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Vol 184
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Problems of development of the diamond complex on company «ALROS»

V. M. Vasiltsova1
A. K. Belov2
About authors
  • 1 — Ph.D., Dr.Sci. Professor Saint-Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)
  • 2 — Post-Graduate student Saint-Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)
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Diamond complex – one of the economy sectors, the kept potential of the expanded reproduction in the conditions of crisis. Russia, along with the republic of South Africa, Australia, Zaire, Botswana, Angola and Namibia is included into number of seven largest diamond-mining countries of the world and takes the second place in the world on volume of extraction of diamonds, being the world leader on stocks of diamond raw materials. Reserves of increase of efficiency at the separate enterprises and branch as a whole are revealed. Problems of strengthening of position of object of research on internal and a foreign market are defined.

an almazo-diamond complex the world market of diamonds structure ADC optimisation geological prospecting the taxation a facet
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  1. Жехов А. Российский рынок алмазов и бриллиантов // Международный промышленный портал. 2008. URL:
  2. Потоцкая Т.И. Внешняя торговля алмазами России в 2003-2006 годы // Алмазы и золото России. 2007. № 20.
  3. Файг Э. Значение и измерение подпольной экономики // Экономическая теория преступлений и наказаний. 2002. № 2.

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