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Vol 184
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Public corporations – nationalization or an example of effective model of public-private partnership?

S. A. Tertishnyi
About authors
  • Ph.D. Associate professor Saint-Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)
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This article is devoted to modern main stream of organization of state corporations in priority strategic of our industries, as a new form of public-private partnership at Russian economy. State corporations have a special legal status and allow the state to involve private business in capital–intensive or investments unattractive branches of economy. Around of process of creation of state corporations brisk polemic concerning their long-term efficiency and fields of activity is conducted. However in opinion of the Russian government of state corporation will allow to realize strategy of innovative and infrastructural break that will provide competitiveness of the domestic industry in the world market.

public corporation public-private partnership property privatization nationalization
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  1. Бондарь В. Бал монстров // Компания. Деловой еженедельник. 2008. № 496. URL:
  2. Итоги 2006 года и будущее экономики России: потенциал несырьевого сектора: Доклад // «Деловая Россия».
  3. Российский статистический ежегодник. 2007 / Росстат. М., 2008.
  4. Рыбаков В. Полезная вещь // Ведомости. 2007. № 163.
  5. Стиглиц Дж. Глобализация: тревожные тенденции / М., 2003.
  6. Index of economic freedom 2008: Heritage Foundation. URL:

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