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Vol 184
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Investments in the real estate as a factor of human capital’s development

O. M. Lenkovets1
N. Y. Kirsanova2
About authors
  • 1 — Assistant Professor Saint-Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)
  • 2 — Ph.D. Associate professor Saint-Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)
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The analysis of the state of human capital is conducted in the article. The necessity of strengthening of state interference is proven on the modern stage of development of the Russian economy. It is proven that the increase of investments in building and state support of development of this industry must become priority in modern terms. Advantages of investments are resulted in the sphere of the real estate before investments in other industries of industry.

human Capital investments real estate
Go to volume 184


  1. Дондоков З.Б. Методические вопросы оценки мультипликационных эффектов в экономике / Восточно-Сибирский гос. техн. ун-т. Улан-Уде, 2000.
  2. Золотов А.В. Рост уровня жизни рабочих как условие повышения производительности их труда.
  3. Строительство в России. 2006: Стат. сб. / Росстат. M., 2006.
  4. Уткин А.И. Рузвельт. М., 2000.
  5. Shultz T. Investment in Human Capital. N.-Y., London, 1971.
  6. Коровкин А. Некому строить и программировать. URL:

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