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Vol 185
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Problems in economic evaluation of natural resources

M. A. Nevskaya
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  • Ph.D. Associate professor Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)
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The article deals with the problem of legislative and methodological problems in the assessment of natural resources. The results of the review of Russia's resources and civil law are given. Analysis of contemporary approaches to the assessment of natural resources is given. It is concluded on the need to make the economic evaluation of the active element of environmental management.

natural resources evaluation of natural resources standard-legal base
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  1. Львов Д. Экономика России, свободная от стереотипов монетаризма // Вопросы экономики. 2000. № 2.
  2. Природные ресурсы и окружающая среда России (аналитический доклад) /Под ред. Б.А.Яцкевича, В.А.Пака, Н.Г.Рыбальского; НИА-Природа; РЭФИА. М., 2001.
  3. Федоренко Н.П. Россия: уроки прошлого и лики будущего. М.: Экономика, 2001.

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