Social and economic approaches for the arctic shelf’s hydrocarbon field development
About authors
- 1 — Ph.D. Senior Research Fellow Institute of economic problem, Kola scientific centre, Russian academy of science
- 2 — Ph.D., Dr.Sci. Director of the Institute Institute of economic problem, Kola scientific centre, Russian academy of science
This article shows social and economic approaches for hydrocarbon field development taking into account foreign operating experience of natural resources. different aspects of an effective industrial policy carried out in the operated region’s oil and gas complex, with decisions taken for a wide range of social and economic problems at various stages of the field development are shown. The article also covers questions related to the interaction between state and oil and gas business and the creation of effective strategies for management of hydrocarbon resource developments.
oil and gas industry
industrial policy
Arctic shelf
hydrocarbon recourses
social and economic effects
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