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S. A. Tertishnyi
S. A. Tertishnyi
Associate professor, Ph.D., Associate Professor
Saint-Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)
Associate professor, Ph.D., Associate Professor
Saint-Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)


Problems of sustainable development of mineral raw material complex
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Effect of ownership transformations in the russian economy on formation of a national model of public corporation management

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Restructuring of the Russian economy in the early 1990-ies by objective processes of transformation of pre-existing patterns of ownership and the search for adequate for this new market relations forms of public corporation management. The financial crisis in August 1998 and the global financial crisis in 2009 made their significant adjustments to the optimization into the system of public corporation management in our country. A characteristic feature of the situation in our country system of public corporation management can be called a combination in one person of the owner and manager, as well as the extensive use of self-dealing.

How to cite: Tertyshnyi S.A. Effect of ownership transformations in the russian economy on formation of a national model of public corporation management // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 191. p. 191.
Economics of nature utilization: energetics and steady development of society
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Public corporations – nationalization or an example of effective model of public-private partnership?

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This article is devoted to modern main stream of organization of state corporations in priority strategic of our industries, as a new form of public-private partnership at Russian economy. State corporations have a special legal status and allow the state to involve private business in capital–intensive or investments unattractive branches of economy. Around of process of creation of state corporations brisk polemic concerning their long-term efficiency and fields of activity is conducted. However in opinion of the Russian government of state corporation will allow to realize strategy of innovative and infrastructural break that will provide competitiveness of the domestic industry in the world market.

How to cite: Tertishnyi S.A. Public corporations – nationalization or an example of effective model of public-private partnership? // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 184. p. 270-275.
Formation of sustainable development and environmental management institutions
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Problems of development of public-private partnership forms as an alternative to privatization in Russia

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This article covers to problems of development of various forms of state-private partnership in strategically important obtaining and processing industries, transport, communication, etc. To the basic forms of such partnership concern such as: leasing, product sharing agreements, the state-private (joint) enterprises and concessions. The basic attention in this article is given to foreign experience of application of concessions and problems and the reasons of their slow development in modern economy of Russia. Among such reasons it is possible to allocate: a sluggishness of legislature on formation legislative bases of concessions, absence corresponding institutional infrastructures, vigilance of a society concerning concessions, etc. during too time at last in 2005 it is accepted Russian federal law «About agreements of concessions» and the first precedent that agreements on construction of a paid motorway «The Western high-speed diameter» in Saint Petersburg has appeared.

How to cite: Tertyshnyi S.A. Problems of development of public-private partnership forms as an alternative to privatization in Russia // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 179. p. 216-221.
Improvement of the system of state management of subsoil use
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Concession forms of state property management in the sphere of subsoil use - a prospect for the development of resource industries in Russia

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Radical changes in economic conditions in Russia have led to the need to attract large investments in long-term projects for the development of new fields. This should have been facilitated by the law "On Production Sharing Agreements". However, the mechanism proposed in the law did not ensure a balance between the interests of the state (the owner of subsoil resources) and investors in the implementation of capital-intensive projects in the sphere of subsoil use. A positive contribution to the formation of a truly effective mechanism of subsoil use could be made by the development and adoption of legislation on concessions. This would allow not only to attract investors, but also to ensure the development of regional economies on the basis of new technologies.

How to cite: Tertyshnyi S.A. Concession forms of state property management in the sphere of subsoil use - a prospect for the development of resource industries in Russia // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 161. p. 61-63.
Economic and legal problems of nature conservation and environmental management
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International experience in using the results of scientific and technological progress to strengthen environmental security

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Strengthening the environmental security of any country is directly linked to how the results of scientific and technological progress (STP) are used in the sectors of the national economy and, above all, in the extractive industries and knowledge-intensive production sectors. All this requires a significant increase in both public and private investment. In world practice, there is a positive experience of using the results of STI, which in modern conditions not only determines the level of competitiveness of the national economy, but also contributes to the strengthening of environmental security. Similar experience should be fully used by the Russian state. A comparative analysis of the economies of the fifteen largest world trading powers has shown that innovation and innovation are one of the main sources of competitive power on the world stage. Insensitivity of the Russian economy to innovation is one of the causes of technological and economic lag. In recent years the ecological factor has become important in ensuring the international competitiveness of goods. The combination of stricter environmental standards and fiercer competition on the global market makes it necessary to use the principles of pollution prevention in conjunction with environmental self-monitoring in the development of new products.

How to cite: Volovich V.N., Erygina V.F., Tertyshnyi S.A. International experience in using the results of scientific and technological progress to strengthen environmental security // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 260-264.