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L. V. Vazhenina
L. V. Vazhenina
Associate Professor, Ph.D., Associate Professor
Tyumen State Oil and Gas University
Associate Professor, Ph.D., Associate Professor
Tyumen State Oil and Gas University


Economical aspects in the developments оf fuel & energy complex
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Rate setting of electrical equipment reserve stocks on the enterprises of the gas main transport

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Minimization of economic losses from downtime of equipment and, first of all, off-schedule (breakdowns, accidents) is an actual problem whose solution can be achieved by the development and creation of a reserve stocks (irreducible level) materials and spare parts of electrical equipment. As a result of the study and comparative analysis of different methods for determining the amount of the reserve stocks has been concluded that these approaches are not fully reflect the real needs of the enterprise. In this regard, has developed an optimal method for determining the amount of irreducible level of reserve stocks of electrical equipment, taking into account the rational order of delivery of equipment, spare parts.

How to cite: Vazhenina L.V. Rate setting of electrical equipment reserve stocks on the enterprises of the gas main transport // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 184. p. 121-124.
Problems of development of the fuel and energy complex and energy saving
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Problems of effective utilization of associated petroleum gas

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The significant part of the countries possessing stocks of oil, has poorly developed own process industry. Prompt reduction of stocks of oil (the peak of world extraction will be passed by 2020, and according to some information can be even by 2010) forces these countries to search for alternative sources of the income. Recently more and more than attention it is given natural gas, including casing-head gas and even to industrial emissions. In connection with that oil is not renewed resource in the oil companies process diversification has begun. The strategic purpose of world oil corporations becomes intensive development of gas sector, integration into electric power industry, coal branch and transformation finally in the power company. Oil extracting and petrochemistry gradually pass in the category of hi-tech branches. In work basic directions of processing of casing-head gas (CHG) known for today in a world practice and on the domestic oil and gas extraction companies are considered. The most bestselling products of processing CHG, as inside of the country, and abroad are presented. The most perspective projects are resulted.

How to cite: Vazhenina L.V. Problems of effective utilization of associated petroleum gas // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 179. p. 104-111.