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Yu. M. Sishchuk
Yu. M. Sishchuk
Associate professor, Ph.D.
Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)
Associate professor, Ph.D.
Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)


Mining education: traditions and perspectives in the XXI century
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German borrowings in russian mining-and-geological terminology

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The article describes the main factors in Russian mining-and-geological terminology forming, the function of intensively rising Russian-German industrial, scientific and academic collaboration in mining and metallurgical development in Russia in 18 th century. German borrowings in mining, geological and metallurgical terminology as well as German polytechnical terms are analysed. Terminoelements, indicating the belonging to the fields of work are marked, the term structure is analysed. German borrowing terms for nominating occupations, minerals and chemical elements, mineral deposits peculiarities, mine varieties, equipment and installations, materials, alloys and mining-and-metallurgical products are considered.

How to cite: Sishchuk Y.M. German borrowings in russian mining-and-geological terminology // Journal of Mining Institute. 2016. Vol. 219. p. 504. DOI: 10.18454/PMI.2016.3.504
Humanities and fundamental researches
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European experience of formation of tolerant society

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In recent times the problems of tolerance are paid more and more attention worldwide. In the article the situation developing in the European countries is being considered, the attitude of Europeans is being analysed, first of all, Germans, to migrants and people of other religions and nationalities occupying European countries and formation of modern legislative base on this matter is reviewed.

How to cite: Ivanova D.A., Sishchuk Y.M. European experience of formation of tolerant society // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 206. p. 220.
Humanities and fundamental researches
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Impact of the global financial crisis on German economy

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Issues of the global financial crisis as well as searching for and analyzing ways to stabilize economies have recently become a widely discussed topic in the mass media. The paper studies impact of the global crisis on German economy, industry and banking system as well as the basic measures taken by the German government during recent months to surmount the crisis. Material for the paper was collected from numerous publications in German periodicals such as «Der Spiegel», «Bild», «Zeit», as well аs from the following German news websites: ; ; .

How to cite: Rusakova A.P., Sishchuk Y.M. Impact of the global financial crisis on German economy // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 186. p. 257-259.

Means of realization of author's perspective in publicistic texts (on the example of Karl Kraus's texts)

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Within the framework of the journalistic genre the narrator has ample opportunities to express his individual style as this genre assumes not only objective description of events and social phenomena but also their evaluation and explicit attitude toward them. Actualization of the addresser in a journalistic text is achieved through a complex of means at various levels. At the grammatical level actualization of the author is linked with the category of the person and we can single out 1st person singular as the main means of authorization. Verbs of mental activity, sense perception and modal verbs as well as exclamatory and interrogative sentences should also be attributed to the means expressing authors prospective in journalistic texts.

How to cite: Sishchuk Y.M. Means of realization of author’s perspective in publicistic texts (on the example of Karl Kraus’s texts) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 45-46.
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The implementation of the main functions of journalism in the publicist texts of Karl Kraus

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The article examines the main functions of journalism - informational and influential, which correspond to the main tasks of journalism: to inform by evaluating the information reported, to influence the addressee, to encourage him to action. The material for the study was the articles of Karl Krause in his magazine “The Torch”. Extra-linguistic basis, as well as the specified functions of publicism determine the stylistic features and linguistic means of their implementation in the text. Evaluative and figurative functions serve the implementation of the influence function; neutrality, accuracy and objectivity of expression are characteristic of the implementation of the informational function. Carl Krause's journalism is characterized by the presence of means of realization of both informational and influential functions; the combination of documentary and expressiveness is one of the stylistic features of his work.

How to cite: Sishchuk Y.M. The implementation of the main functions of journalism in the publicist texts of Karl Kraus // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 2 150. p. 179-182.