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M. A. Nevskaya
M. A. Nevskaya
Associate Professor, Ph.D., Associate Professor
Saint-Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)
Associate Professor, Ph.D., Associate Professor
Saint-Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)


Rational subsurface use: theory, methodology, practice
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Principles of waste management in the mining industry under the division of property rights to mineral resource

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Tendency to accumulation of waste production and processing, reducing the quality of the structure and the deterioration of proven reserves, weak interest in the complex processing of useful minerals determine the need for a number of organizational and legal measures to motivate recycling and waste management. One such measure is the transfer of the waste to the ownership of economic entities. The principles stated in Article – a priority of state interests, accounting system, motivation and incentives aimed at increasing the acceleration process of dealing with waste production and processing, the intensification of the reproduction of mineral resources, the involvement of small mining business.

How to cite: Nevskaya M.A. Principles of waste management in the mining industry under the division of property rights to mineral resource // Journal of Mining Institute. 2014. Vol. 208. p. 49.
Organizational and economic problems of innovative development of a mineral and raw complex
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Mechanisms of ensuring complex development of mineral deposits

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The problem of complex use of mineral resources is relevant to the deterioration of the quality of mineral resources and the depletion of their reserves. Bjective need for the development of not only basic but also co-occurring minerals in conflict with the system of government regulation of mining operations, in terms of the rules governing the granting of the right to use natural resources, as well as in conflict with the interests of production, which are determined by market conditions. Thus, providing a complete and comprehensive utilization of mineral resources is being considered in the application of both normative and stimulating tools, the development and improvement of which is the task of the state as the owner of the subsoil. Thus, providing a complete and comprehensive utilization of mineral resources is being considered in the application of both normative and a other of tools of stimulation, the development and improvement of which is the task of the state as the owner of the subsoil.

How to cite: Nevskaya M.A., Ligotskii D.N. Mechanisms of ensuring complex development of mineral deposits // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 205. p. 218.
Effective use of mineral resources in Russia: current state, problems, institutions, prospects
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Development of methods of the economic estimation of mineral resources

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In article authors consider methods of an economic estimation of mineral resources for the problems decision which arise in the course of development of the deposits  of mineral resources. In article authors show pluses and minuses of methods which are applied in an estimation of mineral resources. The method of the account of cost of actives of the mining enterprise and mountain rent is offered.

How to cite: Lobanov N.Y., Nevskaya M.A. Development of methods of the economic estimation of mineral resources // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 201. p. 55.
Effective use of mineral resources in Russia: current state, problems, institutions, prospects
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Organizational economic problems of rational use of deposits and the ways оf their decision in modern conditions

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In article the problems connected with rational use of mineral resources are considered. In modern conditions there is no motivation недропользователей, to process all extracted minerals which considerable part takes place in environment in the form of production wastes. As the measure providing rational use of minerals, is offered the organization of separate warehousing of the extracted sub-standard mineral resource and to be generated on her base of deposits technogenous. Technogenous deposits should be qualified as objects of real estate that, will allow to keep the taken mineral resources for the future generations, and technogenous deposits to consider as objects of the tax and financial  account.

How to cite: Nevskaya M.A., Ligotskii D.N. Organizational economic problems of rational use of deposits and the ways оf their decision in modern conditions // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 201. p. 78.
Government regulation of subsurface resources management and reproduction of mineral raw material base of Russia
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Management natural-resource potential: institutionary aspekt

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Wildlife management relations more and more get character of the property relations the natural – resource potential becomes which object, therefore management in natural-resource potential should be considered as one of problems of regional and state development. In article are analysed institutionary preconditions of formation of methodology of management in natural-resource potential: institute of the property right to natural resources, formation of a category of natural objects of the real estate, set of independent participants of management of natural resources, various forms and ways of management of natural resources, necessity of the account of natural resources for system of national accounts. Results of the review of the Russian resource and civil legislation are resulted. 

How to cite: Nevskaya M.A. Management natural-resource potential: institutionary aspekt // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 191. p. 77.

Systematism of human resources performance measures in mining organisation

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The innovative development of the national economy largely depends on the state and development of human capital which is the base of forming of employment potential and human resources of regions, industries, organizations. The article presents the results of a study of staffing problems in mining regions (on the example of Murmansk, Arkhangelsk, Kemerovo regions). The system of indicators for the integrated assessment of human resources of mining organizations is developed in accordance with the specific industry human problems; the comprehensive assessment of the human resources of «Severo-Onega Bauxite Rabbet» INK is given and measures for its improvement are proposed.

How to cite: Nevskaya M.A., Tremasova I.S. Systematism of human resources performance measures in mining organisation // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 191. p. 267.
Problems in conservation of resources? mine surveying and wise erth's interior utilization
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Problems in economic evaluation of natural resources

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The article deals with the problem of legislative and methodological problems in the assessment of natural resources. The results of the review of Russia's resources and civil law are given. Analysis of contemporary approaches to the assessment of natural resources is given. It is concluded on the need to make the economic evaluation of the active element of environmental management.

How to cite: Nevskaya M.A. Problems in economic evaluation of natural resources // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 185. p. 250-253.
Mineral raw materials complex: problems in control under new economical conditions
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Principles optimization of expenses for the labour protection of the mining enterprises

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Classification of damage from accidents and crashes is given. Procedure optimization expenses for a labour protection and definition of economically sound risk of accidents and crashes is offered. The estimation of economic efficiency of personnel development serving the self-propelled mining equipments on ore mine «Northern» of industrial complex «Pechenga Nikel» is carried out.

How to cite: Gendler S.G., Nevskaya M.A., Dompalm E.I., Sivakova N.S. Principles optimization of expenses for the labour protection of the mining enterprises // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 184. p. 27-33.
Economics of nature utilization: energetics and steady development of society
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Prerequisites for sustainable development of mining region

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The article deals with issues related to the identification of conditions for sustainable development of mining area. In such conditions, the author highlights the investment potential, the specificity of specialization and structure of economy of the region, the balance of state, regional and sectoral interests. As the characteristics used in evaluating the productive capacity of the territory proposed rates structure, dynamics and effectiveness, based on the integral rate of gross regional product.

How to cite: Nevskaya M.A. Prerequisites for sustainable development of mining region // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 184. p. 240-245.
Improvement of management at sectoral enterprises
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Assessment of potash industry companies’ competitiveness potential

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Development of the modern enterprise and duly prevention of internal and external threats of its existence demand «diagnosis» and an estimation of its economic condition which can form a basis for acceptance of strategic administrative decisions in order to increase economic efficiency and competitiveness. The estimation of competitiveness of the company is necessary for the effective investment of resources and elaboration of competitive strategy of the organization, that is why it represents the major economic task. The estimation of potential competitiveness of the Russian Federation’s potash companies in 2006 shows excess of the majority of parameters of the Join Stock Company «Silvinit» over the same parameters of the Join Stock Company «Uralkali». The account of prognosis dynamics of competitiveness parameters of the companies for 5 years proclaims the significant potential of competitiveness of JSC «Uralkali».

How to cite: Nevskaya M.A., Ponomarenko T.V., Sultani A.N. Assessment of potash industry companies’ competitiveness potential // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 179. p. 161-168.
Formation of sustainable development and environmental management institutions
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Peculiarities of application of methods for estimating the value of vegetation resources in megapolis

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The article is devoted to economic valuation of green plantings of Saint-Petersburg and contains results of the field and methodical researches spent in territory of area Vasileostrovskogo per 2005-2007. Calculations of cost of reconstruction of trees, bushes, lawns and flower-beds through methods of home-municipal and integrated indicators of cost of reconstruction are cited. Close result, which allow using any of shown methods in Saint-Petersburg, have been got.

How to cite: Kovyazin V.F., Nevskaya M.A. Peculiarities of application of methods for estimating the value of vegetation resources in megapolis // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 179. p. 222-226.

Using methods of hydrological and environmental expert examination for differentiation of water tax rates

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Changes in water and tax legislation have necessitated the need to make additions to the compliance of positions of the system of accounting and assessment of water objects and resources. Accordingly, there was a need to develop market elements of regulating relations in the water use system (water tax, rent payment) while maintaining the lease principles of water resources assessment. Hydrological and ecological expertise is the main tool to implement a differentiated approach to assessing the quality of water bodies and resources. Development of the strategy of water bodies categorization according to the criterion of ecological well-being of aquatic ecosystems makes it possible to obtain corrective coefficients to water tax gates.

How to cite: Dmitriev V.V., Trushkevskii V.L., Nevskaya M.A., Listratenko Y.V. Using methods of hydrological and environmental expert examination for differentiation of water tax rates // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 11-14.

Hydrological and environmental expert assessment in the system of natural resource management

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In light of current and forthcoming changes in the water use management system, there is an objective need for qualitative assessment of water bodies based on rent principles. In this connection, the role of hydro-environmental expertise as a way to identify and justify the main rent-forming factors determining the value of water bodies is increasing. Thus, the hydrological-environmental expertise becomes a specific tool for water use management.

How to cite: Dmitriev V.V., Trushevskii V.L., Nevskaya M.A. Hydrological and environmental expert assessment in the system of natural resource management // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 11-13.
Surveying and geodesy
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On the problem of environmental zoning of urban areas based on geographic information systems

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In the new economic conditions, the problem of assessing the environmental condition of the territory of St. Petersburg is very urgent. The solution of this problem is associated with the need for collection and joint processing of different types of information. Collection, storage, processing and presentation of data can be performed most effectively with the help of geo-information systems (GIS). The geographic information system will form a GIS-project, which creates digital maps of the territory, reflecting the current state of the ecosystem on various factors. Processing of the collected information is proposed to carry out by means of geospatial analysis.

How to cite: Nevskaya M.A., Kiselev V.A., Dompalm E.I. On the problem of environmental zoning of urban areas based on geographic information systems // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 156. p. 259-261.
Economic and legal problems of nature conservation and environmental management
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Enhancing production efficiency in the coal industry based on improving the economic mechanism of the rational use of mineral resources

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In the conditions of market economy, the increase of efficiency of production in the mining industry is possible on the basis of perfection and development of the economic mechanism of rational use of mineral resources. One of the main objects of research in this case is the tax system, which is explained by its key importance for the effective process of development of the potential of mineral resources. The most important direction of improving the tax system in the mining industry is the transition to the rent principle of taxation, allowing to link the taxes transferred by mining enterprises to the budget, with the economic efficiency of mining production. Recommendations on improving the taxation system for enterprises of the Russian coal industry have been developed. They are used for economic assessment of the project of development and technical re-equipment of mines of the Vorkuta industrial district for the period up to 2015.

How to cite: Lobanov N.Y., Kuklina E.A., Nevskaya M.A. Enhancing production efficiency in the coal industry based on improving the economic mechanism of the rational use of mineral resources // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 270-273.
Scientific and innovative cooperation
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Economic, legal, and organizational foundations of the environmental management system

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The priority directions of socio-economic and organizational and legal policy in the sphere of regional management of natural resources are substantiated and highlighted. The unified principles of state management of natural resource complexes are adopted as a common methodological basis. The ways of improving the economic mechanism of regional nature management taking into account the combination of the interests of the federal center and the territories have been considered. A set of managerial tasks by the example of the Department of Natural Resources in the North-West region has been developed, the functions of the region in the sphere of management of the mineral resource complex have been singled out, and the tasks of development of the mineral resource base of the territory have been determined. The analysis of the existing system of taxation in the natural resources block is performed. The concept and mechanism of stimulating efficient development and use of mineral resources by taxes was proposed. The efficiency of financial, credit and tax mechanisms in the subsoil use was studied. Methodological recommendations on the creation of special incentive tax regimes for mining industries, taking into account their industry specifics, but on a unified methodological basis, are given.

How to cite: Soloveva E.A., Berezovsii P.V., Iseeva L.I., Nevskaya M.A., Tarabarinova T.A. Economic, legal, and organizational foundations of the environmental management system // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. 151. p. 189-192.
Economic and legal problems of nature conservation and environmental management
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Improving the efficiency of environmental management in the development of mineral deposits

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The problem of rational use of natural resources and environmental protection in the mining and processing of minerals is considered as a task of improving the efficiency of environmental management, which is explained by the importance of this problem for the stabilization of economic development of the country and the formation of prerequisites for economic growth. The realization of a rational approach to nature management in the conditions of market relations is based on the financial and investment strategy, which assumes the possibility of using the financial resources of the trust fund, formed at the expense of deductions of subjects of nature management from the natural rent.

How to cite: Lobanov N.Y., Kuklina E.A., Nevskaya M.A. Improving the efficiency of environmental management in the development of mineral deposits // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 288-291.
Without section
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Rational use of natural resources and environmental protection at mining enterprises

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The problems of rational use of natural resources and environmental protection in the extraction and processing of mineral raw materials and natural resource potential are considered. Also considered the economic assessment of the consequences of the negative impact on the environment, evaluation of the effectiveness of environmental control. The economic estimation of natural resources is considered as a part of the problem of determining the economic efficiency of all social production. In all this, the most promising is the rent method. It is well combined with the system of market categories and is adequate to market relations. The feasibility study of the field development project is the basis for calculating the mining rent, and the calculation of the size of the rent is based on the assessment of cash flows. Assessment of economic consequences of anthropogenic impact on the environment serves to determine the efficiency of nature management system, justification of nature management strategy and directions of nature protection activity. The criterion of efficiency of environmental protection activities at mining enterprises is the achievement of regulatory requirements and environmental cleanliness with minimal expenditures of resources. The effectiveness of control over the use of natural resources is evaluated in order to improve the economic mechanism of rational use of natural resources. The main objects of research here are the tax system and the investment base of nature management. Priority directions of nature management and basic principles of nature management economy in modern conditions are formulated.

How to cite: Lobanov N.Y., Kuklina E.A., Nevskaya M.A., Golovanova T.V. Rational use of natural resources and environmental protection at mining enterprises // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. 147. p. 210-223.