tasks of modern tax system development in fuel and energy complex industries // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 184. p. 167-173.
Economical aspects in the developments оf fuel & energy complex
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The decision of problem of rational use associated petroleum gas: administrative aspect

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The kernel of the problem of associated petroleum gas rational use in Russia is stated in the article; the analyses of reasons that are obstacles in the way of associated petroleum gas utilization is fulfilled; the main directions of economic mechanism based on state-private cooperation in the sphere of production and use of associated petroleum gas are offered.

How to cite: Solovyova E.A., Ledovskikh V.A. The decision of problem of rational use associated petroleum gas: administrative aspect // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 184. p. 174-179.
Economical aspects in the developments оf fuel & energy complex
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Social and economic approaches for the arctic shelf’s hydrocarbon field development

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This article shows social and economic approaches for hydrocarbon field development taking into account foreign operating experience of natural resources. different aspects of an effective industrial policy carried out in the operated region’s oil and gas complex, with decisions taken for a wide range of social and economic problems at various stages of the field development are shown. The article also covers questions related to the interaction between state and oil and gas business and the creation of effective strategies for management of hydrocarbon resource developments.

How to cite: Fadeev A.M., Larichkin F.D. Social and economic approaches for the arctic shelf’s hydrocarbon field development // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 184. p. 180-187.
Economical aspects in the developments оf fuel & energy complex
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System of differentiated coal extraction tax rates

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Necessity of creation and practical application of differentiated tax rates in respect of coal-mining enterprises is proved. The system of correction factors to be applied to the basic rates of tax on coal extraction is offered. These correction factors take into account different geological, mining, technical and economic conditions of coal production in different coal-mining regions.

How to cite: Filatova O.Y. System of differentiated coal extraction tax rates // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 184. p. 188-194.
Economical aspects in the developments оf fuel & energy complex
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Potential of russian Federal agency of state reserves in forming oil and oil products reserves system

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The article is dedicated to the problem of setting up strategic oil and oil products reserves which is necessary for ensuring national energy security. It is necessary to form a profound program of organizational, technical, technological, economic and financial measures aimed at implementation of this direction of state energy policy.

How to cite: Kharisova M.T. Potential of russian Federal agency of state reserves in forming oil and oil products reserves system // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 184. p. 195-198.
Economical aspects in the developments оf fuel & energy complex
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Economic mechanism of forming of hydrocarbon fields special fund

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Factors and presuppositions of forming of special fund of fields are determined. Scheme of functioning of special fund of fields, inclusive elements of production share and privileged taxation are proposed. Economic efficiency of special funds of oil and gas fields’ development are defined.

How to cite: Cherepovitsyn A.E., Radko A.V. Economic mechanism of forming of hydrocarbon fields special fund // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 184. p. 199-202.
Economical aspects in the developments оf fuel & energy complex
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Reproduction of hydrocarbon resource base of the Russian continental shelf

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In article the characteristic of resource base of hydrocarbon resources of a Russian continental shelf is given. Deposits are divided into three groups: the oil, gas and condensate. Estimations of reserves and their changes are presented. Tendencies of development of sub-sea oil and gas deposits on the basic regions are defined: to the Arctic, Far East, Caspian and Baltic.

How to cite: Shkatov M.Y., Vinokurov I.Y., Sergeev I.B. Reproduction of hydrocarbon resource base of the Russian continental shelf // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 184. p. 203-212.
Economics of nature utilization: energetics and steady development of society
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The methodological principles of an economic estimation оf secondary mineral resources from an item of a system approach

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In the article are offered and justified the methodological principles of an economic estimation of secondary mineral resources from an item of a system approach in market conditions. The necessity of application of a system approach as theoretical basis for mining methodological principles of an economic estimation of secondary mineral resources is exhibited. The functional segments of statistical and dynamic methods are revealed at an economic estimation of secondary mineral resources.

How to cite: Berezovskiy P.V. The methodological principles of an economic estimation оf secondary mineral resources from an item of a system approach // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 184. p. 213-217.
Economics of nature utilization: energetics and steady development of society
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The economic mechanism of realization of the policy in power savings sphere

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In article priority directions in the field of power savings are considered. On an example of the largest oil and gas companies experience of increase of power efficiency and possibility of its application in the Russian conditions is analysed. The basic directions of ecological efficiency are considered.

How to cite: Kashtanova I.I. The economic mechanism of realization of the policy in power savings sphere // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 184. p. 218-224.
Economics of nature utilization: energetics and steady development of society
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Geoeconomic significance of the trans-eurasian transport route

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Different possibilities for Russia to organize a global transport project are analyzed on a basis of two concepts (space as an economical resource and control over global transport routes as a necessary element of geopolitical domination). It is shown that it is impossible to use Northern Sea Route as a global transport project and that this is crucial for Russia to set up a railway route between Korea and Europe.

How to cite: Kotliarov I.D. Geoeconomic significance of the trans-eurasian transport route // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 184. p. 225-230.
Economics of nature utilization: energetics and steady development of society
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Investments in the real estate as a factor of human capital’s development

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The analysis of the state of human capital is conducted in the article. The necessity of strengthening of state interference is proven on the modern stage of development of the Russian economy. It is proven that the increase of investments in building and state support of development of this industry must become priority in modern terms. Advantages of investments are resulted in the sphere of the real estate before investments in other industries of industry.

How to cite: Lenkovets O.M., Kirsanova N.Y. Investments in the real estate as a factor of human capital’s development // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 184. p. 231-234.
Economics of nature utilization: energetics and steady development of society
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Economic efficacy estimate of minerals multiple use for the purpose of efficient nature management

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In this article was studied major issues of natural resources management and environmental protection methodology. There are explained resource saving, resource- providing, ecological, social estimates and standards economic evaluation minerals multiple use factors as foundations of efficient nature management.

How to cite: Marinina O.A., Vasiliev Y.N. Economic efficacy estimate of minerals multiple use for the purpose of efficient nature management // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 184. p. 235-239.
Economics of nature utilization: energetics and steady development of society
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Prerequisites for sustainable development of mining region

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The article deals with issues related to the identification of conditions for sustainable development of mining area. In such conditions, the author highlights the investment potential, the specificity of specialization and structure of economy of the region, the balance of state, regional and sectoral interests. As the characteristics used in evaluating the productive capacity of the territory proposed rates structure, dynamics and effectiveness, based on the integral rate of gross regional product.

How to cite: Nevskaya M.A. Prerequisites for sustainable development of mining region // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 184. p. 240-245.
Economics of nature utilization: energetics and steady development of society
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Management of cost effectiveness models of industrial user power supply (with specific reference to Кemerovo region)

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This article describes general points of wholesale electricity market and retail electricity markets functioning during restructuring of Russian Power system. The payment scheme that supposes making contract with guaranteeing energy supplying company in retail electricity markets is described, there are also components of retail electricity markets and the scheme of weight-average unregulated price translation. Further the article determines requirements for industrial companies that want to go out to wholesale electricity market. There are also merits and demerits of going out to wholesale electricity market by making contract with energy supplier or going out without any assistance. The changes of payment in wholesale electricity market are shown. There are recommendations based on the analysis of the given information that helps to choose more efficient model energy supplying of industrial customer according to the consuming volume and the connection scheme to outer network system. The brief description of wholesale electricity market participants of Kemerovo region is given in the article.

How to cite: Nikitenko S.M., Tucsin A.A. Management of cost effectiveness models of industrial user power supply (with specific reference to Кemerovo region) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 184. p. 246-250.
Economics of nature utilization: energetics and steady development of society
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World experience in power industry reforming in a format of fuel-energy comlex

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The paper highlight the most valuable for Russia economically developed countries experience of power industry reformation. There are prerequisites, goals and tasks of reformation, made transformations essence and their results and consequences.

How to cite: Nikolaeva A.Y. World experience in power industry reforming in a format of fuel-energy comlex // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 184. p. 251-256.
Economics of nature utilization: energetics and steady development of society
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The estimate of the utilization’s efficiency of the production waste products, which appeared as a result of the preservation of the environment measures

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Nowadays the problems of the stable growth of mineral and source of raw materials and fuel and energy complex industries are attached great importance to, since it influences the country social-economic condition. In its turn the development of the mining industry requires opening up new lands, which are especially vulnerable to different kinds of anthropogenous and technogenous factors. The changes in the state of economic system have excluded the lowering expenditure by the economy of the production scale. The typical features of a new economy became the progress of free competition and intensive demonopolization. At the same time for the mining industry it is significant that large-scale enterprises should be the foundation of many cities economies of the Russian Federation. For the way out of a system crisis it is necessary to change the strategy – to alter not only the condition of the system, but its management. The formation of the mining complexes permits to use sources of raw materials of the exploited deposits in the proper way, to process waste products of the basic production into the commodity output, to raise the efficiency and cut costs of the preservation of the environment measures from concentration waste products, exhaust solutions, gases, warm water harmful influence on the environment. The practical use of the production waste products of the mining complexes is unprofitable and makes sense only because of its opportunity partially compensating the aggregate investments for the preservation of the environment. The estimate of the utilization s efficiency of the production waste products has made.

How to cite: Pronin E.M. The estimate of the utilization’s efficiency of the production waste products, which appeared as a result of the preservation of the environment measures // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 184. p. 257-263.
Economics of nature utilization: energetics and steady development of society
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Sustainable development: theoretical and methodological approaches

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In article the essence of an economic category sustainable development is reveals. The points of view on a problem of sustainable development economists of the basic modern scientific schools are considered. In a context of the neoclassic approach the condition of stability of development of Russia is shown.

How to cite: Sergeev I.B., Lapochkina L.V. Sustainable development: theoretical and methodological approaches // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 184. p. 264-269.
Economics of nature utilization: energetics and steady development of society
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Public corporations – nationalization or an example of effective model of public-private partnership?

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This article is devoted to modern main stream of organization of state corporations in priority strategic of our industries, as a new form of public-private partnership at Russian economy. State corporations have a special legal status and allow the state to involve private business in capital–intensive or investments unattractive branches of economy. Around of process of creation of state corporations brisk polemic concerning their long-term efficiency and fields of activity is conducted. However in opinion of the Russian government of state corporation will allow to realize strategy of innovative and infrastructural break that will provide competitiveness of the domestic industry in the world market.

How to cite: Tertishnyi S.A. Public corporations – nationalization or an example of effective model of public-private partnership? // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 184. p. 270-275.
Economics of nature utilization: energetics and steady development of society
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Social and ecological responsibility of mineral and raw materials companies

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In this article the author describes the basic concept of the corporate social responsibility, analyzes main features and standards of making of social reports of major companies. Specificity of reports in the Russian companies is allocated, and some offers with a view of activization of promotion both further ordering CSR and the eco-reporting in the Russian Federation on the basis of introducing new administrative and economic methods.

How to cite: Kharchenko A.O. Social and ecological responsibility of mineral and raw materials companies // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 184. p. 276-282.