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A. V. Kichigin
A. V. Kichigin
Post-Graduate student
The Saint-Petersburg state mining institute
Post-Graduate student
The Saint-Petersburg state mining institute


Mineral raw materials complex: problems in control under new economical conditions
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Management of competitiveness of the enterprise in crisis

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Feature of anti-recessionary management of the organisation consists in the raised complexity of administrative processes. Financial crisis is shown in shortage of money resources, growth of the delayed creditor debts, falling of sales, discontent of the personnel and other adverse factors. Level of requirements to the heads, making the most important, strategic decisions, increases in a geometrical progression In the conditions of a crisis state most important to reduce one expenses and to increase others which can make the company profitable.

How to cite: Kichigin A.V., Vasiltsov V.S. Management of competitiveness of the enterprise in crisis // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 184. p. 46-49.
Improvement of management at sectoral enterprises
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Innovations in the development of enterprises of the mineral resource complex of Russia

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The economic system of Russia is at a stage of transition to innovative type of development. In these conditions of the enterprises of mineral-raw sector has problems of positioning in the market of innovations, the subsequent development of innovative strategy and realization of tactical actions. In clause classification of agents of the innovative market from a supply and demand of innovations is lead, problems of insufficient innovative activity of the enterprises of mineral-raw sector are formulated and a number of ways of the decision of the revealed problems is offered.

How to cite: Vasiltsova V.M., Kichigin A.V. Innovations in the development of enterprises of the mineral resource complex of Russia // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 179. p. 145-149.
Improvement of management at sectoral enterprises
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Increase of competitiveness of metallurgical enterprise

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Increase of competitiveness of the enterprise – one of the pressing questions for modern Russia. Despite of an amplifying attention to this question the ambiguous approach to an estimation of competitiveness of the enterprises till now is kept. To solve complex social and economic problems in conditions of a rigid competition the knowledge and application of tools of new economy – will help essence and the mechanism of action of economic laws, laws of the organization, scientific approaches, principles, methods and models of management. In clause the analysis of the leading metallurgical enterprises of Russia to attributes of competitiveness for the given period of time is spent, actions on increase of competitiveness of Open Society «Severstal», in particular development of the project of formation of effective strategy of development are offered.

How to cite: Kichigin A.V., Vasiltsov V.S. Increase of competitiveness of metallurgical enterprise // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 179. p. 169-172.