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Vol 189

Vol 188
Geology and geophsics
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Countouring of organogenic constructions in upper devonian period by the changing wave pattern

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The article has an example of countouring reef constructions by using changing of wave pattern with seismic facies analysis in the area of the Timano-Pechora region.

How to cite: Vazaeva A.A. Countouring of organogenic constructions in upper devonian period by the changing wave pattern // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 11-14.
Geology and geophsics
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Application of the gpr method for investigetion of barring condition and outbarring spaces «Оctyabr’skiy» mine

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Results of the first application of GPR surveys of a mine cage for the purpose of an estimation of a technical condition barring and outbarring spaces on an example of a ventilating trunk «VC-1», mine «Octyabr’skiy» are considered.

How to cite: Glazunov V.V., Danilev S.M. Application of the gpr method for investigetion of barring condition and outbarring spaces «Оctyabr’skiy» mine // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 15-18.
Geology and geophsics
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Ingineering geological problems of high-rise construction with underground space development in Saint-Petersburg

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The history of high-rise construction is considered summarily. The main features of high-rise buildings and difficulties connected with theirs engineering and construction especially with underground space development and deep excavations in soft water saturated soils are characterized. Territorial construction guides «Residential and social high-rise buildings» prevail in Saint-Petersburg are analyzed in the context of recommendations for reliable basement choice. Brief description of Pre-Quanernary clays (Upper Vendian clays and Lower Cambrian clays) as basement for high-rise constructions are given. It is placed emphasis that the main feature of Pre-Quaternary clays is zone sequence of physical and mechanical properties and fissuring in depth. Physical and mechanical properties of Upper Vendian clays, Lower Cambrian clays and glacial clays are given. In addition, it is confirmed that glacial soils is not recommended to use as a basement for high-rise buildings.

How to cite: Dashko R.E., Zhukova A.M. Ingineering geological problems of high-rise construction with underground space development in Saint-Petersburg // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 19-22.
Geology and geophsics
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Amplitude-phase correction of additional MT impedance curves for two dimensional structures

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The regularities of the amplitudes and phases connections of MT-impedance tensor components for 2D geoelectrical synthetic models have been considered. The amplitude-phase correction (APC) allows to improve the quality of data processing results both for the main and for the additional impedances. It also gives a possibility to suppress biased data for noise pollution data. Recommendations on accuracy rising of determination of tensor impedance components in the MT-data processing have been defined on the base of found regularities. 

How to cite: Ermolin E.Y. Amplitude-phase correction of additional MT impedance curves for two dimensional structures // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 23-26.
Geology and geophsics
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The depth estimation of 2D conductive isometrical bodies by singular points at the tipper frequency characteristic

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The relation between parameters of 2D anomaly body and features of vertical sections of tipper amplitude are considered in this paper. According to investigations the depth of center, top and bottom of conductive body is connected with geometrical distance between two symmetrically located positive extremes in tipper pseudo-sections. In addition the tipper amplitude in extremes decreases on account of increasing depth of anomalous body. The described regularities can be used for MT projects planning and quantitative estimation of anomalous body parameters using tipper pseudo-section constructed from field data. 

How to cite: Ermolin E.Y., Ingerov O. The depth estimation of 2D conductive isometrical bodies by singular points at the tipper frequency characteristic // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 27-29.
Geology and geophsics
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Two genetic types of peristerites in iridescent plagioclases

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Physico-mathematical modeling has shown that color of iridescent depends on spacing of peristerite lattice. The more spacing lattice, the color of iridescent is higher. The phenomenon of iridescent in plagioclases has an interferential nature. We can select two genetic types of peristerites: peristerites of decomposition and segregation peristerites. Segregation peristerites are formed from postcrystallizational consolidation of peristerites of decomposition. The form of segregation pertisrerites is one of the reasons of polychromatic iridescent genesis in plagioclases.

How to cite: Ivanov M.A., Simakov A.P. Two genetic types of peristerites in iridescent plagioclases // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 30-33.
Geology and geophsics
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Usage modern computer techniques for validation of actions guaranteeing opening strength of pit edge

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In this article is described an example of using program Modflow for the issues of oreation geofiltration processes numerical simulation on procedure of horizontal drainage well simulation. Also is estimated stability of pit edges in case of using system horizontal drains.

How to cite: Kotlov S.N. Usage modern computer techniques for validation of actions guaranteeing opening strength of pit edge // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 34-37.
Geology and geophsics
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Usage of simulation modeling for planning and interpretation experimental-filtrational works when prospecting solid mineral product deposit

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Is considered the method of modeling geofiltration processes for simulating the planned pumping test on the diamond deposit named of V.P.Grib and of interpretation carried out by pumping test in the field of coal mine «Kotinskaya» in the Kuzbass. Are drown conclusions about effectiveness increase of experimental-flow works with using simulating modeling by experiment optimization and improvement of self-descriptiveness on interpretation stage by taking to the account more detailed investigation of hydro conditions.

How to cite: Kotlov S.N., Volodchenko K.E. Usage of simulation modeling for planning and interpretation experimental-filtrational works when prospecting solid mineral product deposit // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 38-41.
Geology and geophsics
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Hydrogeological typisation of the north part of the Mid-Atlantic ridge

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The deep basite-hyperbasite rocks wich are special features for the north part of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) are observed. The hydrogeological structures of the MAR are distinguished.

How to cite: Krivitskaya M.V. Hydrogeological typisation of the north part of the Mid-Atlantic ridge // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 42-45.
Geology and geophsics
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Engineering-geological characteristics quaternary-neogene deposits coal fields Кuzbass for surface mining

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Opencast mining in the Kuzbass is carried out using gidromehanizatsionnyh technologies that are the most progressive and effective ways to excavate in arrays composed of Neogene-Quaternary deposits. In addition, hydromechanization a single indissoluble chain processes that integrate development, transportation and stacking of disturbed rocks in special facilities – gidrootvaly. Basic technological processes hydromechanization include: the destruction of rock massifs hydro, dredges and non-pressure streams of water pressure or free-flow hydraulic transport; gidrootvaloobrazovanie.

How to cite: Kuznetsova I.V. Engineering-geological characteristics quaternary-neogene deposits coal fields Кuzbass for surface mining // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 46-49.
Geology and geophsics
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Engineering-geological substantiation of reshaping wave-built solid masses with partial removal of hydraulic mine dump

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Consider the case of partial removal of hydraulic mine dump in the Kuzbass region in connection with the need to retrieve from under him mothballed coal reserves. The results of geotechnical studies alluvial array: the physical and mechanical properties of alluvial rock and measurement of pore pressure in them. The problems of research and some methodological techniques. We settle the question of creating a new sustainable construction is part of the hydraulic mine dump.

How to cite: Zharikov I.V., Zharikov V.P. Engineering-geological substantiation of reshaping wave-built solid masses with partial removal of hydraulic mine dump // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 50-53.
Geology and geophsics
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Distribution of groups of trace elements elements by types metasomatic rocks and ores in the Elov nickel deposit

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The article deals with the distribution of groups of trace elements  in four selected types of metasomatic rocks and ores in the Elov deposit: chamosite metasomatic rocks and ores, which are three mineral species: a – chamosite, в – clinochlore –brendleyit-chamosite, с – clinochlore-talc-chamosite, goethite metasomatic rocks and ores, nepouite-chrysotile-lizardite metasomatic rocks and ores, and lizardite-chrysotile serpentinites. Also calculated the coefficients of accumulation of trace elements and formulated conclusions about elements are accumulation or elements are weathered of the above types of metasomatic rocks and ores of the Elov deposit.

How to cite: Mezentseva O.P., Talovina I.V. Distribution of groups of trace elements elements by types metasomatic rocks and ores in the Elov nickel deposit // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 54-57.
Geology and geophsics
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Value Δ34S in millerite and genesys of clinochlore-brindleyite-chamosite nickel ores in the Elov supergene deposit (North Urals)

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The article deals with genesis of chamosite zone in Elov supergene nickel deposit after the example of clinochlore-brindleyite-chamosite nickel ore. According to obtained data, isotope ratio 34 S/ 32 S in millerite from these ore type varies from –35,5 to –45,6±0,6 ‰. This value corresponds to sedimentary rocks und testifies surface exogenous genesis of chamosite nickel ores.

How to cite: Mezentseva O.P., Talovina I.V. Value Δ34S in millerite and genesys of clinochlore-brindleyite-chamosite nickel ores in the Elov supergene deposit (North Urals) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 58-61.
Geology and geophsics
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Definition areas of possible migration gas fromthe reservoir by cross-hole seismic tomography method

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Possibilities of cross-hole a seismoacoustic tomography method for studying tightness a tire-cover of a reservoir underground storehouse of gas (USG), created in water-bearing horizont. Research cross-hole spaces for definition zones possible migration and accumulation gas outside of a trap are considered. The system of supervision used at carrying out cross-hole seismoacoustic tomography is proved, the example of revealing zones migration and accumulation gas outside from reservoir is resulted. Prospects  application the given method on USG in a monitoring mode are defined.

How to cite: Pozdnyakova N.A. Definition areas of possible migration gas fromthe reservoir by cross-hole seismic tomography method // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 62-64.
Geology and geophsics
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Modelling cavities nearwell areas for studyind of possibilities neitron well methods

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Look into the possibility neutron method geophysical logging for determination zones of cavity nearwell areas gas reservoirs and determine the filler cavities. Relevant practicability using these methods on underground gas storage. Give an example these research on model and real conditions.

How to cite: Pozdnikova N.A. Modelling cavities nearwell areas for studyind of possibilities neitron well methods // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 65-67.
Geology and geophsics
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Forming of the composition of hydrotermal solutions in hydrogeological massifs of ultrabasic rockes of the Mid-Atlantic ridge

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Difference in structural position and influence of ores from different types of sediments on the geochemical characteristic of ores are observed. Results of end member composition correlation analysis show negative link of H 2 S with CH 4 и Н 2 .

How to cite: Sudarikov S.M., Krivitskaya M.V. Forming of the composition of hydrotermal solutions in hydrogeological massifs of ultrabasic rockes of the Mid-Atlantic ridge // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 68-71.
Geology and geophsics
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Basic requirements for shallow seismic field works technique by the reflected waves method for engineering-geological issues solving

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The main requirements for the shallow seismic field works technique parameters for engineer-geological issues solving are represented. The optimum technique for the St.-Petersburg and its suburbs territory based on the results of experimental seismic studies, providing a detailed study of the upper part of the geological section, are proved.

How to cite: Telegin A.N., Yakovlev A.S. Basic requirements for shallow seismic field works technique by the reflected waves method for engineering-geological issues solving // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 72-75.
Geology and geophsics
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Application of seismic reflection method for engineering-geological issues solving in Saint Petersburg and Leningrad region

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Several examples of seismic reflection method test surveys in St.-Petersburg and its suburbs are reviewed. The key point of research was the choice of an optimum field seismic works technique, processing and interpretation technique, providing the reliable solution of shallow depth investigation for the presented area.

How to cite: Yakovlev A.S. Application of seismic reflection method for engineering-geological issues solving in Saint Petersburg and Leningrad region // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 76-78.
Mining machine, electrical engineering and electromechanics
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Actual ways of increasing the effectiveness of facilities for hydrotransport mountain companies

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Shown the necessity of improving hydrotransport installations. Built a functional model of the hydrotransport system. As a result of its analysis identified the most relevant ways to improve efficiency of hydrotransport on mining enterprises. 

How to cite: Velnikovskii A.A. Actual ways of increasing the effectiveness of facilities for hydrotransport mountain companies // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 79-82.
Mining machine, electrical engineering and electromechanics
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Improving the efficiency of system of deleting waste on Udachny GOK

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Examined ways to improve the efficiency of hydrotransport systems. A method for determining the most advantageous modes of GTP. The calculation of basic characteristics of the flow of pulp when the grain size, density and quantity released to the enrichment of solid material to installation hydrotransport concentrator. 

How to cite: Dokunin V.P., Velnikovskii A.A. Improving the efficiency of system of deleting waste on Udachny GOK // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 83-86.
Mining machine, electrical engineering and electromechanics
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Algorithm of control of the electric drive with ventilniy electric motor and the converter of frequency with the active rectifier

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Advantages of application of the active rectifier as a part of converters of frequency for powerful drives with ventilniy electric motors are considered. The mathematical description of the processes proceeding in a power part of the active rectifier is given. The scheme of a drive with a vector control system with the gage of position of a rotor and the active rectifier is presented, schedules of power consumption and a current by a drive with the active rectifier are resulted.

How to cite: Emelyanov A.P., Sviridenko A.O. Algorithm of control of the electric drive with ventilniy electric motor and the converter of frequency with the active rectifier // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 87-90.
Mining machine, electrical engineering and electromechanics
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The autoresonant asynchronous electric drive of dynamically counterbalanced drilling string on carrying cable with swinging movement fluctuations amplitude stabilization

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The algorithm of resonant fluctuations amplitude stabilization of dynamically counterbalanced drilling string on carrying cable with swinging movement of jackbit is developed. Imitating modeling of the resonant asynchronous electric drive with swinging movement of jackbit with the frequency converter in various operating modes is resulted.

How to cite: Zagrivnyi E.A., Ivanik V.V. The autoresonant asynchronous electric drive of dynamically counterbalanced drilling string on carrying cable with swinging movement fluctuations amplitude stabilization // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 91-94.
Mining machine, electrical engineering and electromechanics
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Swinging movement autoresonant electric drive with nonsymmetric excitation of dynamically counter-balanced drilling string on carrying cable

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Considered nonsymmetric mode of drill bit oscillations when forming a unipolar electromagnetic torque on each cycle oscillations of dynamically balanced drill . Developed a method for estimating speed of rotation drill around its axis when working in the nonsymmetric mode at first approximation .

How to cite: Zagrivnyi E.A., Fomenko A.N. Swinging movement autoresonant electric drive with nonsymmetric excitation of dynamically counter-balanced drilling string on carrying cable // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 95-98.
Mining machine, electrical engineering and electromechanics
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The physical breadboard model of dynamically counterbalanced drilling string with swinging movement with the asynchronous electric drive powered by inverter laboratory experimental researche

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The laboratory experimental stand for research of the asynchronous resonant electric drive on a physical breadboard model of dynamically counterbalanced drilling string is developed. The asynchronous electric drive with swinging movement the autoresonant oscillation mode is realized.

How to cite: Ivanik V.V. The physical breadboard model of dynamically counterbalanced drilling string with swinging movement with the asynchronous electric drive powered by inverter laboratory experimental researche // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 99-102.
Mining machine, electrical engineering and electromechanics
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Electromechanical processes in electric drives of mountain equipment on the basis of the synchronous electric motor

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The description is given and the function chart of the bench installation is resulted, allowing to reproduce static and dynamic modes of adjustable electric drives of an alternating current. The modes considered during experimental researches of the electric drive on the basis of the synchronous electric motor, working in a mode of ventilniy electric motor are listed. Conclusions are drawn on character of course of dynamic modes, comparison of the electric drive to the synchronous electric motor and the electric drive of a direct current with the subordinated regulation is given.

How to cite: Sviridenko A.O. Electromechanical processes in electric drives of mountain equipment on the basis of the synchronous electric motor // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 103-106.
Mining machine, electrical engineering and electromechanics
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Efficiency increasing of condenser batteries operation in mining enterprise`s electric circuits

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This work contains the method of effective reactive power compensation at the expense of high harmonics reduction. The decrease of condenser batteries overloading from the high harmonics is based on variation of condenser power depending on current and voltage spectral structure, electric network parameters and load power.

How to cite: Skamin A.N. Efficiency increasing of condenser batteries operation in mining enterprise`s electric circuits // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 107-110.
Mining machine, electrical engineering and electromechanics
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Choice of optimal parameters for transportation of frozen peat screw conveyor

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Peat for fuel and agriculture have long been mined in 23 countries. In order to improve the performance proposed to use the screw with the optimal angles rise to transport a frozen peat.

How to cite: Stepuk E.Y. Choice of optimal parameters for transportation of frozen peat screw conveyor // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 111-112.
Mining machine, electrical engineering and electromechanics
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Stand for evaluating the efficiency of transport of peat

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To reduce the use of manual labor in mining peat from deposits with the decrease of anthropogenic impacts on the environment has been developed the device with rational parameters allowing to produce therapeutic peat. In order to improve the performance proposed to use the screw with the optimal angles rise to transport both frozen and thawed peat.

How to cite: Stepuk E.Y., Ivanov S.L. Stand for evaluating the efficiency of transport of peat // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 113-116.
Mining machine, electrical engineering and electromechanics
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Simulation of swinging movement autoresonant electric drive with nonsymmetric excitation

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Mathematical and simulation models of drill bit oscillations. Method for calculating the model works elastic, electromagnetic and load torques has been developed. Simulation results of autoresonant regimes with asymmetric excitation oscillations of dynamically counter balanced drilling string on the cargo-carrying cable drill bit are represented.

How to cite: Fomenko A.N. Simulation of swinging movement autoresonant electric drive with nonsymmetric excitation // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 117-120.
Mining machine, electrical engineering and electromechanics
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Reduction methods of high harmonics influence on the electric equipment operation

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This work contains brief analysis of high harmonics reduction methods. It is offered to make a choice between reduction methods of high harmonics influence on condenser batteries depending on factors of harmonics occurrence. Definition algorithm for the most effective method of high harmonics reduction on condenser batteries operation is created.

How to cite: Shklyarskii Y.E., Skamin A.N. Reduction methods of high harmonics influence on the electric equipment operation // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 121-124.
Development of solid mineral deposits
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Calculation methodology of physical parameters of the artificial pillar barrier

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The article is devoted to the calculation methodology of physical parameters of the artificial barrier pillar needed when developing underquarry deposits of kimberlitic pipes in difficult hydrogeological conditions.

How to cite: Adreev M.N. Calculation methodology of physical parameters of the artificial pillar barrier // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 125-129.
Development of solid mineral deposits
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Development of the stowing material and testing of its mechanical properties

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Article is in touch with analysis of backfill materials applied on diamond mines, description of research of its mechanical properties to create the optimal compound in conditions of Yakutian kimberlitic tubes.

How to cite: Andreev M.N., Boguslavskii E.I. Development of the stowing material and testing of its mechanical properties // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 130-133.
Development of solid mineral deposits
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Principles of an automatic control system of ventilation creation the kuznetsovsky railway tunnel

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For effective ventilation Kuznetsovsky railway tunnel the longitudinal scheme of ventilation based on use of jet fans is offered. It is shown that use of the offered scheme of ventilation at influence of natural draft and piston effect of trains is impossible without an automatic control system of ventilation (ACSV). The principles of work ACSV taking into consideration natural and operational factors are proved.

How to cite: Gendler S.G., Pleskunov V.A. Principles of an automatic control system of ventilation creation the kuznetsovsky railway tunnel // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 134-137.
Development of solid mineral deposits
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Researches of coagulation of dust fraction at application of the aerofoamy way of dust-depressing

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In places of possible allocation of a dust, near sources of it`s formation or at allocation places ways of dust-depressing now are applied. Principal views of dust-depressing are: a water irrigation (including, the ionized water), an irrigation steam (fog), a foamy irrigation (aerofoams, air-mechanical foams). In arcticle the aerofoamy way of dust-depressing, the dust fraction based on coagulation in an air stream is considered at aerofoam application.

How to cite: Kamenskii A.A. Researches of coagulation of dust fraction at application of the aerofoamy way of dust-depressing // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 138-140.
Development of solid mineral deposits
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Utilization of enrichment waste of diamondiferous rock accounting peculiarities of M.V.Lomonosov deposit

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In given article the questions of enrichment waste utilization of M.V.Lomonosov diamond deposit are considered taking in account some important peculiarities of this deposit and prospective of obtaining building materials on basis of enrichment waste products is stated. 

How to cite: Oblitsov A.Y. Utilization of enrichment waste of diamondiferous rock accounting peculiarities of M.V.Lomonosov deposit // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 141-145.
Development of solid mineral deposits
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Distribution of products of destruction of granite files

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The article considers the problem of size distribution of grain-size composition of the blasted rock mass, rock fragments blasted rock mass and rock blockiness. The logarithmic-normal distribution law is laid down for all blasted granite mass products. It was proved, that logarithmic variance of logarithmic normal distribution law of the fractured rock mass fragments’ distribution is a structural invariant on the level of statistical universe of the block and fragments.

How to cite: Paramonov G.P., Vinogradov Y.I., Kamenskii A.A. Distribution of products of destruction of granite files // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 146-150.
Development of solid mineral deposits
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Experimental research of the train aerodynamic resistance

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In paper the technique of definition of aerodynamic resistance of the train, a being main component of a piston pressure is resulted. The urgency of the given theme is caused by essential influence of a piston pressure on distribution of fresh air on a tunnel and accordingly on safe operation of railway tunnels.

How to cite: Pleskunov V.A. Experimental research of the train aerodynamic resistance // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 151-154.
Development of solid mineral deposits
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Research of opencast reloading point’s influence оn bench turnover rate

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In article it is considered influence of reloading points on bench turnover rate. The scheme of ore reloading with alternation of concentration horizon on the adjacent ledges is offered. It allows limit depth of distribution temporarily non-working rock pillar to work space.

How to cite: Kholodnyakov G.A., Yakubovskii M.M. Research of opencast reloading point’s influence оn bench turnover rate // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 155-159.
Development of solid mineral deposits
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Assessment of alluvial gold-bearing raw materials from the permafrost zone for justification of combined geotechnology of gold heap leaching

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The paper presents results of cryogenetic impact on mineral composition and geotechnological properties of alluvial gold-bearing raw materials of natural and man-made origin. In particular, distinctive features in mineral composition of alluvial deposits are described within the permafrost zone and outside it as well as the nature, mechanisms and peculiar features in reduction of man-made gold amalgams are shown. The results obtained were used to justify the expediency of implementation of the combined heap gold ore leaching technology at alluvial deposits in the permafrost zone, which includes preliminary concentration of coarse, medium and fine gold as well as the gold amalgam.

How to cite: Tataurov S.B. Assessment of alluvial gold-bearing raw materials from the permafrost zone for justification of combined geotechnology of gold heap leaching // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 160-167.
Development of solid mineral deposits
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Experimental and theoretical studies and justification of geotechnology of stock pile formation from pelletized gold-bearing ores in order to enhance its filtration properties

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Optimal parameters of geotechnology of stock pile formation from pelletized gold-bearing ores were established basing on experimental and theoretical studies in order to enhance its filtration properties. In particular, exponential dependence was established of permeability coefficient on the stock pile height and the ultimate strength of the pelletized ore, its bulk weight and content of coarse particles +2 mmin combination with sandy-loamy and loamy fine grained soil. Without account of this data loss of gold within the stock pile can increase over 2 or 3 times. Basing on the results obtained application of the combined geothechnology of heap leaching of gold-bearing clayey materials of natural and man-made origin was justified.

How to cite: Tataurov S.B. Experimental and theoretical studies and justification of geotechnology of stock pile formation from pelletized gold-bearing ores in order to enhance its filtration properties // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 168-174.
Development of oil and gas deposits
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Parameters of high viscosity oils transportation in the form of emulsion research in order to its optimization

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The article deals with the physical model of high viscosity oil-in-water emulsion flow, which concern both structural and plastic properties of viscoplastic liquids. On the basis of theoretical study, which was proved with experimental data, computation algorithm of high viscosity oil in emulsion state pipeline transportation was developed.

How to cite: Aleksandrov V.I., Khrabrov A.P. Parameters of high viscosity oils transportation in the form of emulsion research in order to its optimization // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 175-178.
Development of oil and gas deposits
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Analyses of technologcal characteristics of diamond drilling of hard rock

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The classification of different diamond bit types for drilling of jointed rock is offered. It is based on two predominant types of wear: mechanical and thermo physical. The facial and lateral on matrix body as well as cracks along the matrix body, spalling of the matrix sectors and normal wear are attributed to the mechanical type of wear. The proposed classification includes main types of wear at jointed rocks drilling and creates the grounds for the designing of rock-distributing tool more resistant to mechanical and thermo physical wear.

How to cite: Gorelikov V.G., Vu V.D. Analyses of technologcal characteristics of diamond drilling of hard rock // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 179-181.
Development of oil and gas deposits
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Substantiation of pumped volumes of flow angularity compositions in injection wells

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The method of calculation pumped volumes of flow angularity compositions in injection wells, which based on combination of the seepage theory, laboratory investigation and field experience is developed.

How to cite: Mavliev A.R., Rogachev M.K., Mardashov D.V. Substantiation of pumped volumes of flow angularity compositions in injection wells // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 182-186.
Development of oil and gas deposits
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The aboveground oil pipeline temperature regimes calculation

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The theoretical and experimental investigations of the highviscosity oil transportation temperature regimes to improve the pipeline efficiency are caused by the insufficient knowledge of its heat transfer process. The dependencies for the hydraulic resistance coefficient and the dimensionless heat transfer coefficient of Nusselt are proposed.

How to cite: Trapeznikov S.Y. The aboveground oil pipeline temperature regimes calculation // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 187-190.
Development of oil and gas deposits
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Improvement of quality of dissimilar welded joints made of pipelines steels by application of vibromechanical treatment in welding

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The article describes opportunity of improvement of physical-mechanical properties of welded joint made of different strength grade pipeline steels (Steel 20 of K42 strength grade and 16ГС – K52) by applying vibration during the welding cycle. It’s shown that maximal positive effect is achieved by vibration frequency approximating to natural-vibration frequency of welded construction.

How to cite: Khafizova O.F. Improvement of quality of dissimilar welded joints made of pipelines steels by application of vibromechanical treatment in welding // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 191-194.
Development of oil and gas deposits
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Experimental setup for research Influence of vibromechanical treatment on mechanical properties of welded joints

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The description of developed experimental setup for welding product that made of pipeline steels with application of applying vibration with intended frequency approximating to natural-vibration frequency of welded construction unit of pipelines during the welding cycle is presented. 

How to cite: Khafizova O.F., Bolobova V.I. Experimental setup for research Influence of vibromechanical treatment on mechanical properties of welded joints // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 195-197.
Geomechanics, geodesy, mine surveying and cadastre
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Features technology of modelling waste bank phosphite by results to laser-scanning survey

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Features of a technique of lazer – scanning survey of waste bank and processing of its re- sults are stated. The estimation of accuracy of survey is executed and the constructed three- dimensional model on which define geometrical parameters for an estimation of stability of highwall slope.

How to cite: Vasilev M.Y. Features technology of modelling waste bank phosphite by results to laser-scanning survey // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 198-201.
Geomechanics, geodesy, mine surveying and cadastre
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Database development real estate rural municipalities

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For rural settlements in Russia today is characterized by poor living conditions, their ac- complishment should be engaged in local government. However, the system of land registration    at the municipality does not perform all assigned to municipal functions.  We develop a system    of indicators of land records, which is implemented using MS  Access.

How to cite: Gorelikov V.G., Ionova E.Y. Database development real estate rural municipalities // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 202-205.
Geomechanics, geodesy, mine surveying and cadastre
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Sistaining mining in whole different rigidity

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Studies conducted in the mines «Rostovugol», showed that, for assessing the sustainability  of preparatory excavations in the management of sewage treatment works is  enough  to  determine the allowable values of convergence of the roof and ground-level workings and potential energy of elastic deformation of the pillars. These indicators can be used in the coal mines of other basins.

How to cite: Gorshkov L.K., Kokoev S.G. Sistaining mining in whole different rigidity // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 206-209.
Geomechanics, geodesy, mine surveying and cadastre
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Selection of parameters camouflet blasting to reduce bump hazard by development uranium deposits

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Simulation-based by the finite element values obtained stress strain state around the stope ore as ore body downstream horizontal layers with a mined-out space. The results of the simulation allowed to substantiate a contained blasting parameters to bring pillar to anti bump hazard state.

How to cite: Dozhriev D.Y. Selection of parameters camouflet blasting to reduce bump hazard by development uranium deposits // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 210-213.
Geomechanics, geodesy, mine surveying and cadastre
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Assessment of land in rural settlements

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Cadastral valuation of lands held at the state level for all categories of land, but its results are irrelevant for the solution of management tasks by local authorities in rural areas. Some examples of model land evaluation of rural settlements at the level of the municipality using the expert method, the rank correlation test and K-Link-Welles, and add MS Excel «Search solutions».

How to cite: Ionova E.Y. Assessment of land in rural settlements // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 213-216.
Geomechanics, geodesy, mine surveying and cadastre
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The analysis of sufficiency and reliability of market information in small and average settlements in the Northwest district for estimation of the statistical method of ground area cadastral cost definition application possibility

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This article is devoted to the analysis of Northwest district small and average settlement market conditions. The analysis has been made with criteria of sufficiency and reliability market information. It is carried out in order to prove one of the ground area cadastral cost calculation methods.

How to cite: Kiseleva V.A., Lepikhina O.Y. The analysis of sufficiency and reliability of market information in small and average settlements in the Northwest district for estimation of the statistical method of ground area cadastral cost definition application possibility // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 217-221.
Geomechanics, geodesy, mine surveying and cadastre
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The model of productivity of forest land

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The model of efficiency of the earths of forest land allows to calculate  a  forest  stand  stock on a forest plot, characterized by certain natural factors (agroclimatic and geomorphological areas, an amount of precipitation, height above sea level, a kind of quaternary adjournment). Stock-taking of communications between natural factors and efficiency  of  the earths of wood fund is executed, the equation of regress is constructed and its statistical estimation is executed.

How to cite: Kovyazin V.F., Lagutenko E.A. The model of productivity of forest land // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 222-225.
Geomechanics, geodesy, mine surveying and cadastre
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Geomechanical substantiation of optimal parameters of pillars in multientey scheme of coal seams development

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Abstract: It is suggested the method for  the determination  of interentry pillars in  mining  the seams prone to rock bursts. The width of pillars is determined depending on  the  seam thickness and depth of mining  operations.

How to cite: Kokoev S.G. Geomechanical substantiation of optimal parameters of pillars in multientey scheme of coal seams development // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 226-228.
Geomechanics, geodesy, mine surveying and cadastre
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The problem of cadastral valuation of the forest land

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The standard-legal regulation of cadastral activity in the field of wood resources  is  in process of development. In article feature of an estimation of the earths of forest land is defined. Lacks of an existing technique of the state cadastral estimation of the earths of forest land are revealed, offers necessarily the account of an environment and recreational appeal which influence an estimation of the earths are  given.

How to cite: Lagutenko E.A. The problem of cadastral valuation of the forest land // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 229-231.
Geomechanics, geodesy, mine surveying and cadastre
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Revealing of the most significant factors of many-storeyed housing ground area cadastral cost estate of Northwest district small and average settlements

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By results of the calculated correlation matrixes of the many-storeyed housing ground area cadastral cost factor estate the steady list of interdependent factor pairs for small and average settlements of Northwest district is revealed and interpreted. On the basis of method of «correlation galaxies» P.V.Terentyev the most significant factors are defined.

How to cite: Lepikhina O.Y. Revealing of the most significant factors of many-storeyed housing ground area cadastral cost estate of Northwest district small and average settlements // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 232-235.
Geomechanics, geodesy, mine surveying and cadastre
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Substantiation of way unloading pillar in tectonically fractured massif

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Simulation-based finite element method of forming the features of the stress-strain state in pillar at the ore body downstream horizontal layers with a mined-out space. The obtained regularities of redistribution of stresses in pillar and surrounding rock massif are allowed to substantiate an effective way to reduce the bump hazard in mining  operations.

How to cite: Protosenya A.G., Dorzhiev D.Y. Substantiation of way unloading pillar in tectonically fractured massif // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 236-239.
Geomechanics, geodesy, mine surveying and cadastre
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Stress-strain condition of the ore massive within the second working modeling

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According to geological data received on the Jakovlevsky deposit, the spatial geomechanical model has been developed. During the analysis of the is intense-deformed condition pictures of distribution of horizontal pressure and vertical displacement on border ore потолочины and карбоновой thicknesses have been received. It is established that the zone of clearing works essentially influences distribution of pressure and movings to border ore roof and carbonic thicknesses. By results of modeling it is possible to estimate possibility of formation  of vertical  water  spending cracks in  an ore roof.

How to cite: Protosenya A.G., Sinyakin K.G. Stress-strain condition of the ore massive within the second working modeling // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 240-243.
Geomechanics, geodesy, mine surveying and cadastre
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Influence of action of underground waters on deformation of the open pit edges

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Side deep pits are complex engineering structures, which depend on the state of mine safety. As bating and opening new horizons in the development of mineral deposits open as a result of longterm at the edge array of pits are changing the natural stress and accumulated fatigue, which leads to deformation of the sides, ending in some cases, catastrophic collapses and  landslides. Prevention of dangerous destructive strains edge arrays depends on reliable assessment of emerging strains.

How to cite: Protosenya A.G., Chebakov A.V. Influence of action of underground waters on deformation of the open pit edges // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 244-247.
Geomechanics, geodesy, mine surveying and cadastre
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Determination of stowing strength properties of Yakovlevskoe ore deposit

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The estimation technique прочностных properties peschano-cement закладочного a file applied on Jakovlevsky mine is developed. The technique represents the complex of mechanical tests including nondestructive control over durability of exposures of a file by an  ultrasonic method and express definition прочностных of properties закладочного of a material by results of splitting of samples of any form.

How to cite: Sinyakin K.G. Determination of stowing strength properties of Yakovlevskoe ore deposit // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 248-251.
Geomechanics, geodesy, mine surveying and cadastre
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Forecasting by middle stratum ash content powerful compound structure deposits

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Forecasting of average ash content compound structure of coal deposits with split-hair accuracy is provided with use of the statistical information about ash content coal packs, differentiation on lithogenic. Use of average values ash content for coal as a whole without its division on structure leads to less exact look-ahead estimation middle stratum of ash content.

How to cite: Takranov R.A., Gundsambuu U. Forecasting by middle stratum ash content powerful compound structure deposits // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 252-255.
Geomechanics, geodesy, mine surveying and cadastre
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Software of automation of the decision of the linear notch and equalizing of network triangulation with measured lengths

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The mathematical apparatus of the decision of a linear notch for development of networks triangulation with measured lengths in the conditions of Hebron (Palestin) is presented. The algorithm of equalizing and an estimation of accuracy of the points inserted into a network is offered. Using algorithms of the decision of a linear notch, equalizing and an estimation of accuracy of the inserted points, the program automating these procedures is written. Practical application of this program is shown.

How to cite: Ali Fuad S. Software of automation of the decision of the linear notch and equalizing of network triangulation with measured lengths // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 256-259.
Basic research in natural sciences
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New features of deep structure Ozerninskiy ore cluster based on magnetotelluric sounding

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According to the results of magnetotelluric sounding under ore bodies of Ozernoe pyrite- polymetallic deposit revealed a linear zone of low resistivity rocks, which  can  be traced to a  depth of 10 km and can be regarded as structure of feeder fluid. The presence of deep roots in pyrite ore deposits of the Ozernoe deposit is not consistent with existing understanding of its affinity to outliers Early Paleozoic volcanic-sedimentary rocks in the sag of the roof of the Angara-Vitim batholith.

How to cite: Kozlov A.V., Pechenkin M.M., Savichev A.A., Bambaev T.S. New features of deep structure Ozerninskiy ore cluster based on magnetotelluric sounding // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 260-263.
Basic research in natural sciences
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Non-destructive strength testing of anodic bonding conductor-to ionic dielectric seals

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Physical processes that lead to the emergence of large forces of attraction between bodies, joined by anodic bonding technology result from the large electric fields strengths at the ontact interface. Nondestructive method of monitoring the strength of obtained conductor-to ionic di- electric anodic bonding seals is based on the relationship between the dependence of  current versus time flowing in the formation of seals and the strength of the resulting seals.  Theoreti cally justified a new technological method for manufacturing of  high-quality  anodic  bonding seals. The results obtained are confirmed experimentally.

How to cite: Pshchelko N.S. Non-destructive strength testing of anodic bonding conductor-to ionic dielectric seals // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 264-267.
Basic research in natural sciences
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Electrical methods for nondestructive quality control of capacitors metal-oxide structures

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The paper presents a number of experimental techniques for detecting in amorphous tantalum oxide films structural defects, which accelerate film destruction  processes in a strong electric field and  thus are potentially dangerous under prolonged thermoelectric stresses applied to capacitor structures. It is shown that the anomalous frequency dependence of dielectric losses and increase of the leakage current over time can identify potentially unreliable capacitors.

How to cite: Pshchelko N.S., Khanin S.D. Electrical methods for nondestructive quality control of capacitors metal-oxide structures // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 268-270.
Physical chemistry, benefication and metallurgy
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Improvement development of technology for processing electronic scrap concentrates

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The question of electronic scrap processing concentrates of varying composition. During  the oxidative electrolysis smelting electronic scrap it became clear that the electrolyte composition is variable. And this complicates the whole technology of purification of the electrolyte, making it cumbersome and not profitable from an economic perspective. To improve the technology was considered by the option of separate processing of iron-nickel cobalt and copper silver concentrates.

How to cite: Aleksandrova T.A., Telyakov A.N. Improvement development of technology for processing electronic scrap concentrates // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 271-273.
Physical chemistry, benefication and metallurgy
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The modification and the conditioning of granite crushed stones wastes

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The technology, which allows to process of granite crushed stones wastes thoroughly, is developed. Technology consists of two lines. The first line is granite crushed stones wastes modification for the purpose to produce of the filling compound for fine concrete. The second line is granite crushed stones wastes conditioning for the purpose to produce of some fractions how end products.

How to cite: Alikin A.V. The modification and the conditioning of granite crushed stones wastes // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 274-276.
Physical chemistry, benefication and metallurgy
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The using of separating processes theory for prediction of granulometric composition after disintegration in cone inertial crusher

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The method,  which allows deriving equation  for prediction of granulometric composition of crushed material in cone inertial crusher. However this method has two limitations. The first limitation is constant hardness of material. The second limitation is end granulometric composition depends only from parameters of cone inertial crusher.

How to cite: Alikin A.V. The using of separating processes theory for prediction of granulometric composition after disintegration in cone inertial crusher // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 277-279.
Physical chemistry, benefication and metallurgy
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Main principles of design of the automated system and development of mathematical model of process electrolise

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Last years in all spheres of the industry the requirement for the new automated control systems has sharply increased. Management information systems new also are necessary in manufacture of precious metals from waste products of electrotechnical manufactures. In given clause main principles of designing of the automated system of process электролиза are resulted at processing a radio-electronic  breakage.

How to cite: Georgieva E.Y., Sharikov Y.V. Main principles of design of the automated system and development of mathematical model of process electrolise // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 280-283.
Physical chemistry, benefication and metallurgy
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Modern technology concentration platinum metals from industrial waste by processing of sulphide copper-nickel ores

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A review of prospective industrial sources of platinum metals and modern technologies to process them has been done. The need for introducing new methods of involvement in the production  of man-made platinum-containing materials has been substantiated.

How to cite: Kovalev V.N. Modern technology concentration platinum metals from industrial waste by processing of sulphide copper-nickel ores // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 284-287.
Physical chemistry, benefication and metallurgy
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Mass-transfer and the crystallization stream at decomposition of aluminate solutions

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Materials of the kinetic analysis of multistage mass-transfer process at decomposition of aluminate solutions in alumina production are presented. It is shown that in the mass-transfer equation concentration indicators which take into consideration distribution of reagents and products in a diffusive layer can play a role of effective concentration. Results of experimental researches of crystallization streams on a various fraction structure are   resulted.

How to cite: Kremcheeva D.A., Brichkin V.N. Mass-transfer and the crystallization stream at decomposition of aluminate solutions // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 288-291.
Physical chemistry, benefication and metallurgy
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The control algorithm reagent conditions of flotation copper-nickel ores on the basis of оptimizing the ionic parameters

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In the article considered the control of reagent conditions of flotation copper-nickel ores, it is proposed to take into account in the control algorithm residual ion concentration of sodium dimethyldithiocarbamate (DMDK) in the pulp. Flow control DMDK based on the residual concentration of its ions in flotation pulp provides optimized reagent conditions and improves the qualitative rate of enrichment copper-nickel ores with the simultaneous reduction of material costs for the implementation of the operation.

How to cite: Kurchukov A.M. The control algorithm reagent conditions of flotation copper-nickel ores on the basis of оptimizing the ionic parameters // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 292-294.
Physical chemistry, benefication and metallurgy
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Automated control system for the flotation process of copper-nickel ores

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This article introduces the functional diagram and calculation methodology of the automated control system the flotation of copper-nickel ores, based on the optimization of reagent conditions and parameters of froth. Their use in the design  stage  control system  guarantees the efficiency of flotation process and increase quality rate of enrichment.

How to cite: Kurchukov A.M., Kordakov V.N. Automated control system for the flotation process of copper-nickel ores // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 295-298.
Physical chemistry, benefication and metallurgy
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Thermodynamic of lanthanum (III) extraction by using solutions of oleic acid

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Experimental data on solvent extraction of lanthanum (III) by solutions of oleic acid from nitrate medium was obtained: process direction, dependences of distribution coefficient of pH, concentration of organic and aqueous phase, thermodynamically characteristics of extraction equilibrium.

How to cite: Lutskii D.S. Thermodynamic of lanthanum (III) extraction by using solutions of oleic acid // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 299-302.
Physical chemistry, benefication and metallurgy
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Separation of cerium lanthanides by using oleic acid

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Experimental data on solvent extraction of cerium (III), yttrium (III), lanthanum (III) by solutions of oleinic acid in o-dimethylbenzene was obtained. The possibility of extraction sepa- ration of cerium(III), yttrium(III), lanthanum (III) from nitrate media was   shown.

How to cite: Lutskii D.S., Litvinova T.E., Chirkst D.E. Separation of cerium lanthanides by using oleic acid // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 303-306.
Physical chemistry, benefication and metallurgy
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Sulphidic materials roasting in a fluidized bed

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Development of the oxidation theory of iron sulphide has great importance for understanding the physical and chemical nature of roasting and revealing possibility of its management .

How to cite: Napsikov V.V., Telyakov N.M. Sulphidic materials roasting in a fluidized bed // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 307-309.
Physical chemistry, benefication and metallurgy
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Intensification of anion sorption of iridium with highly basic anionite amp from sulfate solutions

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The results of studies on the intensification of the process of sorption extraction of iridium with highly basic anion exchanger AMP from sulfate solutions has been done. The effect of oxidant on the parameters of sorption of iridium has been described. Dependence of extraction of iridium in the sorbent from the temperature of the process and flowing anionite has been established. The perspective of the method of anionite sorption of platinum metals with highly basic sorbent AMP has been proved.

How to cite: Petrov G.V., Kovalev V.N. Intensification of anion sorption of iridium with highly basic anionite amp from sulfate solutions // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 310-312.
Physical chemistry, benefication and metallurgy
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Prospects of hydrometallurgical processing of oxidized copper ores and sulfide copper concentrate, as part of new technology оf complex processing deposit «Erdenetiin Ovoo»

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The issue of the Erdenetiin ovoo deposit development depth increase is considered based on ap- plication of heap leaching for oxidized, mixed,cutoff grade ores and pressure leaching for copper sulfide concentrate The information about reserves difficulty processed ores of the deposit «Erdenetiin Ovoo».  Given the parameters of predictive recovery of copper from copper sulfide ore heaps № 6 and № 2 of the deposit «Erdenetiin Ovoo».

How to cite: Purevdash M. Prospects of hydrometallurgical processing of oxidized copper ores and sulfide copper concentrate, as part of new technology оf complex processing deposit «Erdenetiin Ovoo» // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 313-316.
Physical chemistry, benefication and metallurgy
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Biohydrometallurgical processing of copper sulfide ore of «Erdenetiin Ovoo» deposit

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It is studied bioleaching of copper sulfide ore of Erdenetiin ovoo   deposit. It is studied effect of ore size and pH of bacterial solution, the bacteria count of the bacte rial solution on the extraction of copper of bacterial   leaching.

How to cite: Purevdash M., Saltykova S.N., Telyakov N.M. Biohydrometallurgical processing of copper sulfide ore of «Erdenetiin Ovoo» deposit // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 317-319.
Physical chemistry, benefication and metallurgy
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Mathematical modelling of roastng of calc- nepheline and cement mixture in tubular rotary kilns

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The article is devoted to developing a mathematical models of the sintering processes of calc-nepheline and firing the cement mixture in a tubular  rotary  kilns  based  chain  curtains. Chain curtains are installed in a rotary kilns for the intensification of heat exchange between the material and burn the gas flow, drying material, dust and carbon capture. The influence of chain curtains on the processes of heat transfer and dust separation are investigated. The developed equations allow to describe these processes in a mathematical  model  of  a  tubular  rotary kiln. The resulting mathematical model of sintering and firing is implemented in software package ReactOp.

How to cite: Titov O.V. Mathematical modelling of roastng of calc- nepheline and cement mixture in tubular rotary kilns // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 320-323.
Physical chemistry, benefication and metallurgy
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Chemical transformation kinetics at sintering of the shludge in tubular rotary kilns in alumina production

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This article is devoted to the  study of the kinetics and the development  of kinetic models of chemical reactions of minerals that occur during roasting and sintering of alumina in the tubular rotary kiln. To study the kinetics was used DSC firm NETSCH. Determination of kinetic constants and thermal effects of the individual stages were performed by solving the inverse problem in the environment of software system ReastOp. The experimental responses were used in sample mass change with time and heat speed (heat  absorption).

How to cite: Sharikov Y.V., Titov O.V. Chemical transformation kinetics at sintering of the shludge in tubular rotary kilns in alumina production // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 324-327.
Economics and management
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Efficiency klasterization оf the almazno-diamond complex of Russia

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Innovation processes in the diamond-brilliant complex provides  qualitative changes  that lead to greater efficiency of the complex and  thus  contribute to the growth  of competitiveness and efficiency of the enterprises included in the complex. For export-oriented diamond-brilliant complex implementation of an innovative cluster structure is one  of the  determining factors,  since it is under modern conditions determines the success of this business. Thus,  evaluation of  the effectiveness of the implementation mechanism for the clustering of the diamond-brilliant industry of Russia is a challenge whose solution will improve the efficiency of the complex and   to identify areas for further  development.

How to cite: Belov A.K. Efficiency klasterization оf the almazno-diamond complex of Russia // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 328-331.
Economics and management
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Development of innovative potential of subjects of economic system on the basis of principles klasterization (on the example of the almazno- diamond complex)

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Now the economy of Russia possesses a heredity in the form of the Soviet model of the organization of the industry – territorial industrial complexes which needs updating for conformity to market economy and globalization calls. Today «growth  points» – industrial complexes  as set concerning homogeneous the companies with high innovative potential which simultaneously would act as the base, «nutritious» environment for formation and development of new subjects of economic system are necessary not large, badly operated and разнонаправленные conglomerates, and. Industrial clusters represent one of the most effective forms of the organiza- tion of the industry and all subjects of economic  system.

How to cite: Belov A.K., Vasiltsov V.S. Development of innovative potential of subjects of economic system on the basis of principles klasterization (on the example of the almazno- diamond complex) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 332-335.
Economics and management
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Capitalization of the mining enterprises

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The originality of process of capitalisation of the mining enterprises is considered. The purposes of this process are shown. Are analyzed capitalisation possibility. Criteria and parameters of the indicators analyzes are defined at enterprise   capitalisation.

How to cite: Boguslavskaya L.I. Capitalization of the mining enterprises // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 336-338.
Economics and management
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Some features of working out of imitating economic- mathematical models for open –cast mine

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Principles of creation of imitating economic-mathematical models of the mining enterprise which should be used as the reliable and efficient device for the decision of some the major problems at mine designing are resulted. They concern: working out of the FEASIBILITY REPORT of standards, formation of strategy of development of the enterprise in which basis the aspiration of maximum use of a natural raw resource of a deposit should be necessary, etc.

How to cite: Boguslavskaya L.I. Some features of working out of imitating economic- mathematical models for open –cast mine // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 339-343.
Economics and management
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Ensuring of gas company’s business development stability through portfolio risk management

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Crisis of 2008-2009 influenced on the stability of Russian companies.  In  this connection  the problem of business development stability mechanism’s creation became very actual. In the article there is represented the model of gas company’s business development stability mechanism, that is based on the export business-process’ portfolio risk management. This model is based  on  the theory of portfolio investments and process and risk-management. The  aim of the model is to give the instrument of gas company’s export business processes optimization to managers with the idea to reach certain level of the income for the stakeholders with the minimum level of the risk.

How to cite: Galaida N.P. Ensuring of gas company’s business development stability through portfolio risk management // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 344-347.
Economics and management
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To the estimation of the rate of discounting for complex manufacture

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Various methods and approaches to definition of the rate of discounting are analysed. On  the basis of the given models calculation of the rate of discounting for the project of processing nepheline a concentrate is carried  out.

How to cite: Zhigulevich P.A. To the estimation of the rate of discounting for complex manufacture // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 348-350.
Economics and management
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Distribution of indirect costs of complex manufacture to let out kinds of production

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The system of distribution of indirect costs of complex manufacture is considered. The method of distribution  of indirect  costs for  the project  of processing of a nepheline concentrate  is offered.

How to cite: Lyubnya N.Y., Zhigulevich P.A. Distribution of indirect costs of complex manufacture to let out kinds of production // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 351-354.
Economics and management
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Parameters of underground operations in combined mining of kimberlite deposits

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The paper analyses the condition of rock massifs surrounding the mined-out area of the Udachnaya kimberlite tube in further mining. Factors that enhance and decrease stability of the enclosing rock massifs are determined.

How to cite: Piven G.F. Parameters of underground operations in combined mining of kimberlite deposits // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 355-358.
Economics and management
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Techniques of mining underlying stocks of udachnaya tube

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The paper reviews specific features of combined development of the Udachnaya tube that may possibly combine open-pit and vertical underground mining in vertical   direction.

How to cite: Piven G.F. Techniques of mining underlying stocks of udachnaya tube // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 359-361.
Economics and management
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The modelling of gas company’s development stability in conditions of modern economics

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In the present moment in Russian and foreign economic science there are many models of business development stability estimation, that are used. These models can’t be used in manager’s operational activity and it doesn’t take into consideration the branch’s specifics of gas industry. It the article there are represented 3 possible models of business development stability and there is made the analysis of advantages and disadvantages  of these  variants.  Also there  are made conclusions about the preferred model, that will let to manage the gas company’s stability, that is considered to be the ability of the company to generate incomes for their  stakeholders.

How to cite: Sergeev I.B., Galaida N.P. The modelling of gas company’s development stability in conditions of modern economics // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 362-364.
Economics and management
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Forming and development of the regulation relationships instruments in the sphere of bowels use in Russia

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The genesis of relationships in the sphere of bowels using in Russia especially the functioning of outlined institution on different historical stages is considered in the article. The necessity of bowels using perfection in Russia which gives the opportunity to create the complex state mechanism of regulation and coordination of the relationships in this sphere in the accordance with multy-directed interests of the subject ruling is concluded.

How to cite: Sigitova N.V. Forming and development of the regulation relationships instruments in the sphere of bowels use in Russia // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 365-369.
Economics and management
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Methodology of rehabilitation move plants, animals in the development of draft comprehensive development area and its economic assessment

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This article addresses the problem of drawing up the methodology for the rehabilitation of  the environment, which aims to support scientific work on the resettlement  of rare and endangered plant and animal species exposed to danger as a direct negative impact in the development  of major projects, the analysis of main features of the methodology. And formulate some positions to improve the methodology.

How to cite: Kharchenko A.O. Methodology of rehabilitation move plants, animals in the development of draft comprehensive development area and its economic assessment // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 370-373.
Economics and management
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Implementation of green building standards for major territory development projects: SC «Olympstroy» experience

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This article explores the concept of «green» standards in  construction,  the analysis the  main features of the existing international standards. Allocated specific  «green»  standards  needed to improve environmental performance at the complex development of territories. And confesses   with   the   main   components   of  «green»   standards   used   in   the   activity   of SC «Olympstroy» and some suggestions for their  improvement.

How to cite: Kharchenko A.O., Sergeev I.B. Implementation of green building standards for major territory development projects: SC «Olympstroy» experience // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 374-377.