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N. A. Poznyakova
N. A. Poznyakova
post-graduate student
Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)
post-graduate student
Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)


Geology and geophsics
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Definition areas of possible migration gas fromthe reservoir by cross-hole seismic tomography method

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Possibilities of cross-hole a seismoacoustic tomography method for studying tightness a tire-cover of a reservoir underground storehouse of gas (USG), created in water-bearing horizont. Research cross-hole spaces for definition zones possible migration and accumulation gas outside of a trap are considered. The system of supervision used at carrying out cross-hole seismoacoustic tomography is proved, the example of revealing zones migration and accumulation gas outside from reservoir is resulted. Prospects application the given method on USG in a monitoring mode are defined.

How to cite: Poznyakova N.A. Definition areas of possible migration gas fromthe reservoir by cross-hole seismic tomography method // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 62-64.
Geology and geophsics
  • Date submitted
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Modelling cavities nearwell areas for studyind of possibilities neitron well methods

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Look into the possibility neutron method geophysical logging for determination zones of cavity nearwell areas gas reservoirs and determine the filler cavities. Relevant practicability using these methods on underground gas storage. Give an example these research on model and real conditions.

How to cite: Poznyakova N.A. Modelling cavities nearwell areas for studyind of possibilities neitron well methods // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 65-67.