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Vol 184
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Economic mechanism of forming of hydrocarbon fields special fund

A. E. Cherepovitsyn1
A. V. Radko2
About authors
  • 1 — Ph.D., Dr.Sci. Assistant Professor Saint-Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)
  • 2 — Ph.D. Deputy general director Limited Company “Holding Company Granul”
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Factors and presuppositions of forming of special fund of fields are determined. Scheme of functioning of special fund of fields, inclusive elements of production share and privileged taxation are proposed. Economic efficiency of special funds of oil and gas fields’ development are defined.

special fund of oil and gas fields economic mechanism balance of state and companies interests
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  1. Ильинский А.А. Нефтегазовый комплекс Северо-Запада России: стратегический анализ и концепции развития / А.А.Ильинский, О.С.Мнацаканян, А.Е.Череповицын. СПб, 2006. 474 с.
  2. Проблемы формирования стратегического резерва углеводородного сырья России / А.И.Варламов, А.А.Ильинский, Н.В.Милетенко, А.Е.Череповицын, Е.И.Сапожникова. СПб, 2008. 316 с.

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